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The Pub Chiang Mai


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Was at 'The Pub' the other day, sat at the bar with a couple of friends, our phones went off simultaneously and the chef who was sat at the other side of the bar told us very rudely to turn them down, this is after we all had a bill for over 1000baht.

Is it me or has anyone else felt the frost on entering this establishment? :o

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I, ve fond most COOKS , well thats what they are, tend to be full of themselves. Especially since the advent of the TV chefs. You get them now thinking they are Gordon Ramsey. After spending a grand in a place and then being told to turn down your phone would P*&s me right off. I would call someone I knew and tell the very loudly about the lousy, expensive meal I'd just had. :o

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Personally I think when entering a restaurant all patrons should set their mobile telephones to silent mode. It sure pisses me off when noisy phones start wailing and then the idiots using them start yelling into them as if they were having to be heard 2 kms away.

I don't blame the staff for telling you to turn them down. I would have too had I been there. Only 1,000 baht at the pub between 3? You didn't spend much.

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I have been to this establishment twice and both times got a very frosty reception from mainly the regulars who gave me the impression I was invading their territory by being there in the first place.

I also know who the fat chef is to who you are referring. Fair enough, some patrons might not want to listen to mobiles ringing, but if the bar wanted to become a mobile free zone, it should advertise this fact on the front door, after which I am sure they would get a lot less customers.

The chef could have asked you politely to turn down your phone as well. I will not go there ever again.

Edited by jamesthefirst
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Personally I think when entering a restaurant all patrons should set their mobile telephones to silent mode. It sure pisses me off when noisy phones start wailing and then the idiots using them start yelling into them as if they were having to be heard 2 kms away.

Despite almost everyone owning a mobile phone in the 21st century, they are still the annoyance they ever were! It’s hard to go out and enjoy company these days without the constant interruption of mobiles going off. I mean, how many of us can actually spend quality time with a friend or partner, and enjoy the entire evening without the constant interruption of that ding-a-ling-a-bloody-ling!

Worse still are those types who refuse to take their call outside of a busy bar filled with the noisy banter of happy patrons. Oh no, they prefer to stick one finger in one ear to cut out the background noise and YELL DOWN the frigging mouthpiece so that whole world can see just how important and popular they are.

And dare to suggest that the upwardly mobile socialite turn off the phone for the duration of the evening - well, anyone would think a request was made to amputate what has become a sad extension to the natural arm!

Outlaw the bloody things, that’s what I say!


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Personally I think when entering a restaurant all patrons should set their mobile telephones to silent mode. It sure pisses me off when noisy phones start wailing and then the idiots using them start yelling into them as if they were having to be heard 2 kms away.

Despite almost everyone owning a mobile phone in the 21st century, they are still the annoyance they ever were! It’s hard to go out and enjoy company these days without the constant interruption of mobiles going off. I mean, how many of us can actually spend quality time with a friend or partner, and enjoy the entire evening without the constant interruption of that ding-a-ling-a-bloody-ling!

Worse still are those types who refuse to take their call outside of a busy bar filled with the noisy banter of happy patrons. Oh no, they prefer to stick one finger in one ear to cut out the background noise and YELL DOWN the frigging mouthpiece so that whole world can see just how important and popular they are.

And dare to suggest that the upwardly mobile socialite turn off the phone for the duration of the evening - well, anyone would think a request was made to amputate what has become a sad extension to the natural arm!

Outlaw the bloody things, that’s what I say!


I do appreciate the fact that mobile phones can be annoying, especially when some yell through it as though there was no tomorrow. BUT, as you have mentioned, we are living in the 21st Century. Mobile phones are here to stay. I shall not turn off my phone being in whatever company for the simple fact that I have family around that might find it an emergency to get in touch with me at any point of time. I would excuse myself to have that conversation as to not interrupt anybody's session of alcohol indulgence. And if that's not accepted, they can happily kiss my ass for all i care.

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It’s probably not the ‘ringing’ of phones which is so annoying in public places but the overly audible chit-chat that is heard by anyone in earshot. So many people tend to raise their voice when talking on mobile devices whether they need to or not.

There also seems to be a lot of forced laughter with social calls as the recipient becomes tickled to death by the callers apparent humour. Actually, many people appear to have more fun interacting with folks on the other end of the phone than they do those in their actual company. Unless of course, they’re just showing off to draw attention to themselves in an attempt to highlight their popularity to those around them.

