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Enjoy Life While You Can


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A good friend of mine aged 23 died in a plane crash in LA a couple of days ago.  He had  visited me quite a few times over the last 7 years and mosts recently last month, and it just reminds me that all the little petty stuff and bickering that goes on really isn't worth our time.  http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/california/la-me-planecrash30-2009jan30,0,4233479.story

Peace Martin and may all thoses that use skype think about you as you were one of the people behind skype.

This post is not a ( RIP Martin) post but rather a " let's look at the big picture before we argue over the little things post".  Plenty of info abounding for my friend Martin Schaedel if you do a google search who was a really good person and loved to babysit my daughter.

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Concur in the expression of sorrow over a friend's passing...but please, what does this have to with Thailand? I have seen other posters have theor posts removed or closed because the topic had nothing to do with Thailand. Just curious about the rules.

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Concur in the expression of sorrow over a friend's passing...but please, what does this have to with Thailand? I have seen other posters have theor posts removed or closed because the topic had nothing to do with Thailand. Just curious about the rules.

The young man was a frequent visitor to Thailand, his friend lives in Thailand. If you have nothing relevant to add, don't bother.

Sorry for your loss Steelepulse and a very good message - today, I'm going to live life to the max.

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Concur in the expression of sorrow over a friend's passing...but please, what does this have to with Thailand? I have seen other posters have theor posts removed or closed because the topic had nothing to do with Thailand. Just curious about the rules.

Well, if you read alot of posts on TV, they are obsessing over nothing. The thread is a reminder that there alot of beautiful things everyday to enjoy. I can't stand a road I use to get to the beach, but 1/2 way down there are a bunch of magnificent trees that make the walk worthwhile. It's a kick in the pants to me to stop wallowing in self pity when I don't get my pay raise or if I have to deal with a guy that tries to stiff me on 20 baht. There are more important things in life.

A worthy quote from the article,

"He said, 'I don't want you to ever worry about me. If I die in a fiery crash, at least I would do what I loved,' " she said

Seems to me that at least he got to do what he wanted to do, unlike so many of us. I'd like to be able to say the same thing, one day.

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OK, OK; good points all. I retract my comment but assure you that it wasn't posted at all to cause hard feelings...we all have lost loved ones and soulmates in this life and I certainly have sympathy for those left behind and in grief. I was, and am truly curious about the forum rules on seemingly personal posts that have no real benefit for the vast majority of TV members who did not know of your special relationship.

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Concur in the expression of sorrow over a friend's passing...but please, what does this have to with Thailand? I have seen other posters have theor posts removed or closed because the topic had nothing to do with Thailand. Just curious about the rules.

I've always said those posters that just post " And what has this to do with Thailand " were brainless. It now appears they are heartless as well. As Neeram said the guy spent a lot of time here in Thailand or Is that not enough of a connection to Thailand. A man is grieving for his friend for crying out loud ! GET A LIFE! :o

Edited by H2oDunc
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sorry to hear about your friend and i hope you feel better soon. i have been the receiver of bad news about several deaths lately and i also have this feeling that i should slough off the situations and people who are detrimental to my life and get back to living! carpe diem! tell those you care about and who deserve it that you love them. get out there and do the things you want to do. and don't waste time worrying about little things you can't change, as none of us are getting out alive anyway!!!

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I worked in Santa Monica Airport for Hertz Rent A Car (washing their cars) for school credit at Santa Monica High school

Later in life flown with friends many, many times in and out of the little airport so I know it well.

Sorry to hear about your friend. I wish you the best and may he rest in peace.

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The monster who through his 4 year old daughter off a bridge in Australia has 'nothing' to with Canada, where my Thai wife and 4 year old daughter live, right?

So, please explain why I had trouble getting to sleep last night thinking about it.

The OP makes a good point.

The next breath you take is better than the best birthday present you ever had.

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