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Is Thailand, In Some Ways, More Advanced Than Your Home Country?


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^ Oh dear. You've - not entirely unexpectedly - somewhat missed the point there. I have hijacked nothing. On the contrary, by explaining - reasonably and rationally - why I consider Thailand to be, in one respect, more advanced than Britain, I have directly addressed the OP. If you don't agree with me, then either argue or shut up but please don't try to make this something it isn't.

I don't agree with you. However, let's put my point of view aside for a second; I don't believe the statistics entirely represent the truth. Compare the emissions in Bangkok & London then come back to me - I'll hazard at a guess that Bangkok is way behind. Also, what has Thailand done to come out so low in that table? I suggest nothing - what you see is what you'd expect from a poorer & less advanced nation. I wonder what Somalia's emissions are? Does that make them more advanced than the West? No.

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well, what about this one?

they're both more advanced then each other, just in a different way

but the main difference is that Thailand is catching up with the industrialized advancement, while the west don't even know that they're mentally behind!

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Is Thailand, in some ways, more advanced than your Home Country?

I think in very general terms the average Thai diet is healthier than the average American diet. Few if any added chemicals and preservatives. Modest amounts of meat. Heavy on the grain, fruits and vegetables. It's good in terms of nourishment as well as for the digestive tract. Although some might not, I would view this as more advanced.

Please tell me you're joking! The Thai food is wayyyy more unhealthy than in the States. One gets a spoonful of 'mystery meat' a plateful of nutritionally devoid, fat-promoting white rice, and a few veggies - doused in massive amounts of oil (sat fats) MSG, and other 'flavorings'.

I was so happy when I got home 6 weeks ago (The States) and could eat healthy again! I know not a single American who eats as poorly as the Thais - and not a single one as *ahem* large as the Thais, either. Let me tell you, it was hard returning after having gained up to the size of a Thai. it's coming off now, with the healthier diet, tho still, I forgot just how skinny American's typically are. Can't wait to get ack down to their size, tho!

(oh, and while in the hospital in Thailand from food poisoning - they had an article on some common Thai dishes. After reading the facts, you wouldn't touch their meals with a 10 ft. pole! Assuming you care about health and all.)

Jst saying.

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Compared to back home the food out in Thailand is nectar.

Fresh food and home grown. You can't beat it :o

I will say that outside bangkok things change quite a bit. But even in the UK you get the 'outside-the-capital-city' effect.

Edited by JimsKnight
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Had loads of gripes with LloydsTSB in the UK. Haven't used them for a while so I expect they have moved into the 20th century now.

So they're still a hundred years behind? :D:D

Back to the topic, I noticed that the UK is now copying Thailand's policy on cigarettes. Pictures designed to put people off cigarettes are now printed on packets, and also they have stopped cigarettes being put on open display. Both these ideas, I believe originated here. As a lifelong smoker, (from age 11), I think that anything that stops kids starting must be good.

Have to agree with the kasikorn bank complaints, I've been trying to get their k-cyber banking system working for almost a year - absolutely hopeless. Only stay with them 'cos the girl who greets at the door is drop dead gorgeous - but don't tell the missus! :o

Thailand was 3rd on the smoking pictures behind Canada and Brazil.



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Had loads of gripes with LloydsTSB in the UK. Haven't used them for a while so I expect they have moved into the 20th century now.

So they're still a hundred years behind? :D:D

Back to the topic, I noticed that the UK is now copying Thailand's policy on cigarettes. Pictures designed to put people off cigarettes are now printed on packets, and also they have stopped cigarettes being put on open display. Both these ideas, I believe originated here. As a lifelong smoker, (from age 11), I think that anything that stops kids starting must be good.

Have to agree with the kasikorn bank complaints, I've been trying to get their k-cyber banking system working for almost a year - absolutely hopeless. Only stay with them 'cos the girl who greets at the door is drop dead gorgeous - but don't tell the missus! :o

Thailand was 3rd on the smoking pictures behind Canada and Brazil.



Thailand was 4th ....

At least 23 jurisdictions have finalized requirements for picture warnings on cigarette packs.

The listing below includes the year of implementation, including different years where there have been two or more rounds of picture warnings.

  1. Canada (2001)
  2. Brazil (2002; 2004; 2009)
  3. Singapore (2004; 2006)
  4. Thailand (2005, 2007)
  5. Venezuela (2005)
  6. Jordan (2005)
  7. Australia (2006; rotation of Sets A, B every 12 months)
  8. Uruguay (2006; 2008, 2009)
  9. Panama (2006)
  10. Belgium (2006)
  11. Chile (2006, 2007, 2008)
  12. Hong Kong (2007)
  13. New Zealand (2008; rotation of Sets A, B every 12 months)
  14. Romania (2008)
  15. United Kingdom (2008)
  16. Egypt (2008)
  17. Brunei (2008)
  18. India (2008)
  19. Taiwan (2009)
  20. Malaysia (2009)
  21. Peru (2009)
  22. Djibouti (2009)
  23. Switzerland (2010, rotation of Sets 1, 2, 3 every 24 months)

Edited by somluck
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My bank in Italy needs 3 working days to transfer money to another bank, and paying a some euro commission. Here is in real time, pay half euro.

My bank (KrungThai) is open also saturday and sunday. Forget it in Italy.

The car office (motorizzazione) usually need 2/3 months to issue a driving licence. (80 euro). Here one day (1000 baht)

New passport for thai, 2-3 days. Italy from 20 to 2 months, depending is holday season.

In Thailand people kick out Thaksim and his puppets, but in Italy the italians cannot kick away Berlusconi.

I can continue for pages and pages, but I don't want do complain to much of my home country...

If you apply for a Thai driver's license the cost is 105 Baht good for 1 year and you get it within max. 30 minutes after the tests passed. To renew it for more 5 years it takes 10-15 minutes and it costs 525 Baht. Excellent service. No other European country offers this. This probably the reason why Thai drivers are so bad.

The Thai passport costs 1030 Baht. The cost includes the EMS expenses to send it to your home address within 3 days. (the postal service/delivery works 7 days a week). This we can't find in Europe.

Politically... almost the same, a disgrace!

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