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Shot For Motorbike


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My brother-in-law was riding his motorbike late at night in down a quiet back road to avoid the main road and traffic in Bangkok.

Apparently he was held up and shot at close range and his motorbike stolen. His body was moved dumped elsewhere in bushes at another location. This happened 1/1/05.

Anyway, some questions:

- Is this common?

- Is there any chance his bike could be found in Bangkok?

- Must we continue to bribe the police to investigate this murder?

Regards BaanOz

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My brother-in-law was riding his motorbike late at night in down a quiet back road to avoid the main road and traffic in Bangkok.

Apparently he was held up and shot at close range and his motorbike stolen. His body was moved dumped elsewhere in bushes at another location.  This happened 1/1/05.

Anyway, some questions:

- Is this common?

- Is there any chance his bike could be found in Bangkok?

- Must we continue to bribe the police to investigate this murder?

Regards BaanOz





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Thanks theviking,

About "is it common", when these things happen it makes you wonder how safe you are out in the suburbs! Guess you just have to take the normal precautions.

Yep, I thought there was little or no chance of finding the bike.

About bribing, my Thai wife says that his parents have paid but I really can't imagine how they could find the killer as it was totally isolated.

Regards, BaanOz.

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Not only is this not common it sounds as if there is probably more to it. If family knows where he was that evening and those who were with him I would start there as a murder is not common without a prior disagreement. I doubt the body would have been moved from a robbery scene.

Most cases are probably solved from informer information than from a witness so even if in an isolated area there is a chance the killer could be found.

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My immediate thought is that he had upset someone, and this was their




Apparently the work friends that he was with prior have all been questioned.

As far as the family know he did not owe anyone money etc. Also, his mobile, wallet was still in his pocket.

I'm not 100% clear about from/to he was moved ...yes it does sound strange.

Regards BaanOz

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My condolances too.

But I must agree with the general sentiment...

It is not a common occurance.

There must be more to it that what meets the eye.

As with many things in Thailand, "the truth is out there".

(Apologies if that sounds a little insensitive)

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My condolances too.

But I must agree with the general sentiment...

It is not a common occurance.

There must be more to it that what meets the eye.

As with many things in Thailand, "the truth is out there".

(Apologies if that sounds a little insensitive)

Hi Jai Dee,

Not at all I really do appreciate any ideas as my wife and I do not live in Bangkok and are just going on telephone calls back and forth between family.

Thankyou BaanOz.

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Not only is this not common it sounds as if there is probably more to it.  If family knows where he was that evening and those who were with him I would start there as a murder is not common without a prior disagreement.  I doubt the body would have been moved from a robbery scene.

I agree. Moving the body does not sound like an anonomyous robbery. and if he was moved to another location, they needed a car, right?

(from original poster) was riding his motorbike late at night in down a quiet back road to avoid the main road and traffic in Bangkok

How would you know that?

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My condolences too.

But I must agree with the general sentiment...

It is not a common occurance.

There must be more to it that what meets the eye.

As with many things in Thailand, "the truth is out there".

(Apologies if that sounds a little insensitive)

I think you're right to be suspicious of this, Jai Dee.

BaanOz - have you been asked to replace the motorcycle yet? Think carefully about this whole story - it may just be that. And I too am sorry if this sounds insensitive.

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I think you're right to be suspicious of this, Jai Dee.

BaanOz - have you been asked to replace the motorcycle yet? Think carefully about this whole story - it may just be that. And I too am sorry if this sounds insensitive.

More than insensitive in my book. This may be a troll or it may be real but to suggest a family staged the murder of his brother-in-law to obtain funds to buy a motorcycle is beyond reason IMHO. :o

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I agree. Moving the body does not sound like an anonomyous robbery. and if he was moved to another location, they needed a car, right?

(from original poster) was riding his motorbike late at night in down a quiet back road to avoid the main road and traffic in Bangkok

How would you know that?

For starter the we were told the police believe he was not killed at the place they found him. We don't know for sure why they think this at the moment.

The reason we know he rode down a back street is because he ate with a number of work friends at a restaurant and from there he rode on the main road to go home with one other friend who was on another bike.

On the way back he realized that he had left a spare part (for his bike) that he had bought at a shop where he paid for it. He decided to leave his friend and go back to the shop. His told his friend he was taking a faster route and his friend saw him ride off down a back street.

They do not know what shop the part was from. So can't find out anything from there.

Regards BaanOz

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Sounds very very fishy to me.

Why is finding the bike so important?

More than insensitive in my book. This may be a troll or it may be real but to suggest a family staged the murder of his brother-in-law to obtain funds to buy a motorcycle is beyond reason IMHO.

Sounds feasible to me.

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Sounds very very fishy to me.

Why is finding the bike so important?

More than insensitive in my book. This may be a troll or it may be real but to suggest a family staged the murder of his brother-in-law to obtain funds to buy a motorcycle is beyond reason IMHO.

Sounds feasible to me.


Ummm no troll here.

....and NO - definately won't be asked to replace the bike (but know where your coming from).

Basically I think the police have nothing to go on, could have been someone after the bike, but as suggested "why kill someone for a bike" especially when he still had his wallet/mobile still in his pockets.

Could have been a dispute with whoever he bought the bike parts off.

BTW "why is finding the motorcycle so important" ...guess!

Regards BaanOz

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Something very fishy,

Why shoot him, steal his bike and move the body and then leave his wallet and mobile alone...

That is murder not robbery.

definately more to this than meets the eye, Wouldnt surprise me to see drugs, a woman or gambling involved somewhere.

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Moving his body from one location to the other might simply mean from by the side of the road to the bushes xx metres away?

BaanOz, how much of the info is being relayed? For instance, is a family member being notified by the police, who then tells your wife, who in turn translates the info into English for you?

To me it sounds like robbery from the info I've read so far. Killed for his bike, body moved quickly to the bushes with possibly the intention of disestablishing the exact time of the crime, and the murderer(s) had to flee quickly after trying to hide the body and....before they could steal his personal items.

Either that or, someone must've known the route he would be taking going to or from the shop and waited for him. Or followed him.

Maybe a dispute with the bikeshop owner? Perhaps the owner realised he had left the spare part and claimed that he must've dropped/left it somewhere else and an arguement ensued which got out of hand. Then the bike stolen to be broken up for spares later? :o

Sorry for your loss. I hope they get caught soon, one way or another.

Edited by Gazza
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BaanOz, how much of the info is being relayed? For instance, is a family member being notified by the police, who then tells your wife, who in turn translates the info into English for you? 

Yes, you might notice some inconsistancies in what I say because it is being relayed from police/doctor -> parents of the fellow -> my wifes parents -> my wife -> to me.

It was late at night and the parts shop would have been shut so he must have left the part somewhere near his work and I'm buggered if I know (from wifes details!) where.

Latest info is that the doctor who looked over him believes he was shot, didn't die and was bashed across the head. He also had marks across his back that indicated a fight.

Apparently his friend mentioned that he had reversed back and damaged someones car along that route, so that may have had something to do with it. The police will look into this.

You are right, he may not have been moved far at all.

Anyway, he has already been cremated and later this month we are joining with family to spread his ashes at Koh Samet.


Regards, BaanOz

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