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Male Dominated Chiang Mai Forum


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I have removed some posts. 2 (male) cm mods have decided to keep this open but I wont tolerate attacks on women. Afaics the op never mentioned their gender or nationality :o

I wouldn't get too excited/upset about these posts, Boo. It says a lot about the poster and so little about women. Most members look through it. When I read those posts I always wonder what happened to such a poster that made him so bittered, and why on earth he prefers to stay so bittered.

Blinky Bill Posted Today, 2009-02-04 04:25:48

Come along to the next Thai Visa BBQ, you might be surprised when you meet the scum, dinosaurs, idiots, bigots, fat, gross, ugly, OLD: in a bad way type people that you mention.

Second that.

However, it is true that some posters are behaving quite 'brave' when hiding behind a nickname, while they won't dare to say these things in your face. So yet again, it says a lot about them.

When someone says something about me (indirectly usually) or react inappropiately on one of my posts I usually think it over first before I react or not. That's the nice thing about a forum. You don't need to react immediately. Plus you can delete and change parts of our reaction before posting it.

A challenge is, I find, posting exactly as you've meant it or to read a post as it was meant. Unfortunately, I do fail once in a while, plus I see often that other members have that same problem.

When one doesn't like a post there is always the option to scroll on further. (and later on talk to your friends: 'Did you read that post? What an asshol_e/bitch!' Yadayadayada .... Just to blow of some steam. :D )

My 2 setang,


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As one whose post was one that was deleted I'll respond in a slightly different manner. My original post wasn't offensive other than being a rebuttal to an attack on men. I basiclly said that people should look in the mirror before they start throwing stones.

As far as the men vs women thing is concerned, has anyone given any thought that only a SMALL percentage of people (male and female, male and male or female and female) should actually live together. Living together is a HUGE compromise for both parties to make it work over a long period of time. Marriage breakups average over 50% and of the remaining 50% that stay together, only a few are truly happy with each other.

I've been married twice and consider both marriages to have been a success. I would still be married to my first wife, even though I no longer find her attractive, but she chose to play musical beds with her acting group. I don't believe in infidelity so that ended my first marriage. However, we are still friends and she is the mother of my two children. And, I like the guy who is presently supporting her now. But, you couldn't pay me enough to take her back.

My second marriage ended when her adult son got into drugs and I wasn't about to support his habit with him stealing valuable items from my home. He moved into our home so we could help him and 10 months later she moved out and left him with me. A few months later I had to get the police to remove him from my home after he smashed whatever he could and stole what was available to sell quickly for his next fix. enough said on that matter.

That was 12 years ago and a single friend invited me to Thailand to clear my head. I was pretty shook up over the matter and coming to Thailand changed my life for the better. I learned that there was a pleasant new world out there if you are willing to look for it.

People have spoken and written about the war between the sexes for years. There are books of every description about the topic. All the women's magazines are full of it. It there is that much discussion about it then some of it must be true.

I just believe in letting everyone else live their their own CHOSEN life. It's THEIR decision and not mine to make, or decide what is right or what is wrong.

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It's author is surely either a troll or some bitter creature who has lost her way from the "have you lost your husband to a Thai woman thread".

And here I feel the need to react, as I find this a totally inappropriate attack.

I have read that thread. Such an experience is pretty painfull and upsetting. And from what I understood for BOTH parties, husband and wife, no matter how good or bad their marriage was before and no matter if 'the other woman' was Thai or another nationality. :o

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As one whose post was one that was deleted I'll respond in a slightly different manner. My original post wasn't offensive other than being a rebuttal to an attack on men. I basiclly said that people should look in the mirror before they start throwing stones.

I beg to differ.

I had a feeling my post would be removed so saved it, and will probably get in trouble for this. Sorry mods, and I appeal that you allow this post and the attachment. I personally feel that I had a valid point to make and that this thread will just continue along the same lines where people think its ok to justify their bigoted viewpoints.


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I have removed some posts. 2 (male) cm mods have decided to keep this open but I wont tolerate attacks on women. Afaics the op never mentioned their gender or nationality :o

It's indicative of the level of chauvanism ( and women can be just as predjudiced against women, sometimes even more so than men ) on this forum that " Attacks against women" are not allowed .

Besides, who cares if someone " attacks" It's just words on an internet forum, sticks and stones.. Why all the enforced civility? HOw boring

I don't give a dam_n what anyone writes, it's their privilege to not like me. When the censoring is personal, though....that really is BS

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Well..seems like this thread may be going down a route of dividing sexes. We should be united in supporting each other and dispelling the cliche's. I had thought the CM forum would not go down the same path that I often see in some of the other TV forum sections. I hope can be turned around, as I really would hate to see a male/female divide in here.

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From the last survey of members, it was shown that 89% of members are male. I think that explains alot

Now, given the extraordinarily ugly route this thread has taken and the number of people who find it necessary to denigrate one group of people in order to elevate another, or who feel the need to resort to nasty and personal insults in order to make their point, I am closing this thread.

And hopefully, some of you can remember where your stored your good manners, take them out of the closet, dust them off and use them from now on.

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Well..seems like this thread may be going down a route of dividing sexes. We should be united in supporting each other ...............

I hope can be turned around, as I really would hate to see a male/female divide in here.

I can assure you EEK!! that I have always done my best to unite with as many women as possible. I will continue to do so as long as I can.

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Like I said, 2 MALE mods deemed this worthy to stay open. I would have closed & deleted it at the op but as the majority of our posters are male & as the majority of our mods are male, I'll stick with removing offensive comments about women & leave the male sensitivities to the male mods to deal with. :o Like it or lump it

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