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Posts About Giving Money To Thai Girlfriends


Giving money to Thai girlfriends  

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Ask any guy, anywhere in the world, even gay guys, having a significant other costs money.

I am going to need time to ponder that one :D .

It seems to me that if everyone -- gay, straight, bi or all of the above -- simply stopped paying for sex or companionship, the whole "system" would fall apart.

:o Glad I spelt "whole" correctly.

Edited by WaiWai
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Ask any guy, anywhere in the world, even gay guys, having a significant other costs money.

I am going to need time to ponder that one :D .

It seems to me that if everyone -- gay, straight, bi or all of the above -- simply stopped paying for sex or companionship, the whole "system" would fall apart.

:o Glad I spelt "whole" correctly.

We're talking about giving money, not paying for sex. Not every relationship is based on prostitution, but money does come into every relationship.

Husbands support their wives and vice versa depending on who makes the most money.

The way things work in Thailand often seems to be a caricature of the way things work in the rest of the world, but the fundamentals are the same.

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Over the last 6 years i have gone through so many changing opinions on the OP post

From hating it - to humoring it - to becoming a victim of it - to accepting it - to finally realise that:

It aint so black and white!

there are a lots of evil stereotypes and good reason too - BUT...

I guess its depending on who you are, whom you have attracted and where in the whole Thailand wonderland experience your at today.

Thailand is just a ride, so many predictable twists and turns -

but always the unexpected ass tickler to give you whiplash!

Thesedays i live by the following rules...

I call it the 'THAI ACID LOVE TEST'

If it was a bar girl making a finacial plea:

i would certainly decline in sending money - why?

Cos theres a 90% she is full of crap and has another 10 guys doing the exact same thing and is probably richer than me anyway

(anyone one dares to tell me otherwise - can just go stand in the corner while i call your parents - live here long enough and do the calculations - bar girls never lie)

id rather gamble on better odds than that....

If i knew the girl was genuine and i trusted her more than average

I would certainly consider sending her money - but not so that she would grow dependant and lazy on it, or worse - learning that repeating this act can be a good way to earn a living for all the other wet tissues flying in. I would just provide a one off payment to help her out and reduce the chances of her becoming a corrupted deviant.

(As i would hope someone would do for me in a similar situation)

If it was my wife...

haha - id be doomed not too - hence i wont be marrying a Thai to become the farang sponser to all her family back home and a slave to wants that become requests.

Does that sound jaded, miserly or cruel? or perhaps KI NIAW?

Well, unless you can honestly trust your wife 100% (im not quite there yet)

why complicate matters with money and expectations from the whole family? and risk further maniplulations down the line.

The way i see it is - If she leaves you as a result - well thats a great THAI ACID LOVE TEST' in my opinion.

You have probably done yourself a great favor in finding out earlier - what your dellusions and inflated ego could never dechipher here in wonderland.

Rules of exception

If i had actually visited her family whom were old, retired, struggling, clearly in the proverbial.

If i felt i could do some good without it being DEMANDED or culturally EXPECTED or whatever...

Then i would request their bank details and send cash directly to them - yes i would consider a monthly salary too if i could afford it and if it was certain it wasnt going to the monthly lottery syndicate.

Nowdays however, to avoid becoming a miserly jaded farang

I find it much more fullfilling to give a few thousand baht to the poor Cambodians on the border with no arms or legs, or the same poor suffering victims you see walking around the street half dead or selling crap at the traffic lights and sucking in black soot all day.

These poor souls are genuinely on borrowed time - if i could help one of those i would truly feel it was worth it and an investment well spent...

Ask yourself how many THais do you see giving poor folks money?

ive never seen one - dont tell me they dont have money, they dish it out to the temple repairs every month to buy good karma and fortune back for themselves,

(nothing is done without expectation) just as they expect kind foreigners to provide for them too. But just how many Thais will help strangers?

