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Jehovahs Witnesses In Thailand


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I used to work in a company with two JWs, a father and son team, very nice people who never pushed their 'ism' on me. When he was younger, the son used to get dragged along on their door knocking 'spread the word' outings, until one day a person greeted them at the door with a gun in his hand. After that, the son converted faith and became a 'Jehovahs Bystander'. He's like a witness but doesn't want to get involved.

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Nope, can't be bothered to listen to their nonsense.

That was always the case when we were kids - my mum would never answer the door. Nowadays, I usually tell them to p_ss off.

never , or only when a JW rang... and why be so rude to people and to something you probably know nothing about

just because they choose their unique way, it an excuse to act like an ingrate?

would you say that to a monk?

respect please- did your mother teach you that?

Monks respect other's privacy. They don't go around force-feeding their nonsense to others. I've lived in the USA and been woken up on Saturday morning by JWs. I already can't stand people who proselytize on public space, so when they wake me up to sell me invisible friends, they deserve a good verbal beating.

the monk I once saw feeling up a Canadian gal's breast's did not seem to be respecting her privacy too much

lets just take all stupid generalization and chuck 'em right out the window now

or was that one of those practical's ritual's they have?

yes, they are not quite so overt but I'll tell you something- they practice what they preach, unlike here...

most Buddhist's here are a joke,

does the pimp the corrupt cop, the yaba dealer- who will bow to that little thing show a shining example of what things should be..?

Thailand is an insult to the whole Buddhist way

I would not proudly say 'thailand is Buddhist country'.. yes, here we have the worlds biggest whorehouse, its willingly sells its daughters to westerners,its in the top 10 corrupt nations, has human rights record from hel_l, and it own people are not allowed to question there rulers( thats against one of the ethicc's is it not? )and a justice system which is joke....and we are obviousy devoted buhhdist's and pround of it...need a woman tonight?

most Buddhist here think its a religion

that Gautama was a Buddhist, etc, etc

and whats this nonsense about his footprints, that four faced ..what...

ask a JW and at least you wil get an answer, not a lame grin and a shrug, ( most of tthe time I expect)

I certanly do not agree with alot of what they say-but as I said the hypocrascy is not there

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These people believe they are doing what their God asked them to do,and are decent people in society.

I admire them and they used to be very thankful for a hot cup of tea on a cold January morning. We used to have some good debates.

you admire them ???

you have to be joking.... they come to this beautiful country and try to spread their ill-informed nonsense to people who are perfectly fine without it.......send them back to america !! where they can feel at home with all the other mad christians....

next time i see them outside Nana.... i shall be the one throwing beer at them !!!

it is fine to have your own opinions, and to take up a religion if you require it in your life....but to force it upon others is unacceptable....

oh what a sheep you are-

and I would not advise you to throw that beer, that would be extremely rude

..they come to this beautiful country..", which also happens to be the worlds biggest corrupt whorehouse...lets just forget that for now shall we

well, I see that you were in nana, so you obviously a person of high morals

did you kid yourself the girl you paid for sex enjoyed herself?

in many people eyes- you are rapist... you took advantage of socialy disadvataged young female in this beautiful country which does'nt need any help..

do not not relaise you have just contridicted everything

then go on to say you would throw something you probably drink far too much at people who are trying to help others( however much you may disagree with what they say)

oh,, mmm , let me see, its also a Buddhist country, well old Gautama must be really proud

how many JW's have recently been caught selling their daughters, selling drugs, corruption's,

now, how many Buddhist have been?

I'd say about 90% of those up in court are buddhist's- real pride, really good example there

perfectly fine without it...?

so corruption, a justice system from hel_l, selling their daughters off to the highest bidder, not being able to question certain institution

is perfectly fine is it?

maybe not the JW's but I think you definatly do need some help

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LOOKS like someone has rattled OURMANINBANGERS chain tonight. Normally your rants are reserved for the drug dealers arnt they bangers? Have the Jehovahs got you going now?? :D

Seriously Bangers. :o:D:D:D

I'm sure OURMANINBANGERS can, and will (!) defend himself, but he's got a point! Disagree with him by all means, but please answer the points he's made rather than just accusing him of ranting. :wai:

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the monk I once saw feeling up a Canadian gal's breast's did not seem to be respecting her privacy too much

lets just take all stupid generalization and chuck 'em right out the window now

or was that one of those practical's ritual's they have?

yes, they are not quite so overt but I'll tell you something- they practice what they preach, unlike here...

most Buddhist's here are a joke,

does the pimp the corrupt cop, the yaba dealer- who will bow to that little thing show a shining example of what things should be..?

