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You can believe or not believe any wacko RT story you want but the bottom line is none of the protesters were killed by snipers so I'm not sure it matters much.

As far as Police , Military and FBI ect, working for corporate America ....... of course they are , The Navy's stated job is to keep the sealanes open for commerce , amoung other things of course . ....... Why would you think the wealty powerfull people are not being served by more policeing ? Of course they are since they are the ones mainly funding it.

When people use the expression ..... American intrests overseas ..... what do you think they are refering to ? Johnney homeowner's right to free speech ? lol Or American factorys . oil fields , and the like.

Do you think when the police come to a protest outside some bank they are there to protect the protesters or the bank ? lol

Do you think they try and stop fake goods from entering places to protect the consumers or the Corporations that are getting ripped off ? lol

Just because they work for Corporate America doesn't mean they don't have limits , so obviously Jp can't call them to raid Gs , but don't be under any illisions that the structure of protection is designed to protect johnney homeowner , the structure is set up to protect from the top down not the bottom up , one of the FBI's main jobs is investegating Bank robberys , why ? Because Banks have enough money to pay them !

The reason we don't help countries like Rawanda or other African countries that have FAR worse problems for it's citizens than places like Iraq or any other middle eastern country should be pretty obvious . their is not enough Corporate intrest in those places to bother with. So once again why do we invade Iraq instead ...... same as the bank explanation , because the corporations have enough money to demand it.

I dont know why anyone would think the real world would operate any differently anyhow , maybe it shouldnt in a perfect world , but on this planet the people with the money get the protection and services of gov , be it the KGB or the CIA ... why would or how could any sensible person think it works any other way ? What is it in the entire history of humans and countrys would lead you to think that spy agencys , international police , militarys , ect, are working for anyone but the most wealthy or the King as it were. Welcome to Earth and enjoy your stay.

Its like like listening to someone telling you a nice little story and then they suddenly jump up and start yelling that they are Jesus.

Corporate demand behind the decision to go into Iraq? Praise The Lord!

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You can believe or not believe any wacko RT story you want but the bottom line is none of the protesters were killed by snipers so I'm not sure it matters much.

As far as Police , Military and FBI ect, working for corporate America ....... of course they are , The Navy's stated job is to keep the sealanes open for commerce , amoung other things of course . ....... Why would you think the wealty powerfull people are not being served by more policeing ? Of course they are since they are the ones mainly funding it.

When people use the exp<b></b>ression ..... American intrests overseas ..... what do you think they are refering to ? Johnney homeowner's right to free speech ? lol Or American factorys . oil fields , and the like.

Do you think when the police come to a protest outside some bank they are there to protect the protesters or the bank ? lol

Do you think they try and stop fake goods from entering places to protect the consumers or the Corporations that are getting ripped off ? lol

Just because they work for Corporate America doesn't mean they don't have limits , so obviously Jp can't call them to raid Gs , but don't be under any illisions that the structure of protection is designed to protect johnney homeowner , the structure is set up to protect from the top down not the bottom up , one of the FBI's main jobs is investegating Bank robberys , why ? Because Banks have enough money to pay them !

The reason we don't help countries like Rawanda or other African countries that have FAR worse problems for it's citizens than places like Iraq or any other middle eastern country should be pretty obvious . their is not enough Corporate intrest in those places to bother with. So once again why do we invade Iraq instead ...... same as the bank explanation , because the corporations have enough money to demand it.

I dont know why anyone would think the real world would operate any differently anyhow , maybe it shouldnt in a perfect world , but on this planet the people with the money get the protection and services of gov , be it the KGB or the CIA ... why would or how could any sensible person think it works any other way ? What is it in the entire history of humans and countrys would lead you to think that spy agencys , international police , militarys , ect, are working for anyone but the most wealthy or the King as it were. Welcome to Earth and enjoy your stay.

Police job is to uphold the law. That involves maintaining public order of course. It also involves prosecuting crimes, including financial, which is not happening.

Regarding a "countries interests" I'd say allowing a criminal banking elite to destroy the nations economies is not in the countries interest. These global stateless capitalists have no loyalty to any nation, indeed they actively play them off against each other to minimise tax , labour , profits etc- it's only natural for them to do so, but its the job of government to institute policy for the good of the nation rather than the global corporate elite. To some extent , tiny steps of recognition are dawning with the tax scandals in the UK and now investigations in the USA.

Protecting the interests of the nation overseas I agree with. I also agree with maintaining order.

