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Great Fish And Chips At Last


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I'm astonished to see the lack of support for the delicious fish and chips being served at the new Chilli Belle - but i suppose I should have known better on TV! Both myself, and all my Englsh friends think it's great and simply wanted to let others know about it... (so that it stays open and we can enjoy it - selfish I know, but there you go...) Charlies is ok - I agree with the poster that described it like a mediocre British chippy, and over priced too. Not bad - just mediocre.

Chilli Belle's chips aren't like British chippy ones (that are mostly crap these days, unfortunately); they are larger, and a sight tastier! Small fish and chips at Chilli Belle is 59 Baht, and a family pack is only 199Baht (chips, 3 battered snapper, 6 shrimp in bread crumbs, 9 calamari in breadcrumbs) - astonishing value, and extremely tasty... Got to be the best value in town. I just don't see how they make any profit, especially as they provide proper malt vinegar, give real lemon wedges (not lime) and sell canned drinks at the same price as 7-11.

Calamari and shrimp? I thought this was a thread about fish 'n chip shops?!

Note to OP - new thread title: " Pseudo chippies selling weird stuff that really belongs in establishments going by the grandiose name of 'fish restaurants, sort of' "

For the edifification of foreigners, a chippie sells fish, chips, bread and butter, and mushy peas. He might run to various bland tasting greasy sausages, and in the 60s they even began to introduce chicken wings (heresy). The taste isn't quite the same since they banned newspaper print ink flavouring, but cardboard packs are a definite no-no. If I want one of those I'll go to KFC-style places.

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P.S. Pim, do you know how to say "fillet" in Thai?

Fillet translated into Thai is: sin-sod.

Instead of bones the Farang is cleaned out of money.

And about that Chilli Belle. A couple of weeks ago I was shopping in the Rim Ping, but had a little stroll passed to see what is at the end of the shopping parade.

There I came across Chilli Belle. The shop front appeared to be some sort of counter and an old woman sitting the other side of the counter, stared at me as if I had just arrived from the Planet farang.

Sorry but for farang food restaurants , I prefer to see farangs in charge.

An example is, if I fancy an Indian meal, I don`t visit a Chinese restaurant to buy one.

And why is JimShortz so upset that not everyone shares the same preferences? Does JimShortz have shares in the place?

I prefer Charlie`s because I`m english and it`s a little bit of England in Chiang Mai.

Personally I give Chilli Belle about 12 months, before that ends up in the dustbin of failed businesses.

Edited by sassienie
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I ate there yesterday and must say that, although it's not a traditional UK-style 'chippie', the food was freshly-cooked & tasty & good-value at the price. So thanks to the OP for the tip. :D

But they don't do battered Mars-bars ! :o

So what did you have - shrimps with a papaya side salad?! :D

Wondering if the cultural divide is showing itself here - on balance most Brits would probably prefer the traditional Charlie-style chippie. Americans would go for the calamari in a KFC/McDonalds type pack. The social contact missing at the OP's suggested Chille Belle? Well, most Americans wouldn't be able to understand Charlie anyway... :D

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I suggest we all just ignore this rubbish and go to the establishments where they sell proper fish and chips eg Charlies, UN Irish, Red Lion etc etc.

For goodness sake, what chippy in its right mind in UK sells Calamari and Shrimp, let alone Red Snapper. None of them do, OK? Chippys in the UK sell fish and chips,

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Not enough food topics recently so I feel obliged to start one!

In search of the best tasting and best value Fish and chips in town. I think I have the winner - unless you can tell me otherwise...

I've just discovered "Chilli Belle fish and Chips" on the side of the new Rimping Supermarket (the one next to Airport Plaza). To find it just pull into the Rimping car park, walk past the door to go into the supermarket about 20m and there you are. Lucky you!

I've been twice this week and in my, not very humble opinion (as a Brit - and therefore Fish and Chip expert!), it's delicious and ridiculously cheap. It really is better than 80% of the now mostly non-British owned chippies in Blighty; Thai owned I think, but they sure know how to make batter and how to fry British styley...they even have cod if you want to fork out for it. Personally I'm not sure it's worth it: the snapper is delicious, as are the battered shripms and calamari rings. You don't get many chips (unless you buy a seperate large portion) but they are lovely - crispy onthe outside, but fluffy in the middle.

Someone has suggested to me that it is an off-shoot of a restaraunt here in CM. Anyone know anymore about this?

Had the snapper and chips before xmas and it was not particularly good - but cheap!

They then introduced cod and chips ( great chips also) @ 179 baht excellent value and have since been there three more times with other brits who also like it.