Thailand is an insult to the whole Buddhist way

I would not proudly say 'thailand is Buddhist country'.. yes, here we have the worlds biggest whorehouse, its willingly sells its daughters to westerners,its in the top 10 corrupt nations, has human rights record from hel_l, and it own people are not allowed to question there rulers( thats against one of the ethicc's is it not? )and a justice system which is joke....and we are obviousy devoted buhhdist's and pround of it...need a woman tonight?

most Buddhist here think its a religion

that Gautama was a Buddhist, etc, etc

and whats this nonsense about his footprints, that four faced ..what...

ask a JW and at least you wil get an answer, not a lame grin and a shrug, ( most of tthe time I expect)

I certanly do not agree with alot of what they say-but as I said the hypocrascy is not there

As the OP I'd just like to point out that this thread isn't about Buddhism, it's about a vile religious group who spew & preach their obscene beliefs where they aren't appreciated. Either keep on topic, or shut up! :o

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the monk I once saw feeling up a Canadian gal's breast's did not seem to be respecting her privacy too much

lets just take all stupid generalization and chuck 'em right out the window now

or was that one of those practical's ritual's they have?

yes, they are not quite so overt but I'll tell you something- they practice what they preach, unlike here...

most Buddhist's here are a joke,

does the pimp the corrupt cop, the yaba dealer- who will bow to that little thing show a shining example of what things should be..?

Thailand is an insult to the whole Buddhist way

I would not proudly say 'thailand is Buddhist country'.. yes, here we have the worlds biggest whorehouse, its willingly sells its daughters to westerners,its in the top 10 corrupt nations, has human rights record from hel_l, and it own people are not allowed to question there rulers( thats against one of the ethicc's is it not? )and a justice system which is joke....and we are obviousy devoted buhhdist's and pround of it...need a woman tonight?

most Buddhist here think its a religion

that Gautama was a Buddhist, etc, etc

and whats this nonsense about his footprints, that four faced ..what...

ask a JW and at least you wil get an answer, not a lame grin and a shrug, ( most of tthe time I expect)

I certanly do not agree with alot of what they say-but as I said the hypocrascy is not there

As the OP I'd just like to point out that this thread isn't about Buddhism, it's about a vile religious group who spew & preach their obscene beliefs where they aren't appreciated. Either keep on topic, or shut up! :o

I know it's hard, but try to get some perspective. 'Vile' groups are nazi's etc. Please define precisely how the JW's are "vile" and "obscene"?

I've got no time for their beliefs, but am fascinated to learn how you justify your viewpoint.

The poster you denigrated was on topic, unlike you.

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I know it's hard, but try to get some perspective. 'Vile' groups are nazi's etc. Please define precisely how the JW's are "vile" and "obscene"?

Vile? Their beliefs are vile filth. I consider any religious group who try to force their beliefs upon others to be obscene. They are excessive to the point which they are offensive - which you'll find fits the definition 'obscene'.

I've got no time for their beliefs, but am fascinated to learn how you justify your viewpoint.

You may have no time for their beliefs, but you admit sympathy towards them.

The poster you denigrated was on topic, unlike you.

As the starter of the thread I feel I'm in a better position than you to decide what is on/off topic; this thread isn't about the rights & wrongs of Buddhism & incidentally, I've never had a Buddhist try to impose their beliefs on me. I can live with Buddhist neighbours; I can't & wont tolerate Jehovahs Witnesses merely soiling my footpath with their feet.

I suspect............ er actually I know that the poster in question shares a lot of common ground with groups such as the JW's, hence their rant against Buddhism in Thailand.

