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I doubt the statement about the German couple "Yet the Krugers have a higher standard of living than many Americans who have twice that income." Unless you are talking New York City or San Francisco, Calif, I think an American making twice as much as a German has a better standard of living than the German primarily due to real estate prices.

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Thoughts please

Yes 100%

I saw it when it first appeared & agree 100%

I have said often that the system is beautifully broken

It no longer works & I think most realize it.

Which is why when Obama came along with his catch phrase of Hope & Change so many

bought it.

Yet it was not long after that many saw he was identical to the rest.

So yes I agree 100% but...I hope most folks realize short of anarchy the least we need to do

is elect a president that has no ties to either party. One that has no ties to the top ten campaign contributors of

all previous candidates. Or else we can expect the next cake to taste just like all the rest because the same recipe is

used over & over again.

Lastly if we should ever be so awakened to do that & elect such a person he will need more security

than the pope because he surely will not last long

Whats your thoughts on Ron Paul? I know little about him aprt from he is a expert in the finanical field.

Seems he is getting popular but also seems the media dont want or allow him much attention. Well i have even heard they make him out to be a nut case.

The only things i have heard from him is about the Fed and how he wants it audited and also pull out of these needless wars. Seems he speaks sense to me but why is he censored so much? truth teller?


Whats your thoughts on Ron Paul? I know little about him aprt from he is a expert in the finanical field.

Seems he is getting popular but also seems the media dont want or allow him much attention. Well i have even heard they make him out to be a nut case.

The only things i have heard from him is about the Fed and how he wants it audited and also pull out of these needless wars. Seems he speaks sense to me but why is he censored so much? truth teller?

He is who I will vote for if he is a candidate. Even if he is not I will write in his name

I have read his books & cannot say I would disagree with any of his thoughts.

As you say he is well versed in monetary policy & would look more to the root of the problem rather than treating the symptoms.

And he knows the root cause well.

His foreign policy is rooted in the Constitution & very sound IMHO

He has been popular for years but as you say he is all but ignored by the media & always has been.

He does not take contributions from corporations & it shows in that way.

He is also probably censored for his views on the CIA & the IRS.

Yet he has more than triple the contributions from active service men in the military than all the other candidates combined.

That should tell most folks something too.

Although he is running for Republican Presidential candidate he knows he has no chance of winning that.

But he does use it as a method to get hos message out. He will then run as before as a Libertarian Presidential Candidate

It of course is not official yet but that is what he did last time.

But at that point it is up to folks to remember what he has said in these debates because if you think the media ignores

him now what till the final stretch,,,, Same as before he will not be invited to the debates between Obama & whomever is the Republican


If you would like to learn more about him I highly recommend at least two of his books.

Financially........... End The Fed is a great read

For foreign policy & the Constitution with a good look at where our rights & liberties have gone.... The Revolution


I doubt the statement about the German couple "Yet the Krugers have a higher standard of living than many Americans who have twice that income." Unless you are talking New York City or San Francisco, Calif, I think an American making twice as much as a German has a better standard of living than the German primarily due to real estate prices.

i haven't found the source of that claim but there are quite a number of important factors to be considered when making a comparison. there is no doubt that real estate prices are lower in the U.S. but has, e.g. the cost of health care been considered for a family of four or the 6 weeks paid vacation in Germany as opposed to the lean 2 weeks in the GNoE™?

the quality of lifestyle can be measured with different yardsticks. it all depends on the individual preferences.


Whats your thoughts on Ron Paul? I know little about him aprt from he is a expert in the finanical field.

Seems he is getting popular but also seems the media dont want or allow him much attention. Well i have even heard they make him out to be a nut case.

The only things i have heard from him is about the Fed and how he wants it audited and also pull out of these needless wars. Seems he speaks sense to me but why is he censored so much? truth teller?

He is who I will vote for if he is a candidate. Even if he is not I will write in his name

I have read his books & cannot say I would disagree with any of his thoughts.

As you say he is well versed in monetary policy & would look more to the root of the problem rather than treating the symptoms.

And he knows the root cause well.

His foreign policy is rooted in the Constitution & very sound IMHO

He has been popular for years but as you say he is all but ignored by the media & always has been.

He does not take contributions from corporations & it shows in that way.

