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You have a knack for taking a topic into the labyrinth of your mind :D If your intent is to lose me you have succeeded as I have no idea where your going. :D I see the intent but do not understand the purpose.

there is no way for an earthling to understand a Klingon's mind :D

as i have never been to planet klingon i was wondering if it is anything like the restuarant at the end of the universe?i have been there and thoroughly enjoyed it! :o

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"Perhaps seized by the spirit of one of her predecessors as Missouri senator, Harry "Give 'em hel_l" Truman who later served as president from 1945 to 1952, she unloaded with both barrels on the Senate floor: "These financial institutions on the brink of extinction come to the American taxpayer for hundreds and billions of dollars at the very same time they think they're going to buy a $50 million corporate jet. They're going to pay out $18 billion in bonuses. They paid an average of $2.6 million to every executive at the first 116 banks that got taxpayer money under TARP. They don't get it. These people are idiots. You can't use taxpayer money to pay out $18 billion in bonuses. What planet are these people on? What could they be thinking about?”

Yeah, right on. Pass me the AK47 (the globally accepted instrument of persuasion), I can reduce the bonuses and wage bills to a reasonable level, zero.

Follow a few links from here


And, for once, take the Asian angle and not just your biased "we're Westerners and control it all".



"Perhaps seized by the spirit of one of her predecessors as Missouri senator, Harry "Give 'em hel_l" Truman who later served as president from 1945 to 1952, she unloaded with both barrels on the Senate floor: "These financial institutions on the brink of extinction come to the American taxpayer for hundreds and billions of dollars at the very same time they think they're going to buy a $50 million corporate jet. They're going to pay out $18 billion in bonuses. They paid an average of $2.6 million to every executive at the first 116 banks that got taxpayer money under TARP. They don't get it. These people are idiots. You can't use taxpayer money to pay out $18 billion in bonuses. What planet are these people on? What could they be thinking about?”

Yeah, right on. Pass me the AK47 (the globally accepted instrument of persuasion), I can reduce the bonuses and wage bills to a reasonable level, zero.

Follow a few links from here


And, for once, take the Asian angle and not just your biased "we're Westerners and control it all".

After you've gunned down the execs, put a new clip in and start in on the politicians:


After you've gunned down the execs, put a new clip in and start in on the politicians:


Don't start me off, I'm already raging, cyclops Brown is on my list. And I am not issuing an apology, because it is a complement; the prat is totally blind.

The global crisis is now developing into the Western financial farce managed by the biggest selfish idiots this planet has ever produced. Pity that abortion cannot be made retrospective.

Zero interest rates. What the <deleted> is that supposed to cure? The concept is ridiculous in a world geared to increasing profits. How can it be possible to borrow 1 trillion whatevers and then pay it off at 0%? Well, that's what these bstards think my deposits are worth. They are insane.

I am going to need more ammunition. Maybe I should recruit bin Laden to the cause? Pity he missed the target, maybe next time?

I am going to need more ammunition.

MAK MAK !!! :D

At this rate I wondered if maybe the troops will be coming home much sooner after all.............to keep law and order on the

streets of USA :o

I am going to need more ammunition.

MAK MAK !!! :D

At this rate I wondered if maybe the troops will be coming home much sooner after all.............to keep law and order on the

streets of USA :o

They have had quite a few re-enlist due to the stability of having an income.

They have even stopped giving re-enlist bonuses due to the lack of need to do so.

This has been reported on the news.

I have also heard many unsubstantiated claims that they are being told they may be asked to serve their country in ways they did not expect.

Seems if that is the case it may be called homeland security. They just have not said who they are securing against.



This is interesting too


I have also heard many unsubstantiated claims that they are being told they may be asked to serve their country in ways they did not expect.

Seems if that is the case it may be called homeland security. They just have not said who they are securing against.

flying you are one of the best on this forum for finding material to " join the dots ".

It's just like all those scenes we have seen in the movies over the years when the aliens arrive.

I am sad.........It's horrible............ it's scary......... it's like different planet from the America in which

I spent one of the happiest years of my life in 1979............ :o

flying you are one of the best on this forum for finding material to " join the dots ".

