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Anyway for those living in Holland, please do not call for a run on the banks...

any call for a run on banks in "civilised" countries is worth letting go a lukewarm fart in a hurricane. it's just not feasible except in wet dreams.

it might however work on a single shaky bank.

Anyway for those living in Holland, please do not call for a run on the banks...

any call for a run on banks in "civilised" countries is worth letting go a lukewarm fart in a hurricane. it's just not feasible except in wet dreams.

it might however work on a single shaky bank.


A run on privately-owned DSB bank in 2009 helped push the bank into bankruptcy. Activist Pieter Lakeman called on customers to take their money out of the bank on a tv programme.


My predictions for 2011

(1) Someone will get very excited about something happening on 11/11/11 at 11.00am

(2) US net liabilities will climb another US$2trillion

(3) Rare Earth Element prices will collapse because everyone will work out that they are not 'rare'

(4) Berlusconi will be deposed as the Italians finally find a way to get rid of him by driving a wooden stake into his heart. Bunga bunga will then be released as a board game.

(5) The Germans will continue to talk common sense over the Euro and will continue to be told they are being argumentative.

(6) China will be the first country in the World to announce its 2010 economic growth


"My predictions for 2011"

-our cook will have a baby end of february

-the month of march will have 31 days (but not june)

-Alex will post more yewtoob video clips

-Flying will let us know whenever an insignificant surplus american bank goes belly-up

-the Illuminati will try to kill Midas but will not succeed

-the Bilderbergs will infect all sheep worldwide with kangaroo flu

-it will be very hot in Thailand april and may, hot temperatures will prevail during all other months

-the Baht will fall vs. most major currencies, if not it will rise or trade sideways

-new (and old) TV members will ask...

...why is it that in Thailand...?

...why do Thais...?

...why is the Baht so strong?

...why is the EUR so weak?

...will <insert currency> get stronger? i want to send 865 Baht to my girlfriend. shall i do it now or wait a few months?

...why is there racism and dual pricing at <insert any place>

...where can i buy top quality <insert product> but must be cheap?

...where to get good fish and chips?

...why can't Thai restaurants prepare fluffy omelettes?

...i am 19, speek goot english and vant to vork as teetsher. were do i sent my applicashion?

...how do i prevent that my wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother/sister in-law <delete not applicable> cheats on me?

...why are <insert amount> Baht missing from my account?

to be continued...


For all those "the Baht is way too high" people,


Earlier this month, the central bank raised its one-day bond repurchase rate by a quarter of a percentage point to 2 percent, signaling policy makers view inflation as a bigger threat than slowing growth. Governor Prasarn Trairatvorakul said Dec. 24 Thailand can't have "low wages, a weak baht and low interest rates forever."Thai export growth accelerated to 28.5 percent in November, and shipments should rise by as much as 28 percent this year, Commerce Minister Porntiva Nakasai said last week.
Just re-read the

Thailand can't have "low wages, a weak baht and low interest rates forever."


"Thai export growth accelerated to 28.5 percent in November"

Methinks more appreciation of the Baht is on the way. And no amount of combined Farang prayers will bring it down to "where it should be" at 72 to the GBP (where it obviously shouldn't be and probably never will be again).


My predictions for 2011

Currencies down but USD and Euro more so/

There will not be a Tsunami in Samui this year /

Kim Jong-un will be a disaster and the Koreas will reunite ./

Gold / Silver Spike up then crash /

The world will not end in 2012 but everything will crash as we get close /

Suicide bombings will stop because of this latest press release

'Suicide Bombers to go on strike.

Muslim suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike on Monday in a dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled to in the afterlife. Emergency talks with Al Qaeda have so far failed to produce an agreement. The unrest began last Tuesday when Al Qaeda announced that the number of virgins a suicide bomber would receive after his death will be cut this February, from 72 to only 60. The rationale for the cut was the increase in recent years of the number of suicide bombings and a subsequent shortage of virgins in the afterlife. The suicide bomber's union, the British Organization of Occupational Martyrs (BOOM) responded with a statement that this was unacceptable to its members and immediately balloted for strike action. General Secretary Abdullah Amir told the press, "Our members are literally working themselves to death in the cause of Jihad. We don't ask for much in return, and to be treated like this is like a kick in the teeth."

Thanks to Western depravity there is now a chronic shortage of virgins in the afterlife. It's a straight choice between reducing expenditure and laying people off. I don't like cutting wages but I'd hate to have to tell 3,000 of my staff that they won't be able to blow themselves up."

Spokespersons for the Union in the north east of England, Ireland, Wales, and the entire Australian continent stated that the strike would not affect their operations, as "there are no virgins in their areas anyway."

Apparently the drop in the number of suicide bombings has been put down to the emergence of Scottish singing star Susan Boyle - now that Muslims know what an actual virgin looks like they are not so keen on going to paradise.'


"My predictions for 2011"

-our cook will have a baby end of february

-the month of march will have 31 days (but not june)

-Alex will post more yewtoob video clips

-Flying will let us know whenever an insignificant surplus american bank goes belly-up

-the Illuminati will try to kill Midas but will not succeed

-the Bilderbergs will infect all sheep worldwide with kangaroo flu

-it will be very hot in Thailand april and may, hot temperatures will prevail during all other months

-the Baht will fall vs. most major currencies, if not it will rise or trade sideways

-new (and old) TV members will ask...

...why is it that in Thailand...?

...why do Thais...?

...why is the Baht so strong?

...why is the EUR so weak?

...will <insert currency> get stronger? i want to send 865 Baht to my girlfriend. shall i do it now or wait a few months?

...why is there racism and dual pricing at <insert any place>

...where can i buy top quality <insert product> but must be cheap?

