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Red Shirts Threaten To Blockade Government House On Saturday


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Nirmal Gosh's Straights Times Blog entry on this demonstration:


"...At no point was there the threat that things would go out of control, partly because none of the reds was armed in the manner that the PAD ''guards'' were last year. So there was little provocation. And the reds retained the moral high ground by not invading Government House as the PAD had done – a factor crucial to their public image."

Exactly, the "people" are fed up of PAD/Yellow street protests, that mess up the roads on WEEKDAYS, and SHUT DOWN AIRPORTS and other things that inconvenience them.

We all know the PAD did this to deliberatly upset the masses, force them to want change and accept the defact coup and appointing of a Democrat government.

Now, the UDD must be clever, and not upset the "people", and show people demonstrations on WEEKENDS, and show people they have a voice, and can demonstrate against the "elite" who are now behind the present government, and do so in a legal way, with non-violence and not breaking laws.

The international media will keep on reporting, as many of their reporters/mags have been threatened or charged or had publications suspended, by the "elite" controlling the Democrats coalition.

Therefore they will be more than happy to report on "Thai politcal turmoil" so the reds know they can always get "good press" coverage.

Keep up the good tactics red shirts........people will soon realise how bad the PAD were, and that they did things to make life hard for normal Thai people, in a deliberate fashion without any worrys or concerns......KNOWING that the Democrats who appear to sponsor them will not charge them or arrest them.

And who should be that "Elite" controlling the Democrats?????

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Exactly, the "people" are fed up of PAD/Yellow street protests, that mess up the roads on WEEKDAYS, and SHUT DOWN AIRPORTS and other things that inconvenience them.

Nonsense. The "people" as you call them are happily getting on in their lives and giving the new administration a chance to prove itself.

You would also do that if you weren't so keen on returning power to the corrupt self-serving politicians you obviously hold in such high esteem.

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Exactly, the "people" are fed up of PAD/Yellow street protests, that mess up the roads on WEEKDAYS, and SHUT DOWN AIRPORTS and other things that inconvenience them.

Nonsense. The "people" as you call them are happily getting on in their lives and giving the new administration a chance to prove itself.

You would also do that if you weren't so keen on returning power to the corrupt self-serving politicians you obviously hold in such high esteem.

I think the new administration has already "proved" themselves.

Into power via a back door coup.

Appointing PAD people to positions of power, or advisors to the government.

Rotten fish scandal.

"Buying votes" with 2000 baht handouts - seems you can also staple your name card to the money........"new politics" Democrat/PAD style ....LOL :o

In just such a short period of time, we see the from the new administration the corrupt self serving politicians you hold in such high esteem back to the ways they were before, that results in the last two Democrat governments having to be dissolved.........oh.......did you forget that ??? LOL :D

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Those who support Dems/PAD/elite/Army/"someone" are good, intelligent, clean.

Those who are reds or support the reds have one eye, insane, being bought by Khun T and are troll, fake. :o

Koo, I'm not a red shirt supporter and I don't share their views at all. But I do agree withy you that they have every democratic right to demonstrate and even block the government house. As long this is happening without violence and destruction.

But lets be honest only 500 supporters from the North is not a big show up.

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Nirmal Gosh's Straights Times Blog entry on this demonstration:


"...At no point was there the threat that things would go out of control, partly because none of the reds was armed in the manner that the PAD ''guards'' were last year. So there was little provocation. And the reds retained the moral high ground by not invading Government House as the PAD had done – a factor crucial to their public image."

Exactly, the "people" are fed up of PAD/Yellow street protests, that mess up the roads on WEEKDAYS, and SHUT DOWN AIRPORTS and other things that inconvenience them.

We all know the PAD did this to deliberatly upset the masses, force them to want change and accept the defact coup and appointing of a Democrat government.

Now, the UDD must be clever, and not upset the "people", and show people demonstrations on WEEKENDS, and show people they have a voice, and can demonstrate against the "elite" who are now behind the present government, and do so in a legal way, with non-violence and not breaking laws.

The international media will keep on reporting, as many of their reporters/mags have been threatened or charged or had publications suspended, by the "elite" controlling the Democrats coalition.

