jcon Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 Please have a bit of patience (a week or two) and I will have double and triplle checked what I feel is about to happen in the short term future.And if you do not like what I post, just put me on ignore or just do not read my post, simple as that. Kind regards, Alex Alex, I enjoy reading your posts, sometimes... So I won't ignore you. I will be interested in what you come up with in these couple of weeks and implore you to post it here - if not for the betterment of mankind if you find something huge - I want to protect my money as much as the next guy. What I do not like (and I don't put you in this category alex), is the doom and gloom fiat money rubbish... Ok fine, fiat money has problems, but we are NEVER going to abandon it. Period. Mark my words as a Rothschild in-law. People who think we're going into the dark ages and are going to have to pay with gold dust for kao mun gai are getting boring... it's just not going to happen. And this scenario of everyone having to go move up to a farm because of a global meltdown and grow their own food to survive... well fark that, that's no way to live I'd rather go down in flames (unless one of these 'farms' is a french champagne house... keep the bubbly coming!) Post on, Alex, just easy on the line spacing and the pics are fine, but just be straightforward or you come across as condescending, which I'm sure is not your intention. jcon
flying Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 What I do not like (and I don't put you in this category alex), is the doom and gloom fiat money rubbish... Ok fine, fiat money has problems, but we are NEVER going to abandon it. Period. With all due respect of your opinion I think for myself................ I do not see it as doom or gloom when folks realize they have been acting irresponsibly. Most of the world is realizing it too. Yes we will never abandon some form of paper but I think most of the owrld is waking up to it being important to be backed by something & not be a profit machine for just the issuing country. Here is another good article that speaks about Seignorage. http://www.japanfocus.org/_K_Takahashi___R...llar_Seignorage It is not doom & gloom it is taking responsibility for the place we hold as the globally accepted currency peg. Lastly as for "we are never going to abandon it period?" That choice is not ours alone to make. Like I said a system will always be in place. Many folks just wildly assume it has to be this or the dark ages. Those are the doom & gloomers IMHO
Naam Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 Here is another good article that speaks about Seignorage. why am i getting suspicious when an author uses expressions and trying to explain their meaning but does not know how to spell them, e.g. "seigneurage"? shouldn't we ask our resident detective AlexL to investigate?
flying Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 Here is another good article that speaks about Seignorage. why am i getting suspicious when an author uses expressions and trying to explain their meaning but does not know how to spell them, e.g. "seigneurage"? shouldn't we ask our resident detective AlexL to investigate? Same reason I get suspicious of folks who always point out the minutia but miss the overall point Seigniorage (pronounced /ˈseɪnjərɪdʒ/ ), also spelled seignorage or seigneurage, is the net revenue derived from the issuing of currency.
Naam Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Here is another good article that speaks about Seignorage. why am i getting suspicious when an author uses expressions and trying to explain their meaning but does not know how to spell them, e.g. "seigneurage"? shouldn't we ask our resident detective AlexL to investigate? Same reason I get suspicious of folks who always point out the minutia but miss the overall point Seigniorage (pronounced /ˈseɪnjərɪdʒ/ ), also spelled seignorage or seigneurage, is the net revenue derived from the issuing of currency. poor man's education by Wikipedia?
