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Those Who Dislike Backpackers


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i dislike people with bumbags or cellphones on their belts more than i dislike backpackers

I dislike people who use a hand as an avatar in an internet forum more than I dislike people with bumbags or cellphones on their belts or backpackers. :o

spoken like a man who doesn know the shocker when he sees it.

you would probably dislike me more if you understood it.

that said perhaps we both could use an avatar update.

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i dislike people with bumbags or cellphones on their belts more than i dislike backpackers

I dislike people who use a hand as an avatar in an internet forum more than I dislike people with bumbags or cellphones on their belts or backpackers. :o

spoken like a man who doesn know the shocker when he sees it.

you would probably dislike me more if you understood it.

that said perhaps we both could use an avatar update.

Find bigger pinky avatar :D

Sorry OFF TOPIC !!!

Edited by thesunset75
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I don't like backpackers and neither do the Thais. Some Thai businesses tolerate them but would sooner have rid of them if a higher level of pond fish turned up.

Why ?

Because almost without exception they are like your poor sex tourist. They have brought 2 weeks money to a month long holiday or in movie terms, they have brought a knife to a gunfight.

So what happens ?

Their refusal to predicament means they nurse beers, leave no tips, absorb everything they can and leave as little in terms of recompense as they can. Expand the argument and it still works.

They often bring drugs to the table and with drugs comes other problems. problems we can do without.

Have I been a backpacker ?

Sort of. Many years ago my then wife and I bought a bought a couple of top line backpacks and actually carried them ourselves for a kilometre or so along Ao Nang beach. They were useful for travelling off the more beaten path but we had no intentions of living out of them like tents. We didn't always stay in 5* that trip though. Some beach huts and the like.


I'm not saying that there is not a place for people who are young to travel and explore the world in their formative years. The world is certainly a lot smaller than when I was 20 or so. However, they have to drop the chips on their shoulder like the one that every male over 30 in SE Asia is a sex tourist. They have to maybe get out of the way when we want to go there (partially joking), they have to lose the idea that their way is right and our ways are wrong.

I would personally require them to show funds say every month at maximum or perhaps less. Bt10k a month is not adequate, what number is I do not know. If they have sufficient funds then they can contribute more than they take, if not, then they can bugger off somewhere else, like Spain or Oz.

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I've got nothing against traveling on a budget...nor do I believe the less than exemplary comments made toward "backpackers" are aimed at budget conscious travelers.

I think most are referring to the hippie throwbacks who are as you mentioned scruffy and odoriferous. The ones who allow their hair to mat into filthy dreadlocks. The ones that ignore Thai cultural differences and show up at offices or temples in shorts and bikini tops. The ones that dress as if they have just returned from an episode of "Survivor Jungle Thailand"...though dressing this way is frowned upon by Thai people. Or perhaps the ones you see haggling over 10 baht with the vendor who makes a couple dollars a day profit. Or maybe the annoying as hel_l "guru's" who say "Right on" every sentence, and claim to fix auras or some crap.

I used to backpack. I traveled the world on a budget, but I always respected the culture of the places I traveled. Traveling on a low budget inevitably puts you in the company of some filthy hippie types. I lived side by side with them on the beaches of Hawaii....and their hippie shit got old real fast..."borrowing" money...trying to get on welfare (to vacation longer) ......<deleted> people trying to sell "rare" sea shells............the list goes on and on.

I traveled to Pai on a week long trip with a family of Thai people. They looked out the windows of our van as if driving through a zoo. Khao San Road is the same.

They are an embarrassment.

There are so many different types of backpackers. You described only a specific tribe.

Yes, I seem to have upset a couple of posters with this rant....but as I tried to say....

I've got nothing against traveling on a budget...nor do I believe the less than exemplary comments made toward "backpackers" are aimed at budget conscious travelers.

I think most are referring to the hippie throwbacks who are as you mentioned scruffy and odoriferous.

I myself was and still occasionally backpack. Ive met some fantastic people camping..many more than I'd meet in a hotel. Some lifelong friends have been made while traveling on a shoestring.

I'll try to make my position more clear.

The filthy (yes, unwashed and stinky..wearing dirt like a badge) cheap (beyond frugal..I mean stingy) crystal gazing (dudes who use the same"let me help you find your center" line to pick up chicks) hippies drive me up a wall.

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Wow, 6 pages of rants against [and for] these harmless, brainless youth in 2 days...... sounds like a touchy subject.

As for myself, I am proud to say that I was a 'traveler with a backpack' for a couple of decades before the droves decended on Asia and those days of carefree travel were some of the best in my life. I always traveled alone and discovered unspoiled places that l was the first 'whiteman' to see.

Those days are over unfortunately.....now i'm older, fater, lazier, more cautious and need more amenities [luxuries?] to be comfortable.....but something in me does resent this new generation of backpacker that just follows the herds of earlier backpackers and 'hangs' with their own kind. Today's backpacker sees a similar [but cheaper] limited view that the middle class tourists you see in the air conditioned tour busses.