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LOOKS like someone has rattled OURMANINBANGERS chain tonight. Normally your rants are reserved for the drug dealers arnt they bangers? Have the Jehovahs got you going now?? :D

Seriously Bangers. :o:D:D:D

I'm sure OURMANINBANGERS can, and will (!) defend himself, but he's got a point! Disagree with him by all means, but please answer the points he's made rather than just accusing him of ranting. :wai:


I'm sorry, you could make sense of that dribble could you?, it seems to go round and round in circles. It is most certainly a rant. Bangers is a female.

I will add comment about this for you and in response to bangers. Religious topics are not my thing but having said that I have had the JW stuff FORCED DOWN MY THROAT before & I actually took some reading material of theirs & read it once (just to be fair) AND I WAS ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED. It is absolutely disgusting that they print such CRAP and scare the uneducated and children with it....THEY SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES.

As for bangers rant.....I do not share her opinion regarding Buddhism.

Come on Bangers get real.....keep your extremist ilogical views for the DRUG posts, thats where they are most at home. Have you thought about posting in a dutch site? Leave Buddhism alone, your silly comments may cause you problems here....does that really need to be spelt out to you?

Edited by neverdie
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I cannot understand these people coming to Thailand .

I was in Sisaket in rural Isaan on Monday and there they were - two

young men in their familiar black trousers, white shirts and ties each with

their black name tags and their duffle bags :D Isaan doesnt need this

crap and how they can attract interest in that part of the world

just amazes me :o

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Isaan doesnt need this crap and how they can attract interest in that part of the world

just amazes me :o

It amazes me too & I'd be extremely surprised if they managed to add any more misguided individuals to their ranks. I certainly think Singapore have got it right on this one; I too consider them prejudicial to public welfare & order.

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Don't like them, wish they could keep their ideas to themselves but I think the last thing Thailand needs to do is restrict liberties. Its one thing not to like them but it amazes me how easily people say that they should be banned or restricted. To restrict liberty and equality only makes social justice for Thailand that much harder to come by. Sure think that way if you want, but don't bitch the next time some idiot changes a visa policy because once you go down that road philosophically there is really no difference between JW's and you.

Edited by Digitalman
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Don't like them, wish they could keep their ideas to themselves but I think the last thing Thailand needs to do is restrict liberties. Its one thing not to like them but it amazes me how easily people say that they should be banned or restricted. To restrict liberty and equality only makes social justice for Thailand that much harder to come by. Sure think that way if you want, but don't bitch the next time some idiot changes a visa policy because once you go down that road philosophically there is really no difference between JW's and you.

Very well said...I have no problems giving the JW and the Morons the right to express themselves, provided I maintain the right to tell them to p*ss off or release the hounds on them if they are on my property...think thats fair dont you...

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Very well said...I have no problems giving the JW and the Morons the right to express themselves, provided I maintain the right to tell them to p*ss off or release the hounds on them if they are on my property...think thats fair dont you...

That's why they're prejudicial to public welfare & order; not only do they preach trash, but their activities create a point of confrontation with serious potential for escalation.

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I used to get annoyed when they'd ring my doorbell weekend mornings, and I'd make a point of looking at them through the door window then walking away. That didn't seem to deter them, though, so one day I opened the door to talk to them and acted naive and amazed that anyone would actually walk around selling religion door to door. I said things like, "Seriously, you guys walk around trying to sell your religion door to door -- like the Avon lady? Does anybody ever buy your religion?

I guess they didn't care for me comparing them to an Avon lady because they never came back again, so if you keep ignoring them but they keep coming back, you might try something that -- worked for me.