It's just like all those scenes we have seen in the movies over the years when the aliens arrive.

I am sad.........It's horrible............ it's scary......... it's like different planet from the America in which

I spent one of the happiest years of my life in 1979............ :o

Thanks Midas I am just curious :D

I like your posts & questions as it gets me wondering too.

Like you ... I am amazed at how much things change & I wonder if it is

all change & corruption or just that with the advent of the great information highway.....We just get to see & hear & learn so much more.

I read somewhere that the internet is one of the most important things to protect in the future & in many ways I can see why. With this information exchange possible many from different parts of the world can be in touch & say how things really are here & there. We the people get to talk with others. Yes we also get a lot of dis-information but that is the other side of the sword right? :D

Like you ... I am amazed at how much things change & I wonder if it is

all change & corruption or just that with the advent of the great information highway.....We just get to see & hear & learn so much more.

Well I'm very sorry but I make no apologies for believing there has to be some element

of conspiracy and corruption because firstly just like the real story about " The Fed "

people once again are not being told anything about these secret powers of the President in the normal media?

I dare them to talk about this on CNN or fox news :o

Like you ... I am amazed at how much things change & I wonder if it is

all change & corruption or just that with the advent of the great information highway.....We just get to see & hear & learn so much more.

Well I'm very sorry but I make no apologies for believing there has to be some element

of conspiracy and corruption because firstly just like the real story about " The Fed "

people once again are not being told anything about these secret powers of the President in the normal media?

I dare them to talk about this on CNN or fox news :o

Oh no I agree 100% with you.

I just meant I wonder if it was always there & it easier now to notice & investigate.

As for CNN again I agree. It is funny we always hear about freedom of speech & freedom of the press but................ You do not see the un-flattering things mentioned. I guess the news reporters see the line & do not cross it? Perhaps for fear of being shut out of future news conferences? Who knows :D

We sure did not read about the recent bombings of Pakistan here.

Oh no I agree 100% with you.

I just meant I wonder if it was always there & it easier now to notice & investigate.

As for CNN again I agree. It is funny we always hear about freedom of speech & freedom of the press but................ You do not see the un-flattering things mentioned. I guess the news reporters see the line & do not cross it? Perhaps for fear of being shut out of future news conferences? Who knows :o

We sure did not read about the recent bombings of Pakistan here.

flying I am interested in your feedback of a subject which I hope the moderators

don't consider to be too of topic - because it would certainly exacerbate the financial crisis

even more and that is the possible implications of an ultra --right wing Israeli government

after the elections this weekend.?

Those likely to win the election seem more potentially dangerous than Dick Cheney

was and I feel pretty worried that it's only a matter of time now before they go

in against Iran - and that's just what we don't need in this already chaotic world.

Even though some on this forum will accuse me of having crazy ideas,

part of me still wonders if this whole economic crisis was engineered to get

bailout money ( that we don't know where it went ) to finance a war between

" those who cannot be named " and Iran.

What is your perspective?


Why don't we loan the bail out money, interest free, to the original subprime borrowers. They can be counted upon to spend all the money foolishly thereby jump-starting the economy. Whether or not it gets repaid doesn't really matter.

flying I am interested in your feedback of a subject which I hope the moderators

don't consider to be too of topic - because it would certainly exacerbate the financial crisis

even more and that is the possible implications of an ultra --right wing Israeli government

after the elections this weekend.?

Those likely to win the election seem more potentially dangerous than Dick Cheney

was and I feel pretty worried that it's only a matter of time now before they go

in against Iran - and that's just what we don't need in this already chaotic world.

Even though some on this forum will accuse me of having crazy ideas,

part of me still wonders if this whole economic crisis was engineered to get

bailout money ( that we don't know where it went ) to finance a war between

" those who cannot be named " and Iran.

What is your perspective?

I am sorry Midas I am not well read on the subject.

I have been looking just recently & like you I wonder.

It is very likely now that they will in fact win that election & that will only increase the tensions there & not likely ease anything.

