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Soy Milk : "street" Vs. Uht Lactasoy


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Soy-milk has been at least 75% of my dietary intake for over eighteen months, a nutritional plan I do not recommend to you unless you have dead taste buds and trouble swallowing :o That said, I personally find soy-milk (plain, hot, cold, slightly spiced with crushed star anise and/or green cardamom, or flavored with almond or vanilla extracts, with coffee in the morning, or cacao powder [chocolate] at night) to be a nectar of inexhaustible exquisite delights.

I think of soy milk as "Mother Kali's own breast-milk" which She is skinnying me down with so finally (as She does with all her lovers who all imagine for a temporary eternity that She is only in love with them) She will balance gracefully, one foot on my headless body.

And, contrary, perhaps, to common gaseous wisdom, I can testify that, after a period of adjustment, you do not become a methane factory as are our seven-stomached bovine brothers and sisters.

I am curious as to whether "street" soy milk, as sold by so many small vendors here in CM, compares to the UHT products like LactaSoy in terms of protein content. I'd also be curious to know if the slightly caramel-colored sugar-water the street vendors will optionally add to their brew is made from "nam oi gon" (cane sugar) or ... ?

LactaSoy does not make a sugar-free UHT soy product, and for the last month I have been unable to obtain their "Lite" product (at Rimping or Carrefour) which has much less sugar. And, of course, LactaSoy does add some milk product to their UHT soy milks along with oil, and whatever else, to get the "smoothness" and "richness."

Appreciate any comments or information you may have on the nutritional content of "home-made" fresh soy milk. I expect there would be variation among local "brewers."

My experience buying local soy milk was that it would not keep for more than two days even when constantly refrigerated. But there's no logistical problem for me there since I live a five minute bicycle ride from a street vendor who is open from 9PM to near 6AM.

thanks !


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There are sugar free UHT soi milk products available, V-Soy brand for example. Substantial variations between local venders sometimes even day to day variations with the same vendor. Good luck on getting any meaningful data on that.

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I have been buying soy milk from street Vendors for about 3 years now.... I like a nice hot cup of Soy Milk late at night... especially in the Chiang Mai winter... does well in the morning too.

The most important thing when buying from the street is to look at the cleanliness... make sure you are not getting more additives that you expect :-) and I have noticed that some Vendors soy milk is a little more watery than should be.

Fresh is always better.... but Ulysses has a point... there is really not much of a health benefit... I prefer fresh... just make sure it is clean.


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I think that I am. I had heard that they all ran off to join the yellowjackets in Bangkok and would reopen when they came back. Does anyone know if they are back in business?

Yes, the Buddhist leader and I believe owner of the property is one of the main leaders of the PAD movement. I just happen to meet with one of the volunteers that used to work at VSCM a couple of days ago and she had no idea when it will open. :o

Even though the PAD protests ended, a friend suggested that VSCM may still not open too soon for fear of "red shirt" retribution. Same reason why you don't see most people still not wearing yellow shirts on Monday.

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There are sugar free UHT soi milk products available, V-Soy brand for example. Substantial variations between local venders sometimes even day to day variations with the same vendor. Good luck on getting any meaningful data on that.

Thanks, Khun Bill97, for taking the time to reply.

My hope in making this post was that there just might be someone around these here parts with some technical background in agriculture who could comment with "ballpark" estimates of variation in soy protein content and variation in street product.

I have tried many of the UHT soy milk products in my "quest" : I finally settled on LactaSoy "orange" (vegan); when LactaSoy Lite came out in the 1 liter size, I found I preferred that, although that now seems unavailable. And I like sugar, but my preference is to add "nam tan priep" (palm tree sugar) which makes the ghosts of my dead taste-buds really come to life temporarily :o

Best wishes for your health !

regards, ~o:37

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Hi Khun Ulysses G.,

Thanks for taking the time to reply and your "motherly concern" :o for the well being of this flea on a tick in the ear of a mangy soi dog trying to remember where he hid his last bone.

There are medically related reasons why I am on this "mono diet," but I am neither lactose intolerant or vegetarian. I supplement the soy milk with nutritional powder that adds things like EPA and DHA which soy milk does not provide, and adds more protein, vitamins, minerals.

By "fermented" soy products are you referring to soy yoghurt ? I'm curious as to the source(s) of your statement that "non-fermented" soy products may not be so good for one.

In my own case this near "mono-diet" has to do with basic survival rather than being something I am doing as a "supplement" for extra health benefits. And, again, this is not a diet I am "evangelizing" or advocating for other people !

May your food always be tasty !

best, ~o:37;

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One fermented soy product would be miso soup which I really like. Google "fermented soy products for lots of info.

Soy Milk:

Say No to Soy Milk and Rice Milk

By Dr. Ben Kim


With greater awareness of the many health problems associated with pasteurized dairy products, many people are turning to vegetarian milk substitutes like soy milk and rice milk. I’m not a big fan of either. Here are some reasons why I don’t think soy or rice milk should be staples in your diet:

1. Many brands of soy and rice milk contain polyunsaturated vegetable oils which can contribute to an imbalance of essential fatty acids in your body. As harmless as this might sound, I am convinced that a chronic imbalance of essential fatty acids caused by regular consumption of polyunsaturated vegetable oils is a major cause of cardiovascular disease. Polyunsaturated fats that contribute to this harmful imbalance are found in safflower, corn, soybean, sunflower, and cottonseed oils. I recommend that you stay away from these oils completely.

2. Some brands of soy and rice milk contain rice syrup, evaporated cane juice, or some other natural sweetener. Natural or not, most sweeteners put significant stress on your pancreas and liver. They also raise your insulin levels, which significantly increases your risk of suffering from unhealthy weight gain, high blood pressure, heart disease, premature aging, and several other negative side effects.

3. While fermented forms of soy like miso, tempeh, and natto can be healthy choices for some people, non-fermented soy products can cause a variety of health problems if consumed in large quantities on a regular basis. I will discuss the details of when soy can be good and when it can be bad in a future newsletter.

Ready for some good news?

You can make a rich and creamy alternative to cow’s, soy, and rice milk with raw almonds and a good blender. Here is how we make it at our clinic:

All-Natural Almond Milk

1 1/2 cups of raw almonds, soaked in water overnight

4 cups of filtered or spring water

3-5 dates (optional)

Blend 1 ½ cups of raw almonds that have been soaked overnight in 4 cups of water. Blend with dates if you like your milk with a hint of sweetness. Strain once to remove almond granules. The result is a delicious, creamy milk that is free of harmful vegetable oil, concentrated sweeteners, and the problems associated with cow’s milk and soy. It can be stored safely for 3-4 days in the refrigerator.

Fermented soy products

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well known food products made from fermented soybeans include:








Sweet noodle sauce





Pickled tofu

Stinky tofu

Yellow soybean paste

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