Therefore they will be more than happy to report on "Thai politcal turmoil" so the reds know they can always get "good press" coverage.

Keep up the good tactics red shirts........people will soon realise how bad the PAD were, and that they did things to make life hard for normal Thai people, in a deliberate fashion without any worrys or concerns......KNOWING that the Democrats who appear to sponsor them will not charge them or arrest them.

And who should be that "Elite" controlling the Democrats?????

The "Elite", well I think everyone knows who they are. They are ones who "control" the flow of information in important circles. Who live very well of the back of others.......

Shall we say, some of the most powerful families in the world have fallen victim to the "hangers on" giving them misleading information and allowing them to be duped into believing things that are false, disinformation they then take action over, only to find out later, much later, that in fact the "hangers on" in the middle were telling plenty of lies, lies designed to save their backs and keep them rich.

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Thai law forces every boy at 18 must join the Army or join some source of local forces.

Are you sure about this? This is the first time I have heard of this. What I have heard is that every Thai male must put his name in for the draft, whether or not he gets chosen is another matter. As well, I have heard that if a Thai male voluntarily joins something like the ROTC at school then he can avoid this requirement to put his name up for the draft lottery.

Perhaps the law has changed drastically in the 6 months since my 21 year old nephew went to the military draft lottery at the amphur.

Correct non of my 2 stepsons and 2 grandsons went in the army, they all followed LODO.

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The most important thing for the red shirts is "getting the message" over to the international press.

The message has been recieved. Everyone knows about the lack of action against the PAD's illegal activities, Kasit, 1997 constition etc........

I mean "RED SHIRTS CALL FOR ACTION AGAINST THOSE WHO BLOCKED THE AIRPORT"............they will get lots of people agreeing with that, and people asking why the new government is not taking action........nudge nudge wink wink








............and thousands more.....all over the world.

Well played reds, keep it in the headlines, and make sure that people keep asking why Kasit is FM, why the PAD have not been charged for blocking the airport, why the PAD guards were Army trained, why the PAD guards had guns and weapons, who did pay for all the PAD activities...................etc.......

As the economy crumbles under Democrat mismanagment and the consequencies of the PAD actions of 2008........more and more people will join forces with the reds as the "lets wait and see" time comes to an end...................

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Protesters start dispersing from Government House

The Nation Feb 1, 2009 (article link)

The red-shirted protesters started dispersing from Government House at 12:35 am Sunday after their leaders announced four-point demand for the government to comply. They started dispersing from the Nakhon Pathom Road in front of Government House where they pushed through police's lines to occupy. They headed back to Sanam Luang.

Veera Musigapong read the four demands, calling the government to take legal action against the People's Alliance for Democracy, to purge Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, to re-enforce the 1997 constitution and to dissolve the House after the readopting the 1997 charter.

Veera said the protesters would return if the government did not meet the demands in 15 days.

Actually they started to dispersing BEFORE their leaders announced their demands, as the paid time was over. At midnight everyone beside some hardcore wanted to go home.

Wishful thinking on your part. That may be in relation to the logo under your alter ego. :o

Yesterdays mass demonstration (more people than PAD managed to get on the streets after the coup) proved that Red Shirts have massive support under the population.

This one-sided propaganda by the likes of you is very tiring. You distort clearly proven facts so your increasingly untenable position is reinforced, you ignore that the Red Shirts have long begun transforming themselves from a mostly pro-Thaksin movement into a pro-democracy movement. The incorporation of early Thaksin critics such as Giles Ungpakorn is ample proof of that.

And at the same time you blindly support a movement that may have begun as a pro-democracy movement, though has deteriorated into a militant cult of defenders of a semi democracy led by traditional elites and military.

Nobody claims that the Red Shirts have not violent groups allied with them. The difference between the Red Shirt violence though is that the organizational structure is very different from PAD's - no overall leadership, while PAD is a strongly hierarchical organization that has also extremely violent parts, which are controlled by the leadership.

But, as Sanitsuda Ekachai mentioned a while ago in her column, when visiting the PAD, don't expect rational discussion.

