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Add-ons Disabled


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Same here. I have to enable add ons for every website. If I go into "Manage add ons" all show as enabled, but they are not working. Obviously is a problem with the recent download/update and so I imagine there will be a fix soon.

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I had the same problem with add-ons being disabled and couldn't get signed into Instant Messenger among other things. Spent half the day messing around and finally everything seems to be back in order. Never really sure though. I did start to download the updates but then canceled it when they said I needed to backup my whole system first. I had also ran my Avast AntiVirus scan at about the same time and found a couple virus. So I thought that might have caused the problem.

Another strange thing I have noticed is that recently the time showing for post being made is an hour ahead of what the actual time is. This seems to come and go during the day.

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