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It is extremely hard to fathom how some of these public welfare recipients, masquerading as banks, have not been forced to liquidate their common shares (and bonds in some cases), much less halt dividend payments. In the US I'm leaning toward nationalization for some of the biggest recipients of government largesse, with mandatory reserves in US Treasuries. That ought to soak up some of the offerings.


I had a chuckle when I saw the banks mentioned as they do not include the country deemed to have the banks that are deemed to be the most "sound", at least by groups such as the World Economic Forum and the financial industry itself: Canada (followed by Sweden, Luxembourg and Australia).


I know it is hard for alot of europeans to understand that the riffraff of Canada and Australia can run their banks responsibly Financial services are one of Canada's major investments in countries like the USA. And Australian banks despite the reputaion for Australians as party animals. have been a fairly quiet bunch. While USA banks are faltering, the Canadian subs in the USA are doing ok.

The International Monetary Fund also found that: "The Canadian financial sector is among the world's most highly developed. The institutions, markets, infrastructure, safety nets, and oversight arrangements that comprise the system are sophisticated."

The market cap of the Canadian big 5 banks range from $22 - 60 billion $C, and dwarfs some of the shrivelled EU banks now. Best of all they didn't get swamped with all those brilliant real estate deals the greedy europeans sought out and the CEO's make a fraction of the mega millions the American and CEO's have been paid to <deleted> up their respective banks.

Something to be said about conservative banking systems.

It is extremely hard to fathom how some of these public welfare recipients, masquerading as banks, have not been forced to liquidate their common shares (and bonds in some cases), much less halt dividend payments. In the US I'm leaning toward nationalization for some of the biggest recipients of government largesse, with mandatory reserves in US Treasuries. That ought to soak up some of the offerings.

In answer to my own question I'm guessing the reason is that financial stocks currently pay disproportionately higher dividend yields than non finacial stocks within the S&P 500. If dividends were to be curtailed then index yield would plunge from its already low 2.98%, and presumably stock prices to follow.



Ha ha ha , yeah blame it all on the bankers.

Humans need someone to blame when things go wrong. But you have to ask yourself: Who controls the banks.

Banks are just another layer within the pyramid, you have to find out who is above them to see the bigger picture and to understand what is going to happen next.

Once you see it you understand and you know how to prepare for the next shock they will give you.


Ha ha ha , yeah blame it all on the bankers. Humans need someone to blame when things go wrong. But you have to ask yourself: Who controls the banks. Banks are just another layer within the pyramid, you have to find out who is above them to see the bigger picture and to understand what is going to happen next. Once you see it you understand and you know how to prepare for the next shock they will give you.

sometimes you can be quite witty Alex but too often, in fact nearly always, you write nothing like pure noncommitting bullshit like today which -by the way- no person with an IQ above 82.5 takes seriously.

questions: have you taken your pills today to avoid hallucinations, detection of conspiracies or sighting of UFOs? are you again busy scouring blogs which deal in conspiracies and then with the essence copied/pasted and mixed with colourful pictures scare unsuspecting TV-members?

of course, if you are innocently watching your freshly washed car and shoo away any bird which might shit on it i apologise.

p.s. your strong side is well known, namely hitting the enter key for a lot of spacing. the contents of your postings (i know i'm repeating myself) is however mostly bullshit and the information value does not even equal zero but is negative.

thanks for not listening :o


It is OK Naam, I take no offense.

You just need to wake up and try to understand what is really going on.

As I tried to explain with the example of Chevron in Equador and the use of illegal weapons in Gaza, there are other powers in control.

People that control this "Game" do not care at all if a hundred or a million people die because of their decisions.

Do you agree with this Naam?

If you agree, then the next step is to open up your mind to the possibility that this whole so called crisis is created for a reason.

Let me see how you react on this and perhaps I will try to explain a bit more, it is OK Naam, I have a friend who was almost killed by the BF of his wife and even after proving this to him he still did not want to believe it, now he does.



It is OK Naam, I take no offense.

You just need to wake up and try to understand what is really going on.

As I tried to explain with the example of Chevron in Equador and the use of illegal weapons in Gaza, there are other powers in control.

People that control this "Game" do not care at all if a hundred or a million people die because of their decisions.

Do you agree with this Naam?

If you agree, then the next step is to open up your mind to the possibility that this whole so called crisis is created for a reason.