Regarding the assassination plots or not , it's a bit of a nothing story really, I'm not proclaiming trust one way or the other but thought it might spark some debate- which it did;, so job done


You can believe or not believe any wacko RT story you want but the bottom line is none of the protesters were killed by snipers so I'm not sure it matters much.

As far as Police , Military and FBI ect, working for corporate America ....... of course they are , The Navy's stated job is to keep the sealanes open for commerce , amoung other things of course . ....... Why would you think the wealty powerfull people are not being served by more policeing ? Of course they are since they are the ones mainly funding it.

When people use the expression ..... American intrests overseas ..... what do you think they are refering to ? Johnney homeowner's right to free speech ? lol Or American factorys . oil fields , and the like.

Do you think when the police come to a protest outside some bank they are there to protect the protesters or the bank ? lol

Do you think they try and stop fake goods from entering places to protect the consumers or the Corporations that are getting ripped off ? lol

Just because they work for Corporate America doesn't mean they don't have limits , so obviously Jp can't call them to raid Gs , but don't be under any illisions that the structure of protection is designed to protect johnney homeowner , the structure is set up to protect from the top down not the bottom up , one of the FBI's main jobs is investegating Bank robberys , why ? Because Banks have enough money to pay them !

The reason we don't help countries like Rawanda or other African countries that have FAR worse problems for it's citizens than places like Iraq or any other middle eastern country should be pretty obvious . their is not enough Corporate intrest in those places to bother with. So once again why do we invade Iraq instead ...... same as the bank explanation , because the corporations have enough money to demand it.

I dont know why anyone would think the real world would operate any differently anyhow , maybe it shouldnt in a perfect world , but on this planet the people with the money get the protection and services of gov , be it the KGB or the CIA ... why would or how could any sensible person think it works any other way ? What is it in the entire history of humans and countrys would lead you to think that spy agencys , international police , militarys , ect, are working for anyone but the most wealthy or the King as it were. Welcome to Earth and enjoy your stay.

Police job is to uphold the law. That involves maintaining public order of course. It also involves prosecuting crimes, including financial, which is not happening.

Regarding a "countries interests" I'd say allowing a criminal banking elite to destroy the nations economies is not in the countries interest. These global stateless capitalists have no loyalty to any nation, indeed they actively play them off against each other to minimise tax , labour , profits etc- it's only natural for them to do so, but its the job of government to institute policy for the good of the nation rather than the global corporate elite. To some extent , tiny steps of recognition are dawning with the tax scandals in the UK and now investigations in the USA.

Protecting the interests of the nation overseas I agree with. I also agree with maintaining order.

Regarding the assassination plots or not , it's a bit of a nothing story really, I'm not proclaiming trust one way or the other but thought it might spark some debate- which it did;, so job done

But where it gets creepy is the banksters themselves are holding large shareholdings in private prisons ( Goldman Sucks is at the top of the list ) who must keep a high occupancy rate which means trying to fill these places up by whichever means they can. And yet when the likes of Jon Corzine doesn't even face charges for losing $2 billion and another guy goes to prison for stealing a $ 1.29 sticky bun.

Doubtless, a system already riddled by corruption will inevitably become more corrupt, as well. For example, consider the "kids for cash" scandal which rocked Luzerne County, Penn., in 2009. For ten years, the Mid Atlantic Youth Service Corporation, which specializes in private prisons for juvenile offenders, paid two judges to jail youths and send them to private prison facilities. The judges, who made over $2.6 million in the scam, had more than 5,000 kids come through their courtrooms and sent many of them to prison for petty crimes such as stealing DVDs from Wal-Mart and trespassing in vacant buildings. When the scheme finally came to light, one judge was sentenced to 17.5 years in prison and the other received 28 years, but not before thousands of young lives had been ruined.


An extreme example of how "benefits" distort human nature:

From sky news app:

""Mothers in one of South Africa's poorest areas are drinking heavily to deliberately damage their unborn babies - just so they can claim disability benefit.

Life is so tough with unemployment high and crime rampant in South Africa's Eastern Cape, that a newborn baby represents a form of income for the mothers.

State benefits mean 250 South African rand (£20) per child per month for an impoverished family. But disability allowance is a far more lucrative 1200 rand a month (£85).

It has led to a spike in the numbers of babies born with disabilities.

Mothers who drink heavily during pregnancy run a far higher risk of giving birth to a child born with what is known as Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The condition is usually irreversible and can mean speech problems, physical deformities, learning difficulties and behavioural issues.