There are millions of GENUINE cases for you to give charity for...

Millions who really do need just a few hundred baht a day to live modestly and with dignity

So when your next playmate or wifey starts her predictable demands - just think about the 'Thai Acid Love Test'

so go ahead - have some fun!


Very good post, and regarding myself i think its still sickens me cause I dont need to send money to girl to be with me(maybe just yet, lets talk in 10 years)..:-)

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If you got a THai gril friend you are giving her something, no ifs and or buts about it

Take the Thai out of that statement and you've got it correct.

'If you got a girl friend, you are giving her something, no ifs and or buts about it.'

I think it's hilarious that people thing this is a phenomenon peculiar to Thailand. Women everywhere get money from their husbands and boyfriends.

Even women who have their own jobs and make lots of cash still expect lavish gifts on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, their birthday, Christmas, etc. etc., on and on.

Ask any guy, anywhere in the world, even gay guys, having a significant other costs money.

Those that say it doesn't, are lying or in denial.

You are correct. However, I think what is the irritant in relationships with a Thai woman, is that this money is almost a requirement and is often put into terms of a monthly allowance or stipend. Along with other aspects of the "culture" here, such as the sin sot demands regarding marriage and additional reuests for money for the family, one is never sure what percentage of the relationship is about love and what percentage is about money.

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Along with other aspects of the "culture" here, such as the sin sot demands regarding marriage and additional reuests for money for the family, one is never sure what percentage of the relationship is about love and what percentage is about money.

I absolutely agree. That's when the guy has to really use his brain. I think it doesn't hurt anyone in Thailand to be bit skeptical, guys or girls.

It doesn't make me sick to see guys sending their TG cash. A good portion of them probably know what they are doing and think that it is worth it.

It does make me sick though to see a friend who is being strung along, particularly a friend. Ever try explaining their situation to them? It almost never ends well.

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Well...just once, I would like to meet the following farang in Thailand.

1) His g/f has a higher/more advanced degree than he does

2) She makes more money than he does

3) She has white/r skin (Korean/Japanese/Chinese) like the models (Pancake) or soap opera performers

4) Where the woman is the same age or older

5) Where the couple/partners put all their money into a pot or shared pool....and he spends more money even though she earns more

6) Where the man/husband/boyfriend is considered (subjectively, of course) by most to be better looking than the woman

Anyone out there fit these conditions?

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Well...just once, I would like to meet the following farang in Thailand.

1) His g/f has a higher/more advanced degree than he does Does life experience count?

2) She makes more money than he does If the economy keeps going the way it is...

3) She has white/r skin (Korean/Japanese/Chinese) like the models (Pancake) or soap opera performers You may wish to head to Korea/Japan/China

4) Where the woman is the same age or older Yes

5) Where the couple/partners put all their money into a pot or shared pool....and he spends more money even though she earns more Yes and then No

6) Where the man/husband/boyfriend is considered (subjectively, of course) by most to be better looking than the woman Only if you are gay :o

Anyone out there fit these conditions? Am I close?

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What a dumb poll :o

What does it matter to you?

Worthy post there mate.

Well, as it happens, I am simply curious.

For example, nobody I know here in Thailand would ever dream of giving girls money the way I read about here sometimes (I am not talking about just paying for odd and ends here and there, come on). Maybe as they are mainly young and good looking? Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

I was wondering what most of the TV users views are about the posts they read, that's all.

I don't see how most the stories you find here relate to, for example, a UK FAMILY IN THE 1950's, with a bread winning father who supports HIS OWN FAMILY, though someone found that heartwarming story somehow relevant. Not even in the same ballpark if you ask me. Maybe I'm mental, excuse me.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I don't mind the practice at all, we have had loads of great nights out with lovely girls who are only to happy to pay for big nights out through these means. Keep it up as far as I am concerned.

