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Dear, Oh Dear Midas. You reallyshould start taking the Dandy or Beano for your entertainment :o

Just because one police officer raises the spectre of demonstrations you think you have found your uprising. There will NOT be blood on the streets ! I am sure that we will see some protests, I am sure that some antagonists will seize the opportunity to create flash points BUT there will not be widespread civil unrest. Remember that the miner's strike referred to was localised and the Wapping protests were localised to err, Wapping.

In the picture that accompanied the Guardian :D article did you notice just how many white collar workers were on the street :D

Dandy or Beano................hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Oh well that would explain your " educational limitations " Chaimai :D

Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Ecuador,Honduras, India, Kenya, Malawi,

Mexico,.Nigera, Paraguay, South Africa,Turkey ,Venezuela, Iceland,Greece,Lithuania, Poland, Estonia,Romania,Bulgaria,


Eastern Europe braced for a violent 'spring of discontent'

Riots and street battles are set to spread through Bulgaria, Romania and the Baltic

states as inflation, unemployment and racism fuel tension, reports Jason Burke


looks more like a construction site on fire with a lot of standers by.If its not please tell me what was going on am interested.

200,000 demonstrators against the Poll Tax. 5,000 were injured and Thatcher was kicked out a few months later.


Whilst the Poll Tax was regarded as the undoing of Thatcher I think she had run her course by then, and the economy was in a parlous state - can you imagine what it would be like now if interest rates were 15% !

As an aside, I would wager that you would take take Thatcher at her worst to Brown at his best ?

Oh well that would explain your " educational limitations " Chaimai :o

Midas, I am happy to debate whether we will see worldwide rioting as a direct result of the global recession. However, please refrain from personal insults as you have no idea about my educational achievements or their "limitations".

Here nice history of "The Meltdown"


Yes Midas, now you have to give Chaimai a beer. :D

:o Thanks Alex - What with the case of Chang from 12D, and more to come from Midas, I might just be able to drink my way through this recession/depression. Certainly, I won't be capable of taking the streets with my pitch fork :D

I apologise for insulting Chaimai and I would give him a beer with one hand

and the same time rephrase my original post as follows :-

" based on contents of his statements so far, which are devoid of any

evidence supporting his point of view, his knowledge of socio- economic trends

appears to be very limited " :D

looks more like a construction site on fire with a lot of standers by.If its not please tell me what was going on am interested.

200,000 demonstrators against the Poll Tax. 5,000 were injured and Thatcher was kicked out a few months later.


interesting,thanks,i was living in OZ by then,probably sipping fosters and getting a tan on bondi beach.so who knows maybe there's still backbone in the old country yet.

looks more like a construction site on fire with a lot of standers by.If its not please tell me what was going on am interested.

200,000 demonstrators against the Poll Tax. 5,000 were injured and Thatcher was kicked out a few months later.


Whilst the Poll Tax was regarded as the undoing of Thatcher I think she had run her course by then, and the economy was in a parlous state - can you imagine what it would be like now if interest rates were 15% !

As an aside, I would wager that you would take take Thatcher at her worst to Brown at his best ?

well i'd settle for 8% and i'd have thatcher anyday over brown.

I apologise for insulting Chaimai and I would give him a beer with one hand

and the same time rephrase my original post as follows :-

" based on contents of his statements so far, which are devoid of any

evidence supporting his point of view, his knowledge of socio- economic trends

appears to be very limited " :D

I am content to accept an apology - even a "back-handed" one :D:o

I still do not believe that any historical socio-economic trends cover the current situation. However, history also shows that the educated public show remarkable constraint, even in the face of aversity. I do not have a reference point for this - it is fact. I think if you actually put 12D in a room with Gordon Brown, and a Kalashnikov, his real values and upbringing would prevent him from actually shooting the b4stard.

Additionally, contunually cutting and pasting the views of some two-bit Guardian journalist, ot the speculation of a low-level police officer does not constitute "evidence". It is cause for concern and common-sense says that one should keep a weather-eye on events - the same caution as walking around Pattaya at 2.00 a.m. It is not a reason to put on a suit of armour and batten down the hatches. Life really does go on, albeit with scars for a lot of people.


A little bit of riot recently:

There are a few more clips where the situation get's a bit more agressive.