Next time you go out to a pub or restaurant, just take a minute to look around you at the tables where there are couples sitting. How many times is one half sitting alone twiddling their thumbs as they wait patiently for their companion to get off the blessed mobile?

Eee, how on earth did we ever survive without them? Oh yeah, pub phones and public call boxes.


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The fat chef you're referring to is more likely than not the manager, Grahme, the chef is a slim Thai who is rarely seen in the bar. Incidently I believe Grahame doesn't own a mobile phone maybe there lies the root of the rudeness.

i find it amazing that you registered with TV just to let us know that??

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I find it amazing that yet again some find it necessary to bash a business of some hard working people on a public and well-read forum and try to cause damage to them.

If you don't agree with something, you find the service bad or you find the staff rude or whatever you are displeased about show some back-bone and take it up directly with the owner or manager at THEIR place and NOT on a public forum hidden behind a nick name.

Whether the chef or manager at the establishment mentioned was rude or not. None of us can verify that as we were not there. We only hear/read one side of the story.

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I find it amazing that yet again some find it necessary to bash a business of some hard working people on a public and well-read forum and try to cause damage to them.

If you don't agree with something, you find the service bad or you find the staff rude or whatever you are displeased about show some back-bone and take it up directly with the owner or manager at THEIR place and NOT on a public forum hidden behind a nick name.

Whether the chef or manager at the establishment mentioned was rude or not. None of us can verify that as we were not there. We only hear/read one side of the story.

Never fear Nienke, I'm sure that someone from The Pub's side will be along soon with some sage words to uphold the reputation of their fine establishment.

I find it hard to believe that Grahame would be rude to any customer . . . unless provoked of course. :o

It is unfortunate that there are some people without the good manners, courage or sense to tackle a customer service issue by talking directly with those responsible. Web forums have become an easy place for these people to vent their spleen whilst avoiding interaction with other members of the species. These same idiots don't seem to realise how powerful an effect their ill thought out comments can have on a business and consequently on people's livelihoods.


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I find it amazing that yet again some find it necessary to bash a business of some hard working people on a public and well-read forum and try to cause damage to them.

If you don't agree with something, you find the service bad or you find the staff rude or whatever you are displeased about show some back-bone and take it up directly with the owner or manager at THEIR place and NOT on a public forum hidden behind a nick name.

Whether the chef or manager at the establishment mentioned was rude or not. None of us can verify that as we were not there. We only hear/read one side of the story.


Hardly bashing a business, mearly describing an experience, which I think is very valid, people use the internet allot before deciding where to eat, drink, holiday, live - so on, and then we as readers make our own intelligent decision as to wether to give these business' our hard earned cash. A hairdresser in Chiang Mai turned my hair blued yesterday, I will not "bash" their business but I will put my experience out there so that people can make up their own minds as to wether or not they wish to visit this salon. Its called "word of mouth" a practise that is been in operation for centuries, the only difference is that the internet reaches more people faster! Hurrah!

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Hardly bashing a business, mearly describing an experience, which I think is very valid, people use the internet allot before deciding where to eat, drink, holiday, live - so on, and then we as readers make our own intelligent decision as to wether to give these business' our hard earned cash. A hairdresser in Chiang Mai turned my hair blued yesterday, I will not "bash" their business but I will put my experience out there so that people can make up their own minds as to wether or not they wish to visit this salon. Its called "word of mouth" a practise that is been in operation for centuries, the only difference is that the internet reaches more people faster! Hurrah!

WOW! Blue hair AND vibrating knickers........ when can we meet? :o

I stayed at The Pub over Christmas & new year, it was a nice place to stay, and i found ALL of the staff friendly and helpful.


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Lucifer Today, 2009-01-23 19:48:14 Post #20

I suspect those with little to no chance of receiving a phone call, are the only ones here who are complaining.

I might agree with you, except Blinky Bill is a pretty popular guy. He probably does not want any of his wives tracking him down with a mobile phone! :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Well we are talking about the Pub.... The couple of times I've been there, I felt like I was a teenager (I'm 38) as most of the patrons were 60+. I guess the whole idea of technology has passed a lot of these people by. Sure some places it can be very rude to talk on a cell phone, but we are talking about a BAR RIGHT?

As for my Cell Phone Pet Peeve, that would have to be the helmetless motorcycle drivers who feel it's so important to take the call and be a danger on the road, rather than waiting until they get to their destination to make the call, or god forbid, pull to the side of the road.