Background: How much is a unit?

More than three-quarters of the children at the Miracle Kids Centre in Helenvale suffer from FASD.

The centre manager Genevieve Hendricks says the children struggle at school, end up dropping out and then many turn to crime to get by.

"It's so sad to see," she says cradling one of her young charges. "But we need to educate these mothers to know they are causing a lifetime of difficulties."

The Eastern Cape Liquor Board has now been prompted to launch a campaign to educate young mothers about the dangers of drinking heavily whilst pregnant.

South Africa has had the highest number of FASD cases in the world since 2002, according to the World Health Organisation.""

Like all the people "on the sick" in UK or idle because of benefits system; so we must bring in foreign workers who actually want to work.

The banks are a parasitic criminal enterprise but the benefits system is totally rotten like a cancer on society too. Both need breaking.


Its like like listening to someone telling you a nice little story and then they suddenly jump up and start yelling that they are Jesus.

Corporate demand behind the decision to go into Iraq? Praise The Lord!

And then 2 two buses turn up at the same time!




Bit of a joke really all these fines and settlements- giving the banks 100s of millions or billions with one hand while taking back just a few billions here and there as some kind of show to the public something is being done.


Bit more Basel 3. Full Implementation push back to 2013. No mention of gold; but "mortgage backed securities" are acceptable as a liquid asset "wich is odd given that at the hight of the last crises these proved to be wholey illiquid"


Could it be because bank happen to have a load of this shot stuck in thier balance sheets? Bank shares have rallied but a same person would see this is terrible news. This will actually make banks less stable probably because although higher %s it can be filled up with crap so even less actual % of quality capital needed. I expect the first part to be adopted with vigor will be counting the crap as cash so the cash can be put to work leveraged up on more speculative Shizer. So the legal ground work is laid for the next bigger economic disaster. Do we get a stock market bubble first, until the real economy tanking pulls it all down to reality?


America spends way too much on wars that we really can't afford and our leaders feed us a line of optimism down the path. Oliver Stone has an interesting historical series on Showtime that documents much of what goes on behind the curtains. Here is one chapter out of about 10 in the series but more are available from the same source on YouTube.

Bit more Basel 3. Full Implementation push back to 2013. No mention of gold; but "mortgage backed securities" are acceptable as a liquid asset "wich is odd given that at the hight of the last crises these proved to be wholey illiquid"

there are mortgage backed securities and there are mortgage backed securities.


"American health is in decline as new data finds that one in four US kids are on food stamps as of fiscal year 2011 and the younger generation is more prone to death and poorer health levels compared to their counterparts in other developed nations.

Almost 20 million children out of 73.9 million under the age of 18 were in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps, in 2011, according to data from the United States Department of Agriculture and US Census Bureau.

Moreover, children accounted for 45 per cent of aid receivers.

The number of people using the food stamp program has been on a rise, since 2009 about 15.5 million more individuals have been added to SNAP.

Latest data released for the month of October 2012 shows the drastic increase with one in 6.5 Americans using SNAP, while in the 1970s only one in 50 were part of the program." -RT

Why would China suddenly be stockpiling millions of tons of rice for no apparent reason?

Perhaps it’s related to China’s aggressive military buildup and war preparations in the Pacific and in central Asia.

Militarily, the PRC has been developing technology like EMP weapons systems, capable of disabling our military fleets and the electrical infrastructure of the country as a whole
But consider that China is taking measures now, in addition to their stockpiling, that suggest we are already in the opening salvos of World War III.


Why would China suddenly be stockpiling millions of tons of rice for no apparent reason?

Perhaps it’s related to China’s aggressive military buildup and war preparations in the Pacific and in central Asia.

Militarily, the PRC has been developing technology like EMP weapons systems, capable of disabling our military fleets and the electrical infrastructure of the country as a whole
But consider that China is taking measures now, in addition to their stockpiling, that suggest we are already in the opening salvos of World War III.




Japan tracer bullets will bring war closer

The Chinese spokesman's statement is not enough to express the Chinese people's strong determination to fight back against Japan's unscrupulous action.

We believe that if Japan starts using tracer bullets, it will definitely trigger a military confrontation between China and Japan. Chinese people will certainly ask the government to send naval and air forces to retaliate.



Japan tracer bullets will bring war closer

The Chinese spokesman's statement is not enough to express the Chinese people's strong determination to fight back against Japan's unscrupulous action.