I do have fond memories of Samui, Acalpuco Mexico, the Banaue rice terraces, Hawaii and many other places in between that are not the same places that they were before and the people that welcomed backpacking travelers have changed as well. They are now money grabbing vultures that prey on middle and upper class tourists that spoil the local color and culture much more than the simple backpacker.

So, which is worse???

Edited by jaideeguy
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maybe they should Google a while to inform themselves on the countries where they are going.

there are thousands of different website about interresting places on the Net.

But IMHO there are more interesting in the Backpackers scene than to realy explore the country.

Thing is, if you rely on Google, there are probably more websites with ill-researched information than ones with good. Websites can also be very incestuous affairs, gleaning info from another site, that had probably gleaned it from somewhere else and so on. At least with books like LP, you can be "pretty sure" the stuff has been properly researched. (I say "pretty sure" because we've all got stories about wrong info in the books.)

Plus, of course, it's much easier to slip a well-bound book in your bag than a laptop, or hundreds of printed sheets. And have you ever tried reading a laptop while on a bus in Cambodia? Oh, so many reasons to use a book rather than the Internet.

Oh, and the poster who said many just like the backpacker scene... absolutely right! Before I was a backpacker, I had spent my whole life in a grim, rainy industrial town in England. When I found myself surrounded by hot Danish chicks sipping beers and eating spring rolls, with waterfalls and palm trees, and interesting cigarettes... I was more than prepared to rock back on a pyramid cusion and watch 4 hours of Friends videos. Well, maybe not 4 hours...but you get mah drift.

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re: the OP's question...why do you dislike backpackers??

I think that those that dislike backpackers fall into a couple of categories...

they were or never could be budget travelers,

or they were former backpackers [in another life] and resent the 'new genetaion backpackers'

or they are just jealous that kids can have fun on a tight budget!!

Me, I am envious of their youth, but don't resent them. Actually I pitty them because the original backpackers have already discovered all the best secret places that are now spoiled by sex tourists and middle class 'tour bus tourists' and now the 'spa tourists' are invading us.

Edited by jaideeguy
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As for myself, I am proud to say that I was a 'traveler with a backpack' for a couple of decades before the droves decended on Asia and those days of carefree travel were some of the best in my life. I always traveled alone and discovered unspoiled places that l was the first 'whiteman' to see.

I do have fond memories of Samui, Acalpuco Mexico, the Banaue rice terraces, Hawaii and many other places in between that are not the same places that they were before and the people that welcomed backpacking travelers have changed as well. They are now money grabbing vultures that prey on middle and upper class tourists that spoil the local color and culture much more than the simple backpacker.

So, which is worse???

Kind of funny, each and every backpacker will tell you exactly same. Does not matter if they were traveling in 60's or are in KS road now as when they were "there" they saw places never seen since the dinosaurs died. followed by "it's a shame i was only one to see it before it all get ruined by those bloody tourists".

And that's what annoys most of the people here. Like it was said above, lose the chips from your shoulders and accept that backpacking is way of traveling like any other. It's the only way if you are on a budget but let those who have more $$ to travel as they like. In the end, both are just tourists with different shape luggage and mode of transportation.

Edited by MJo
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Actually I pitty them because the original backpackers have already discovered all the best secret places

You wouldn't know though, would you. If they are secret places, I mean. Who knows where the next Pai will be. Or the next Koh Pagnan. There are a whole host of tiny villages in remote northern Thailand that could be the next big thing. And there are plenty of islands off the Burmese coast that could be 'discovered' if the country ever opens up. In the south of Thailand, places like Betong or Satun could get hip, Koh Tarutao might have a change of policy. Who knows?

On Nut could be the next Khao San Ro... oh, sorry, now I'm being stupid.

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Thanks for the mass of interesting replies, everybody.

There is not such a clear defintion of the word backpacker, pity that too many people seem to associate it with the unkempt smelly drug taking haggling over a 15 Baht motorcycle taxi ride variety.

Though I operate a tourist business which is geared towards the middle and lower end of the market, I hardly see anybody of that kind.

But maybe that would be different if I would be doing the same thing in a place like Pai or Koh Phangan.

Edited by keestha
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Thanks for the mass of interesting replies, everybody.

There is not such a clear defintion of the word backpacker, pity that too many people seem to associate it with the unkempt smelly drug taking haggling over a 15 Baht motorcycle taxi ride variety.

Though I operate a tourist business which is geared towards the middle and lower end of the market, I hardly see anybody of that kind.

But maybe that would be different if I would be doing the same thing in a place like Pai or Koh Phangan.

here is an idea for you... start a new section for higher class backpackers. Call it, Premium Backpacker. slightly more upscale than regular backpacker but less than tourist.