Let me see how you react on this and perhaps I will try to explain a bit more, it is OK Naam, I have a friend who was almost killed by the BF of his wife and even after proving this to him he still did not want to believe it, now he does.



finally one of the rare postings of you with tangible content and which is appreciated not only by me but most probably by others too. what does not fit in it is that "i have to wake up and understand".


Hi Naam,

Ok, you have woken up a long time ago, let us then be more costructive and try to uncover what is hidden for most.

A simple example is the fact that a lot of peeps here had no idea the the federal reserve is privately owned or for example did not know how money is created.

Now they do. I have been for long ridiculed and laughed at when presenting what for me is very obvious, now slowly other people start seeing it while connecting "The Dot"s"

I don't know if you have any children but if you or any other member has, you have to ask yourself one question.

What will your answer be when your child asks you what you did to prevent the formation of a fascist police state ruled by a dictator.


With the fall of GBP against THB and SGD I am actually making money spending THB. Glad I shipped completely out of GBP in August 2008. Somewhat lucky but the GP was heading for the toilet long before I withdrew my cash reserves :o

how come santander seem to be holding up compared to others?

Don't know how old that graph was but check this out:

MADRID -- Spanish prosecutors are investigating how one of Europe's largest banks, Banco Santander SA, lost more than €2.3 billion ($3.1 billion) for clients by investing with Bernard L. Madoff.

Santander itself lost just €17 million. Prosecutors said Monday they want to know all the details of Santander's relationship with Mr. Madoff's firm and when Santander knew about problems related to it.

Mr. Madoff greatly extended his reach through an international network of so-called feeder funds, which funneled their own clients' money into his alleged pyramid scheme. Santander was among the most active of these, bringing wealthy clients from all ...

Ha ha ha , yeah blame it all on the bankers.

Humans need someone to blame when things go wrong. But you have to ask yourself: Who controls the banks.

Banks are just another layer within the pyramid, you have to find out who is above them to see the bigger picture and to understand what is going to happen next.

Once you see it you understand and you know how to prepare for the next shock they will give you.


What is the Matrix?

new thread with relevant examples.

Examples of stupidity of those listening to Bloomberg.

The banks are public companies, value of their shares is what public perceive they are worth.

Just look at another stupidity that has not burst yet: a mickey mouse company (Google) that has no product, just hot air, has it's shares at 324$ at this minute.

While one can imagine a day without Google (324$) shares of Microsoft that hardly anyone can go without for a day are 17.24$.

Back in 2007. I was reading (have no TV, have not watched TV for 20 years) Bloomberg's bullshit about another mickey mouse - VMWare - that made their shares go from 29$ (IPO) to 55$ in 1 day. Rocketed up to 125$. Now they are 21$.

It's just a herd that is easy to manipulate.

I have been for long ridiculed and laughed at when presenting what for me is very obvious, now slowly other people start seeing it while connecting "The Dot"s"

I like your posts & even Bingos too but alway thought it should have Bwahahaha or Muahahaha at the end.

The main problem I have with what both of you post is the presentation is many times as Naam Described. No real substance

I think it is always presented like....."I know a secret none of you are smart enough to figure out"

That always seems silly to me. If you have an idea share it. If you have a hypothesis share it or not up to you. But instead you do that I have a secret thing or a bait looking for a answer that in reality perhaps you do not know? So maybe it is your way of asking a question? Who knows but it is ...odd eh? :o

No disrespect intended

how come santander seem to be holding up compared to others?

Don't know how old that graph was but check this out:

date is given on the graph (jan 20th, 2009). all it takes to read it :o


Alex lah, So its all the fault of the Illuminati. Nothing to do with the stupidity and greed of the bankers at all.

I had a friend who subscribed to these conspiracy theories, He died young. Assasinated by the Illuminati ?. No ... he was so stressed out with it that he had a stroke - seriously.

Alex lah, So its all the fault of the Illuminati. Nothing to do with the stupidity and greed of the bankers at all.

A great many humans have a need for simple explanations to issues that would otherwise be disquieting or beyond their comprehension. An old animal behaviour prof summed it up best:Often the explanation for an animal's behaviour is simple- The coyote you see making coughing sounds isn't being aggressive or staking territory, but is probably choking or coughing up undigested material. Conspiracy theories provide a nice way to tie things up.