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LOOKS like someone has rattled OURMANINBANGERS chain tonight. Normally your rants are reserved for the drug dealers arnt they bangers? Have the Jehovahs got you going now?? :D

Seriously Bangers. :o:D:D:D

I'm sure OURMANINBANGERS can, and will (!) defend himself, but he's got a point! Disagree with him by all means, but please answer the points he's made rather than just accusing him of ranting. :wai:

sir( prepare for along rant please)

thanks for that but actually I am a lady, well some may say not, female at least...( my bf posts about his hobbys, therfore I think some confusions)

neverdie, first of all- how are you today? fine I hope, its not that I defend the drugs delaers, rather I wish to ensure ALL people have the presumtion of innocence and are afforded their human rights- maybe my bad english

neverdie please let me tell me why I defend the JW's

we go back to when I was a drop dead gorgeous blond( still am- Lord thanks for the botox)

1985 glenparva's young offenders institution in leicestershire , england, there a programe of reformation headed by a brilliant young lady called doctor Judith Mackenzie( has anyone ever heard of her and knows her current where about, she was the lady who helped secure jimmy boyle his freedom)- a credit to the human race was proving a great success( as it did with mr boyle who now heads an exellent anti drugs programe in scotland, england for the youth centre's)

One young lad was making the sincere efforts for a postive life, like many this poor young lad was abandon at birth, sent from orphanage to foster homes, etc...

Someone pressed a silent alarm to call security.

The heavys came in, he had no idea what had happened ( because this alarm was the silent) one gaurd asked him something like ' where is the probem'? he smiled and said something like ' all over the place mate"

they pounced on him, whilst not hitting him heavily, they really roughed him up with kicks and martial art type locks and , how to say, made an old injury worst.

He had still no idea what was going on.. and asked "why are you doing this.." it was a horrible sight...and what a lesson to teach someone young man trying to turn his life around.

Later, in order to justify what happened he was charged with attempting to attack an officer ( I could not give evidence or I would risk lossing my pass to enter, already we were not welcome as we were seen anti- establishment,pro-criminal, although we have helped put away far more realy guilty than helped innocent ones go free).I still intended to though if he was found guilty in court,where was I...

The trial was set, this lad was told he may get added sentence, he had apx 6 plus gaurds all saying the same thing.At the last minute the case was dropped and he let go the next day.

This was becaue one gaurd did the one thing that makes me have faith in this world, he went against what was good for him, he practiced what he preached,he had the courage, the integrity to do what is RIGHT-he was a JW. Some of the other gaurds who were lieyng were COE ( the english church) and even attended sunday worship.

- he spoke the truth and refused to add his name to the others gaurds lie's.He spoke to the governer and said what really happened.The governer faced with such an embarassment stopped everything.

This gentleman had to move from this area as the other gaurds was nasty to him,smeared feces no his locker...

I asked him why he did this.He smiled and said

' I can lie to anyone, but I can never lie to Him' pointing to the heavan's.

I suspect that all those who have posted anti JW stuff here because they knock on doors( yes, it can be annoying, but all you have to do is not answer)

would still pray that this sort of man was around if they faced this horrible incident.

The young lad said that this man, Mr Birch his name was, had resored his faith in everyone.

I certainly do not subscribe to what they say- but I salute anyone who in the face of such oppostion does the right thing.

The world would be a much better place if more people did this.

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LOOKS like someone has rattled OURMANINBANGERS chain tonight. Normally your rants are reserved for the drug dealers arnt they bangers? Have the Jehovahs got you going now?? :D

Seriously Bangers. :o:D:D:D

I'm sure OURMANINBANGERS can, and will (!) defend himself, but he's got a point! Disagree with him by all means, but please answer the points he's made rather than just accusing him of ranting. :wai:


I'm sorry, you could make sense of that dribble could you?, it seems to go round and round in circles. It is most certainly a rant. Bangers is a female.

I will add comment about this for you and in response to bangers. Religious topics are not my thing but having said that I have had the JW stuff FORCED DOWN MY THROAT before & I actually took some reading material of theirs & read it once (just to be fair) AND I WAS ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED. It is absolutely disgusting that they print such CRAP and scare the uneducated and children with it....THEY SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES.

As for bangers rant.....I do not share her opinion regarding Buddhism.

Come on Bangers get real.....keep your extremist ilogical views for the DRUG posts, thats where they are most at home. Have you thought about posting in a dutch site? Leave Buddhism alone, your silly comments may cause you problems here....does that really need to be spelt out to you?