They have another restaurant between the turn off from canal rd to Doi Suthep and 700 year stadium ( can't be more specific- sorry) But we asked at Chilli Belle - they don't serve cod and chips.

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I suggest we all just ignore this rubbish and go to the establishments where they sell proper fish and chips eg Charlies, UN Irish, Red Lion etc etc.

For goodness sake, what chippy in its right mind in UK sells Calamari and Shrimp, let alone Red Snapper. None of them do, OK? Chippys in the UK sell fish and chips, !!!!!

My local, 2 doors down the street, used to do both calamari & shrimps, to order, in Kent. I also persuaded them to introduce battered-Spam & frankfurters, but never tried their battered Snickers-bar, it's a funny old world out there ! :o

I, who have no commercial link with Chili Bell other than as a one-time customer, did enjoy eating there, which is why I thanked the OP for the recommendation.

Some people take this all way-too-seriously. Bring back threads, with the intellectual vigour, of discussions about whether the water is free or not. :D

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chilli belle!!! i went on Friday and had the worst meal ever, how anyone can compare to a decent U.K chippy must have just check in from the moon.I like to give everyone a chance but this was beyond help.If a group of children with learning difficulties served it to me as a school project i would have found it unacceptable also.The fried wedges were full of grease and inedible maybe the oil was not hot enough the fish was slightly larger than the greased soaked fries.The price is only reasonable if the food is. Advice avoid i have owned a restaurant before a would feel great shame to serve something that really should not even be referred to as food.

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Not enough food topics recently so I feel obliged to start one!

In search of the best tasting and best value Fish and chips in town. I think I have the winner - unless you can tell me otherwise...

I've just discovered "Chilli Belle fish and Chips" on the side of the new Rimping Supermarket (the one next to Airport Plaza). To find it just pull into the Rimping car park, walk past the door to go into the supermarket about 20m and there you are. Lucky you!

I've been twice this week and in my, not very humble opinion (as a Brit - and therefore Fish and Chip expert!), it's delicious and ridiculously cheap. It really is better than 80% of the now mostly non-British owned chippies in Blighty; Thai owned I think, but they sure know how to make batter and how to fry British styley...they even have cod if you want to fork out for it. Personally I'm not sure it's worth it: the snapper is delicious, as are the battered shripms and calamari rings. You don't get many chips (unless you buy a seperate large portion) but they are lovely - crispy onthe outside, but fluffy in the middle.

Someone has suggested to me that it is an off-shoot of a restaraunt here in CM. Anyone know anymore about this?

:o I'm actually from lower Franconia in Germany. I've read that article with a smile in my face....why is that so important where you can buy the best fish and chips? There's much better food around. Tom Yam Plaa...Plaa tabtimm with garlic sauce, It seems that you should go back where they mostly eat fish and chips....you're talking about calamari rings? waht about fresh squid? Plaa muekk sood? May be you're the one who's fluffy in the inside?


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Hey, Ricardo, decent fish and chips in KENT??!! I dont think so, maybe the odd place, or should I say plaice, ha ha!! Surely all Brits know that the creme de la creme (ooh, I m speaking French now!) of Fish and chips come from the mighty and great county of Yorkshire, specifically the West Riding. mainly Leeds/ Bradford area where you would find 10,000 chippies all of which are light years ahead of Chilli Bell. Bloody hel_l, serving Calamari and Shrimps in a Yorkshire chippy would get you excommunicated and forced to live in Kent or some other heathen place for the rest of your life!!!!

Eeh by gum lad, only joking!!!!

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Not enough food topics recently so I feel obliged to start one!

In search of the best tasting and best value Fish and chips in town. I think I have the winner - unless you can tell me otherwise...

I've just discovered "Chilli Belle fish and Chips" on the side of the new Rimping Supermarket (the one next to Airport Plaza). To find it just pull into the Rimping car park, walk past the door to go into the supermarket about 20m and there you are. Lucky you!

I've been twice this week and in my, not very humble opinion (as a Brit - and therefore Fish and Chip expert!), it's delicious and ridiculously cheap. It really is better than 80% of the now mostly non-British owned chippies in Blighty; Thai owned I think, but they sure know how to make batter and how to fry British styley...they even have cod if you want to fork out for it. Personally I'm not sure it's worth it: the snapper is delicious, as are the battered shripms and calamari rings. You don't get many chips (unless you buy a seperate large portion) but they are lovely - crispy onthe outside, but fluffy in the middle.

I went there this evening, very underwhelmed.