We believe that if Japan starts using tracer bullets, it will definitely trigger a military confrontation between China and Japan. Chinese people will certainly ask the government to send naval and air forces to retaliate.


Beijing may be testing the patience of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has recently kept his hawkish streak in check as he instead focuses on domestic economic measures.

On Monday and Tuesday, four Chinese maritime survey ships stayed inside Japan's territorial waters around the Japan-controlled Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea for more than 13 hours, the longest Chinese intrusion since September, drawing another strong protest from Tokyo.



midas - Its true China's stockpiles soared this year, but note that currently India has record rice stockpiles, Thailand has record rice stockpiles (those are the only two I can think of at the moment,there could be others); there are other reasons possible. Remember China doesn't WANT war. It doesn't stand to benefit financially. The govt does a lot of "face-saving" and these moves are often misconstrued as "gearing up for war"


"Some analysts said they believe the buying spree is being driven by soaring demand from Chinese consumers. They say that even though China has bolstered production for nine years in a row, it isn't enough to feed its population. If true, the purchases may be the beginning of a major, enduring shift in the global rice market. They say this could spark worries about whether there is enough of the staple to go around, keeping prices elevated"

"Others suggest there is a simpler reason. They say prices for rice set by the Chinese government are much higher than equivalent grades on the global market. That is creating a profitable trade for Chinese buyers who scoop up the rice from places such as Vietnam, Pakistan and India and then sell it at higher prices at home.

The trade has become more profitable in recent months. In mid-December, the average import cost for Vietnamese rice was about $410 a ton, and similar rice could be sold in China for about $635 a ton, traders said.

"You've essentially got two split markets," where farmers sell to the government but consumers buy from overseas, said Thomas Pugh, a commodities economist at Capital Economics, a London-based research firm. As a result, a lot of the government-purchased rice has been stockpiled, instead of being processed and consumed, he said. Once the price gap narrows, the imports will fall back." - WSJ

I think its a little bit of both.


midas - Its true China's stockpiles soared this year, but note that currently India has record rice stockpiles, Thailand has record rice stockpiles (those are the only two I can think of at the moment,there could be others); there are other reasons possible. Remember China doesn't WANT war. It doesn't stand to benefit financially. The govt does a lot of "face-saving" and these moves are often misconstrued as "gearing up for war"


"Some analysts said they believe the buying spree is being driven by soaring demand from Chinese consumers. They say that even though China has bolstered production for nine years in a row, it isn't enough to feed its population. If true, the purchases may be the beginning of a major, enduring shift in the global rice market. They say this could spark worries about whether there is enough of the staple to go around, keeping prices elevated"

"Others suggest there is a simpler reason. They say prices for rice set by the Chinese government are much higher than equivalent grades on the global market. That is creating a profitable trade for Chinese buyers who scoop up the rice from places such as Vietnam, Pakistan and India and then sell it at higher prices at home.

The trade has become more profitable in recent months. In mid-December, the average import cost for Vietnamese rice was about $410 a ton, and similar rice could be sold in China for about $635 a ton, traders said.

"You've essentially got two split markets," where farmers sell to the government but consumers buy from overseas, said Thomas Pugh, a commodities economist at Capital Economics, a London-based research firm. As a result, a lot of the government-purchased rice has been stockpiled, instead of being processed and consumed, he said. Once the price gap narrows, the imports will fall back." - WSJ

I think its a little bit of both.

Sorry, but based on the disgusting duplicity by NATO and USA in the Syrian conflict, I have no confidence whatsoever that it simply comes down to China not wanting a war.

It's whether those stoking the fire achieve their aims or not

Lendmann declared that this whole island dispute between to heavily populated countries with huge needs for energy imports was an American provocation using ‘vassal’ Japan as it’s proxy.


""Dogs stand at the burnt entrance of a building following a series of arson attacks against journalists in Athens January 11, 2013. (Reuters/John Kolesidis)

As we can understand, it was a message to them, because there were minor damages in front of their houses. It was a message to media and also some journalists to change the way they show the news about the economy crisis, contributor for the Eleftheros Typos newspaper, Manolis Kostidis, told RT.

The Greek government has already condemned the attacks.

"This is an attempt to openly terrorize the media, a vital part of our democracy," said the coalition government's spokesman Simos Kedikoglou.

Greece is struggling through a sixth year of recession, with unemployment recently hitting the highest rate in the EU. Its believed to have fuelled anger against foreign lenders, the wealthy elite and mainstream media viewed by many Greeks as close to the political classes.

