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Alarm In Athens After Army Group Calls For COUP D’ETAT!!! GREECE SUPREME COURT HOLDS EMERGENCY MEETING!!!ohmy.png

Alarm in Athens after army group calls for coup d’etat

A group calling itself the Special Forces Reserve Union (KEED) wants the government to resign, the suspension of all laws relating to the troika memorandum and the expulsion of ‘illegal immigrants’


There's a coup a minute on the internet.

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Alarm In Athens After Army Group Calls For COUP D’ETAT!!! GREECE SUPREME COURT HOLDS EMERGENCY MEETING!!!ohmy.png

Alarm in Athens after army group calls for coup d’etat

A group calling itself the Special Forces Reserve Union (KEED) wants the government to resign, the suspension of all laws relating to the troika memorandum and the expulsion of ‘illegal immigrants’


http://investmen <deleted> laugh.png


If you work for free, it s a paid job which disappear.

So nothing better than communism.

What a joke.!

Like Germany, oh the best eu country where people work for 1 euro and hour under hertz 4. Wunderbar !

Europe and usa suck!


You think its a good idea to pay people (benefits) to do nothing? Surely that's the most market destorting socialist nonsense idea the west ever dreamed up.

Why not make jobs for them to do? No need to take them away from others. Cleaning the streets with toothbrushes and trimming the grass in the parks with scissors or whatever. Make the Brits want to work at the paid jobs rather having to ship boat loads of poles over to do all the hard work.

Not that it will be like this. They'll be taken on by the pound lands etc; farms on seasonal maybe. But at least that is helping British buisness and keeping money in the country rather than employing foreigners for everything who then send all the wages overseas. This and more is exactly what's needed to change the cultural work ethic of the British youth.


If you work for free, it s a paid job which disappear.

So nothing better than communism.

What a joke.!

Like Germany, oh the best eu country where people work for 1 euro and hour under hertz 4. Wunderbar !

Europe and usa suck!


if you don't understand what "Hartz4" and in that context €1/hr means you should refrain from making utterly ignorant and ridiculous statements. besides Germany only Norway and Sweden have these kind of generous arrangements for their citizens.


Seems like the markets are underestimating the possibility of a huge crisis in America. These Tea Party clowns have all admitted that once the public morons actually learn how Obamacare works they are going to like it very much and that changing demographics mean that they have no chance of winning another election, they are saying Texas will be a swing state in 8 years. This is literally the end of the road for the Tea Party. So what happens? You have to realize that these wackos are religious nuts and are not living just for this life but for the afterlife and they believe they are doing God's work.


Something somewhere in the UK housing market is not quite right! The Nationwide has reported monthly price increases of 0.80% and 0.60% for July and August, The Land Registry report for August on the other hand has just reported an increase of 0.1% - the difference between reported anual increase figures is now 5% vs 1.3%, including London, remove London from the Land Registry figures and the annual property price increase is near zero with some areas still falling in value.

So it's interesting that today the UK governement should announce that it's going to bring forward the much discussed Help to Buy Scheme, to next week, this is where the governement becomes the lender of first choice by providing very low interest loans and loan guarantees and reintroduces the 95% mortgage on any UK property, a Fannie Mai equivelent.

My take on all of this is that the massive press ramping campaign of the past six months has failed and with the election only two years away, the governement now needs to bolster the UK housing market before it collapses completely, others may see it all differently.



Nobody borrow really. It s all based on fiat money.

I print money, I loan it to you. In return you do the same.

Interest increase on both side... it continues like that for years...

Nobody understand what s going on. Nobody want tackle the problem, crash coming soon... Who cares? Life continues, nobody will be sorry for our ass when we hit the cold streets.


Why do people keep loaning these countries more money? Do they really expect to be repaid or is devaluation, debt repudiation, & or debt forgiveness one of the final chapters in the Financial Crisis? http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2012/09/global-debt-guide?sf17722448=1

There is not a default answer to specific countries involved other than each situation is managed as it presents itself ie alternatives are considered and the best/least worst is selected.

It is the wise guys with the trite analysis who think there should be a simple solution.


Why do people keep loaning these countries more money? Do they really expect to be repaid or is devaluation, debt repudiation, & or debt forgiveness one of the final chapters in the Financial Crisis? http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2012/09/global-debt-guide?sf17722448=1

There is not a default answer to specific countries involved other than each situation is managed as it presents itself ie alternatives are considered and the best/least worst is selected.

It is the wise guys with the trite analysis who think there should be a simple solution.

yes Humphrey


a sure way to lose your money (through effluxion of time) in such a manipulated marketgiggle.gif

So no collapse then. Make up your mind.

Only the delusional believe the shenanigans in the stock " market " is a reflection of what is really happening out there in the real economyrolleyes.gif

The markets are being driven by the POMO coming from Helicopter Ben. You can track swings in the market when liquidity is injected by Heir Doctor Ben.