I will let not be quiet,

let any trouble come to my door-I will give them alot more 'nonsense"

- how about how temple are used to store drugs, abbots used to launder drugs money, oops, oh dear, have I upset someone, a person who says he is buhhdist, but can never be by his own actions..

GOOD, because let people look into reality-something not encouraged here

so the poor stay poor, the rich stay rich,the innocent stay in jail, the mafia walks about doing as it pleases,,, and sweet f-all is done for the working man to improve his lot

my silly comments about Buddhism have not even started yet-they would be stopped)- what will I face , a Buddhist hit man, I already have...

it is NOT Buddhism I am talking about, it is man's misguided application of this

please understand this point

Thailand is not Buddhist-Gautama would be ashamed of Thailand calling itself Buddhist

and OP, this thread is about religion/belief's. so it can include this subject, it cover's that within its debatable spectrum does it no?So, one can say anything like about a group which actually has the testicles to practice what it preaches, but I cannot say anything about Buddhism because we are here-is that it? ( this going against one of the Buddhist tenants is it not)

stop bowing into the MOJ guidelines, stop jumping at their every whim

this wonderful land will never improve when they are able to shut everyone up

time for me to shut up...off for a piss...ever notice how more one needs to go when getting older

but one things more , I do NOT agree with what they say, and they always seem to ring my bell in Holland when I'am either stoned, having sex, or sleeping, so I do understand

but please, we are the human's...it cost nothing to be a little polite, these are the lesons we shoud impart to our children

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sir( prepare for along rant please)

thanks for that but actually I am a lady, well some may say not, female at least...( my bf posts about his hobbys, therfore I think some confusions)

neverdie, first of all- how are you today? fine I hope, its not that I defend the drugs delaers, rather I wish to ensure ALL people have the presumtion of innocence and are afforded their human rights- maybe my bad english

neverdie please let me tell me why I defend the JW's

we go back to when I was a drop dead gorgeous blond( still am- Lord thanks for the botox)

1985 glenparva's young offenders institution in leicestershire , england, there a programe of reformation headed by a brilliant young lady called doctor Judith Mackenzie( has anyone ever heard of her and knows her current where about, she was the lady who helped secure jimmy boyle his freedom)- a credit to the human race was proving a great success( as it did with mr boyle who now heads an exellent anti drugs programe in scotland, england for the youth centre's)

One young lad was making the sincere efforts for a postive life, like many this poor young lad was abandon at birth, sent from orphanage to foster homes, etc...

Someone pressed a silent alarm to call security.

The heavys came in, he had no idea what had happened ( because this alarm was the silent) one gaurd asked him something like ' where is the probem'? he smiled and said something like ' all over the place mate"

they pounced on him, whilst not hitting him heavily, they really roughed him up with kicks and martial art type locks and , how to say, made an old injury worst.

He had still no idea what was going on.. and asked "why are you doing this.." it was a horrible sight...and what a lesson to teach someone young man trying to turn his life around.

Later, in order to justify what happened he was charged with attempting to attack an officer ( I could not give evidence or I would risk lossing my pass to enter, already we were not welcome as we were seen anti- establishment,pro-criminal, although we have helped put away far more realy guilty than helped innocent ones go free).I still intended to though if he was found guilty in court,where was I...

The trial was set, this lad was told he may get added sentence, he had apx 6 plus gaurds all saying the same thing.At the last minute the case was dropped and he let go the next day.

This was becaue one gaurd did the one thing that makes me have faith in this world, he went against what was good for him, he practiced what he preached,he had the courage, the integrity to do what is RIGHT-he was a JW. Some of the other gaurds who were lieyng were COE ( the english church) and even attended sunday worship.

- he spoke the truth and refused to add his name to the others gaurds lie's.He spoke to the governer and said what really happened.The governer faced with such an embarassment stopped everything.

This gentleman had to move from this area as the other gaurds was nasty to him,smeared feces no his locker...

I asked him why he did this.He smiled and said

' I can lie to anyone, but I can never lie to Him' pointing to the heavan's.

I suspect that all those who have posted anti JW stuff here because they knock on doors( yes, it can be annoying, but all you have to do is not answer)

would still pray that this sort of man was around if they faced this horrible incident.

