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Male Dominated Chiang Mai Forum

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having observed various forums within thai visa over the last year. Id like to proffer up an opinion. ie

Chiang mai forums' most vociferous contributors are mainly middle aged "western men" who are either single, gay or disenfranchised. or possibly all three.

When I say single I mean no decent self respecting woman would go near them with a shitty stick. Ive got so many female friends who totally abhor the "scum" that post on here. Thinking them. Dinosaurs. idiots. bigots. fat, gross, ugly, OLD: in a bad way.

Chiang mai forum is the most visited site on the thai visa forum ?

Members seem to have OCD.

Bangkok, hua hin, phuket et al seem to get a lot less traffic and less hate filled responses.

Perhaps people there actually have a life to live.

Just a suggestion, old boys, put your collective hands in your pockets, spend a few baht, enjoy whats left of your sad old lives and stop living through this easy medium.

just a gentle suggestion :o

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I don't want to wait for any more responses. I can't see this thread going anywhere other than trouble. Please holster your weapons!


Personally, i feel that those who are quick to pass judgments on others say far more about themselves than their targets.

Posted by a not old western married man.


I responded to this subject a while back on a thread called Statistical Relationships (see below), but why someone would want to start a thread specifically on this subject other than to stir up a bit of controversy, kind of indicates that they are equally eager to participate in a virtual slanging match, doesn't it? I mean, you can hardly promote peace by exciting an uproar!

Here are some forum stats for you, or maybe that should be facts based on statistical analysis. As I run a bunch of my own websites (with a few of them being dynamic projects), I obviously did a little research in the early days about forums, what makes them work, and the demographic criterion for attracting visitors be they lurkers or participants.

My research showed that those who live in Forums (daily participants) generally tend to attract the same demographic, which are the stuck-in-the-mud 'angry' male in his 40s and 50s who participate in forum threads simply because they're easy to use and a great place to vent their own frustrations (whatever they happen to be!). The above is of course a generalization, but if anyone reading it gets uptight then, well, if the cap fits, wear it!

Over the years in various forums, I’ve had some hostile responses to perfectly inoffensive posts, and in my then innocence I’d often take the bait and let the battle commence. But nowadays it’s water off a ducks back unless the attack is personal and needs defending.

The simple solution to avoiding forum wars is this; the moment you get a negative response to a post, quickly amend it, make you apologies (if necessary), and let it go..

If a forum participant posts something like, ‘I THINK you’re a crook, then that’s up to them. What other people think about you is none of your business. Their thoughts are their own, and they are entitled to them. However, if a forum participant posts, you ARE a crook, then it’s personal and needs defending. What someone thinks your are, is not the same as what someone says (accuses) you of being.

It’s been said time and time again in here when people jump in and complain about a post or a poster, and that is, if the topic or poster doesn’t interest you, then either sod off without leaving comment, or don’t visit the thread to begin with. But then again, some folks can’t help themselves, whether they have an interest in the discussion or not, hence the second paragraph from the top above.


When I say single I mean no decent self respecting woman would go near them with a shitty stick. Ive got so many female friends who totally abhor the "scum" that post on here. Thinking them. Dinosaurs. idiots. bigots. fat, gross, ugly, OLD: in a bad way.

Yikes! I don't know about those other guys but I am actually quite young and handsome - or so my beloved wife tells me.

Farewell to this thread, ajarnpim as I suspect/hope that the local moderator will help you point your "shitty stick" in some other direction...

When I say single I mean no decent self respecting woman would go near them with a shitty stick. Ive got so many female friends who totally abhor the "scum" that post on here. Thinking them. Dinosaurs. idiots. bigots. fat, gross, ugly, OLD: in a bad way.

its people posting on an anonymous internet forum, nobody knows who they. so these female friends of yours must have wild imagination.


I would fairly say that there is a high % of older farang here....I'm 57 and have nothing to hide.

I truly know that Thai Visa wants a large diverse community on the site.

The more ladies, and people of other backgrounds and interests, the better.

All people are truly welcome.


I'd like to think I'm one of the more mellow and and intelligent posters here (there are quite a few sane voices for sure). I've met plenty of good ppl here thru the forum and then again I've also seen alot of old crotchety farts too. But why would I let the bad apples stop me ? I have some lady friends who browse the forum but refuse to register or dive in for the reasons the OP suggests. How very sad that they count themselves out.

I stand proud of this forum for all of the countless helpful and free advice and links and useful discussions that DO take place here. It is an incredible resource. If you can't see the forest for the trees, I can't help ya.

It's everyone's forum. Make of it what you will.

If frothing vile and billiousness as a crotchety old lady is what you want to be here... well you've done it quite well.


I would fairly say that there is a high % of older farang here....I'm 57 and have nothing to hide.

I truly know that Thai Visa wants a large diverse community on the site.

The more ladies, and people of other backgrounds and interests, the better.

All people are truly welcome.

what a nice guy

why are you single?

having observed various forums within thai visa over the last year. Id like to proffer up an opinion. ie

Chiang mai forums' most vociferous contributors are mainly middle aged "western men" who are either single, gay or disenfranchised. or possibly all three.

