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Those Who Dislike Backpackers


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Well I guess KSR would be just another road near the University that we would have never heard of if they weren't around, so despite the occasional annoyance I'd rather have them around - although I reserve the right to tut disapprovingly the next time I see one with p!ss dreads and a trust fund :o

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Yet when you go to somewhere like KSR, you generally find that they all look EXACTLY the same. Same clothes, same hairstyle same everything. Someway to be 'different' eh!
So what else is new? Its new to THEM.

Why this presumption they want to be different?

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I think the annoying thing is the total contradiction of their lifestyle. They seem to strife to be different; not mainstream; unique. But to accomplish this they walk into the nearest hippie supplier store, and purchase that standard set of hippie gear which they all seem to have.

The same dirty hair with some wooden painted beads slung in for good measure; that over the shoulder sling bag made of the "natural looking" material, some cheesy seashell necklace and a "piece of string" bracelet. And maybe if they really want to go all out a straw cowboy hat.

It's just such a cliché; but other than that harmless.

I've rather with stuck with a bunch of hippie backpackers than a bunch of lager louts.

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I personally hate the fact that they abuse poor countries by using their resources for the cheapest price possible, they'd rather not eat for 12hours than overpay 20baht. Then they have this way of walking up to every person who live here, telling them off for destroying the country's culture blahblah

Exactly !

Tourists buying packages to Pattaya or Phuket are staying in the "resort" towns and islands which are developed to serve them by the thais. The whole local population is geared to provide these services. The more they call themself travelers or backpackers and travel by khao san VIP busses all over the country in their search of "new trails" and "cultural enlightment" the more they effect on thai culture. Few posts in Lonely Planet forums and Nakhon Nowhere has suddenly thousands of tourists visiting per year calling themselfs as backbackers traveling the "off the beaten track". 6 months later half the town has developed to traveller ghetto as locals are trying to cash in.

I do believe it's good for the youth to travel before they settle down for good. Just to see how life is in other side of the world. It's just annoying as h..l when you have to listen that same old BS over and over again how all the tourists and expats alike are destroying local culture (that they claim to be part of), and how they are the only ones being responsible and saving the planet and all that comes with it.

Expats then again are working elbow to elbow with the locals and in fact are living very ordinary life not that different as their thai collagues at office. Yes, there is gap in income most of the time but still not all expats live in penthouses driving lexus. After a year or two they also know bit of thai language and get some insight into the local mindset. Many start a family with Thai spouse and are integral part of extended thai families. Retirees not much different from working expat. Just left out the office part as they are enjoying their hard earned pensions. But in general they do not like to listen young guys in fisherman pants telling them off. Especially right after they have agreed to help the poor lad out and bought him a beer.

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No, perhaps it's those people who are growing older and jealous of young backpackers.

I think that probably sums it up, why would an expat in Thailand be concerned about how much a backpacker spends each day, there are cheap places in Thailand that survive only because of the backpackers that frequent those places.

I think that older farangs who are in Thailand can feel somewhat inferior when they are with their gf or wife who is 30 years younger than them and they walk past a bunch of young guys having fun who are the same age as she is, having fun is the operative word, instead of continuous moaning!!!

Secretly these old guys wish they were young again and resent the fact that young guys come to Thailand, appear to be carefree and have a laugh at minimal

cost, whereas the old tired miserable worn out expat never does nothing but moan and whine about how hard done by he is, whilst continually diving in his pocket to appear to be happy with his lot, knowing full well that if he was broke, that little lady 30 years his Junior wouldn't pizz on him if he was on fire.

Live and let live folks, you was once young yourself, don't try to deny the young people of today having a laugh and freedom of movement and free love etc etc..

Remember when you were young and thought you would live forever ?...lol, don't try to deny the youth of today feeling the same just cos you are now old, grey, fat and miserable.

This may well be your most profound post ever, Maigo6! Completely sums it up.

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OK - I'll bite too....

Armed with their Lonely Planet guide that states that the entrance fee, Baht Bus fare or cost of a plate of noodles is X so that is what they will pay...

The sweatly looking guy I passed a few years ago on a main highway looking to hitch a ride in the aircon comfort, I wasn't prepared to put my bags in the rear of the pick-up so he could cool down as it looked like rain later, don't deprive the local bus driver a fare...

The two American girls at popular temple making loud enough comments about Western men with 'teenage' (their words) whores while they walked in on a religious event camera flashing to capture the moment - pity they didn't bother to remove their Nike trainees...

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Package tourists spend their money in chain resorts owned by corporations. Backpackers spend their money in locally owned and operated businesses.

As for the dirty hippie stereotype, well, I hate to break your bubbles but you are well behind the times. Living on backpacker island I can guarantee you that some of the cleanest looking people travel with a backpack. Kids on their gap year, people who graduated from uni and worked to save money to travel are the two main types of backpackers that come to Koh Phangan. Most of these people have short hair, wear decent clothes and do not have dreads or tie dyed clothes. Of course, they exist, but to suggest that they are the majority rather than the "normal" looking ones is, IME, incorrect and is merely a tool used by some to reinforce their prejudices.