A little bit of riot recently:

There are a few more clips where the situation get's a bit more agressive.


thought the demonstrators very tame,almost gentlemanly,and the police,not a baton in sight,maybe they'll put it in a training manual for the real thing :D

A little bit of riot recently:

There are a few more clips where the situation get's a bit more agressive.


thought the demonstrators very tame,almost gentlemanly,and the police,not a baton in sight,maybe they'll put it in a training manual for the real thing :D

A little bit of riot recently:

There are a few more clips where the situation get's a bit more agressive.


thought the demonstrators very tame,almost gentlemanly,and the police,not a baton in sight,maybe they'll put it in a training manual for the real thing :D

Agreed - it looks like a vicar's tea party to some of these examples :o



There are some more violant ones of that protest in the UK.

Here a bit older clash where actually you can see what Joe was seeing before his light went out.... :o


Well here it comes like a fukcing steam train along the tracks

You think it is already bad?


Police are preparing for a "summer of rage" as victims of the economic downturn take to the streets to demonstrate against financial institutions.



The news from all the major economies is dismal - and appears to be getting worse

COME ON you guys on TV.

We are all concerned about this.


All I can find is that Asia will not suffer as much and that the UK is in deeper shit than the deepest mine that ever produced coal.

Well here it comes like a fukcing steam train along the tracks

You think it is already bad?


Police are preparing for a "summer of rage" as victims of the economic downturn take to the streets to demonstrate against financial institutions.



The news from all the major economies is dismal - and appears to be getting worse

COME ON you guys on TV.

We are all concerned about this.


All I can find is that Asia will not suffer as much and that the UK is in deeper shit than the deepest mine that ever produced coal.

The Web Bots project (predictive linguistics based on internet traffic), which is IMO a peudo-science at best has been speaking for weeks (months?) about the upcoming "Summer of Rage". I wonder if the project, whose data may be wholly inaccurate is influencing police agencies and thus becoming a self fulfilling prophecy? Violence never solves, it only aggravates. Take care everyone.



Well just listen to her, she stumbles at the crucial bits. So who do YOU believe and what agenda is she following?

Hillary Clinton has told China that the US considers human rights concerns secondary to economic survival

So it's basically screw the Asians so that the Americans can continue their profligacy and continue to live off the bent and broken backs of the Chinese. If I was in Beijing then I would be considering how to rid myself of these debt ridden leeches and beggars and develop an Asian market that is sustainable and has a future.

With the finances, manufacturing capacity and skills in Asia, and looking at the idiotic short term political goals in the western countries, how can anybody think that the Western countries have it under control and are going to be world economic leaders into the future?

It seems to me that there is nothing "solid" left in the Western countries, just a load of hubris and bullshit.


my chart in november. broken bottom. hold onto your hats. Now dow is on the nov chart red arrow...

black SELL boxes will be kicking in... FREEFALL TIME. Or will it be the mother of all short squeezes?...nah... hope the banks go under. all of em.


the end is nigh... :o thank god im here. not there.



The media are attributing the Dow's drop last night to things like Obama's policies and

Citigroup and Bank of America possibly needing to be nationalised...but this is another

angle and this sounds even more serious....................?

Dow sinks to 12-year low on fears for AIG

Wall Street lurches downwards again amid more financial turmoil

AIG’s collapse last September had threatened to bring down the global financial system..................

The $60bn loss, due to be announced next Monday, could force the company into bankruptcy unless new financing is arranged before then, analysts said. A board meeting is believed to have been set for Sunday. The company itself issued a statement saying it was not considering a legal filing for bankruptcy, although sources confirmed it has hired the law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges.



Wow, 30 pages. Maybe 300 more to go for this story to be told as it unravels. The robot is very upset it can't go home to live on account of a failed economy offering nothing in the line of good paying career opportunities and a happy environment in which to live. Despite having a highly functional educated brain, it has no answers other than the fact the American people should fire all CEO's and it's government and take back the country by force since it doesn't serve the people or it's needs and ambitions. It only serves for the rich to get richer.

What will replace capitalism? How will we live if we don't have career opportunities with money in the bank that's worth something more than toilet tissue? Why does the US government try to extend the life of an unsustainable failed credit based bubble economy while trying to fight meaningless unwinable wars?