Small piece if fish, potato wedges , not chips, plastic cutlery,,,not good value for money, I won't be going back, but I was happy to give it a try

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I suggest we all just ignore this rubbish and go to the establishments where they sell proper fish and chips eg Charlies, UN Irish, Red Lion etc etc.

For goodness sake, what chippy in its right mind in UK sells Calamari and Shrimp, let alone Red Snapper. None of them do, OK? Chippys in the UK sell fish and chips, b]

Fish and chips + nearly always saveloys (sausages) + nearly always various pies + often chicken + often curries (particularly Midlands & North of England) + sometimes calamari etc etc........... Even my (previously) local Faulkner's (famous East London answer to Notting Hill's Geales and the North's Harry Ramsden's) sell a variety of non "F&C" items. You should have got out more.

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I suggest we all just ignore this rubbish and go to the establishments where they sell proper fish and chips eg Charlies, UN Irish, Red Lion etc etc.

For goodness sake, what chippy in its right mind in UK sells Calamari and Shrimp, let alone Red Snapper. None of them do, OK? Chippys in the UK sell fish and chips, !

The fact that you find it nothing like establishments serving food in England, is to my way of thinking the highest recommendation yet.

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The kids miss a good light beer batter fish (preferably Whiting) with chips from Australia, especially as they eat Thai most days. I have eaten English style fish and chips in Bangkok and it was heavy batter and vile. The Aussie style is far superior, though no great surprise there.

Ate at the Chille Belle and wasn't overwhelmed, but it was OK, quite edible and not overly expensive. The batter they use on the prawns is actually better than what they use on the fish. Certainly isn't worthy of the condemnation some here give, but there again if they are Pomms, what would they know about food anyway? :o

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The kids miss a good light beer batter fish (preferably Whiting) with chips from Australia, especially as they eat Thai most days. I have eaten English style fish and chips in Bangkok and it was heavy batter and vile. The Aussie style is far superior, though no great surprise there.

"WEST", the place I mentioned in my earlier post cooked theirs in a very light tempura type batter - it really was very good. I don't eat English F&C much since it's generally over greasy and hardly any of the new breed of shop owners in the UK seems to have any idea how to cook either part. Price at West was 160baht which got you proper tables and chairs and a decent atmosphere too!

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The kids miss a good light beer batter fish (preferably Whiting) with chips from Australia, especially as they eat Thai most days. I have eaten English style fish and chips in Bangkok and it was heavy batter and vile. The Aussie style is far superior, though no great surprise there.

Ate at the Chille Belle and wasn't overwhelmed, but it was OK, quite edible and not overly expensive. The batter they use on the prawns is actually better than what they use on the fish. Certainly isn't worthy of the condemnation some here give, but there again if they are Pomms, what would they know about food anyway? :o

now then Gravel a%$e ..............granted Pomms know nothing about food but we do know about fish and chips, same as we know about cricket, football and darts :D ........................and lots of other things tooooooooooooo

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The kids miss a good light beer batter fish (preferably Whiting) with chips from Australia, especially as they eat Thai most days. I have eaten English style fish and chips in Bangkok and it was heavy batter and vile. The Aussie style is far superior, though no great surprise there.

Ate at the Chille Belle and wasn't overwhelmed, but it was OK, quite edible and not overly expensive. The batter they use on the prawns is actually better than what they use on the fish. Certainly isn't worthy of the condemnation some here give, but there again if they are Pomms, what would they know about food anyway? :o

now then Gravel a%$e ..............granted Pomms know nothing about food but we do know about fish and chips, same as we know about cricket, football and darts :D ........................and lots of other things tooooooooooooo

This is absolulutley the truth..we don't give you Ozzies a hard time saying we can do BBQ's better than you...so don't lecture us on Fish and Chips...it was our national dish for a century...but then came curry...and now its Italian...but us old schoolers know good fish and chips...and the place currently under discussion does not meet my personal standards...and please don't even think about Snapper, a true Brit eats COD :D

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Hey, Ricardo, decent fish and chips in KENT??!! I dont think so, maybe the odd place, or should I say plaice, ha ha!! Surely all Brits know that the creme de la creme (ooh, I m speaking French now!) of Fish and chips come from the mighty and great county of Yorkshire, specifically the West Riding. mainly Leeds/ Bradford area where you would find 10,000 chippies all of which are light years ahead of Chilli Bell. Bloody hel_l, serving Calamari and Shrimps in a Yorkshire chippy would get you excommunicated and forced to live in Kent or some other heathen place for the rest of your life!!!!

Eeh by gum lad, only joking!!!!

:D All life is just a joke, innit !

One local shop, in Broadstairs, was called 'Our Plaice', and pretty decent too ! Sadly long-gone now.

