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Crackdown On Prostitution Portal Websites


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In Thailand, college or university students, especially in their first and second years, are not viewed as adults in the way many of us might expect. Their teachers are expected to -- and do -- offer "moral" guidance. No matter what our own views on p*********n may be, and no matter what that of the students may be, this is traditionally part of the teacher's role. Nobody in a public position would suggest otherwise.

Exactly what has prompted this "crackdown" is unclear (perhaps the story of the 12 year old boy in Hong Kong) but any official response on the topic cannot be expected to be otherwise.

I'd also be very concerned if my daughter or son were selling their body at that age. Thai children don't usually receive a great deal of education about sexual matters, and hooking up with random strangers is dangerous anywhere.

Edited by sylviex
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What a load of BS , if the Prime minister really wants to take the hight moral ground ,why not close down ,Patpong,Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza ,etc etc ? never gonna happen ,yet that form of prostitution is right in your face , and very easy to close down,

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I wouldn't know about your grotmags, but I think you have to concede the point about the site being in Thai.

Even those of us that can read Thai to some extent would find it quite daunting to 'frequent' Hi5Thai due to the use of slang, colloquialisms and miss-spellings - if the girls are advertising in Thai, its more than just likely that they are after Thai 'clients' not farang.

Oh, I was only responding to the post about not having Thai chicks in bikinis in Thai magazines, which is completely untrue. And I do agree that the use of slang on places like Hi5 or Camfrog presents a problem for non native speakers, sometimes I don't know what they're saying and the words aren't in my dictionary. But I've found most people in those places to be very understanding. Hmm...think it's time to log on to Camfrog. :o

And I was only relating to the magazines my wife & children buy and read.

Besides, I tried to be as ****** as I think the Tai authorities handle the internet, magazines, films & all.

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What a load of BS , if the Prime minister really wants to take the hight moral ground ,

why not close down ,Patpong,Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza ,etc etc ?

never gonna happen, yet that form of prostitution is right in your face , and very easy to close down,

Issan is hungry enough without cutting off one of it's major lifelines, in really tough times.

As bad an option as it is, it is essential to the economy and the North east's basic survival.

Not to mention it just spreads it out to other areas, rather than a relatively controlable few central points.

Close the bars and soapies and all that cash to the countryside goes away,

and creates a HIGE ground swell of resentment, to make the Red shirts seem mild.

Giving the appearance of a moral high ground with students safety at issue is easy enough,

and wins parent points. Any OTHER choice on that subject would be suicide.

It is a basically un-winable fight, but that makes no difference, any effort seen wins points.

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Hahaha, this is happening all over the world, not just in Thailand. In the Netherlands youth of around 13-16 do the same thing, just for a new handbag or new mobile phone! It's our society which is the blame, making everyone proud of their ego's and identify with their ego survival instincts, just to keep us stupid enough to see the need for these products as a means to survive. "Showing off" is still a way of security and identification, and is still a deep rooted way of survival. Thank you world!!

Wasn't it Buddha who teaches a way that made us able to see that this ego identification is an illusion and only leads to suffering? And by learning to see this ego in action, we see it's not us, and let us all identify with our hearts, from where we are able to do everything our heart feels like, and we can identify with everything we want to experience!

Hey isn't Thailand a Buddhist country, strange? That no one actually lives by the teachings anymore!!!!!!!

We're all driven by our unconscious way of survival, and security, and so OUR EGOS ARE LEADING OUR LIVES!




I identify solely with the body I am in..... 555555

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It's part of the economic stimulus package. No 'direct marketing'. You must have a pimp--it provides employment opportunities for countless young men.

Bullseye. This would be so funny if it weren't true. Take Abhisit's very own commerce minister, for the start... oh, my apologies, she's not a young man.

Edited by crocodilexp
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I am handbag hear me roar!

I boom boom there for I am.

I need, I think, there for I f---

Getting philosophical are we Ani?

Descartes sitting observing Sukhumvit Road a while back...........

As the errant Merc driver mowed down some bystanders at a bus stop.......

"I'm pink and mad, therefore I'm Moo Ham"

Vision of raven-haired, long legged, Adam's appled, beauty steps out of the crowd and rubs Frenchman's leg.............

"You handsome man, come buy me drink, we go home together. Waaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiii!"

"I have a clear and distinct perception of myself

as a thinking and unextended thing;

and of my body as an extended and unthinking thing......"

2 hours later lighter in wallet and load, said Rene to himself..........

"Wait a moment,

I think Lady-man; therefore I'm scammed!"


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Descarte, yes, been to his village,

but you missed the Anne Murray reference. :o

She is as she thinks she is. I am not one to understand

a woman after, if not before.

Cause and deflect.

I am Oak I like to poke...

Edited by animatic
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