I can't say that I see a problem with young people getting out in the world and experiencing different cultures and different ways of doing things. I can't see a problem in people expanding their horizons. It is far worse, I think, to live an insular life assuming that the rest of the world lives the same way you do.

As for the idea they suggest that expats "ruin the local culture". Well, can't say I have ever heard that one before in the 20 years that I have lived here. I know there is a dislike of sexpats, but as for regular people living here, well mainly there seems to be respect for someone who can live in another culture and country and a bit of envy (but then I live on the beach so I get envy from most people).

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I can tell you as flight crew my passengers hate them and so do we as they come "unwashed" onto the flights and stink up the cabin, and that is saying a lot seeing I work for a middle east carrier. Feet up on the headrests which not only offends the Thai but everybody as else as well. We are forever having requests from passengers to move to different seats and on more than one occasion one of the "backpackers" smelled so bad we had her removed from the flight before takeoff.

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I can tell you as flight crew my passengers hate them and so do we as they come "unwashed" onto the flights and stink up the cabin, and that is saying a lot seeing I work for a middle east carrier. Feet up on the headrests which not only offends the Thai but everybody as else as well. We are forever having requests from passengers to move to different seats and on more than one occasion one of the "backpackers" smelled so bad we had her removed from the flight before takeoff.


I had to request a seat change once on a Swissair flight to Zurich from Bangkok, the guy next to me really smelt bad, I'm quie liberal and tolerant, but this guy stank, when the FA's could see who I was refering to, they put me in Business class ( I was a Gold Card member with Swiss Airlines as it was at that time. ).

It was that bad, the FA's had no hesitation moving me.

I know some people can't help bad body odour no matter how clean they are, and I feel sorry for them, but I don't wanna sit next to you on a 11 Hour flight thankyou very much !

BTW, this guy wasn't a Backpacker.

Edited by Maigo6
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Honestly, I haven't seen too much conflict between backpackers and expats in my experience with the two groups. Having been sort of a backpacker (not a hippy though), and sort of a short-term expat at different times, I feel as if I've seen both perspectives within a relatively short span of time, and I think the types of conflicts between the two groups are pretty rare. Maybe it's just the few bad experiences that stand out.

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I can tell you as flight crew my passengers hate them and so do we as they come "unwashed" onto the flights and stink up the cabin, and that is saying a lot seeing I work for a middle east carrier. Feet up on the headrests which not only offends the Thai but everybody as else as well. We are forever having requests from passengers to move to different seats and on more than one occasion one of the "backpackers" smelled so bad we had her removed from the flight before takeoff.


I had to request a seat change once on a Swissair flight to Zurich from Bangkok, the guy next to me really smelt bad, I'm quie liberal and tolerant, but this guy stank, when the FA's could see who I was refering to, they put me in Business class ( I was a Gold Card member with Swiss Airlines as it was at that time. ).

It was that bad, the FA's had no hesitation moving me.

I know some people can't help bad body odour no matter how clean they are, and I feel sorry for them, but I don't wanna sit next to you on a 11 Hour flight thankyou very much !

BTW, this guy wasn't a Backpacker.

Is this the story of how you met your hi-so chinese Thai wife, business class flight to Zurich...? :o

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No, perhaps it's those people who are growing older and jealous of young backpackers.

I think that probably sums it up, why would an expat in Thailand be concerned about how much a backpacker spends each day, there are cheap places in Thailand that survive only because of the backpackers that frequent those places.

I think that older farangs who are in Thailand can feel somewhat inferior when they are with their gf or wife who is 30 years younger than them and they walk past a bunch of young guys having fun who are the same age as she is, having fun is the operative word, instead of continuous moaning!!!

Secretly these old guys wish they were young again and resent the fact that young guys come to Thailand, appear to be carefree and have a laugh at minimal

cost, whereas the old tired miserable worn out expat never does nothing but moan and whine about how hard done by he is, whilst continually diving in his pocket to appear to be happy with his lot, knowing full well that if he was broke, that little lady 30 years his Junior wouldn't pizz on him if he was on fire.

Live and let live folks, you was once young yourself, don't try to deny the young people of today having a laugh and freedom of movement and free love etc etc..

Remember when you were young and thought you would live forever ?...lol, don't try to deny the youth of today feeling the same just cos you are now old, grey, fat and miserable.

Excellent post.

Whether it be directed at back-packers, general travellers or just fellow expats, there's a lot of negative energy based on feelings of insecurity from the crowd of older expat men who married their daughter's generation.

They are looking for an excuse to dislike you and if you happen to be a bit unkempt and travel weary, that will do.

Of course there are also some rude back-packers, but the same goes for all types of travellers (and expats too).

