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I Want To Go From Chiang Mai To Bangkok


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It's been a fasination of mine for a long time now. Ever since i first arrived in Chiang mai. I was impressed, and captivated with the river that runs through the city. I myself am no expert on tributaries, and would like to know if either the river "ping" or "yom" runs directly into Bangkok ? This idea may seem daft to some of you reading this, but if it was indeed anyway possible, i would love to make this fasination of mine a reality and actually go for it....

Would like to hear peoples suggestions on this adventure.. Do you think it's possible ??

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Excellent idea! I fully approve of these types of ventures. :o

Get a lightweight canoe for carrying over the non navigable bits is my advice. With a bit of mucking about it will definitely be possible and wherever you are on route the locals will be supportive so you'll get by.

The very best of luck!

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I think it is very doable.  

Excellent idea! I fully approve of these types of ventures. :o

Get a lightweight canoe for carrying over the non navigable bits is my advice. With a bit of mucking about it will definitely be possible and wherever you are on route the locals will be supportive so you'll get by.

The very best of luck!

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The Ping winds it way south and eventually joins the Chao Phaya river. Should be no problem to canoe all the way, but as MB says there are a few obstacles along the way in the form of dams, so you would have to go past these on land.

Also be aware of the dangers lurking. Hippos are breeding this time of year so are quite aggressive. The crocs are reasonably friendly but there is the occasional orca out there looking for lunch

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Hippos are breeding this time of year so are quite aggressive.

I am sorry to be the bearer of sad tidings, but recent scientific surveys have confirmed that hippos are now an extinct species in Thailand - even in the uppermost reaches of the rivers in question. The cause is believed to be heavy predation by great whites, themselves also an introduced species. The sharks were believed to have been introduced sometime in the 1920's in order to help control localised cane toad infestations (the toads not being palatable to either crocs or orcas)

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