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The Phillipines?


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The Philippines are 98% Roman Catholic. What do YOU think?

More politely, the heterosexual prostitution scene is remarkably similar. However, in my 4 years there I never saw any evidence of a homosexual culture. My best guess is that it exists, but is primarily underground due to strong religio-cultural biases against homosexuality. Certainly it is not as open a place as Thailand!

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I wouldn't think talking about gayness in Asia in general is unrelated to gay Thai topics...

Anyway, I've known a number of Filipino gays and had a Filipino bf for a few years. There are MANY, MANY gays there- I'd say it's on the same order of frequency as in Thailand if not more. The Catholic repression is there, as Cathy says, but it doesn't seem to stop 'em.

In the big cities, the gay subculture is (fairly) obvious to those who are looking... in the smaller towns, there aren't any gay bars or locations, but it's not hard to tell if someone's interested in you, and just as in Thailand, they're not going to start a fight if there's a misunderstanding.

Personality-wise, I'd say that Filipinos are even more emotional and unrestrained than Thais (compared, of course, to Americans). Filipino guys are generally very warm and emotionally open, but also jealous and moody at times.

Physically, Filipino men are stockier and broader-built than Thais, on average.

Of course, these are all generalities, but what more can you do when speaking of entire populations?

If you want more info, feel free to pm me or ask more specific questions.


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