Your 2nd thought would not surprise me at all if it were to come to light as being true. Where as I cannot say the crisis was engineered for this purpose I definitely have no trouble believing we once again would/could fund a covert war.

Sad but true they/we firmly believe there is money to be made supplying tools of the trade.


In the grand scheme of things it feels like its all about control.The powers that be already have the poor in their pockets through social welfare payments.The middle classes(those with jobs,money in the bank,anda little debt)are the next in line.Zero interest rates on earnings will do this,plus massive unemployment.These corrupt bankers and politicians know full well that reducing interest rates will not increase borrowing,or increase spending.No this is about eroding any savings/capital that the middle classes may have had.Its ABOUT MAKING US ALL RELIANT ON THE STATE.

What the powers that be did n't bargain for is the response to all this by the average person.They took us for being stupid morons.

Blind freddie could have told them that throwing money at the banks and the their executives was a morally bankrupt thing to do.It would have been no more expensive to let the insolvent banks go to the wall,but gaurantee the savings of individuals up to a reasonable amount to live on(e.g.500,000 pounds/dollars per bank account.)

Now the USA and the UK,more than any other nations are in deep shit,and eventually the people will rebel.

So now we see in the USA,entrance to the armed forces are increasing and being encouraged,because they know a time is coming when the USA will emplode from within.Belonging to the armed forces will be very attractive employment,gauranteeing the employees,food,money,and shelter.

As i said before its all about control,whether by design or default,i dont know.george orwells 1984 is about to happen albeit a quarter of a century after that date.

Why don't we loan the bail out money, interest free, to the original subprime borrowers. They can be counted upon to spend all the money foolishly thereby jump-starting the economy. Whether or not it gets repaid doesn't really matter.

Better yet give it to the rightful owners.........WE THE PEOPLE

The same folks who will have to pay for it anyway.

Why not? We would spend it increasing consumerism ....

We would pay off our mortgages which would fatten all the banks of course less the high interest they are not going to get anyway.

In fact if they are giving away our future I can think of none better to give it to than the ones they are stealing it from eh? :o

No this is about eroding any savings/capital that the middle classes may have had.Its ABOUT MAKING US ALL RELIANT ON THE STATE.

What the powers that be did n't bargain for is the response to all this by the average person.They took us for being stupid morons.

You know it is interesting you mention that since Keynesian thinking goes that route. Our governments seem to agree?

I also agree with your conclusion about them over estimating the human spirits capacity for abuse. I think we joke but many are serious about what 12drink mentions in jest.

This next quote is not for Naam since it is from Wikipedia ( sorry naam ) :o

Excessive saving

To Keynes, excessive saving, i.e. saving beyond planned investment, was a serious problem, encouraging recession or even depression. Excessive saving results if investment falls, perhaps due to falling consumer demand, over-investment in earlier years, or pessimistic business expectations, and if saving does not immediately fall in step, the economy would decline.

Why don't we loan the bail out money, interest free, to the original subprime borrowers. They can be counted upon to spend all the money foolishly thereby jump-starting the economy. Whether or not it gets repaid doesn't really matter.

Better yet give it to the rightful owners.........WE THE PEOPLE

The same folks who will have to pay for it anyway.

Why not? We would spend it increasing consumerism ....

We would pay off our mortgages which would fatten all the banks of course less the high interest they are not going to get anyway.

In fact if they are giving away our future I can think of none better to give it to than the ones they are stealing it from eh? :o

yes but then they would n't be in control of its citizens.Just wait we will be witnessing very soon the idea of one world govt.possibly through the UN,one world financial system,one world recognised religion(if tony blair has his way roman catholisim)or maybe just the opposite and a total outlaw of all religion,the only religion left maybe worshipping the beast(the UN)AND ALTHOUGHS WHO WORSHIP HER WILL HAVE THE MARK OF THE BEAST(666).

Why don't we loan the bail out money, interest free, to the original subprime borrowers. They can be counted upon to spend all the money foolishly thereby jump-starting the economy. Whether or not it gets repaid doesn't really matter.

Better yet give it to the rightful owners.........WE THE PEOPLE

The same folks who will have to pay for it anyway.