It's geared at those who have money but don't want to show it off. You could include hair length regulations, tattoos, and general grooming guidelines. On your site, you can offer upgrades to LV backpacks with GPS, special edition camaflauge (sp) coloured Blackberry's.

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1 more thing on backpackers.

It is because of them that in bangkok every tour company or post office sells kao san road VIP buses instead of REAL vip buses. So anyone who doesnt know that the only way to get a real vip bus is to goto sai thai station, you get stuck in one of those stupid backpacker vip bus with no space, dirty people that scream then they stop you 300kilo from your destination to finish your trip into a bunch of tuktuks and governement bus.

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(Note to self: never listen to bkjimbo again)

A wise old bird told me that the pre KSR backpacker mecca was around Soi Ngam Duphli, down Sathorn way. Any old duffers care to back this up/shoot it down in flames?

And, still on the subject, how were backpackers viewed by the locals 'back in the day'?

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(Note to self: never listen to bkjimbo again)

A wise old bird told me that the pre KSR backpacker mecca was around Soi Ngam Duphli, down Sathorn way. Any old duffers care to back this up/shoot it down in flames?

And, still on the subject, how were backpackers viewed by the locals 'back in the day'?

From afar.

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(Note to self: never listen to bkjimbo again)

A wise old bird told me that the pre KSR backpacker mecca was around Soi Ngam Duphli, down Sathorn way. Any old duffers care to back this up/shoot it down in flames?

And, still on the subject, how were backpackers viewed by the locals 'back in the day'?

From afar.


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There is not such a clear defintion of the word backpacker, pity that too many people seem to associate it with the unkempt smelly drug taking haggling over a 15 Baht motorcycle taxi ride variety.

Possession of juggling equipment is a good indicator :-)

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(Note to self: never listen to bkjimbo again)

A wise old bird told me that the pre KSR backpacker mecca was around Soi Ngam Duphli, down Sathorn way. Any old duffers care to back this up/shoot it down in flames?

And, still on the subject, how were backpackers viewed by the locals 'back in the day'?

There are still back packers coming to Ngaam Duplee/Sri Bumpen.

A few GH s and a few good restaurants.

I was a back packer in 91-94 and now an expat here. While I back packed alone (mainly Issan)

I didn t really detest back packers then or now. Was there once.

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(Note to self: never listen to bkjimbo again)

A wise old bird told me that the pre KSR backpacker mecca was around Soi Ngam Duphli, down Sathorn way. Any old duffers care to back this up/shoot it down in flames?

That's correct. Back in the 70s when I first came through, all the budget accoms were concentrated either along Soi Ngam Duphli or near Hualamphong railway station. KSR didn't really get going till around '82, and there were still only a handful of places on Khao San by 88 or so. Soi Ngam Duphli reached its peak by the early to mid 80s. Today there are fewer guesthouses in the SND area than you used to see. While everywhere else has grown, SND has shrunk.

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When I arrived for the first time in Bangkok in 1975 as an almost pennyless 21 year old backpacker (on my way to Taiwan to teach my heavily accented English), THE place to stay was the Atlanta Hotel in Sukhumwit Soi 2. There I slept in a dormitory, where I was woken up in the middle of the night because the Japanese backpacker in the bed next to me had choosen to take a lady of the night with him.

When in 1992 I was looking around in the Soi Ngan Dupli for a guesthouse to stay for a longer period, I was shocked to see a lot of down and out stoned out of their mind looking travellers, exactly the type of backpacker that has generated so much discussion in this thread.

Edited by keestha
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No, perhaps it's those people who are growing older and jealous of young backpackers.

I think that probably sums it up, why would an expat in Thailand be concerned about how much a backpacker spends each day, there are cheap places in Thailand that survive only because of the backpackers that frequent those places.

I think that older farangs who are in Thailand can feel somewhat inferior when they are with their gf or wife who is 30 years younger than them and they walk past a bunch of young guys having fun who are the same age as she is, having fun is the operative word, instead of continuous moaning!!!

Secretly these old guys wish they were young again and resent the fact that young guys come to Thailand, appear to be carefree and have a laugh at minimal

cost, whereas the old tired miserable worn out expat never does nothing but moan and whine about how hard done by he is, whilst continually diving in his pocket to appear to be happy with his lot, knowing full well that if he was broke, that little lady 30 years his Junior wouldn't pizz on him if he was on fire.

Live and let live folks, you was once young yourself, don't try to deny the young people of today having a laugh and freedom of movement and free love etc etc..

you got it in one maig06, you said everything i wanted to say...... when the fat ugly farangs look at their wives 30 years younger... "oh those were the days".....I love banckpackers very much, their youth, the opportunities (despite credit crunch) theri freshness, plenty of botox clinics in thailand gentlemen and if your rich then there is bumrungrad for that wonderful face lift pmsl

Remember when you were young and thought you would live forever ?...lol, don't try to deny the youth of today feeling the same just cos you are now old, grey, fat and miserable.

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