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there was a time when I was one of those scary people (aka backpackers).

nowadays, when I see them walking around with guide book in hand, looking lost, excited, paranoid:

it brings back memories and sadly reminds me of how I have lost the romance of discovering places a new.




and then I snap out of it and realise that staying in nice hotels, eating good food is much nicer.

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To talk about backpackers in this way is somewhat of a generalisation.

Most of us, if not all of us, have been a backpacker at one time or even several times.

That said, for me, it’s more that I just can’t be bothered to talk to them because it’s always the same old conversation: “So how long are you in Chiang Mai? Where are you going next?” “I live here.” “Oh wow, that’s so cool, what’s that like?!” Plus there isn’t a whole lot of point in making friends with people who are only going to be around for a short while and like to party every night whereas we have to work…

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Is this the story of how you met your hi-so chinese Thai wife, business class flight to Zurich...? :o

No, it's a post about how I was moved from a smelly passenger on a flight to Zurich, can't you fookin' read !!!!

Or was you the guy that stank ? :D:D

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Is this the story of how you met your hi-so chinese Thai wife, business class flight to Zurich...? :o

No, it's a post about how I was moved from a smelly passenger on a flight to Zurich, can't you fookin' read !!!!

Or was you the guy that stank ? :D:D

I was him. I was also your NASA instructor and a few other fictional charactors that haunt your cenile mind. :D You answered this post twice?

But this has nothing to do with backpakcers. I think they are great.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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I too see a lot of negativity directed at backpackers.. Never really sure who the people are who make the remarks though..

From my own life I arrived in Thailand for the first time in 87 as a 'backpacker' Me and a mate had travelled up from Aus thru Indo across into Malaysia and then into Thailand.. I spent most of that time in the South before heading up to BKK for a few days.. then up into the North.. Travelled everywhere by bus, train, songtaew or 'shanks's pony'

I saw a great deal of the country and enjoyed it heaps.. So much so that I decided to stay in Asia and find work.. So fast forward to 2009 and I'm still here.. Only difference these days is I'm one of the overpaid (not fat) expat types.. Not on a package, I do contract work..

I don't like to disparage backpacker because that's how I arrived here. However there are many shades to grey and even back then some people were more of a 'backpacker' than others.. Many people (like me) had saved up some cash and had headed off.. did some work here and there to top up my bank balance.. But I was on a pretty tight budget and wanted to see as much as I could for my cash.. I figured the longer the money lasted the more travelling I could do.. But I met many 'hiso' type backpackers being supported by rich parents and others that had enough money to do the whole trip 5 star.. The difference is most of those type were just doing it for a few Months.. slumming it with common types.. From what I see now there are even more of that type of backpacker today.. They have all the gear, go everywhere by VIP aircon bus and did all their research on the internet before leaving home.. They can talk to mummy via skype/mobile and never seem to be short of cash.. Very different to the 'bones of me arse' type tour I did...

Anyhow .. guess what I mean is not all backpackers are wan*ers and neither are all expats... I know from experience a lot of the stuff I learned as a backpacker gave me a great insight into Asia and helped me on my way as an expat here..

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its a rite of passage when you are young to back pack on next to nothing,surely many of you TV members remember you own experience.live and let live.

OK its different today with laptops,cell phones,internet etc.but they are having fun just like we did.

Now the tattoo wearing lager louts are different,they 're not back packers,a different species altogether.

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Well, I like them. And I like going down to the backpacker area on Pra Ahtit Road near the river, to get some cheap food and beer in a 'holiday' atmosphere. I even like banana pancakes. I don't quite understand why they tend to flock together in backpacker ghettos, but really who cares?

Semi-wealthy aircon tourists with oversized suitcases and bad attitudes are much more annoying IMHO.

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I think other people don't "dislike" backpackers in general at all...

They only dislike those who so obviously skipped a shower and washed clothes.

And that's... how many percent of them? :o

(As for me, I don't mind seeing them around whichever way they are. And yes, a lot of the bias is based on generalizations due to the unwashed group.)

Edited by junkofdavid2
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To talk about backpackers in this way is somewhat of a generalisation.

Most of us, if not all of us, have been a backpacker at one time or even several times.

That said, for me, it's more that I just can't be bothered to talk to them because it's always the same old conversation: "So how long are you in Chiang Mai? Where are you going next?" "I live here." "Oh wow, that's so cool, what's that like?!" Plus there isn't a whole lot of point in making friends with people who are only going to be around for a short while and like to party every night whereas we have to work…

yes but its your experiences that you could share with the backpackers that will be part of their experience,never underestimate your own value to others.

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Young backpackers often do not look clean or neat, males mostly have dirty long hairs, males and females often wear old unwashed clothes, surly no eye candy at all!

Lots look like they are taking drugs...

I thought that was what packpacking was all about...........unwashed,drugtaking,no money travellers.

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Young backpackers often do not look clean or neat, males mostly have dirty long hairs, males and females often wear old unwashed clothes, surly no eye candy at all!

Lots look like they are taking drugs...

what is this defining feature?

The spliff hanging from their mouth? :o

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