Thank you all PAD supporters your for proving her right again. :D

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Police and Army are ready to block the reds, not letting them walk towards the Government House direction. Although the reds announced many times that they don't go inside the Government House, no one believes them.

Very strange that no Army and no Police have stopped the yellows from blocking the GH for 3 months.


Koo 82, its was your PPP government who was in charge that moment who should stop the PAD. But they did'nt, another prove that they where completely inadequate to rule the country, the same when PAD send a welcome comitee to SUVA when the PM returned from a broad,but he ran like a chicken to Chiang Mai.

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"Buying votes" with 2000 baht handouts - seems you can also staple your name card to the money........"new politics" Democrat/PAD style ....LOL :P

So you are a "red" and you are against buying votes?! LOL How does that work? :o

Yes, I am against all vote buying.

The UDD are all about Democracy, and are anti-coup and anti-back door coup.

Why, are the UDD vote buying ? I think not, they are not a political party.

How stupid are you to think the UDD are vote buying.....:D

This person thinks the UDD are buying votes..........THEY ARE NOT EVEN IN AN ELECTION........ :D :D :D :wai:

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TNN said about 50 reds in Korat around 3pm today couldn't go to Bangkok because the buses they booked didn't come. They tried to find alternatives.


Many forces have tried to slow them down. News said this group won't come, that group won't come.

Oh my God, 50 demonstrators from Korat, the red shirts seems to have a great support in Korat :o

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At the Government House now, Police and Army are there. They have about 30 vehicles and are ready to spray water to the reds if they get hot. Note that during the PAD nuts' protests, no Police and Army were doing anything to stop them from blocking Government House and airports.

post-67339-1233398008_thumb.jpg post-67339-1233398152_thumb.jpg

post-67339-1233398041_thumb.jpg post-67339-1233398239_thumb.jpg

No they just used tear gas at GH

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UDD wants lese majeste lifted

By: BangkokPost.com

Published: 31/01/2009 at 08:26 PM

The United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) on Saturday started gathering names on a petition for lifting lese majeste law.

At the UDD rally in Sanam Luang, anti-government speakers took turns lambasting the coalition government led by the Democrat party. They accused the Democrats of lacking the legitimacy to set up the government, adding that they were supported by the army and government officials, not the general public.

UDD core member and Puea Thai party MP Jatuporn Prompan reiterated that the red-shirt protesters will move to rally around Government House at 9pm, pressuring the government to dismiss Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, take legal action against the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and dissolve the lower house.

more at> http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/13...-majeste-lifted

It can't be discussed here, but it surprise me that they tell so open about what they want.

Where I can sign

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A good tactical start by the Reds.

All they need is for folk to think they might do the same as the Yellows, and it can have the same effect.

Who will be booking flights to Bangkok for March/April while this is in play?

I did, will arrive on 24 of April at 09.05 am. If the airport is blocked mai pan rai, I have plenty of time, because I will retire in Thailand.

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"Buying votes" with 2000 baht handouts - seems you can also staple your name card to the money........"new politics" Democrat/PAD style ....LOL :P

So you are a "red" and you are against buying votes?! LOL How does that work? :o

Yes, I am against all vote buying.

The UDD are all about Democracy, and are anti-coup and anti-back door coup.

Why, are the UDD vote buying ? I think not, they are not a political party.

How stupid are you to think the UDD are vote buying..... :D

This person thinks the UDD are buying votes..........THEY ARE NOT EVEN IN AN ELECTION........ :D :D :D :wai:

I'm stupid? Why so quick to the name calling? Do you really think that contributes anything in an adult discussion? (i'm assuming you are an adult of course)

As far as the UDD not being in favour of vote buying - does this party not include former members of the TRT/PPP?

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"Buying votes" with 2000 baht handouts - seems you can also staple your name card to the money........"new politics" Democrat/PAD style ....LOL :P

So you are a "red" and you are against buying votes?! LOL How does that work? :o

Yes, I am against all vote buying.

The UDD are all about Democracy, and are anti-coup and anti-back door coup.

Why, are the UDD vote buying ? I think not, they are not a political party.

