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Why Are Thai Girls So Jealous?


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:D My live in girlfriend doesn't trust me to go out with the lads. she thinks I am going short time. In the past, I have done what we all do and been caught out. That was a long time ago,but she never lets me forget my ' mistake' as she calls it.

Speaking to my mates, they all seem to have the same trouble with theirs.

I live just outside Pattaya, so I suspect this has something to do with it. They know we will get pestered in the bars. Most of us have been here a long time, so we have lost interest in the b/g scene.

Does anyone have the same problem, or am I just unlucky. I know she cares for me very much, but sometimes, I think it would be better to have someone who was indifferent. :o

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:D  My live in girlfriend doesn't trust me to go out with the lads. she thinks I am going short time. In the past, I have done what we all do and been caught out. That was a long time ago,but she never lets me forget my ' mistake' as she calls it.

Speaking to my mates, they all seem to have the same trouble with theirs.

  I live just outside Pattaya, so I suspect this has something to do with it. They know we will get pestered in the bars. Most of us have been here a long time, so we have lost interest in the b/g scene.

  Does anyone have the same problem, or am I just unlucky. I know she cares for me very much, but sometimes, I think it would be better to have someone who was indifferent.    :o

Try dating a Filipina in Thailand, and then you will know what jealousy means! :D

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I would put it down to insecurity in most cases. Since you live just outside Pattaya, maybe you gf/wife thinks you might find someone else. You say you have been caught in the past, this just adds fuel to the fire.

I went to Pattaya with the g/f, went to meet my brother for a guys night out, told the g/f to stay back at the hotel and wait for me. It turns out she was stalking me from the moment I went out. I was pretty angry at the time but I laugh now when I think about it.

You just have to either accept it or try and find someone else who is thinks differently, which in the case of Thai women, is not easy.

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If you aren't happy then walk.........

Agreed :D

I don't understand some farangs here in thailand.

They shack up with a girl and then moan about her, Argue all the time, get shown up in public by her because of her jealousy and generally have a miserable time. Why stay with her?

Its not as if they're are'nt other girls. :o

Edited by davethailand
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Jealousy has merely to do with insecurity or, in other words, afraid of losing someone (in many Thai ladies' eyes...the wallet...) to someone else.

Look the way around...would you be jealous if the girls are going out together...meaning: do YOU trust your gf's?

If there is trust and REAL LOVE there is no jealousy (or at least maybe just a little)..but the 'woman' in general wants to keep home-garden-children-security; that's why they are always afraid of losing the partner.

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Thai gals are more jealous than most falangs

but i guess you do need to look at the diet of crap they are fed on tingtong tv with adultery featuring on most of the soaps,and also the fact that Thai men will #$%^ anything even if married according to my missus.

Sure security comes into it,but i think its more cultural,they were jealous before falangs came along.

Jealousy has merely to do with insecurity or, in other words, afraid of losing someone (in many Thai ladies' eyes...the wallet...) to someone else.

Look the way around...would you be jealous if the girls are going out together...meaning: do YOU trust your gf's?

If there is trust and REAL LOVE there is no jealousy (or at least maybe just a little)..but the 'woman' in general wants to keep home-garden-children-security; that's why they are always afraid of losing the partner.

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yeah, early on new years eve day i call my girl; she's going out drinking with her friends, talk about 30-40 mins then she says she'll call me back later in the night, so i told her ok, call me next year.

didn't give me a chance to tell her that i was going to be going to a concert. she calls me at 2 minutes untill the new year my time (in afghanistan 2 and a half hour difference from thailand); music is blaring, i go outside, she's quiet hardly says a word, the countdown starts 10,9,8,..1 happy new year I tell her on the phone.

I get in a very monotone "i allready had my new year". I'm like <deleted> is wrong with you? She tells me something about "why are you having so much fun?" I tell her "Pom nee kwam suk mak mak". I get "Why?" I tell her "Because you are the last person I talked to in 2004 and the first person I talked to in 2005". Seems to disregaurd my statement, not listening to a word; just focused on the fact that I was having a good time and she wasn't within arms reach of me. She tells me she doesn't have any fun when she goes out because she thinks about me mak mak.

I think to myself sure, you've called me sooo many times when your skunk drunk and never have you said that you weren't having any fun when you go out with your friends then because you cant get your mind of off me. Apperantly because each of those times I had reletively boring days at work; I think she enjoys hearing how boring and crappy my days are! I guess it means more security for her due to no opportunitys for women to talk to me.

I've even told her about the girl at the local Thai resteraunt that gives me discounts and free food. She always uses that one against me; she say's she joking but I'm pretty sure she isn't. She blurts out, "I know you give number you phone to lady in resteraunt"... Um no I havn't, she doesn't even know my name. I only know her name because it is written on the hat she wears. She asks me if I think she is beutiful; greatful for my ability to think about what i say before i speak; I tell her I don't know, when I see lady I don't think about if she is beutiful or not, I have you, I don't care to think about how pretty a lady is. Phew, I almost told her she was pretty. She calls me Pbaak Kwaan (not sure how to write that one, can't find it in the dictionairy) something about having a "Sweet Mouth".