Of course, as a media worker I dont like these attacks and also I am afraid, because you never know what could happen one day in front of your home. From one way you have the government, from the other way you have the anarchist groups. And the third way is people in the streets. So, we have to be careful about the way we are presenting the news. Its not really easy to be a journalist in Greece at this period, added Kostidis.

Late last year some Greek state television staff were seen confronting government figures, as journalists began work stoppages to protest what they called increasing government censorship. Several media workers were fired.""-RT (but the facts speak for themselves)


The eurozone is not considering a debt restructuring for Cyprus, but continues talks with the indebted island nation over financial aid, says EU Commissioner Olli Rehn.

I expect that we can conclude the work and the Eurogroup can take decisions in due course so we can ensure financial stability in Cyprus, Olli Rehn, the European Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner, said at the European Policy Centre in Brussels on Friday. But "a haircut is not an option for us," Rehn stressed.

In June Cyprus bid for an EU bailout, citing heavy exposure to debt-stricken Greece. The rescue package could reach 17bn euro, which is the equivalent to the entire Cyprus GDP. However, the international creditors were reluctant to provide the package, saying that heavily indebted Cyprus was unlikely repay the aid without further concessions from the Troika.

"Moodys added that it saw a 50 percent probability the Mediterranean island would "default outright or press for a distressed exchange" on its debt.



Bit more Basel 3. Full Implementation push back to 2013. No mention of gold; but "mortgage backed securities" are acceptable as a liquid asset "wich is odd given that at the hight of the last crises these proved to be wholey illiquid"

there are mortgage backed securities and there are mortgage backed securities.

here's the latest on "Basel" in this respect, excerpts only and no wishi-washi from a British journàsslist which is then more distorted plus own assumptions without any basis added laugh.png

Important to note is that regulators will now implement the rules, which could lead to

some changes as they define their own interpretations.

The most notable changes from the original proposals include the following items.

 Full implementation timeline extended: The rules will now be implemented in a

phased-in manner with a 60% LCR requirement as of January 1, 2015, increasing

by 10 percentage points each year for four years, to reach 100% compliance by

January 1, 2019. These ratios are the minimum required during normal times.

 HQLA definition expanded by including a new Level 2B asset pool: Level 1

assets that can be included remain the same as before, but the scope of Level 2

assets has been broadened and can now be comprised of unencumbered Level 2A

assets (the same as Level 2 assets in the 2010 draft with the same 15% discount)

and Level 2B assets, which together can be up to 40% of a bank’s HQLAs. Level 2B

assets can include certain non-financial corporate debt rated A+ to BBB- (with a

50% discount), certain unencumbered common equity shares of non-financial

companies that meet several criteria (with a 50% discount), and certain RMBS

(underlying mortgages must be full recourse, subject to “risk retention”

requirements, maximum average LTV of 80%, etc.) rated at least AA (with a 25%

discount). Total Level 2B assets (after discounts) can be no more than 15% of total

HQLAs. Both Level 2A and Level 2B qualifying corporate bonds can now include

commercial paper under the new rules.

The ability to include MBS only applies to a narrow set of securities. For example,

US MBS may not qualify because US mortgages do not provide lenders with full

recourse to borrowers. Certain European MBS may not qualify either. For example,

Bloomberg reported that Dutch mortgages typically has an average LTV above the

80% limit (around 95%).


The eurozone is not considering a debt restructuring for Cyprus, but continues talks with the indebted island nation over financial aid, says EU Commissioner Olli Rehn.

I expect that we can conclude the work and the Eurogroup can take decisions in due course so we can ensure financial stability in Cyprus, Olli Rehn, the European Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner, said at the European Policy Centre in Brussels on Friday. But "a haircut is not an option for us," Rehn stressed.

In June Cyprus bid for an EU bailout, citing heavy exposure to debt-stricken Greece. The rescue package could reach 17bn euro, which is the equivalent to the entire Cyprus GDP. However, the international creditors were reluctant to provide the package, saying that heavily indebted Cyprus was unlikely repay the aid without further concessions from the Troika.

"Moodys added that it saw a 50 percent probability the Mediterranean island would "default outright or press for a distressed exchange" on its debt.


itsy bitsy teenie weenie peanuts coffee1.gif


""Dogs stand at the burnt entrance of a building following a series of arson attacks against journalists in Athens January 11, 2013. (Reuters/John Kolesidis)

As we can understand, it was a message to them, because there were minor damages in front of their houses. It was a message to media and also some journalists to change the way they show the news about the economy crisis, contributor for the Eleftheros Typos newspaper, Manolis Kostidis, told RT.