He is also probably censored for his views on the CIA & the IRS.

Yet he has more than triple the contributions from active service men in the military than all the other candidates combined.

That should tell most folks something too.

Although he is running for Republican Presidential candidate he knows he has no chance of winning that.

But he does use it as a method to get hos message out. He will then run as before as a Libertarian Presidential Candidate

It of course is not official yet but that is what he did last time.

But at that point it is up to folks to remember what he has said in these debates because if you think the media ignores

him now what till the final stretch,,,, Same as before he will not be invited to the debates between Obama & whomever is the Republican


If you would like to learn more about him I highly recommend at least two of his books.

Financially........... End The Fed is a great read

For foreign policy & the Constitution with a good look at where our rights & liberties have gone.... The Revolution

every time he speaks it all makes such sense. not like the fantasyland of the other

candidates and even the current president

every time he speaks it all makes such sense. not like the fantasyland of the other

candidates and even the current president

that's why those who actually have the power will make sure that he doesn't make it.


Thoughts please


I agree.

He does one mistake by saying the banks are the main extraction vector - international trade drains much more than what the banks are draining.

That is why I say "tax trade companies on turnover".

Second, I fully agree that politicians are completely bound by lobbies.

It is wrong to say "take money out of politics" - it would be right so say "take big money out of politics". because small and medium companies are the heart of an economy. the big companies are parasites.


What's the obsession with that crackpot cult leader Ron Paul? The one now famous for personally signing off on racist, homophobic, antisemitic newsletters catering to right wing hate mongers bearing his name and making his fortune. He is a radical fringe isolationist. Americans have always had them. They were against the US getting involved in WW2. Those close to Ron Paul know that Paul himself has forcefully expressed his opposition for the US getting being involved in WW2. So today's threats, such as the fanatic regime in Iran, no surprise.


What's the obsession with that crackpot cult leader Ron Paul?

The usual smear attempt........It has been pointed out to JT many times why his is a hollow attempt so I will not repeat it here.

Anyone interested....& I doubt any are....Can search TV for Ron Paul & read it.

Otherwise I think I will stick to reality & judge by his actual past performance & unwavering votes...Unlike the usual bought & sold folks starting with Obama


He is a crackpot and his followers are a cult. You might as well face it. And he is not going ANYWHERE.

BTW, what smear. The hate newsletters bore his name, he signed off on them, he even edited them, and they made him his fortune. Facts, not smear.

The Fantastical Crackpot Cult of Ron Paul


Likewise, Mother Jones' Kevin Drum recently wrote that Ron Paul is a "crackpot."


Specifically, Ron Paul has no chance of winning the nomination (and he doesn't really want to); if a miracle happens and he actually does win the nomination and, subsequently, the presidency, he has no chance to successfully govern; and his libertarianism is pure hocus-pocus science fiction, evidenced by the fact that it's never been successfully implemented.



. And he is not going ANYWHERE.

Well you sure spend a large amount of time smearing one that is going nowhere

As to your silliness as I said it has been pointed out to you before....

” Paul “abhors it, rejects it and has taken responsibility for it as he should have better policed the work being done under his masthead,”

move along now....nothing to see here

We now return you to the Financial Crisis.............


He is a crackpot and his followers are a cult. You might as well face it. And he is not going ANYWHERE.

BTW, what smear. The hate newsletters bore his name, he signed off on them, he even edited them, and they made him his fortune. Facts, not smear.

The Fantastical Crackpot Cult of Ron Paul


Likewise, Mother Jones' Kevin Drum recently wrote that Ron Paul is a "crackpot."


Specifically, Ron Paul has no chance of winning the nomination (and he doesn't really want to); if a miracle happens and he actually does win the nomination and, subsequently, the presidency, he has no chance to successfully govern; and his libertarianism is pure hocus-pocus science fiction, evidenced by the fact that it's never been successfully implemented.



You may not like Ron Paul, but to say he is "radical" is an outright "misrepresentation of the facts". He is probably the least radical of all candidates from either side of the aisle. It is his aversion to acceptence of perverse fiscal ideology and unchecked, unscrupulous and unapologetic empire building that causes some to label him as a "crackpot". Mass murder in the name of "nation building", rewarding rather than punishing criminals repeatedly for financial fraud, and diminishing civil liberties is what the "mainstream" politicos have wrought. I understand some people favor that, as there's a lot of money in it, until there's not; but please don't turn this thread into an Us vs. Them political thread. There must be other areas of the forum for that.