The young lad said that this man, Mr Birch his name was, had resored his faith in everyone.

I certainly do not subscribe to what they say- but I salute anyone who in the face of such oppostion does the right thing.

The world would be a much better place if more people did this.

Perhaps the real reason was his intent on converting the criminal in question.

If you think your long winded rant has changed my opinion on Jehovahs Witnesses I'm sorry; you've just failed.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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I know it's hard, but try to get some perspective. 'Vile' groups are nazi's etc. Please define precisely how the JW's are "vile" and "obscene"?

Vile? Their beliefs are vile filth. I consider any religious group who try to force their beliefs upon others to be obscene. They are excessive to the point which they are offensive - which you'll find fits the definition 'obscene'.

I've got no time for their beliefs, but am fascinated to learn how you justify your viewpoint.

You may have no time for their beliefs, but you admit sympathy towards them.

The poster you denigrated was on topic, unlike you.

As the starter of the thread I feel I'm in a better position than you to decide what is on/off topic; this thread isn't about the rights & wrongs of Buddhism & incidentally, I've never had a Buddhist try to impose their beliefs on me. I can live with Buddhist neighbours; I can't & wont tolerate Jehovahs Witnesses merely soiling my footpath with their feet.

I suspect............ er actually I know that the poster in question shares a lot of common ground with groups such as the JW's, hence their rant against Buddhism in Thailand.

my God, I am not even English, is what I type that bad..please you English speakers study your language

what do I know? you seem to know me, share common ground? how... do you think I believe the stuff they put out

I ove those who do what is right, practice what they preach, have the testicles to stand up and be counted, and JW's do

and once again, my rant is against PEOPLE, not religions

people have f-ed up something misguided, but sometimes very beautiful

for example Islam is a lovely belief system, there is no sexual discrimination, one is strictly banned from acts of terror man added that to suit himself, but who gets the blame, old Mohamed...

man, his greed, his laziness, his ego is to blame for everything, not things like religion, and until we accept responsibilty and look at the truth we will stay where we are

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i can understand why people get fed up with JW's when they continually return to their house.

But what i cant understand are some of the vile comments about them from some of the posters here.It says more about some of the people here posting on TV than it does about the JW callers.

Ourmaninbangers i like your empathy.

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sir( prepare for along rant please)

thanks for that but actually I am a lady, well some may say not, female at least...( my bf posts about his hobbys, therfore I think some confusions)

neverdie, first of all- how are you today? fine I hope, its not that I defend the drugs delaers, rather I wish to ensure ALL people have the presumtion of innocence and are afforded their human rights- maybe my bad english

neverdie please let me tell me why I defend the JW's

we go back to when I was a drop dead gorgeous blond( still am- Lord thanks for the botox)

1985 glenparva's young offenders institution in leicestershire , england, there a programe of reformation headed by a brilliant young lady called doctor Judith Mackenzie( has anyone ever heard of her and knows her current where about, she was the lady who helped secure jimmy boyle his freedom)- a credit to the human race was proving a great success( as it did with mr boyle who now heads an exellent anti drugs programe in scotland, england for the youth centre's)

One young lad was making the sincere efforts for a postive life, like many this poor young lad was abandon at birth, sent from orphanage to foster homes, etc...

Someone pressed a silent alarm to call security.

The heavys came in, he had no idea what had happened ( because this alarm was the silent) one gaurd asked him something like ' where is the probem'? he smiled and said something like ' all over the place mate"

they pounced on him, whilst not hitting him heavily, they really roughed him up with kicks and martial art type locks and , how to say, made an old injury worst.

He had still no idea what was going on.. and asked "why are you doing this.." it was a horrible sight...and what a lesson to teach someone young man trying to turn his life around.

Later, in order to justify what happened he was charged with attempting to attack an officer ( I could not give evidence or I would risk lossing my pass to enter, already we were not welcome as we were seen anti- establishment,pro-criminal, although we have helped put away far more realy guilty than helped innocent ones go free).I still intended to though if he was found guilty in court,where was I...