Why not? We would spend it increasing consumerism ....

We would pay off our mortgages which would fatten all the banks of course less the high interest they are not going to get anyway.

In fact if they are giving away our future I can think of none better to give it to than the ones they are stealing it from eh? :o

Unfortunately, it must be spent both quickly and foolishly. We can't be counted upon for the latter.


While i am getting a head of steam here on my favourite topic,war in the middle east would seam inevitable.The reasons Dubya knocked it on the head(attacking Iran)was either cos he could n't face another disaster during his term,or it was cos the US was n't ready for it.Such a war would really suit the global financiers and the pentagon.The time is ripe,the USA has probably stock piled enough cheap oil these past 6 months at 46 dollar a barrel,so why would they care if a war knocked the price up again to 145 dollars or more.


on an economic front as the recession bites deep,and unemployment soars the economic gurus will be expecting a recovery in 2010,and in the normal course of events one would expect that to be the case,as inventories decrease,so production should increase,but will it?

it may do a little but i dont think there will ever be sufficient demand again as other events unfold.And what i find interesting is that before sept. 2009 all the talk was about the impending crisis of global warming,now all that has been put on the back burner,but still the ice caps melt,and the moutainous glaciers disappear,and low lying islands go under.

The notion of global warming and the seen need to change from oil and coal would not suit these bastions of global businesses.i think we can expect many scenarios come together at the same time..........war,natural disasters,brought on by global warming,decrease in drinkable water,increase in disease and famine..............and if the premier league goes bust i will be a very unhappy and miserable sod.

I am sorry Midas I am not well read on the subject.

I have been looking just recently & like you I wonder.

It is very likely now that they will in fact win that election & that will only increase the tensions there & not likely ease anything.

Your 2nd thought would not surprise me at all if it were to come to light as being true. Where as I cannot say the crisis was engineered for this purpose I definitely have no trouble believing we once again would/could fund a covert war.

Sad but true they/we firmly believe there is money to be made supplying tools of the trade.

I dont look at it like that - i look at it as their " expats " living

in USA and in charge of " The Bank " organising the money

to send it back to their homeland :o


Hi guy's,

Good to see more and more people seeing things are getting a bit out of control.

The more dot's you connect the easier it becomes to see a pattern and the easier it becomes to "predict" the next move.

I just wonder why Obama is pushing so hard for his stimulus package as it is very clear a lot of his stimuli do not do anything for the US economy.

I gave the example of these convertor boxes, most of them are produced in Asia so that is where most of the 650 Million USD will go to.

Midas regarding ultra right and Israel, there are some very disturbing things going on at the moment which indicate that Israel is determined to do preemptive strikes. They are also arguing with Syria now and recently in an interview that was sort of secretly filmed, the guy said something like: OK, we have dealt with Gaza, the next will be Iran. I found that somewhere on YT by accident but forgot to bookmark, I will search again for it today and post link.

Here another bizarre thing: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culture...ck.html?image=1

There are 3 parts, and it is full with hidden messages, they placed it very well hidden under culture and daily clip/movie or something but it will most likely scare the sh1t out of many people. Check the three parts and see if you can find the messages, if not I will try and show.

This week I was in SG and had the chance to down some very interestingGov, documents, they are huge, some have 900 pages and minimum 400, so I need some time to go through them but already I have seen some weird stuff in there.

And for those that post comments like you are conspiracy nutcase, well you know, I do not care if you think I am, and you can keep posting your witty comments and add ROFL's smiley's, up to you. In the end we will see who was in denial stage all the time.

Cheers all, keep digging, it starts to get interesting.


I am sorry Midas I am not well read on the subject.

I have been looking just recently & like you I wonder.

It is very likely now that they will in fact win that election & that will only increase the tensions there & not likely ease anything.

Your 2nd thought would not surprise me at all if it were to come to light as being true. Where as I cannot say the crisis was engineered for this purpose I definitely have no trouble believing we once again would/could fund a covert war.

Sad but true they/we firmly believe there is money to be made supplying tools of the trade.