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Hardly bashing a business, mearly describing an experience, which I think is very valid, people use the internet allot before deciding where to eat, drink, holiday, live - so on, and then we as readers make our own intelligent decision as to wether to give these business' our hard earned cash. A hairdresser in Chiang Mai turned my hair blued yesterday, I will not "bash" their business but I will put my experience out there so that people can make up their own minds as to wether or not they wish to visit this salon. Its called "word of mouth" a practise that is been in operation for centuries, the only difference is that the internet reaches more people faster! Hurrah!

WOW! Blue hair AND vibrating knickers........ when can we meet? :o

I stayed at The Pub over Christmas & new year, it was a nice place to stay, and i found ALL of the staff friendly and helpful.


Te He! Meet you in the pub, I'll be the one with the blue hair and vibrating knickers, hopefully you'll be the one in the kilt with no knickers! We'll switch our phones to vibrate so's not to offend and mines a double vodka on the rocks, cheers!

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I might agree with you, except Blinky Bill is a pretty popular guy. He probabally does not want any of his wives tracking him down with a mobile phone! :o

Thanks Ewe Gee, you've hit the nail on the head.

I've been going to The Pub since 1983. 3 of the 4 wives have been there. Just waiting till they ban mobile phones altogether before I take number 4 wife or any of the more recent girlfriends.

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Personally I think when entering a restaurant all patrons should set their mobile telephones to silent mode. It sure pisses me off when noisy phones start wailing and then the idiots using them start yelling into them as if they were having to be heard 2 kms away.

I don't blame the staff for telling you to turn them down. I would have too had I been there. Only 1,000 baht at the pub between 3? You didn't spend much.

AH I may be missing something here :o but its called " The Pub " and the people in the posting were " At the bar " As for just spending a 1000 baht maybe if the cook had not been so rude they may have stayed and spent 6000 baht. Who's to say. At the Cinema theatre or music venue then yes I will either turn my phone to vibrate or turn it off BUT not a bar / pub / cafe :D

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AH I may be missing something here

Yes you are. The Pub is not a cheap, no thrills, boring, girlie, no profit, shithole on Loi Khroh Road filled with losers. It is an establishment that has been running in Chiang Mai since the 1970's.

Have a look here to see what the place is.

Edited by Blinky Bill
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AH I may be missing something here

Yes you are. The Pub is not a cheap, no thrills, boring, girlie, no profit, shithole on Loi Khroh Road filled with losers. It is an establishment that has been running in Chiang Mai since the late 1970's.

Have a look here to see what the place is.

I just clicked on the home page. The two dark 'sophisticated' ladies shown are actually old 'friends' of mine. One used to own a bar on Tha Pae Gate just along from Loi Kroh. The other... well let's not mention losers on Loi Kroh Billy Boy.

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Hardly bashing a business, mearly describing an experience, which I think is very valid, people use the internet allot before deciding where to eat, drink, holiday, live - so on, and then we as readers make our own intelligent decision as to wether to give these business' our hard earned cash. A hairdresser in Chiang Mai turned my hair blued yesterday, I will not "bash" their business but I will put my experience out there so that people can make up their own minds as to wether or not they wish to visit this salon. Its called "word of mouth" a practise that is been in operation for centuries, the only difference is that the internet reaches more people faster! Hurrah!

WOW! Blue hair AND vibrating knickers........ when can we meet? :o

I stayed at The Pub over Christmas & new year, it was a nice place to stay, and i found ALL of the staff friendly and helpful.


Te He! Meet you in the pub, I'll be the one with the blue hair and vibrating knickers, hopefully you'll be the one in the kilt with no knickers! We'll switch our phones to vibrate so's not to offend and mines a double vodka on the rocks, cheers!

hel_l Yes! i'm a vodka person as well! (LARGE)


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I am in a similar business (Event Catering) but we are based in UK,...my wife is the chef and I am a highly skilled pan washer.I can understand the enjoyment of dining at a restaurant with fine food and ambience.But it makes me cringe when I see these "customers" queing up to eat at places like Gordon Ramsay's restaurant in London.Knowing what a bully he has been to his staff in the past.Many of the top international chefs agree with me on this.Personally I like to keep myself in the background( I AM A MISERABLE GIT)so I have enough sense to give the service jobs to a smiling attractive Thai ladys.The only occasional problem I face is when some Thai customers arrive and automatically start working with us.Ohh well its fun!

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