How stupid are you to think the UDD are vote buying..... :D

This person thinks the UDD are buying votes..........THEY ARE NOT EVEN IN AN ELECTION........ :D :D :D :wai:

I'm stupid? Why so quick to the name calling? Do you really think that contributes anything in an adult discussion? (i'm assuming you are an adult of course)

As far as the UDD not being in favour of vote buying - does this party not include former members of the TRT/PPP?

I wouldn't worry about him, anyone who has to resort to using the caps lock key in every post he makes doesn't seem too level headed to me. Unless he's actually Thaksin. That would make sense, you can't get your head any more level than a square one. :jerk:

Edited by ballpoint
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UDD wants lese majeste lifted

By: BangkokPost.com

Published: 31/01/2009 at 08:26 PM

The United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) on Saturday started gathering names on a petition for lifting lese majeste law.

At the UDD rally in Sanam Luang, anti-government speakers took turns lambasting the coalition government led by the Democrat party. They accused the Democrats of lacking the legitimacy to set up the government, adding that they were supported by the army and government officials, not the general public.

UDD core member and Puea Thai party MP Jatuporn Prompan reiterated that the red-shirt protesters will move to rally around Government House at 9pm, pressuring the government to dismiss Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, take legal action against the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and dissolve the lower house.

more at> http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/13...-majeste-lifted

It can't be discussed here, but it surprise me that they tell so open about what they want.

Where I can sign

While I have been spectacularly unimpressed by the redshirts up til now, I feel like standing up and cheering them for this! I've been really disillusioned by the Democrat's actions re censorship and the LM law. If the leaders of the redshirts weren't such a bunch of corrupt wanke_rs I would definitely be moving into their section of the political cheerleading stands.

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don't worry about it, these red shirt will be gone by tomorrow morning, that's how it work, they are only hire for the weekend only.

i have no idea why they want to protest on a saturday and sunday for especially the government house there is nobody there, official don't work on weekend, and they are not the type that stick around for week, one two day and poof gone so what is the purpose of protest for.

Edited by chowder
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The Reds should go straight to protest at the airport if their demands are not met in full.

There is no point fannying around with Government House. As the PAD has shown, sit-ins there have little impact.

Couldn't agree more, especially about the airports.

Also, please remember that (like PAD) UDD is not a political party, so they do not buy vote becuase they don't stand in election.

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don't worry about it, these red shirt will be gone by tomorrow morning, that's how it work, they are only hire for the weekend only.

i have no idea why they want to protest on a saturday and sunday for especially the government house there is nobody there, official don't work on weekend, and they are not the type that stick around for week, one two day and poof gone so what is the purpose of protest for.

If you stress that gray matter between your ears than you might find out that instead of a militant overthrow of the whole system they just tried to make a few points without blackmailing the whole country. Those points could have been that they have shown that even though the government put up barricades they still did not resort to the same illegal actions, such as entering Government House.

Well, if you start thinking for yourself and stop following propaganda... :D

As most of these Red Shirt protesters are normal working people and not professional protesters that can afford to camp out for months, weekends may be a better choice in attracting enough people for such a protest march.

Even the mainstream media has reported that Thaksin's funds are getting a bit lower, where all his opponents rejoiced. What you are saying now is that all these Red Shirts are hired by the evil mastermind who is running out of funds. :o

Start applying logic - the funds that are needed to hire these 30 000 protesters are considerable. And this has been the 8th of them, not counting the gatherings in the provinces, during the last 3 months. Such movement of moneys cannot go unnoticed.

Especially not when Thaksin's opponents are at the helm. Therefore, before making such accusations, come up with sound evidence instead of loony conspiracy theories.

Some evidence other than rumor must have come up by now. It hasn't. You have no case.

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don't worry about it, these red shirt will be gone by tomorrow morning, that's how it work, they are only hire for the weekend only.

i have no idea why they want to protest on a saturday and sunday for especially the government house there is nobody there, official don't work on weekend, and they are not the type that stick around for week, one two day and poof gone so what is the purpose of protest for.