This summer, taking the kids on-tour in the UK, we all agreed that the best feed we had, was haddock-and-chips from a Chinese-Chippy in Tadcaster highstreet. :D As a former temporary-student-visa-holder from the Deep-South, living in God's Own County, I agree without hesitation that Yorkshire is the Best !

I used to catch the National-Express bus regularly, which passed a beef-fat-rendering plant just south of Leeds, an olefactory factory never to be forgotten ! :o

The 'lightest' fish-and-chips I ever ate, was an Italian-owned place, in Selby on the riverfront, which fried in olive-oil, supremely light & golden but not proper-Yorkshire as we both know it.

Thanks for the happy memories raised by your post !

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As you say Ricardo, happy memories! My ex was from Wakefield and when we used to visit for a weekend my diet was pre determined. Friday night, fish and chips, Saturday lunch, fish and chips, Saturday evening , fish and chips, Sunday lunch.....wait for it.....Roast beef and Yorkshire Pud!! Ah, happy memories! I had to diet for 2 weeks after every visit!!

I grew up in Bradford, before departing at 14 to Nottingham, and recall that when i was 10, around 1958, Fish and chips cost a shilling, fish 8 old pennies, chips 4 old pennies....and as a kid they would give you a free pile of what we called scraps, batter bits on top!!

Funnily enough, there are great chippies outside Yorkshire, one of my best mates lives in Peterborough, and just around the corner from his house is a really great chippy which has won chippy of the year several years running, and where they taste exactly like Yorkshire fish and chips....and they give you scraps if you want them!! Even to old fogeys like me!!

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Difficult to enjoy fish and chips when it's 35C. For me the fish and chips experience includes a pre-meal few hours necking beers. The outside temperature should be below 10C and the closer to zero, the better. The chips should be hot enough to put blisters on the roof of your mouth and the smell of salt and vinegar strong enough to hide the smell of the dog poo you stepped on while you focused on the chips. You should have eaten the meal by the time you arrive home.

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swe could enjoy "babies heads" (Hollands steak puddings)

chip servings were more modest and lemons were not on the agenda, we made do with malt vinegar.

Your local chippy would not be open every day, giving you something to look forward to and would close between the dinner (lunch) opening and teatime/supper opening.

If you told them you had a long way to go, they would add a couple of extra sheets of newspaper.

My Dad loved his Fish and chips and together with his passions for Tetley bitter and John Players untipped he managed to live to the ripe old age of 63! We tried to start a class action against Hempels, but it never got anywhere.

So the natural conclusion is that English Fish and chips win hands down!!

Mind you the Aussies do know how to BBQ, also I sometimes wonder if my memories are distorted by nostalgia, most English fish and chips I eat these days are greasy and crap....was it always that way??

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The kids miss a good light beer batter fish (preferably Whiting) with chips from Australia, especially as they eat Thai most days. I have eaten English style fish and chips in Bangkok and it was heavy batter and vile. The Aussie style is far superior, though no great surprise there.

Ate at the Chille Belle and wasn't overwhelmed, but it was OK, quite edible and not overly expensive. The batter they use on the prawns is actually better than what they use on the fish. Certainly isn't worthy of the condemnation some here give, but there again if they are Pomms, what would they know about food anyway? :o

now then Gravel a%$e ..............granted Pomms know nothing about food but we do know about fish and chips, same as we know about cricket, football and darts :D ........................and lots of other things tooooooooooooo

This is absolulutley the truth..we don't give you Ozzies a hard time saying we can do BBQ's better than you...so don't lecture us on Fish and Chips...it was our national dish for a century...but then came curry...and now its Italian...but us old schoolers know good fish and chips...and the place currently under discussion does not meet my personal standards...and please don't even think about Snapper, a true Brit eats COD :D

As someone who spent half my life (28 years) in Keighley, near Bradford and the last 28 years in Australia, I think I can speak with some authority on this subject.

Aussie Fish and Chips are:

made to order

Often you can choose from a variety of fish 4 or 6 diffent types is common.

The batter will be light and pale golden

Oil will be light and cholesterol free

You will be able to add calamari rings crumbed prawns, crab sticks and other things like burgers with the lot.

In Melbourne at least you can order minimum chips, this is not the order you place if you aren't very hungry, rather it is approximately half a wheelbarrow in volume and is OK for up to 6 people.

the serves may be in a cardboard tray, with an accompanying lemon

My memories of English fish and chips are:


Made beforehand and are already waiting for you in a warming cabinet

The batter is dark golden/orange in colour and has lots of gnarly bits not containing any fish, just more batter.