There is no mysterious group of people manipulating the market. Rather is is the public that must accept some responsibility. We all wanted higher returns. We wanted less government and regulations. So some governments cut staff and paid low salaries that didn't attract the best and brightest to oversee the financial systems.

Look at who some of the biggest investors are; Pension funds and mutual funds. The threads of TV are filled to the brim with people moaning about their reduced pensions and investment returns and how angry they are. Well, the pension funds have to deal with that 24/7 and manage the funds to get the highest interest rates. If they didn't they would be out of a job. No one except the ethical investment funds ever stated a reasonable ROI goal. It was always go and get as much as possible. Some of the world's largest pension funds are run by liberal government and public service unions. When was the last time one of these unions instructed their billion dollar or euro funds to reign in their cowboys? Then there are the national sovereign investment funds that pushed the envelope. It would seem then that the illuminati includes alot of folks that one would classify as Mr. or Ms. lunchpail.

It's easier to blame the bogeyman than to accept the fact that some of the responsibility lies with each investor for not questioning or demanding accountability. High returns have a tendancy to make alot of us look the other way, myself included since I have a chunk with ING right now. :o My father warned me when I said I was depositing there because of the higher interest rates. I didn't listen.

I have been for long ridiculed and laughed at when presenting what for me is very obvious, now slowly other people start seeing it while connecting "The Dot"s"

I like your posts & even Bingos too but alway thought it should have Bwahahaha or Muahahaha at the end.

The main problem I have with what both of you post is the presentation is many times as Naam Described. No real substance

I think it is always presented like....."I know a secret none of you are smart enough to figure out"

That always seems silly to me. If you have an idea share it. If you have a hypothesis share it or not up to you. But instead you do that I have a secret thing or a bait looking for a answer that in reality perhaps you do not know? So maybe it is your way of asking a question? Who knows but it is ...odd eh? :o

No disrespect intended

It is ok Fly,

No worry I do not think I am smarter than anyone it is just that I spend a lot of time researching things and during research which can take weeks for just one topic many times I stumble upon some very strange call it coincidenses (Do I spell that right?).

For example I asked myself the question why crime rates in the US are much higher now compared to let's say 20-30 years ago.

And then one of the peculior things you will find out is that for example the number of vaccinations to children in the US is about 3 times higher compared to vaccinations in Denmark. If you then look at the contents of these vaccins, I have some serious questions. If you then look at the companies that produces them and the people on their boards again you will find out some very strange things.

Now for this bank thing and the panic they are creating there are some serious questions to be made. Why do those banks get help (to pay off their obligations) from us (future) taxpayers if they themselves don't or pay a litlle tax?

You do not find that strange?

If you or I have a bussines which is not doing well we go bankrupt and the shop is closed, finish end of story, try again if you have enough money.

Now another idiot is trying to lay the blame at China, claiming they manipulate their currency. What the heck. we have a document that shows the US has been doing this since at least 1961. Why is the media not telling this to the public?

If you do some research on who owns these banks and how a lot of them are interconnected and those that are on their boards interact with eachother I bet you will have to do some serious eyebrowsing at least. If you then research history and find out how wars are financed and then check who the people behind

these banks were, I guess you would not be so surprised anymore.

As I gave two examples in the other thread about how those cartels try to bankrupt country's in which many cases they are succesfull and if you then discover which people are behind that, then you might see a pattern evolving, and these are not theory's they are facts, simple as that.

A very interesting subject to research is for example, why it is that oil has to be payed in USD?

For this big Ponzi scheme that is about to fail called pension fund and some people stating that it is our own fault, I have never given permission for my money to use to gamble with it. I have payed for years trusting that the money would be saved and get a decent interest rate so that when I am retired MY money would be payed back to me on a monthly base.

Well gues what, it vaporised, thanks, you can find me on that private island I "Invested" in Dubai.

That Madoff guy still enjoying his expensive wine while sitting in his 40 Million Dollar villa, where is all that money? Why is he allowed to walk around free?

How can he still have money to buy food? Why is nobody asking these kind of questions?

We read that every seven minutes now a family in the UK is loosing their home, where do they sleep tommorow night?

So if you took some time to find out who the people are behind the banks you would understand that this whole situation we are in now is CREATED, to achieve their next goal.

As I said before most of what I say you can find out yourself by a bit of digging and then make notes or print out stuff and tie the knots together.

Happy digging.