Ok tendreams so your on here boasting you dont have to pay for it, Your here stirring it up against the older guys and making fun of them as they have to pay. well mate you'll be old to one day and probably in the same situation. Dont you think older people where young once?

As for me im 32 and can pull many girls without paying but i hold nothing against the ones that do. maybe oneday i will do it if she is worth it and im rich. hahah

Anyway all this thread has really done is made you look very young and immature. oh and yes get a few people upset.

well done kid.

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Well...just once, I would like to meet the following farang in Thailand.

1) His g/f has a higher/more advanced degree than he does Does life experience count?

2) She makes more money than he does If the economy keeps going the way it is...

3) She has white/r skin (Korean/Japanese/Chinese) like the models (Pancake) or soap opera performers You may wish to head to Korea/Japan/China

4) Where the woman is the same age or older Yes

5) Where the couple/partners put all their money into a pot or shared pool....and he spends more money even though she earns more Yes and then No

6) Where the man/husband/boyfriend is considered (subjectively, of course) by most to be better looking than the woman Only if you are gay :o

Anyone out there fit these conditions? Am I close?

I guess the caveat for #6 should have been "to the opposite" sex....forgot the "gay/kathoey/ladyboy" community, lol.

I should add, #7 where the man is in better physical shape/tone/condition than the woman. (I guess some men whose wives or g/f's just had children might feel they are in better shape with no stretch marks or love handles).

FWIW, I don't think the super-white girls are all that hot, especially behind all that make-up...I do get irritated with the stereotype of the farang and Isaan/dark-skinned or exotic looking girl, I guess because half of my girlfriends here were white or "fair"...and now my Filipina g/f is also pretty dark as well.

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Well...just once, I would like to meet the following farang in Thailand.

1) His g/f has a higher/more advanced degree than he does

2) She makes more money than he does

3) She has white/r skin (Korean/Japanese/Chinese) like the models (Pancake) or soap opera performers

4) Where the woman is the same age or older

5) Where the couple/partners put all their money into a pot or shared pool....and he spends more money even though she earns more

6) Where the man/husband/boyfriend is considered (subjectively, of course) by most to be better looking than the woman

Anyone out there fit these conditions?

She made more money than me yes as when i met her i didnt have a job.

Yes i am 32 and she is 32 in 2 days time.

In the UK she gave me 500 pounds a month from 800 from her part time job.(for saving for us)

She is good looking but dont tell her i think im better. hahaha

And im sure there are many more people like me out there. This is a normal relationship i think. nothing strange about it.

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[quote name='byoung2'

I guess the caveat for #6 should have been "to the opposite" sex....forgot the "gay/kathoey/ladyboy" community, lol.

I should add, #7 where the man is in better physical shape/tone/condition than the woman. (I guess some men whose wives or g/f's just had children might feel they are in better shape with no stretch marks or love handles).

FWIW, I don't think the super-white girls are all that hot, especially behind all that make-up...I do get irritated with the stereotype of the farang and Isaan/dark-skinned or exotic looking girl, I guess because half of my girlfriends here were white or "fair"...and now my Filipina g/f is also pretty dark as well.

#6 - even to someone gay she'd probably win out over me :D

#7 - definately starting to fall behind the odds...

Stereotype farang / dark-skinned - you got me there... but she's not from up north! I tried white/fair but it's really just not my colour. Darker colours definately suit me better :o

Edited by byoung2
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What a dumb poll :o

What does it matter to you?

Worthy post there mate.

Well, as it happens, I am simply curious.

For example, nobody I know here in Thailand would ever dream of giving girls money the way I read about here sometimes (I am not talking about just paying for odd and ends here and there, come on). Maybe as they are mainly young and good looking? Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

I was wondering what most of the TV users views are about the posts they read, that's all.