The Greek government has already condemned the attacks.

"This is an attempt to openly terrorize the media, a vital part of our democracy," said the coalition government's spokesman Simos Kedikoglou.

Greece is struggling through a sixth year of recession, with unemployment recently hitting the highest rate in the EU. Its believed to have fuelled anger against foreign lenders, the wealthy elite and mainstream media viewed by many Greeks as close to the political classes.

Of course, as a media worker I dont like these attacks and also I am afraid, because you never know what could happen one day in front of your home. From one way you have the government, from the other way you have the anarchist groups. And the third way is people in the streets. So, we have to be careful about the way we are presenting the news. Its not really easy to be a journalist in Greece at this period, added Kostidis.

Late last year some Greek state television staff were seen confronting government figures, as journalists began work stoppages to protest what they called increasing government censorship. Several media workers were fired.""-RT (but the facts speak for themselves)

No they don't. In your case it just means you looking in the mirror mainly.


The idea of an armed populas as a precaution against tyrannical government is quite an interning one. I think Alex jones and his followers probably view the US government as an undemocratic banker controlled tyrannical rejieme trying to disarm the population so as to further enslave them- so when can we expect the revolution?


Can imagine how bloody an armed population under going policies like Greece or Spain might become or USA in event of currency collapse or austere attempt to bring debt under control.


spot the double standard...................

A criminal investigation into the collapse of the brokerage firm MF Global and the disappearance of about $1 billion in customer money is now heading into its final stage without charges expected against any top executives.


compared to..

Aaron Swartz committed suicide yesterday, Jan 11. He was 26. He played a big part in stopping SOPA in its tracks.

Swartz was a prodigy computer science whiz (co-developer of RSS — at 14 years of age ) and information-should-be-free activist who was facing up to 35 years in jail for downloading the JSTOR archive of about 4.8 million documents.

Cory Doctorow, a science fiction author and an online activist, posted a tribute to Mr. Swartz on the blog he co-edits, BoingBoing.

…Of the indictment, he said, “The fact that the U.S. legal apparatus decided he belonged behind bars for downloading scholarly articles without permission is as neat an indictment of our age — and validation of his struggle — as you could ask for.”



The idea of an armed populas as a precaution against tyrannical government is quite an interning one. I think Alex jones and his followers probably view the US government as an undemocratic banker controlled tyrannical rejieme trying to disarm the population so as to further enslave them- so when can we expect the revolution?

Jones is a ego-maniac who panders to a base that lap up his fear-mongering and never stop to call him out on his endless predictions, suppositions, false connections, etc. I watch him quite often for two reasons; entertainment and because sooner or later one of his followers will do something very extreme."THE GOVERNMENT IS POISONING YOUR FAMILY'S WATER!!"2 min later..."Take a look at my selection of water filters..."


spot the double standard...................

A criminal investigation into the collapse of the brokerage firm MF Global and the disappearance of about $1 billion in customer money is now heading into its final stage without charges expected against any top executives.


compared to..

Aaron Swartz committed suicide yesterday, Jan 11. He was 26. He played a big part in stopping SOPA in its tracks.

Swartz was a prodigy computer science whiz (co-developer of RSS — at 14 years of age ) and information-should-be-free activist who was facing up to 35 years in jail for downloading the JSTOR archive of about 4.8 million documents.

Cory Doctorow, a science fiction author and an online activist, posted a tribute to Mr. Swartz on the blog he co-edits, BoingBoing.

…Of the indictment, he said, “The fact that the U.S. legal apparatus decided he belonged behind bars for downloading scholarly articles without permission is as neat an indictment of our age — and validation of his struggle — as you could ask for.”


I agree the MF Global case stinks to high heavenNow I'm going to play devil's advocate regarding Swartz. 1) He hacked a database (illegal) and downloaded copyrighted work without paying (illegal). 2) you seem to disregard the relevance of the phrase "UP TO" in "up to 35 years in prison". (I personally believe his crime is worth a max of 5 years. but who am i.)


Midas I still don't get your post here, can you elaborate how the Syrian Conflict, NATO, USA have to do with China wanting war?;

"Sorry, but based on the disgusting duplicity by NATO and USA in the Syrian conflict, I have no confidence whatsoever that it simply comes down to China not wanting a war.

It's whether those stoking the fire achieve their aims or not"

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