The trial was set, this lad was told he may get added sentence, he had apx 6 plus gaurds all saying the same thing.At the last minute the case was dropped and he let go the next day.

This was becaue one gaurd did the one thing that makes me have faith in this world, he went against what was good for him, he practiced what he preached,he had the courage, the integrity to do what is RIGHT-he was a JW. Some of the other gaurds who were lieyng were COE ( the english church) and even attended sunday worship.

- he spoke the truth and refused to add his name to the others gaurds lie's.He spoke to the governer and said what really happened.The governer faced with such an embarassment stopped everything.

This gentleman had to move from this area as the other gaurds was nasty to him,smeared feces no his locker...

I asked him why he did this.He smiled and said

' I can lie to anyone, but I can never lie to Him' pointing to the heavan's.

I suspect that all those who have posted anti JW stuff here because they knock on doors( yes, it can be annoying, but all you have to do is not answer)

would still pray that this sort of man was around if they faced this horrible incident.

The young lad said that this man, Mr Birch his name was, had resored his faith in everyone.

I certainly do not subscribe to what they say- but I salute anyone who in the face of such oppostion does the right thing.

The world would be a much better place if more people did this.

Perhaps the real reason was his intent on converting the criminal in question.

If you think your long winded rant has changed my opinion on Jehovahs Witnesses I'm sorry; you've just failed.

and if you think I was trying to change your opinion and have failed in anything- it is you have failed..you males, is it all about success/failure

you see, I do not try to do anything

to me there is no success and therefore no failure- I only do what I think is right, I do not need approval of anyone, or care for it

if ones set his life out like this is the way of the herd

all I was doing was relating an incident

but you read my rant, did you not?

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my God, I am not even English, is what I type that bad..please you English speakers study your language

what do I know? you seem to know me, share common ground? how... do you think I believe the stuff they put out

I ove those who do what is right, practice what they preach, have the testicles to stand up and be counted, and JW's do

and once again, my rant is against PEOPLE, not religions

people have f-ed up something misguided, but sometimes very beautiful

for example Islam is a lovely belief system, there is no sexual discrimination, one is strictly banned from acts of terror man added that to suit himself, but who gets the blame, old Mohamed...

man, his greed, his laziness, his ego is to blame for everything, not things like religion, and until we accept responsibilty and look at the truth we will stay where we are

Religious groups, do-gooders, criminal sympathisers - you've a lot in common, so obviously you're going to show understanding irrespective of whether you follow their particular doctrine or not. Do-gooders on my doorstep are just as unwelcome as Jehovahs Witnesses. :o

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but you read my rant, did you not?

Yes, I read your rant & I can assure you that at almost 6 am in the morning it was pretty hard going. Whilst you may have failed to alter my views on Jehovahs Witnesses; you've certainly convinced me that it's time to retire to bed.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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pure hatred is a very is a very destructive force to any person pursuing it.


thank you, today seems like I have once again upset the herd..but I kinda like this, shows me I am doing something right( opps, I have an ego too!)

let me tell you please

hatred, anger destroys us-it is so negative.

When one hates one enters a circle of self destruction

when one is rude for no reason they are showing it is they who are still base

It is not the way forward..it is so easy to hate..but we have a choice... we can remain like most of the posters here, or we can become what we are

humans- and progress

one of my favorite quotes,

"it is the weak who use force and strength..

gentleness, compassion,tolerance are the way's of the strong.."

we can start by being a little more polite,even to those with odd idea's

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my God, I am not even English, is what I type that bad..please you English speakers study your language

what do I know? you seem to know me, share common ground? how... do you think I believe the stuff they put out

I ove those who do what is right, practice what they preach, have the testicles to stand up and be counted, and JW's do

and once again, my rant is against PEOPLE, not religions

people have f-ed up something misguided, but sometimes very beautiful

for example Islam is a lovely belief system, there is no sexual discrimination, one is strictly banned from acts of terror man added that to suit himself, but who gets the blame, old Mohamed...

man, his greed, his laziness, his ego is to blame for everything, not things like religion, and until we accept responsibilty and look at the truth we will stay where we are

