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I asked this on the general forum and didn't get any response, can anybody answer this question?

I understand that getting copies is not like it is in the UK, just pay the fee and get a copy.

My kids were born in the UK and have UK birth certificates and passports. The ex had them registered at the Embassy but she now says that she has lost them, I think it is just an excuse not to hand them over. I am the PWC (parent with control) so I should hold all the documentation. I understand that if the certificates are lost in Thailand it has to be reported to the police.

I have got my solicitor in the UK to write to the ex's solicitor to tell her to report the loss to the Embassy and get replacements. Is there anything that I can do?


The UK birt certificate is their BC, the registration at the Thai embassy just a notification of the Thai governement that 2 Thai nationals were born, so they can register that as well. They are now registered Thai nationals, beside their British nationality, and can aply for a Thai passport. believe that if you have sole costudy the co-operation of the other spouse is not required.

I don't know where you can get a copy of their Thai BC. Normaly it would be at the amphur where they were registered, should cost something like 20 baht. I think you would need to give someone a power of atorney to get the BC for you, maybe you can do it by mail.

Best contact the Thai embassy in London for more and better information: http://www.thaiembassyuk.org.uk/

They will now where the children are registered.


My Thai wife says that loss of a birth certicates should first be reported to the Thai police. With the police report, you should be able to get copies from the Ampur quite easily. I hope that helps.


seems like you had the birth certificates issued by the Thai embassy in London.

Given that Thai BC's issued overseas are different to the ones issued in Thailand, you'll probably have to contact the emabssy and have a chat as to how to get it reissued.

^ But if the BC was lost in Thailand, a Thai police report to that effect will assist in getting a replacement. Me thinks.

The certificates were issued by the Embassy in London. I got through to the person concerned and they said that if I come into the Embassy I should be able to get copies but that it would help if I knew when they were registered to narrow down the search.

^ But if the BC was lost in Thailand, a Thai police report to that effect will assist in getting a replacement. Me thinks.

The certificates were issued by the Embassy in London. I got through to the person concerned and they said that if I come into the Embassy I should be able to get copies but that it would help if I knew when they were registered to narrow down the search.

suspect this may be a case of just dealing one on one with the embassy and seeing what they need. Since they were issued the BC, they can re-issue it.

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