flying Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Here is another good article that speaks about Seignorage. why am i getting suspicious when an author uses expressions and trying to explain their meaning but does not know how to spell them, e.g. "seigneurage"? shouldn't we ask our resident detective AlexL to investigate? Same reason I get suspicious of folks who always point out the minutia but miss the overall point Seigniorage (pronounced /ˈseɪnjərɪdʒ/ ), also spelled seignorage or seigneurage, is the net revenue derived from the issuing of currency. poor man's education by Wikipedia? Ok now you see what I mean by minutia? Ok here is the accepted at more places than Visa & Master Card version Merriam- Webster Dictionary http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Seigniorage Seigniorage One entry found. Main Entry:sei·gnior·age Variant(s):or sei·gnor·age \ˈsān-yə-rij\ Function:noun Etymology:Middle English seigneurage, from Anglo-French seignurage right of the lord (especially to coin money), from seignurDate:15th century : a government revenue from the manufacture of coins calculated as the difference between the face value and the metal value of the coins
Pakboong Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Jcon, I spend time on many many websites and I take time to read and go through government documents, read a lot of books of people that actually spend time and worked as either special army forces (The covert actions) CIA agents, military advisors, Chief economistst, investigative journalists and people like that. These are all non fiction and for example I am now reading a book named: Freedom next time written by John Pilger, I highly reccomend this book as it will be shown/told to you with dozens of examples which you can verify while searching on the net that the real stories are completely twisted in favour of the ones that have.You ask me to come up with a few lines that will explain all, that is unfair, it is like asking me to summarise a 2000 page book in a few lines. I will not make the mistake as so many people do to blame it on a handfull of powerfull bankers like Rothschild, if it was that simple we could just shoot them and all would be fine right? Oh no we also have to shoot those CEO's of banks and big cooperations, how about all those congress members that voted in favor of easing the rules for banks, you know also shoot them, but we are not finished as of yet because we also have those creepy guy's that are in the trilateral commision and members of Bilderberg and the group of 30 and the council of foreign relations. But that would just be a good start you know to clean up this system. There is a good article on silverbearcafe.com that explains a bit on why it is that this mess seems to get worse by the day, and to me what they explain sounds like a far more realistic point of view then many other sites try to explain it. I remember it was either Rumsfeld or Cheney (Sorry I always confuse them) that said when asked about this mess he answered: Well you know people were just not clever enough to see what really was going on. As mentioned by someone here in 1971 the US stopped having their money backed by Gold as the French and others where demanding delivery of Gold in exchange for their USD. So they already knew they would never have enough Gold to back up their paper just like many other country's. But hey they were able to make a deal with OPEC so that oil was only to be traded in USD, How they were able to close that deal you need to read a book written by the guy that was very very important in making that deal possible and he describes how he/they did that. But that are just two chapters in his book, the rest of his work is as fascinating, and yes they are real story's. The book is called: Confessions of an economic hitman. Again a book I highly recommend if you like to know how countries are bankrupted and enslaved by for example the World Bank, how country leaders are assasinated by governments because they do not want to listen to the big bully's. I hope any of you that are interested in all of this stuff just if you have the time to read to just try and finish on of those books, they are not expensive about 500 THB and they are on average about 400-500 pages so you should be able to get through them in a few days. If you do not have the money you can always borrow them from me, no problem. More and more people start to realise that this current money/debt system cannot be fixed by borrowing more money and trying to fill some holes. They are just buying time, expensive time I would say. This system will eventually collapse and replaced by something else. I think I know what it will be, when it will be and how it will look. Please have a bit of patience (a week or two) and I will have double and triplle checked what I feel is about to happen in the short term future. And if you do not like what I post, just put me on ignore or just do not read my post, simple as that. Kind regards, Alex Time is the only resource worth buying. If you are down to your last few bucks and have a choice in the matter, buy some time with it.
Naam Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Ok here is the accepted at more places than Visa & Master Card version Merriam- Webster Dictionary "more places" is correct Flying. internationally Merriam Webster is considered a joke. what can one expect from a "dictionary" that contains "night" alternative spelling "nite". shall we switch on the "nitelites" on because outside there's no more "brite lite"?
samuibeachcomber Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Ok here is the accepted at more places than Visa & Master Card version Merriam- Webster Dictionary "more places" is correct Flying. internationally Merriam Webster is considered a joke. what can one expect from a "dictionary" that contains "night" alternative spelling "nite". shall we switch on the "nitelites" on because outside there's no more "brite lite"? your wasting your time flying.naam has a perverse sense of humour.getting your point across will only give you a headache.