Portugal's borrowing costs have shot up, setting it on a path towards bankruptcy. Credit market prices are implying a near-70 percent default probability on a five year time horizon. "We expect that eventually Portugal will face a PSI (private sector involvement) debt restructuring with a haircut of around 35 percent," Michael Saunders, an economist at Citi said, adding he expected it in the end of 2012 or early 2013. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/27/us-eurozone-portugal-idUSTRE80Q0PJ20120127


. And he is not going ANYWHERE.

Well you sure spend a large amount of time smearing one that is going nowhere

As to your silliness as I said it has been pointed out to you before....

” Paul “abhors it, rejects it and has taken responsibility for it as he should have better policed the work being done under his masthead,”

move along now....nothing to see here

We now return you to the Financial Crisis.............

Those denials have been revealed as lies. Insiders say he openly favored the hate speech focus of his newsletters because they made him much more money. That's the morality of this cult leader so many of you have fallen under.

That's the morality of this cult leader so many of you have fallen under.

Oh brother.......coffee1.gif

LB said it best

I will leave it & your delusions at that


. And he is not going ANYWHERE.

Well you sure spend a large amount of time smearing one that is going nowhere

As to your silliness as I said it has been pointed out to you before....

” Paul “abhors it, rejects it and has taken responsibility for it as he should have better policed the work being done under his masthead,”

move along now....nothing to see here

We now return you to the Financial Crisis.............

Those denials have been revealed as lies. Insiders say he openly favored the hate speech focus of his newsletters because they made him much more money. That's the morality of this cult leader so many of you have fallen under.

who cares at the end of the day he is the only politician that speaks the truth even though it is inconvenient for so many.

America is broke, skint and a lot of money could be saved by not fighting ridiculous wars in other countries.

When you think about it, Vietnam was a failure, Iraq was a total failure, Libya is a failure,Afghanistan is a failure.

This is why what he says makes so much sense-stop the Wars and get the troops to properly police

the Mexican USA border.


those in Wall Street who cannot be named have the power to stop any Ron Paul. then there are the "caretakers" of Fort Knox...



Was the allied fighting in World War 2 a failure? Something that crackpot Ron Paul was against. Something about his lack of interest in saving Jews.

Ron Paul was a young boy during WWII. got his first political office more than a quarter century later. how did he show his lack of interest in saving Jews?


Was the allied fighting in World War 2 a failure? Something that crackpot Ron Paul was against. Something about his lack of interest in saving Jews.

Ron Paul was a young boy during WWII. got his first political office more than a quarter century later. how did he show his lack of interest in saving Jews?

Google this. People close to him have documented this many times that his position WOULD HAVE BEEN totally isolationist in WW2, and that he is obsessed with the idea that the US shouldn't have been involved because Americans shouldn't be "saving Jews", along with the white supremacist politicians of his ilk that were arguing the same thing back then. The point is his ridiculous libertarian, isolationist ideology is morally bankrupt. The Paul cultists want to run away from his dark side, but sorry, you can't. It is no coincidence also this obsession with "gold standard"/federal reserve conspiracy theory stuff is classically linked to right wing American hate groups.

I don't care too much for all of what Ron Paul says, but as an outsider to US politics, he seems to be the best of the bad bunch. Too many vested interests would stand the lose if he was elected and will make sure he doesn't. The newsletters will be brought to the fore again should he make a serious run. The reality is a line like "Ron Paul made money selling a racist newsletter" is enough to convince people not to vote for him without any thought for themselves. I mean some basic maths wouldn't go astray, a few sentences in decades of material, would be 0.0000000.....% of words printed, and the fact racists would buy so called racist newsletter to receive a few sentences over a period of decades, I guess they must be racist and stupid, the right wing nutcases. smile.png


Was the allied fighting in World War 2 a failure? Something that crackpot Ron Paul was against. Something about his lack of interest in saving Jews.

Ron Paul was a young boy during WWII. got his first political office more than a quarter century later. how did he show his lack of interest in saving Jews?