When I say single I mean no decent self respecting woman would go near them with a shitty stick. Ive got so many female friends who totally abhor the "scum" that post on here. Thinking them. Dinosaurs. idiots. bigots. fat, gross, ugly, OLD: in a bad way.

Chiang mai forum is the most visited site on the thai visa forum ?

Members seem to have OCD.

Bangkok, hua hin, phuket et al seem to get a lot less traffic and less hate filled responses.

Perhaps people there actually have a life to live.

Just a suggestion, old boys, put your collective hands in your pockets, spend a few baht, enjoy whats left of your sad old lives and stop living through this easy medium.

just a gentle suggestion :o


a fight against blinky bill, ajarn et al and a lesbo, cant wait for the outcome of this one.

bring it on!

and for all you out there, i am a lesbian myself so am not being prejudice!

The CM Forum has the coolest mods.

mate your nose could not be any browner right now, even if you were called browny browny brown nose...

take a rest! :o


pim, pim, welcome to ThaiVisa. You joined six months ago, and have made 32 posts. I hope the OP tonight was not one of your better posts. There are very few gay posters that post actively in the CMai forum. Several fellow teachers, not all of whom have ajarn in their nickname. In fact, your OP is insulting. Are you as svelte and sllim as most of the Thai women these old farts are happily married to? When my Texas :o wife and I took our trial separation, I told her to lose 20 pounds, and it took her twenty years to do it.

No need to close the thread yet. I see several svelte gentlemen lined up here...

I would fairly say that there is a high % of older farang here....I'm 57 and have nothing to hide.

I truly know that Thai Visa wants a large diverse community on the site.

The more ladies, and people of other backgrounds and interests, the better.

All people are truly welcome.

Just want to say it really is great to read posts like this. Offers a friendly handshake, tries to diffuse the situation. Thank you mcgriffith for being a gentleman (and to others here of course too).

Its really sad to read some of the posts which aimed to counter-attack and put down people.


I have removed some posts. 2 (male) cm mods have decided to keep this open but I wont tolerate attacks on women. Afaics the op never mentioned their gender or nationality :o


Dear ajarnpim, I've been beaten with many a shitty stick and I am not single, gay or disenfranchised, not that matters at all.

All my 4 wives have loved me at some stage, 2 still do, and they all continue to shave their legs.

Come along to the next Thai Visa BBQ, you might be surprised when you meet the scum, dinosaurs, idiots, bigots, fat, gross, ugly, OLD: in a bad way type people that you mention. Any one in particular that you would like to meet? :o

I'm a 38-YO-Lady. Just had to say that, since I only have a few days left...I've always found this forum to be informative and largely welcoming.

Ms. rrose, I must say I am saddened to hear that you are on your last legs, I hope you are not suffering.

I have removed some posts. 2 (male) cm mods have decided to keep this open but I wont tolerate attacks on women. Afaics the op never mentioned their gender or nationality :o

But attacks on guys are ok?

Although I have no reason to take the bait, op is clearly a troll whatever gender or nationality and wasting bandwidth.

mate your nose could not be any browner right now, even if you were called browny browny brown nose...
i went to see the doctor and he couldnt see anything wrong, maybe a slight reddening of the nasal passage, but that was about it.

TV clearly needs a "get a life" Emoticon. Anyone suggest something suitable, closest I can see is :o but that's more offensive than I had in mind :D

having observed various forums within thai visa over the last year. Id like to proffer up an opinion. ie

Chiang mai forums' most vociferous contributors are mainly middle aged "western men" who are either single, gay or disenfranchised. or possibly all three.

When I say single I mean no decent self respecting woman would go near them with a shitty stick. Ive got so many female friends who totally abhor the "scum" that post on here. Thinking them. Dinosaurs. idiots. bigots. fat, gross, ugly, OLD: in a bad way.

Chiang mai forum is the most visited site on the thai visa forum ?

Members seem to have OCD.

Bangkok, hua hin, phuket et al seem to get a lot less traffic and less hate filled responses.

Perhaps people there actually have a life to live.

Just a suggestion, old boys, put your collective hands in your pockets, spend a few baht, enjoy whats left of your sad old lives and stop living through this easy medium.

just a gentle suggestion :o

I confess to all accusations, but Blinky Bill is still handsome and gets all kinds of action. Are you suggesting that he is headed for a great fall? :D

..... your OP is insulting......No need to close the thread yet. I see several svelte gentlemen lined up here...

:D Nicely stated PB. This is one of the more ludicrous posts I have seen on TV, and is unworthy of a serious rebuttal. It's author is surely either a troll or some bitter creature who has lost her way from the "have you lost your husband to a Thai woman thread".

OP, Feel free to come back and contribute to this friendly forum in a more positive and thoughtful manner after you have taken your medication

Just a friendly suggestion :o

I confess to all accusations, but Blinky Bill is still handsome and gets all kinds of action.

Ajarnpim, bless her helpful heart, nowhere suggested that any of the sad old farang men of Chiangmai do not get lots of action. She did say, indeed, that no decent self respecting woman would go near them with a shitty stick, but that is an entirely different point.

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