The commodities, equities and futures markets are all being heavily manipulated to keep the world's economies from collapsing. It's only a matter of time before circumstances cause a failure in the system and then the ripple effect with wipe out all fiat currencies. The Interest Rate CDS's alone are enough to trigger over $250 trillion of redemptions should the US Treasury rate go too high. It's all a house of cards. Time line? If I knew that, I would be wealthy beyond belief. All I know is that you can't keep borrowing $$$ to pay the interest on your long-term debt. Technically, that is the definition of insolvency, which is where the US is today.

The CFTC investigation into manipulation of the silver market found no evidence of tampering whatsoever. whistling.gif


This finding led to the (re)discovery of the Gold Act of 1934, which specifically states that the Federal Reserve (i.e. Central Bankers) have the right to manipulate the precious metals markets to stabilize the economy / currency. After finding this little tidbit, it all made sense.

And oh how they larfed.


The USA, Japan, UK are all printing money to pay off the borrowed money. Quite different to borrowing more in open market. They are circling the "interest" back to the government as income; so yes it is basically printing. Actual real/ non self debts would actually be lowered now than before 08 I think because of this but the available numbers don't count the debt/ printed money's differently. If they carry on, which they will, then its value money deteriorating garranteed.


a sure way to lose your money (through effluxion of time) in such a manipulated marketgiggle.gif

So no collapse then. Make up your mind.

Only the delusional believe the shenanigans in the stock " market " is a reflection of what is really happening out there in the real economyrolleyes.gif

The markets are being driven by the POMO coming from Helicopter Ben. You can track swings in the market when liquidity is injected by Heir Doctor Ben.

The commodities, equities and futures markets are all being heavily manipulated to keep the world's economies from collapsing. It's only a matter of time before circumstances cause a failure in the system and then the ripple effect with wipe out all fiat currencies. The Interest Rate CDS's alone are enough to trigger over $250 trillion of redemptions should the US Treasury rate go too high. It's all a house of cards. Time line? If I knew that, I would be wealthy beyond belief. All I know is that you can't keep borrowing $$$ to pay the interest on your long-term debt. Technically, that is the definition of insolvency, which is where the US is today.

The CFTC investigation into manipulation of the silver market found no evidence of tampering whatsoever. whistling.gif


This finding led to the (re)discovery of the Gold Act of 1934, which specifically states that the Federal Reserve (i.e. Central Bankers) have the right to manipulate the precious metals markets to stabilize the economy / currency. After finding this little tidbit, it all made sense.

And oh how they larfed.

We're right with you!



You still own me 17t $....

So how you are going to pay me back and when?

Relax, we are going to pay you back with crisp newly printed dollar notes - that are backed by the Federal reserve dont forget - as opposed to gold which isn't backed by anythingw00t.gif


Only the delusional believe the shenanigans in the stock " market " is a reflection of what is really happening out there in the real economyrolleyes.gif

The markets are being driven by the POMO coming from Helicopter Ben. You can track swings in the market when liquidity is injected by Heir Doctor Ben.

The commodities, equities and futures markets are all being heavily manipulated to keep the world's economies from collapsing. It's only a matter of time before circumstances cause a failure in the system and then the ripple effect with wipe out all fiat currencies. The Interest Rate CDS's alone are enough to trigger over $250 trillion of redemptions should the US Treasury rate go too high. It's all a house of cards. Time line? If I knew that, I would be wealthy beyond belief. All I know is that you can't keep borrowing $$$ to pay the interest on your long-term debt. Technically, that is the definition of insolvency, which is where the US is today.

The CFTC investigation into manipulation of the silver market found no evidence of tampering whatsoever. whistling.gif


This finding led to the (re)discovery of the Gold Act of 1934, which specifically states that the Federal Reserve (i.e. Central Bankers) have the right to manipulate the precious metals markets to stabilize the economy / currency. After finding this little tidbit, it all made sense.

And oh how they larfed.

We're right with you!


It is so typical for the uninformed to denigrate others based on their own ignorance, so I'm not surprised at your reply to my post. You seem to have a fascination with my posts as you often quote them with some droll reply. Keep on believing in the system and paper assets. They will hang you one day soon. The only real measure is net worth and I will stack mine against yours any day.

Since you have all the answers, how do you propose the central bankers unwind the world-wide liquidity bubble they have created without triggering a collapse? This should be good if you attempt to answer without posting some witty repartee along with a stupid picture.


USA in a nutshell. very simple!

Capitalism versus Socialism. At the moment Socialism is winning. I can imagine eu taxes going higher so you guys can pay for your own defense..............lol.

There is no crisis that a goold ole dose of capitilism wont cure.


Well l think you are all bonkers, sure the debt is stupid and impossible to repay, but then so is almost every country, and worse, they all lend to each other, and all back their debts with a promise. Since the whole system is just worthless pieces of printed paper it can continue for as long as people have confidence. Even land is valued by the same worthless paper, again worth the amount of worthless paper the buyer has the confidence to provide and the seller the confidence to accept, and precious metals the same, nobody can eat gold and live. So it all comes down to confidence, lose it and the system fails. We all need something from somebody, and swaps can only go so far.


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