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You know you've been in Thailand too long when:


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Isaan is famous for eating dogs.

Ummm I agree they eat dogs in Sakhon Nakhon , but about 15 million people in Isaan would not be pleased with your generalisation , my wife included....lol


Edited by RDN because it was all screwed up!

Edited by RDN
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christ! you're a bit prompt aren't you Chonabot? Or maybe you should have mentioned that the meeting was 300 kms away across country and you're going by bus............

PS. most Isaan males I know are not averse to a bit of dogmeat, especially of the older generation, as long as they're not the ones to catch, kill and prepare it. But when at some one else's house and the lao kao is flowing freely, i've come across it on several occasions, far from SK Province.

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1)You know you have been in Thailand too long when your wife or girlriend chatters  at you for a full two hours in the car, and you think you just had a meaningfull conversation.

2)You know you have been in Thailand too long when you start believing that you have actually to look at your wife or girlfriend  to hear what they are saying. :o

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You know you've been in T'land to long, when...

You know the thai national anthem better than your own.

You stop trying to convert prices at the supermaket into your own currency for comparison purposes.

You start talking to yourself in thai.

(Eg. "Where the heck did I put my beer?" = "Bpai nai wa?")

You realise that "Bpai nai wa?" can be used in many situations.

(Eg. Wifey coming home at 2am smelling of alcohol).

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  • 2 weeks later...


You can't help yourself when you see that bamboo-handled brush and have to spend half an hour sweeping that speck of dust across your living room.

After you've dealt with the said speck, you move to the leaves in the yard and make a nice big pile, throw on some plastic bags for good measure and wait till the wind is blowing into your neighbour's house before setting light to it

Just when the tree in your back yard is starting to offer some decent shade the urge to lop all its branches off overtakes you and you tell the neighbours in your defence it was "mai suay" (nothing to do with those darn leaves of course)

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You have been in Thailand too long when:

-you pick your nose in public and think nothing of it.

-refer to everything as "nee".

-get told frequently that you "poot thai geng."

-tell everyone you don't nam jai too much otherwise you would be broke.

-take a tipple of low ba in the morning to keep the neighbours happy

-don't mind the smell of rotting fish in the kitchen as the wife tries again to make that rotten fish paste (but it will probably end up full of magotts again).

-hoot your horn without any consideration for anyone when a dog cross the path of your car (arn't those dogs really dumb?).

-food doesn't taste right unless its really loaded with salt from fish sauce.

-develop a taste for cow pat kapow (I really hated the taste when I first came).

-slap yourself the instant you think something is going to bite you.

-make lots of sympathetic noises when a Thai is complaining about something. ur,uhr, ur, ah, uhm...

-look directly at people as they talk about you in Thai; they don't know that I understand Thai until I stare at them!

-dont mind when a Thai man shows affection by placing his hand on your arm/leg for long durations (honestly gov, they aren't gay).

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Its what my wife says at the end of a phone call .

In Isaan style thai , it means -

"ur ur "="ok ok"  

"ken nee" = "thats enough"

"dur" = isaan style polite particle ( ie Krap )

ur ur ken nee dur = ok ok thats enough.....

its difficult though using roman phonetics on pc

When I'm in Thailand i.e Bangkok , the Thai people I meet have a laugh when I speak  Thai to them with Isaan overtones


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Hahahah  Thank you Chonabot!

Pood Isaan rao mai ruu rueng jing jing, kor thod tee.   Tae rao kor yark kao jai na.  Khun pood Issan dai duy nee keng jang.  :o (translation to those who don't speak Thai: 'I don't understand Isaan dialect, it's true, sorry.  But I want to understand anyway.  It's very good that you can speak Isaan.')


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  • 1 year later...

You're in Thailand to long when:

When your wifes family calls on the phone you just give them your credit card number and say Goodbye

When you wish you married that girl from the orphanage

When you stop swerving for animals in the soi and just run them down without a care

When you see a falang and yell "Falang!"

When you charge a Falang the "Falang price"

When english becomes your second language

When you call and tell your parents about your sick buffalo

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You're in Thailand to long when you-

.... think 50 Baht is a lot of money.

....prefer fried fish to steak.

....drink Sang Som rather than beer.

....look forward to going to the local karaoke with your mates.

....avoid other farangs because they'll embarrass you in front of your friends.

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You know you have been too long in Thailand

when you find out that wearing a "sarong" is the most practical dress.

No matter how long I'm in Thailand I'll never wear one of those horrible "paakamas"!

They just don't work for Farang...and look a little stupid on 'em too. :o

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