She gets mad if I know some other ladys name... geez, lol; she's told me that if i go to a go-go bar without her present, I will die. A bit extreme isn't it? I sure hope she's only joking; I'm only 23 and it would really suck to be killed by my jellous 28 year old fiance.

When I first met her, I had about 100 hicky's on my neck... she called me a typical butterfly... after we got serioius she kept refering to the "vampire lady" the one who gave me all the hicky's. I told her I didn't like her; she says she doens't believe me. She wants to confront her, I have no idea why. I didn't even know her when I was with the "vampire lady". But, for some reason she has it in her head that I like the other lady, and that she likes me; I assume she is insecure that I will run to her if I had the chance; which is totally not the case. Due to the fact of.. something that happend in the bedroom, which i will try to explain with as little detail as possible. Have you ever heard the expression that goes something like: "Yeah, last night I fwuxed the sheiite out of her." well if you take that statment literally, you will get the gists of what had taken place with the "vampire lady" and, good thing i was hammered as all ###### or i would have made her feel extremely embarassed for some reason when I am drunk I am such a gentlemen; no matter how disgusted I might be.

geezus that sure got off of the subject, erm nevermind i'll stop now

well yeah, my girl is the most jellous person I have ever meet in my entire life. I love her derely and i am flattered by it in a sick sor of way. I know she loves me derely as well, I just wished that she wouldn't worry as much as she does. I don't feel imprisoned, smothered or, anything of the sort, just loved.

Edited by peder.klockmann
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Well my thai wife is completely the opposite.

She doesn't mind i talk to other girls, she knows i love her. She never once asked me were i am , or called me to verify my whereabouts with a fake excuse (like women can do).

Not all thai girls are like that :o

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Well my thai wife is completely the opposite.

She doesn't mind i talk to other girls, she knows i love her. She never once asked me were i am , or called me to verify my whereabouts with a fake excuse (like women can do).

Not all thai girls are like that :o

Your wife is pretty much the exception, Dark...

Enjoy! :D

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If you played up once, no wonder your sweetheart feels insecure. But praytell, why did you play up if you're with someone? And please, no flames here. I'm being quite serious. If you have a darling, then you would not want anyone else (and yes, I'm a diehard romantic!).

However, since you've already proven to her that you are not to be trusted, the only way you can ease her fears is to be really mindful and tell her all your movements. Post love notes around the place for her to find and sending her cell messages when you're out with your friends with things like, "thinking of you". Otherwise, you'll need to find a new girl to start afresh with.

And another thing, I'm a westernised Chinese but I can tell you, not only Thai girls are like this. Women of all nationalities and creeds can be the same. Well educated women who seemingly have it all together become different beings when they are in relationships they don't feel 100% secure about. The transformation can be quite amazing.

Hope this helps!

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Hmmm..... Not wanting to burst any bubbles here... but dunno about your g/f worrying about what 'you' are up to..... when she is workong on an American airbase....  :o

???? where did you get the idea his GF was working on a US airbase?? Am I the only one who thinks you don't actually read the posts before replying??

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She gets mad if I know some other ladys name... geez, lol; she's told me that if i go to a go-go bar without her present, I will die.  A bit extreme isn't it?  I sure hope she's only joking; I'm only 23 and it would really suck to be killed by my jellous 28 year old fiance. 

You really don't know much about Thai bar girls. They are incredibly jelous, wether you are there or not and wether you send money or not. She will always fear you will leave her - especially because you are so young compared to her.

You are not allowed to go out or anything, but when she gets a little drunk and ends up at lucifers disco and goes with a falang, not becuase of the money but, because she wants to have some fun and be happy that is OK, as long as you never find out.

Half the girls in lucifers with customers have sponsors already - and they go there purely for a good time and because they get to pick the guy.

You have a lot to learn about thai girls!


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You are one lucky man! Most women who do not worry about thier husbands/boyfriends are straight and judging by their own standards. It is the jealous ones that are judging by their own standards too. We all do that.

Have to agree with this, the bloke who is constantly suspicious of his partner is only this way because he cheats so much himself! I have fronted quite a few friends with this information after their behaviour has become extreme towards their GF.

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Well my thai wife is completely the opposite.

She doesn't mind i talk to other girls, she knows i love her. She never once asked me were i am , or called me to verify my whereabouts with a fake excuse (like women can do).

Not all thai girls are like that :o

You are one lucky man! Most women who do not worry about thier husbands/boyfriends are straight and judging by their own standards. It is the jealous ones that are judging by their own standards too. We all do that.

I must be tired it's taken' 6 reads of this posts to get a jist of what your talkin' about.Time to switch off the pc for me.

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Can't see why you not accept you're gf's jealousy?

What makes it sure you will not cheat on her again?

Guy's like you, that are wining about the girl, when it all starded out with you're own act's make me feel sick... :o


You might get some more time and experience with thai-girls? Or any girls? What do i know? :D

As said before, all bg's are jelous, and are really scared to death by the thought that they can loose their support.

Why dont you try to tell her the next time she complains, that : "ok, if it aint ok for you to go out, let's split, so you can find a better man."

I think she will be a wery inderstanding girl after that sentence. :D

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