I have been for long ridiculed and laughed at when presenting what for me is very obvious, now slowly other people start seeing it while connecting "The Dot"s"

I like your posts & even Bingos too but alway thought it should have Bwahahaha or Muahahaha at the end.

The main problem I have with what both of you post is the presentation is many times as Naam Described. No real substance

I think it is always presented like....."I know a secret none of you are smart enough to figure out"

That always seems silly to me. If you have an idea share it. If you have a hypothesis share it or not up to you. But instead you do that I have a secret thing or a bait looking for a answer that in reality perhaps you do not know? So maybe it is your way of asking a question? Who knows but it is ...odd eh? :o

No disrespect intended

It is ok Fly,

No worry I do not think I am smarter than anyone it is just that I spend a lot of time researching things and during research which can take weeks for just one topic many times I stumble upon some very strange call it coincidenses (Do I spell that right?).

For example I asked myself the question why crime rates in the US are much higher now compared to let's say 20-30 years ago.

And then one of the peculior things you will find out is that for example the number of vaccinations to children in the US is about 3 times higher compared to vaccinations in Denmark. If you then look at the contents of these vaccins, I have some serious questions. If you then look at the companies that produces them and the people on their boards again you will find out some very strange things.

Now for this bank thing and the panic they are creating there are some serious questions to be made. Why do those banks get help (to pay off their obligations) from us (future) taxpayers if they themselves don't or pay a litlle tax?

You do not find that strange?

If you or I have a bussines which is not doing well we go bankrupt and the shop is closed, finish end of story, try again if you have enough money.

Now another idiot is trying to lay the blame at China, claiming they manipulate their currency. What the heck. we have a document that shows the US has been doing this since at least 1961. Why is the media not telling this to the public?

If you do some research on who owns these banks and how a lot of them are interconnected and those that are on their boards interact with eachother I bet you will have to do some serious eyebrowsing at least. If you then research history and find out how wars are financed and then check who the people behind

these banks were, I guess you would not be so surprised anymore.

As I gave two examples in the other thread about how those cartels try to bankrupt country's in which many cases they are succesfull and if you then discover which people are behind that, then you might see a pattern evolving, and these are not theory's they are facts, simple as that.

A very interesting subject to research is for example, why it is that oil has to be payed in USD?

For this big Ponzi scheme that is about to fail called pension fund and some people stating that it is our own fault, I have never given permission for my money to use to gamble with it. I have payed for years trusting that the money would be saved and get a decent interest rate so that when I am retired MY money would be payed back to me on a monthly base.

Well gues what, it vaporised, thanks, you can find me on that private island I "Invested" in Dubai.

That Madoff guy still enjoying his expensive wine while sitting in his 40 Million Dollar villa, where is all that money? Why is he allowed to walk around free?

How can he still have money to buy food? Why is nobody asking these kind of questions?

We read that every seven minutes now a family in the UK is loosing their home, where do they sleep tommorow night?

So if you took some time to find out who the people are behind the banks you would understand that this whole situation we are in now is CREATED, to achieve their next goal.

As I said before most of what I say you can find out yourself by a bit of digging and then make notes or print out stuff and tie the knots together.

Happy digging.


A lot of suspicous things there for sure, but you're coyly stopping short of telling us THE ANSWER that you and you alone have learned through your research. What is the big picture, and who, specifically, is it that's controlling all us sheeple?


Maybe you're right Alex, who knows. On the other hand you're trying to tie knots together which are not supposed to be tied.

Sometimes there's order in randomness but more often not.

This morning I woke up and made 30 push-ups; when I looked out of the window the sun was shining. If tomorrow it rains should I do more push-ups or less?

A lot of suspicous things there for sure, but you're coyly stopping short of telling us THE ANSWER that you and you alone have learned through your research. What is the big picture, and who, specifically, is it that's controlling all us sheeple?

I wouldnt ever go by the view thats theres one person behind so much, but I think its hard not to come to the conclusion that real power, the kind that pulls the strings of presidents and the other faces of authority, doesnt belong to a very small group (look at the list of the CFR, or the Bilderbergers, or perhaps the Owl Grove bunches).. When you have 2 presidential candidates both being members of the same secret society you have to start wondering no ??

Without a doubt the Rothschilds and their agents have had a massive effect at behind the scenes control for the last century or 2.. The US in WWII through the Rothschild JP Morgan axis with the highly profitable war bonds and the Lusitania etc etc etc being prime examples of how far they have controlled issues..