Religious groups, do-gooders, criminal sympathisers - you've a lot in common, so obviously you're going to show understanding irrespective of whether you follow their particular doctrine or not. Do-gooders on my doorstep are just as unwelcome as Jehovahs Witnesses. :o

and being unwelcome will not change us from anything

unwelcome is where I like to go

in fact it increase's the likelihood of you one day needing someone like us

actually, although you may not like hearing this- you already do

now let us talk like humans

Sir, I appeal to your heart,please, put down the Sun newspaper and switch of the football video for a second ( it probably the red button you need to push)

put aside your ego,is showing understanding to a fellow human bad?

what if in many case's a person I have shown understanding to is found to be innocent and our efforts have set that person free( like the UK policeman who was wrongly accused of human trafficking and was insulted so much here on the statement of just one lady that she changed 5 time's her word's...)

who is welcome on your doorstep?

Please Sir-I just appeal for a softer way

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I was visiting my son in the US. Bright and early one morning someone was knocking on the front door. My son told me not to answer it because it was a group of bible thumpers. I answered it anyways and invited them in. Just to clarify something. I'm not a big drinker and NEVER drink in the morning. We all sat around the kitchen table and before they could get started, I opened the fridge and offered them all a beer. They were quick to tell me that they don't drink alcohol. I acted offended and told them that we really had nothing to talk about because I don't trust people who didn't drink. I opened the door and they all left without saying another word. My son's wife was VERY embarrassed and my son had a good laugh.

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the monk I once saw feeling up a Canadian gal's breast's did not seem to be respecting her privacy too much

lets just take all stupid generalization and chuck 'em right out the window now

or was that one of those practical's ritual's they have?

yes, they are not quite so overt but I'll tell you something- they practice what they preach, unlike here...

most Buddhist's here are a joke,

does the pimp the corrupt cop, the yaba dealer- who will bow to that little thing show a shining example of what things should be..?

Thailand is an insult to the whole Buddhist way

I would not proudly say 'thailand is Buddhist country'.. yes, here we have the worlds biggest whorehouse, its willingly sells its daughters to westerners,its in the top 10 corrupt nations, has human rights record from hel_l, and it own people are not allowed to question there rulers( thats against one of the ethicc's is it not? )and a justice system which is joke....and we are obviousy devoted buhhdist's and pround of it...need a woman tonight?

most Buddhist here think its a religion

that Gautama was a Buddhist, etc, etc

and whats this nonsense about his footprints, that four faced ..what...

ask a JW and at least you wil get an answer, not a lame grin and a shrug, ( most of tthe time I expect)

I certanly do not agree with alot of what they say-but as I said the hypocrascy is not there

As the OP I'd just like to point out that this thread isn't about Buddhism, it's about a vile religious group who spew & preach their obscene beliefs where they aren't appreciated. Either keep on topic, or shut up! :o

you are what..an OP???

I had to ask my bf what that was

how did you ever manage to swing that one?

a vile religious group...is that fact, or your opinion, I happen to think that misinterpretation of all religions, or most is vile ..

as an OP you should know better to say such rudeness, does that not allow me to say anything I like to?

you should know better than to say what you have just said

and would you like to tell me to shut up to my face? if so, lets meet, or it is you who had better shut up!

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I found this questionaire which is very interesting - I was surprised with my results. Lok out for a Scots guy in a turban.


Interesting looks like the muslims have got their work cut out with me

1. Secular Humanism (100%) 2. Unitarian Universalism (91%) 3. Nontheist (84%) 4. Liberal Quakers (73%) 5. Theravada Buddhism (66%) 6. Neo-Pagan (61%) 7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (60%) 8. Taoism (48%) 9. New Age (45%) 10. Reform Judaism (39%) 11. Orthodox Quaker (37%) 12. Mahayana Buddhism (34%) 13. Scientology (27%) 14. Sikhism (25%) 15. New Thought (24%) 16. Baha'i Faith (23%) 17. Seventh Day Adventist (22%) 18. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (20%) 19. Jainism (18%) 20. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (18%) 21. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (17%) 22. Hinduism (9%) 23. Eastern Orthodox (9%) 24. Islam (9%)

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