Naam Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Ok here is the accepted at more places than Visa & Master Card version Merriam- Webster Dictionary "more places" is correct Flying. internationally Merriam Webster is considered a joke. what can one expect from a "dictionary" that contains "night" alternative spelling "nite". shall we switch on the "nitelites" on because outside there's no more "brite lite"? your wasting your time flying. naam has a perverse sense of humour.getting your point across will only give you a headache. you talked to my wife behind my back confess and i will apply mitigating circumstances when rendering my judgment!
samuibeachcomber Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Ok here is the accepted at more places than Visa & Master Card version Merriam- Webster Dictionary "more places" is correct Flying. internationally Merriam Webster is considered a joke. what can one expect from a "dictionary" that contains "night" alternative spelling "nite". shall we switch on the "nitelites" on because outside there's no more "brite lite"? your wasting your time flying. naam has a perverse sense of humour.getting your point across will only give you a headache. you talked to my wife behind my back confess and i will apply mitigating circumstances when rendering my judgment! you see what i mean!
flying Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 "more places" is correct Flying. internationally Merriam Webster is considered a joke. what can one expect from a "dictionary" that contains "night" alternative spelling "nite". shall we switch on the "nitelites" on because outside there's no more "brite lite"? your wasting your time flying. naam has a perverse sense of humour.getting your point across will only give you a headache. you talked to my wife behind my back confess and i will apply mitigating circumstances when rendering my judgment! you see what i mean! Yes but you could sell him the pictures Kidding aside I know English is not his first language. It is not really ours here in America either Now don't make me close this thread
james002 Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 If you are looking for a new job or a job change in this age of financial breakdown, you should be well equipped with a good cover letter and a resume. Since thousands of like you are applying for new jobs, it is always advisable to have an attractive resume/cover letter, which can attract the attention of the employer.
AlexLah Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Someone is being set up to fail and take the blame, only this time it will be bigger then simply avoiding to pay some tax.
Naam Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Alex, are you striving for a nobel prize for your outstanding work on the Financial Crisis? if yes, why only three shitty pictures and not a boring and shitty video clip from youtube?
jcon Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Alex, are you striving for a nobel prize for your outstanding work on the Financial Crisis? if yes, why only three shitty pictures and not a boring and shitty video clip from youtube?
samuibeachcomber Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Someone is being set up to fail and take the blame, only this time it will be bigger then simply avoiding to pay some tax. poor barak obama...................the fall guy.
AlexLah Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Yep, Beachcomber, you are right! Just amazing when you look at part of where the money of his stimulus package goes to, I don't think a lot of it will help the US getting out of their problems. I mean something 650 Million for the new dig TV boxes, any idea who makes them? Alex is scratching his head....
12DrinkMore Posted February 5, 2009 Author Posted February 5, 2009 How long will it take before the UK government falls? http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home And still Brown marches mercilessly on http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
AlexLah Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Stimulus package to help the US economy, 650 Million USD for these boxes goes to who? I did a random check on who is manafacturing those boxes before, and guess what? Most of it goes to Asia, ha ha ha! This is just small money right? Just another small piece of the puzzle. Take care all. and keep digging!
flying Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Someone is being set up to fail and take the blame, only this time it will be bigger then simply avoiding to pay some tax. poor barak obama...................the fall guy. So funny last night we were having dinner with some friends. We were just talking about scenarios when we laughed about this one. I remember when I first saw the democratic ballot of Clinton & Obama & how it went on & on. I said what the heck are the Dems thinking as much as I hate what Bush has done neither of these folks will ever get in. As much as I would like for them to be..... America is just not there yet in their open mindedness. Then we realized it was a setup ...The Republicans put up someone worse... I mean their candidates were as Saturday Night Live as you can get. They did not want the spot at all. They wanted out of the mess & have a better idea. Stand aside & later say see we told you.
SoCal Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Yep, Beachcomber, you are right!Just amazing when you look at part of where the money of his stimulus package goes to, I don't think a lot of it will help the US getting out of their problems. I mean something 650 Million for the new dig TV boxes, any idea who makes them? Alex is scratching his head.... No great mystery here Alex. Take away television? The nouveau oppiate of the masses. People would either riot, or god forbid read. Neither of which would be healthy for the current administration.
Naam Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Someone is being set up to fail and take the blame, only this time it will be bigger then simply avoiding to pay some tax. it goes without saying that Obama's victory is not based on the majority of voters who have started to use their brains. the truth is that Obama was set up by the geniuses who work(ed) out winning strategies for the republicans (such as going to war in Afghanistan and Iraq and planning to bomb North Korea as well as Iran back to stone age). of course the poor democrats fell for the trap. give it a few months and the GOP will demand a recount of votes and after several re-re-recounts the Supreme Court will impeach Obama and place the right honourable war hero of the Hanoi Hilton and Ms. Ketchup in the White House where they will lead and rule the "free world" for eight years.