...where to get good fish and chips?

...why can't Thai restaurants prepare fluffy omelettes?

...i am 19, speek goot english and vant to vork as teetsher. were do i sent my applicashion?

...how do i prevent that my wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother/sister in-law <delete not applicable> cheats on me?

...why are <insert amount> Baht missing from my account?

to be continued...

Hats orfff! Fantastic post.


Meh, In Holland it is already 5.22 USD for a gallon of 95.

Anyway snipped from here: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/220339/Living-standards-must-fall-by-15-to-save-the-euro

He said living standards would have to fall by about 15 per cent in the weaker economies and Government spending slashed if the single currency was to survive.

Mr McWilliams added: “There is no modern history of falling living standards in peacetime on the scale necessary to keep the euro in its current form.



Meh, In Holland it is already 5.22 USD for a gallon of 95.

Anyway snipped from here: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/220339/Living-standards-must-fall-by-15-to-save-the-euro

He said living standards would have to fall by about 15 per cent in the weaker economies and Government spending slashed if the single currency was to survive.

Mr McWilliams added: “There is no modern history of falling living standards in peacetime on the scale necessary to keep the euro in its current form.


And Estonia are actually celebrating joining this mess :blink:


You can't make this up.

Life Partners creeps around asking the unemployed, the elderly and the sick (especially people with HIV/AIDS) to sell them their life insurance policies for cash. Then they bundle these policies into securities and sell them to vultures -- oh, I am sorry, “investors.” Then the “investors” sit around and wait for people to die -- the sooner the better for the purchasers of these death bonds.



You can't make this up.

old story Alex, done in Europe (mainly by U.K. financial institutions) since the mid 1990s. policies can be bought bundled or single, trading is done on its own secondary market.

some of those who sell their policies prefer to use the cash and improve their living conditions instead of leaving it to their beneficiaries/heirs and they are greatful that "vultures" exist who make the cash available.

it is none of our business to judge how people are handling their entitlements especially when the money is needed for treatment or necessary care which is not paid for by the average health insurance.

by the way, a similar but age old business exists in continental Europe (most probably in your country too). elderly people are selling their homes against monthly payments (which depend on age/life expectancy) and the right to live in these homes till they die. at this point the payments cease and the property can be occupied by the "buyer".


Just did not know it existed Naam. But I see your point. I guess if the cash is needed or having no relatives left, I would likely do the same.


Meh, In Holland it is already 5.22 USD for a gallon of 95.

Anyway snipped from here: http://www.express.c...o-save-the-euro

He said living standards would have to fall by about 15 per cent in the weaker economies and Government spending slashed if the single currency was to survive.

Mr McWilliams added: "There is no modern history of falling living standards in peacetime on the scale necessary to keep the euro in its current form.

And Estonia are actually celebrating joining this mess :blink:

After a mess, prosperous times are ahead :rolleyes:....times of mess are challenging times for the brave and smart ;)


You can't make this up.

old story Alex, done in Europe (mainly by U.K. financial institutions) since the mid 1990s. policies can be bought bundled or single, trading is done on its own secondary market.

some of those who sell their policies prefer to use the cash and improve their living conditions instead of leaving it to their beneficiaries/heirs and they are greatful that "vultures" exist who make the cash available.

it is none of our business to judge how people are handling their entitlements especially when the money is needed for treatment or necessary care which is not paid for by the average health insurance.

by the way, a similar but age old business exists in continental Europe (most probably in your country too). elderly people are selling their homes against monthly payments (which depend on age/life expectancy) and the right to live in these homes till they die. at this point the payments cease and the property can be occupied by the "buyer".

This is a gamble for sure. I almost invested in these a few years ago, but decided to let my friend try first. It didn't work out so good for him...the guy outlived the predictions, so his return was quite low....very low. But you can make out like a bandit. Crazy investment, but fairly widespread. I believe they are called TIPS here in the US...not the Treasury Insured Protected Securities.


Meh, In Holland it is already 5.22 USD for a gallon of 95.

Anyway snipped from here: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/220339/Living-standards-must-fall-by-15-to-save-the-euro

He said living standards would have to fall by about 15 per cent in the weaker economies and Government spending slashed if the single currency was to survive.

Mr McWilliams added: “There is no modern history of falling living standards in peacetime on the scale necessary to keep the euro in its current form.


And Estonia are actually celebrating joining this mess :blink:

whether it is a mess is a matter of perspective as for Estonians it will be a big gain.

p.s. prophets like Mr McWilliams spread their gospel

However he warned that even if the euro survived 2011 it will be the year the currency “weakens substantially” against the dollar.

mainly to amuse people like me.


Meh, In Holland it is already 5.22 USD for a gallon of 95.

Anyway snipped from here: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/220339/Living-standards-must-fall-by-15-to-save-the-euro

He said living standards would have to fall by about 15 per cent in the weaker economies and Government spending slashed if the single currency was to survive.

Mr McWilliams added: “There is no modern history of falling living standards in peacetime on the scale necessary to keep the euro in its current form.


And Estonia are actually celebrating joining this mess :blink:

whether it is a mess is a matter of perspective as for Estonians it will be a big gain.

p.s. prophets like Mr McWilliams spread their gospel

However he warned that even if the euro survived 2011 it will be the year the currency “weakens substantially” against the dollar.

mainly to amuse people like me.

I read this comment from a guy from Slovakia :blink:

" Cronos

I was in Slovakia when it went into the EU in 2004.

They did not join the Euro Zone and go on the Euro until

Jan. 2009.

I left Slovakia on Jan 9 of that year.

The economy is now in a mess, along with all of Europe.

It is a great little country.

I wish they had stayed out of the EU."

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