The robot says we're all in big trouble in the coming age as we're about to witness the greatest collapse in the history of the world. This means no stable career, no retirement, and facing challenging negative changes. Expect to be behind the 8 ball for quite some time if you haven't yet secured your fortune. How will the next generation of Americans deal with China wanting those trillions of dollars returned? (huge national security issue) Even if you have a big nest egg or are inheriting one, when the dollar collapses shortly after China pulls the purse strings on lending to the USA, major currencies have a high probability of devaluing down to that of toilet tissue squares and many services may cease due to business failures and total economy/country system shut down.

Hardly a healthy trend ..........what ?

Thousands of police to lose jobs as forces feel the pinch[/b][/size]

From The Times

February 24, 2009

Yeah, and take the other end of the criminal scale, these banking bsatards are looking for pay increases...


Senior City bankers are demanding pay rises of up to 10 per cent this year to make up for the clampdown on the bonus culture, a senior City head-hunter has told The Independent.

When the Brothers take to the streets, I think we can count on the solid support of the police.

The robot says we're all in big trouble in the coming age as we're about to witness the greatest collapse in the history of the world. This means no stable career, no retirement, and facing challenging negative changes. Expect to be behind the 8 ball for quite some time if you haven't yet secured your fortune. How will the next generation of Americans deal with China wanting those trillions of dollars returned? (huge national security issue) Even if you have a big nest egg or are inheriting one, when the dollar collapses shortly after China pulls the purse strings on lending to the USA, major currencies have a high probability of devaluing down to that of toilet tissue squares and many services may cease due to business failures and total economy/country system shut down.

ok robot, yes it would be a disaster if China " pulls the purse strings " but they are joined

at the hip to keep this situation going. If PRC stopped doing this , they would be shooting themselves

in the foot............. so under what do you think would force them to do that?

The robot says we're all in big trouble in the coming age as we're about to witness the greatest collapse in the history of the world. This means no stable career, no retirement, and facing challenging negative changes. Expect to be behind the 8 ball for quite some time if you haven't yet secured your fortune. How will the next generation of Americans deal with China wanting those trillions of dollars returned? (huge national security issue) Even if you have a big nest egg or are inheriting one, when the dollar collapses shortly after China pulls the purse strings on lending to the USA, major currencies have a high probability of devaluing down to that of toilet tissue squares and many services may cease due to business failures and total economy/country system shut down.

ok robot, yes it would be a disaster if China " pulls the purse strings " but they are joined

at the hip to keep this situation going. If PRC stopped doing this , they would be shooting themselves

in the foot............. so under what do you think would force them to do that?

i see the same scenario as robot,america in hock to the chinese.they only have one thing left to their advantage(military power)and dont think they wont use it as a last resort.


Bloody ell, reading this thread makes me wanna go and throw myself of one of the Pattaya condos, and become front news on the pattaya mail, are you sure you guys came to thailand to chill?????

seriously there is not alot you can do about the current problems other than to try and keep your purchasing power by whatever means

and adjust your lifestyle and keep your powder dry for oppertunities

getting depressed about the the situation wont help, the sentiment on this thread recently leads me to suspect a bottom of sorts in the market soon, it pretty much mirrors world wide sentiment at the moment

and crowd psychology is usually wrong at turning points

as much as we would like to think the world is coming to an end, it wont and we have been here before and society will rise above this, sure it will be hard for many, but other than going after the ones that caused this mess "what can you do"?????

i do wonder if there is any happiness left in the world, because the way society is going we are setting up for world wide riots, and really what does that achieve, other than a few brief moments of releif from frustation built up inside

All this $ and fiat money collapse talk,

what else is there for money, if the worst ever was to happen and we have a meltdown of the fiat system (which i dont think will happen)

You will have bigger things to think about than your savings, like survival for food,

Depression talk leads to suicide (some of you guys might wanna think about that)

there will be a recovery in all this bad news, and i suspect society will eventually figure it out

untill then do what you can to protect your assets

some of you need to chill and get a beer or two,

karma after all we are in a buddhist country

When the Brothers take to the streets, I think we can count on the solid support of the police.

I must admit 12, I have been so intent about this possible loss of patience by everyone...... I never factored

this possibility into the equation.......... :D

If people could get the support of the law enforcement authorities and essentially " remove "

certain incompetent and crooked people that could achieve a lot- and Chaimai would be right after all ! :o

I wouldn't care about that -we just need to cut away the cancer.

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