Naam Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Someone is being set up to fail and take the blame, only this time it will be bigger then simply avoiding to pay some tax. poor barak obama...................the fall guy. We were just talking about scenarios when we laughed about this one. Then we realized it was a setup ...The Republicans put up someone worse... I mean their candidates were as Saturday Night Live as you can get. They did not want the spot at all. They wanted out of the mess & have a better idea. Stand aside & later say see we told you. did you ever read the story "The Fox and the sour Grapes" Flying? it applies to the Grand Old Party and all the stubborn clowns who try to spread or believe in that bullshit. you realising that it was a setup occurred after how much consumption of intoxicating beverages? what kind were they? it couldn't have been some diluted horse piss like Bud Light having said so, my opinion is that Barack Hussein O'Bama is digging his own grave. there's no need for ridiculous and bad loser theories (like the one you presented above). O'Bama talks too much. the ambitious plans he talks about cannot be realised. as simple as that.
flying Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Someone is being set up to fail and take the blame, only this time it will be bigger then simply avoiding to pay some tax. poor barak obama...................the fall guy. We were just talking about scenarios when we laughed about this one. Then we realized it was a setup ...The Republicans put up someone worse... I mean their candidates were as Saturday Night Live as you can get. They did not want the spot at all. They wanted out of the mess & have a better idea. Stand aside & later say see we told you. did you ever read the story "The Fox and the sour Grapes" Flying? it applies to the Grand Old Party and all the stubborn clowns who try to spread or believe in that bullshit. you realising that it was a setup occurred after how much consumption of intoxicating beverages? what kind were they? it couldn't have been some diluted horse piss like Bud Light having said so, my opinion is that Barack Hussein O'Bama is digging his own grave. there's no need for ridiculous and bad loser theories (like the one you presented above). O'Bama talks too much. the ambitious plans he talks about cannot be realised. as simple as that. My goodness your in a mood today We all at that party voted for Barrack or I should say we all voted for change No sour grapes here we like to drink the sour grapes & laugh. We think of funny scenarios & laugh. You need to get back to that a bit you seem wound very tight lately.
Naam Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 My goodness your in a mood today We all at that party voted for Barrack or I should say we all voted for change No sour grapes here we like to drink the sour grapes & laugh. We think of funny scenarios & laugh. You need to get back to that a bit you seem wound very tight lately. nothing wrong with my mood. but when i read bullshit and the author does not clearly indicate he means bullshit i react. your posting did not show the slightest indication but sounded exactly like the sour grapes bullshit i hear from some of my american friends who swore all holy oaths that there is no way the "n-word" makes it too the White House. a joke i made after the election nearly cost me the friendship of a very dear (but also very upset and devastated) old republican friend.
lannarebirth Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Yep, Beachcomber, you are right!Just amazing when you look at part of where the money of his stimulus package goes to, I don't think a lot of it will help the US getting out of their problems. I mean something 650 Million for the new dig TV boxes, any idea who makes them? Alex is scratching his head.... I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't believed it. -- Marshall McLuhan Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity. -- Marshall McCluhan
flying Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 nothing wrong with my mood. but when i read bullshit and the author does not clearly indicate he means bullshit i react. your posting did not show the slightest indication but sounded exactly like the sour grapes bullshit i hear from some of my american friends who swore all holy oaths that there is no way the "n-word" makes it too the White House. a joke i made after the election nearly cost me the friendship of a very dear (but also very upset and devastated) old republican friend. You have a knack for taking a topic into the labyrinth of your mind If your intent is to lose me you have succeeded as I have no idea where your going. I see the intent but do not understand the purpose.
Naam Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 You have a knack for taking a topic into the labyrinth of your mind If your intent is to lose me you have succeeded as I have no idea where your going. I see the intent but do not understand the purpose. there is no way for an earthling to understand a Klingon's mind
NovaBlue05 Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 I did a random check on who is manafacturing those boxes before, and guess what?Most of it goes to Asia, ha ha ha! Well....Most of the Bill has nothing to do with stimulus. And besides, the masses have to stay hooked up to the TV. How else will the politicos transmit their message that it's the other parties failt.
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