In my area the cooking medium was Hempels finest dripping, it scored over 1000 on the cholesterol scale and made Bingley famous long before that dodgy building society

extras included scraps (free) mushy peas, curry sauce, well maybe not when I was a kid, buttered teacakes. If we venture 20 miles to Lancashire we could enjoy "babies heads" (Hollands steak puddings)

chip servings were more modest and lemons were not on the agenda, we made do with malt vinegar.

Your local chippy would not be open every day, giving you something to look forward to and would close between the dinner (lunch) opening and teatime/supper opening.

If you told them you had a long way to go, they would add a couple of extra sheets of newspaper.

My Dad loved his Fish and chips and together with his passions for Tetley bitter and John Players untipped he managed to live to the ripe old age of 63! We tried to start a class action against Hempels, but it never got anywhere.

So the natural coclusion is that English Fish and chips win hands down!!

Mind you the Aussies do know how to BBQ, also I sometimes wonder if my memories are distorted by nostalgia, most English fish and chips I eat these days are greasy and crap....was it always that way??

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The kids miss a good light beer batter fish (preferably Whiting) with chips from Australia, especially as they eat Thai most days. I have eaten English style fish and chips in Bangkok and it was heavy batter and vile. The Aussie style is far superior, though no great surprise there.

Ate at the Chille Belle and wasn't overwhelmed, but it was OK, quite edible and not overly expensive. The batter they use on the prawns is actually better than what they use on the fish. Certainly isn't worthy of the condemnation some here give, but there again if they are Pomms, what would they know about food anyway? :o

now then Gravel a%$e ..............granted Pomms know nothing about food but we do know about fish and chips, same as we know about cricket, football and darts :D ........................and lots of other things tooooooooooooo

This is absolulutley the truth..we don't give you Ozzies a hard time saying we can do BBQ's better than you...so don't lecture us on Fish and Chips...it was our national dish for a century...but then came curry...and now its Italian...but us old schoolers know good fish and chips...and the place currently under discussion does not meet my personal standards...and please don't even think about Snapper, a true Brit eats COD :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, time to resurrect this thread again!! Now I think we ve established that although there are a few valient efforts at Fish & Chips in Chiang Mai (Not including Chili Bell, Sorry!) the very best Fish & Chips are back in the home country....UK of course, not Australia as some have erroneously suggested!!!!!!

In fact, after extensive research I thoroughly recommend Netherton Fisheries of Peterborough as the very best Fish & Chips I have eaten in years.....and thats coming from a Yorkshireman where we know a bit about Fish & Chips!!! Actually, if anyone reading this is going anywhere near Peterborough....look this place up.....its only 10 minutes from the city Centre (actually, everywhere in Peterborough is only 10 minutes from the city Centre, haha!!)

Netherton Fisheries deserve support, because they in turn support their local community by sponsoring Netherton United Football Club, a club with a lot of willpower, clearly, because if I were the Manager of the club, I d be somewhat concerned about my team being sponsored by a Chippy!!! Free Fish & Chips, just before the game? Not a good idea!!!

Anyway, before I get accused of a blatant bit of canvassing, I plead guilty, bang to rights....but at least I m canvassing for something several thousand miles away.....and besides, my best mate Ron Seddon, whos involved with Netherton United asked me to do it...so its all his fault!!!

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I was in the area and tried the Chilli Belle Fish & Chips, I thought that value for money wise it was very good, though it's not somewhere I would go out of my way to visit. A piece of fish, a few thick chips, two battered shrimps, two Calimari and can of soft drink for less than a 100baht is a bargain. The food was fine - nowhere does it say that it's a traditional British or Austalian or whatever chippie about as authentic as the Thai food you'll find in a UK pub :o

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I'm actually from lower Franconia in Germany. I've read that article with a smile in my face....why is that so important where you can buy the best fish and chips? There's much better food around. Tom Yam Plaa...Plaa tabtimm with garlic sauce, It seems that you should go back where they mostly eat fish and chips....you're talking about calamari rings? waht about fresh squid? Plaa muekk sood? May be you're the one who's fluffy in the inside? [/font]

Who cares where you're from and more to the point who cares about Tom Yam Plaa at this point in time? Did you honestly read this entire thread just to put in this obscure piece :o

... and which knob said fish n chips is better in oz? 555555555555555555555555555555 I spent more than a year trawling around the place and probably ate more fish n chips in more parts of the country than most aussies have and can categorically say, apart from one or two occasions in Perth, the fish n chips in oz is mediocre at best! Snapper, shark and some other tripe :D You guys'll never switch onto it, sorry. Next you'll be telling us your country is a continent and not an island :D

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