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Supporting Students, Good Idea?


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Hey Kreon,

I'm out of this useless discussion -- you want to dip it everywhere, hey its your dipstick, more power to you, amigo.

I like your straightforward statements and I like you via your posts. The rest is irrelevant & total BS.

If you feel upto it, turn us on to some good Zouk classic tracks from Kassav's founding members, way back from the 70's I believe. Got a compilation called Vikings Guadalupe and it has blown me away.

Best regards to you


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On the flip side... your 19yr old daughter is 'dating' a 55yr old guy.... ok with you? No, this guy is obviously taking advantage... the craddle snatching perv....  :o

well obviously you don't what you are talking about :D

its quite acceptable in most societities for young women to have older man, in fact it adds to their status symbol :D

if my daughter went with a older man, who was financialy stable and secure why not, would you rather have her to go out with a rice farmer or a tattoed punk :D

get real here, in paris, the gals hate the younger man because they treat them like sh1t, mature older man treat them with respect, hope you get it :D

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Hey Kreon,

I'm out of this useless discussion -- you want to dip it everywhere, hey its your dipstick, more power to you, amigo. 

I like your straightforward statements and I like you via your posts.  The rest is irrelevant & total BS.

If you feel upto it, turn us on to some good Zouk classic tracks from Kassav's founding members, way  back from the 70's I believe.  Got a compilation called Vikings Guadalupe and it has blown me away.

Best regards to you


au revoir :o

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On the flip side... your 19yr old daughter is 'dating' a 55yr old guy.... ok with you? No, this guy is obviously taking advantage... the craddle snatching perv....  :o

well obviously you don't what you are talking about :D

its quite acceptable in most societities for young women to have older man, in fact it adds to their status symbol :D

if my daughter went with a older man, who was financialy stable and secure why not, would you rather have her to go out with a rice farmer or a tattoed punk :D

get real here, in paris, the gals hate the younger man because they treat them like sh1t, mature older man treat them with respect, hope you get it :D

Think its more the case of the younger guy can take his pick while the silly old git who should know better has no choice, keep paying and hope it last as long as you have money.

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Jealous of what- smth that can be easily be done by any lad??? :o

Not necessarily, hence the bitter replies from those incapable of getting anything other than bargirls.

Why is it that nearly every thread in this forum ends up bashing the poor old Bar Girl. Leave the girls alone....they are not here to respond to the bashing they get so I guess that makes them easy targets.

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Jealous of what- smth that can be easily be done by any lad??? :o

Not necessarily, hence the bitter replies from those incapable of getting anything other than bargirls.

Why is it that nearly every thread in this forum ends up bashing the poor old Bar Girl. Leave the girls alone....they are not here to respond to the bashing they get so I guess that makes them easy targets.

Poor old DJ Pat hates Bg's with a passion. :D

After all he has been blown out more times than a wind sock :D:D

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Jealous of what- smth that can be easily be done by any lad??? :o

Not necessarily, hence the bitter replies from those incapable of getting anything other than bargirls.

Perhaps a username change to "DJ Pretentious Tw@t" would suit him better..

I'll be the first to admit earlier posts by this guy were nice to read, nowdays its more like reading the spoilt b@stard comic strip from the Viz, with thoughts of how difficult it would be to sit in the same room as the fool listenin to his babble for more than 5 minutes without knockin him out :D

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Jealous of what- smth that can be easily be done by any lad??? :o

Not necessarily, hence the bitter replies from those incapable of getting anything other than bargirls.

Why is it that nearly every thread in this forum ends up bashing the poor old Bar Girl. Leave the girls alone....they are not here to respond to the bashing they get so I guess that makes them easy targets.

Poor old DJ Pat hates Bg's with a passion. :D

After all he has been blown out more times than a wind sock :D:D

Is he related to yer old mate Erco ? Similar philosophy.

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Jealous of what- smth that can be easily be done by any lad??? :D

Not necessarily, hence the bitter replies from those incapable of getting anything other than bargirls.

'anything'.. don't you mean anyone??

such respect for females.. i can see why you are liked..

Hey this is Thailand, there ARE choices here, remember the soi dog story????!!!!


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Its a shame that students have to have sex with dirty old men just so's they can get an education. :D


you say what :D

I'm sorry, I did'nt know it was you :D

(did'nt he get a prozzie in that film) :o

Yeah, Eric Roberts with that wig again. :D

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