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Static Ip - Csloxinfo


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I'm trying to set up a static ip with my CSloxinfo connection, as want to do some port forwarding. I want to know the 2 DNS name servers. When I used to have true I just googled it, but I'm having a little more trouble finding the CSloxinfo name servers (they are the 2 addresses you type in in Network settings / Internet properties. I tried calling them, but it got a little confusing.

Does anyone know what they are? Any help would be appreciated.


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A bit confused here.

You can't set up a static IP address yourself, Csloxinfo has to do that for you (and you'll pay for the privilege).


I think I'm getting it now, you want to put a fixed IP address on one of your PC's so you can forward some ports to it.

In that case, you would normally set the DNS servers to the ip address of your router (e.g. or something like that). Your router will NAT the DNS requests to the proper Csloxinfo DNS servers.

Alternatively (actually preferably) you can set the DNS servers to the ones from OpenDNS. They are enormously more reliable, update much more quickly as they are out of reach of the Thai technicians :o

They are: and the secondary is

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