I dont look at it like that - i look at it as their " expats " living

in USA and in charge of " The Bank " organising the money

to send it back to their homeland :o

Given the chief of staff is the highest ranking member of the executive office & the 2nd most powerful man ( I know most think it is the VP but their wrong )

Anything is possible as to what they prefer to term....aide....pursuit of peace [sic] etc.

I read somewhere that the internet is one of the most important things to protect in the future & in many ways I can see why. With this information exchange possible many from different parts of the world can be in touch & say how things really are here & there. We the people get to talk with others. Yes we also get a lot of dis-information but that is the other side of the sword right? :D

You said this earlier today............I wonder if " down the track " this will change also.......................?

You never know :o

Given the chief of staff is the highest ranking member of the executive office & the 2nd most powerful man ( I know most think it is the VP but their wrong )

Anything is possible as to what they prefer to term....aide....pursuit of peace [sic] etc.

Oh god i didnt know that ?

well that is it as far as I am concerned

- I now share samuibeachcomber's view of the future :o

Even though some on this forum will accuse me of having crazy ideas,

part of me still wonders if this whole economic crisis was engineered to get

bailout money ( that we don't know where it went ) to finance a war between

" those who cannot be named " and Iran.

though i was not addressed here's my 2 Satangs Midas. your idea is not crazy but quite far fetched for the simple reason that the (known) amount of bailout money is not needed to attack Iran and destroy its dozens of nuclear sites. that can be done with much less money and less efforts than those applied on Saddam's Iraq namely with nuclear weapons.

what no amount of money can pay for is the occupation of Iran and no amount of money could possibly match the global political and economic implications if nuclear weapons were used which would also cause a huge loss of human life. grudgingly (some grinding their teeth) the majority of nations have and are still accepting how the Greatest Nation on Earth™ and "those who cannot be named" behaved and behave towards other countries. any action as mentioned above would cause a worldwide uproar of unheard dimensions and of course consequences.

Even though some on this forum will accuse me of having crazy ideas,

part of me still wonders if this whole economic crisis was engineered to get

bailout money ( that we don't know where it went ) to finance a war between

" those who cannot be named " and Iran.

though i was not addressed here's my 2 Satangs Midas. your idea is not crazy but quite far fetched for the simple reason that the (known) amount of bailout money is not needed to attack Iran and destroy its dozens of nuclear sites. that can be done with much less money and less efforts than those applied on Saddam's Iraq namely with nuclear weapons.

what no amount of money can pay for is the occupation of Iran and no amount of money could possibly match the global political and economic implications if nuclear weapons were used which would also cause a huge loss of human life. grudgingly (some grinding their teeth) the majority of nations have and are still accepting how the Greatest Nation on Earth™ and "those who cannot be named" behaved and behave towards other countries. any action as mentioned above would cause a worldwide uproar of unheard dimensions and of course consequences.

You could be right Naam.............I cannot put my finger exactly on it but its a gut feel

that some of this money that has evaporated into thin air is somehow in some way being used by

" those who cannot be named " . And for how long will nations keep " grinding their teeth "

- and after the election this weekend things can only get worse ? :o

I just wonder why Obama is pushing so hard for his stimulus package as it is very clear a lot of his stimuli do not do anything for the US economy.

Alex maybe I missed this but what is your theory as to why he pushed for this ?

There are 3 parts, and it is full with hidden messages, they placed it very well hidden under culture and daily clip/movie or something but it will most likely scare the sh1t out of many people. Check the three parts and see if you can find the messages, if not I will try and show.

This week I was in SG and had the chance to down some very interestingGov, documents, they are huge, some have 900 pages and minimum 400, so I need some time to go through them but already I have seen some weird stuff in there.

And for those that post comments like you are conspiracy nutcase, well you know, I do not care if you think I am, and you can keep posting your witty comments and add ROFL's smiley's, up to you. In the end we will see who was in denial stage all the time.

Cheers all, keep digging, it starts to get interesting.


I am trying to guess..........does the revised US flag on the London Policemans coat

represent 5 continents of World Government ...............or something like that ? :o

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