200 Baht to 500 Baht, if there is any fighting the prices will increase a lot+bus+food+half the money goes in someones pocket. Expensive for Thaksin. During the week the prices will be much higher as long as the people have a job.

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don't worry about it, these red shirt will be gone by tomorrow morning, that's how it work, they are only hire for the weekend only.

i have no idea why they want to protest on a saturday and sunday for especially the government house there is nobody there, official don't work on weekend, and they are not the type that stick around for week, one two day and poof gone so what is the purpose of protest for.

If you stress that gray matter between your ears than you might find out that instead of a militant overthrow of the whole system they just tried to make a few points without blackmailing the whole country. Those points could have been that they have shown that even though the government put up barricades they still did not resort to the same illegal actions, such as entering Government House.

Well, if you start thinking for yourself and stop following propaganda... :D

As most of these Red Shirt protesters are normal working people and not professional protesters that can afford to camp out for months, weekends may be a better choice in attracting enough people for such a protest march.

Even the mainstream media has reported that Thaksin's funds are getting a bit lower, where all his opponents rejoiced. What you are saying now is that all these Red Shirts are hired by the evil mastermind who is running out of funds. :o

Start applying logic - the funds that are needed to hire these 30 000 protesters are considerable. And this has been the 8th of them, not counting the gatherings in the provinces, during the last 3 months. Such movement of moneys cannot go unnoticed.

Especially not when Thaksin's opponents are at the helm. Therefore, before making such accusations, come up with sound evidence instead of loony conspiracy theories.

Some evidence other than rumor must have come up by now. It hasn't. You have no case.

Why not get out into the country and see for yourself. Someone is footing the bill in Buri Ram, where Newin is either loved or hated depending on which district you're in. As I posted before, 500 baht for a banner waver in the front, 200 for a foot clapper waver in the back. Someone arranged for Khorat registered pickup trucks to take them to Bangkok, so as to avoid the checkpoints. As I also posted, some of those who went had recently come back from the PAD protests, changing sides for money. Next time I'd hide in the bushes with my video camera and film it for you, but I don't think I'd last too long if the red thugs caught me.

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don't worry about it, these red shirt will be gone by tomorrow morning, that's how it work, they are only hire for the weekend only.

i have no idea why they want to protest on a saturday and sunday for especially the government house there is nobody there, official don't work on weekend, and they are not the type that stick around for week, one two day and poof gone so what is the purpose of protest for.

If you stress that gray matter between your ears than you might find out that instead of a militant overthrow of the whole system they just tried to make a few points without blackmailing the whole country. Those points could have been that they have shown that even though the government put up barricades they still did not resort to the same illegal actions, such as entering Government House.

Well, if you start thinking for yourself and stop following propaganda... :D

As most of these Red Shirt protesters are normal working people and not professional protesters that can afford to camp out for months, weekends may be a better choice in attracting enough people for such a protest march.

Even the mainstream media has reported that Thaksin's funds are getting a bit lower, where all his opponents rejoiced. What you are saying now is that all these Red Shirts are hired by the evil mastermind who is running out of funds. :o

Start applying logic - the funds that are needed to hire these 30 000 protesters are considerable. And this has been the 8th of them, not counting the gatherings in the provinces, during the last 3 months. Such movement of moneys cannot go unnoticed.

Especially not when Thaksin's opponents are at the helm. Therefore, before making such accusations, come up with sound evidence instead of loony conspiracy theories.

Some evidence other than rumor must have come up by now. It hasn't. You have no case.

20.000 protesters at 500 Baht each are 10.000.000 Baht.

Considering frozen only in Thailand.

Alone that would allow 20 years of this demonstrations (every day). Most probably there is also money frozen in UK and Switzerland and most probably there is some money available in Hongkong and Singapore. Recently one of his kids bought an expensive property in Hongkong. So I think there is money enough to pay them.

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^Why do folk try to equate the costs of staging protests to Thaksin's estimated bank balance based on his deals with Temasek.

These cats were in power for what? Five years? Creaming off bits of the budget here and there. There must be tons of money stashed away!

More than enough to hold a five day long (and perfectly legal) look thung concert for 50,000 people right outside the departures lounge.

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