Google this. People close to him have documented this many times that his position WOULD HAVE BEEN totally isolationist in WW2, and that he is obsessed with the idea that the US shouldn't have been involved because Americans shouldn't be "saving Jews", along with the white supremacist politicians of his ilk that were arguing the same thing back then. The point is his ridiculous libertarian, isolationist ideology is morally bankrupt. The Paul cultists want to run away from his dark side, but sorry, you can't. It is no coincidence also this obsession with "gold standard"/federal reserve conspiracy theory stuff is classically linked to right wing American hate groups.

JT you're really reaching when you worry about what a ten year olds opinions are. Get a life!


Was the allied fighting in World War 2 a failure? Something that crackpot Ron Paul was against. Something about his lack of interest in saving Jews.

I'd have been against it too, and our involvement in WWI. You were born into a paradise and you just can't stand it that it's not a sewer like practically everywhere else. Maybe because you allegiance lies elsewhere? Lots of people made lots of money going to war. America got into lots of debt over it. So what changed Other than hanging some new paper on new debtors I mean?


JT you're really reaching when you worry about what a ten year olds opinions are. Get a life!

Don't be silly. The point is that is the way that he THINKS and to put a man like that in power is not something America is going to do. Not in the World War 2 era and not now. There were similar like him in the years leading up to WW2 and not coincidentally, they were white supremacists.

Was the allied fighting in World War 2 a failure? Something that crackpot Ron Paul was against. Something about his lack of interest in saving Jews.

I'd have been against it too, and our involvement in WWI. You were born into a paradise and you just can't stand it that it's not a sewer like practically everywhere else. Maybe because you allegiance lies elsewhere? Lots of people made lots of money going to war. America got into lots of debt over it. So what changed Other than hanging some new paper on new debtors I mean?

I won't question your "allegiance" and don't you dare question mine. The nerve of you. Nice of you to come out as one with the same kind of fringe isolationist thinking that Ron Paul advocates.

Was the allied fighting in World War 2 a failure? Something that crackpot Ron Paul was against. Something about his lack of interest in saving Jews.

I'd have been against it too, and our involvement in WWI. You were born into a paradise and you just can't stand it that it's not a sewer like practically everywhere else. Maybe because you allegiance lies elsewhere? Lots of people made lots of money going to war. America got into lots of debt over it. So what changed Other than hanging some new paper on new debtors I mean?

I won't question your "allegiance" and don't you dare question mine. The nerve of you. Nice of you to come out as one with the same kind of fringe isolationist thinking that Ron Paul advocates.

I apologize for questioning your allegiance, but I couldn't care less if you question mine. I mean, who cares?

What I really meant to say is that I think you're a media whore. You post all this shit on a never ending basis subject to whatever happens to be in the media "spin cycle" at the present moment. Do yourself a favor and at the same time, gain some respect in other people's eyes; turn your fuc_king TV off. What any of this has to do with the Financial Crisis is anybody's guess.


Was the allied fighting in World War 2 a failure? Something that crackpot Ron Paul was against. Something about his lack of interest in saving Jews.

I'd have been against it too, and our involvement in WWI. You were born into a paradise and you just can't stand it that it's not a sewer like practically everywhere else. Maybe because you allegiance lies elsewhere? Lots of people made lots of money going to war. America got into lots of debt over it. So what changed Other than hanging some new paper on new debtors I mean?

I won't question your "allegiance" and don't you dare question mine. The nerve of you. Nice of you to come out as one with the same kind of fringe isolationist thinking that Ron Paul advocates.

I apologize for questioning your allegiance, but I couldn't care less if you question mine. I mean, who cares?

What I really meant to say is that I think you're a media whore. You post all this shit on a never ending basis subject to whatever happens to be in the media "spin cycle" at the present moment. Do yourself a favor and at the same time, gain some respect in other people's eyes; turn your fuc_king TV off. What any of this has to do with the Financial Crisis is anybody's guess.


'Gollum' is out of control ..

EU president unveils new £280m 'gilded cage'

With its "humane gathering place", "diversity carpet" and £280m cost it is perhaps apt that it has been heralded as the building that "houses the heart of Europe".



I wonder if there is a painting of Marie Antoinette in the lobby?

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