Happy digging.


Thanks Alex that was pretty good. At least you said what you thought.

For the record I question pretty much all the things you do I guess.

But perhaps for different reasons....perhaps not.

You may find it interesting that I have raised children who are above 20 years of age now. Non ever had a vaccination of any kind as I refused to allow it.

It was a small problem with the schools at the time but I claimed religious exemption & they had to allow my choice even if it was not actually based in religion.

They are now healthy adults & never had any of the usual childhood problems of those vaccinated. Glandular problems etc.

But that does not mean I subscribe to your theory of criminal tendencies being tied to vaccines as I myself was vaccinated with everything possible by my parents in a time when they did not know any better. Yet I am for the most part fine.

Again trust me I agree it is not fair & yes the high end $$$ folks have ulterior motives etc.

Is it fair folks like Madoff are free even when he admits guilt? Of course not.

But is corruption alive & well everywhere? Sure

Tell you the truth I am like most I know........We dont really give a Sh!t

But when their mess starts to spill into our lives then yes we start to get annoyed.

Then again I am not *normal* I am self employed my whole life & that does not make me rich but it makes me self reliant. I have no pension & never considered SS would be there by the time I reached the age of receiving it.....But Hey that is fair as I have always tried to work to live & not the other way around so have not paid much into that ponzi :D

Just look at another stupidity that has not burst yet: a mickey mouse company (Google) that has no product, just hot air, has it's shares at 324$ at this minute.

While one can imagine a day without Google (324$) shares of Microsoft that hardly anyone can go without for a day are 17.24$.

You have to look at market capitilisation not the value of individual shares. Microsoft have a lot more shares in issue than Google. Google Market Cap 102 Billion, Microsoft MC 152 Billion.

The market Cap of a company reflects how well investors consider a company will do, not how well it has done. The market obviously believes that there is growth potential with Google.

I must say that the original image posted by Naam is a bit dramatic. The current Market Cap is nowhere near in proportion relative to the previous. (As if the falls weren't dramatic enough already!)


Just look at another stupidity that has not burst yet: a mickey mouse company (Google) that has no product, just hot air, has it's shares at 324$ at this minute.

While one can imagine a day without Google (324$) shares of Microsoft that hardly anyone can go without for a day are 17.24$.

You have to look at market capitilisation not the value of individual shares. Microsoft have a lot more shares in issue than Google. Google Market Cap 102 Billion, Microsoft MC 152 Billion.

The market Cap of a company reflects how well investors consider a company will do, not how well it has done. The market obviously believes that there is growth potential with Google.

I must say that the original image posted by Naam is a bit dramatic. The current Market Cap is nowhere near in proportion relative to the previous. (As if the falls weren't dramatic enough already!)


That is exactly what the original graph shows: market obvioulsly had believed the banks will do well, that's that big bubble. How they did - is that small pupil at the bottom of the market's previous belief.

Why did they think the banks will do so much better than they did? Who was misinforming them?

I am repeatingly saying - any hairdresser or taxi driver had same if not better data than Bloomberg and similar.

That is exactly what the original graph shows: market obvioulsly had believed the banks will do well, that's that big bubble. How they did - is that small pupil at the bottom of the market's previous belief.

Not wishing to be pedantic, but the original image is not a graph. The market and investors have been misinformed as the banks have hidden the truth about how much Sh*t They were in. So I agree with you to an extent.

Look at HSBC, Now half the MC it was, but if you look at the image it appears to have lost about 80% of its value. The small bubble bears no relationship to the large bubble.

That is exactly what the original graph shows: market obvioulsly had believed the banks will do well, that's that big bubble. How they did - is that small pupil at the bottom of the market's previous belief.

Look at HSBC, Now half the MC it was, but if you look at the image it appears to have lost about 80% of its value. The small bubble bears no relationship to the large bubble.

I believed the OP had to say there was not just some, but great, if not direct, relationship between the bubbles.

Seemed logical to me.


to AlexLah

Give us all a break. At the beginning your posts were amusing. Now they are just down right boring.

If you want to give us your whole theory on the universe, then please stop dancing around with vague pointers and innuendos.

In fact, maybe you could just summarise everything with a few links and references, and then create a new topic in TV

"AlexLah" "My theory and our fate"

Thank you.

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