I don't see how most the stories you find here relate to, for example, a UK FAMILY IN THE 1950's, with a bread winning father who supports HIS OWN FAMILY, though someone found that heartwarming story somehow relevant. Not even in the same ballpark if you ask me. Maybe I'm mental, excuse me.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I don't mind the practice at all, we have had loads of great nights out with lovely girls who are only to happy to pay for big nights out through these means. Keep it up as far as I am concerned.

Ok tendreams so your on here boasting you dont have to pay for it, Your here stirring it up against the older guys and making fun of them as they have to pay. well mate you'll be old to one day and probably in the same situation. Dont you think older people where young once?

As for me im 32 and can pull many girls without paying but i hold nothing against the ones that do. maybe oneday i will do it if she is worth it and im rich. hahah

Anyway all this thread has really done is made you look very young and immature. oh and yes get a few people upset.

well done kid.

We'll just have to hope that in the future, he's wise and mature enough to understand the irony when the shoe is on the other foot...just as the girls have to understand (usually when it's too late and they have nothing to show for their "hard work") when the time to leave the bar scene has arrived.

There will always be someone younger or better looking than you, someone with more money...if the poster displays the kind of arrogance and cockiness with women he's evidencing on the Net, then most of his relationships won't last long. Even if you're attractive/handsome/young, an arrogant prick is just that...once they get to know the person for who they really are, then their "generosity" won't last very long.

We all SHOULD add qualities that make us better mates/partners as we grow older...and that can counteract the age differences. I'm 39 and sometimes my 23 year old g/f really thinks I am trying to push her away (no I don't give her many money/support) and she's the one that thinks I am cheating and is the one who is usually jealous and insecure, even though it should be the other way around.

I've been on both sides of the line...sometimes I have paid for girls (just lazy, easy), usually not. I try not to get involved in all the moralistic arguments or rationalizations. I just hope I can settle down with one great girl and not end up like the main character from My Melancholy Whores by Gabriel Garcia Marquez...a man almost 90 who's bedded 500+ women but never found love until he met a 15-16 year old virgin he couldn't even communicate with or have sex with, lol.

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Well...just once, I would like to meet the following farang in Thailand.

1) His g/f has a higher/more advanced degree than he does

2) She makes more money than he does

3) She has white/r skin (Korean/Japanese/Chinese) like the models (Pancake) or soap opera performers

4) Where the woman is the same age or older

5) Where the couple/partners put all their money into a pot or shared pool....and he spends more money even though she earns more

6) Where the man/husband/boyfriend is considered (subjectively, of course) by most to be better looking than the woman

Anyone out there fit these conditions?

She made more money than me yes as when i met her i didnt have a job.

Yes i am 32 and she is 32 in 2 days time.

In the UK she gave me 500 pounds a month from 800 from her part time job.(for saving for us)

She is good looking but dont tell her i think im better. hahaha

And im sure there are many more people like me out there. This is a normal relationship i think. nothing strange about it.

I'm sure there are times when we're between jobs or moving/in-transit, lol...but where the girlfriend's earning power is/was higher in the past, is presently higher and will continue to be so on and into the future. I still think it's the exception to the rule.

I also think it's different when you take the relationship outside of Thailand/Asia, or when you meet outside her home country...on your turf, so to speak.

Obviously, the attitude/perspective of Thai girls who have travelled outside of their country is quite different than that of an Isaan rice farmer's daughter who tends to sick water buffalo and sells DTAC cards and fruit to make extra money for her family.

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Over the last 6 years i have gone through so many changing opinions on the OP post

From hating it - to humoring it - to becoming a victim of it - to accepting it - to finally realise that:

It aint so black and white!

there are a lots of evil stereotypes and good reason too - BUT...

I guess its depending on who you are, whom you have attracted and where in the whole Thailand wonderland experience your at today.

Thailand is just a ride, so many predictable twists and turns -

but always the unexpected ass tickler to give you whiplash!

Thesedays i live by the following rules...

I call it the 'THAI ACID LOVE TEST'

If it was a bar girl making a finacial plea:

i would certainly decline in sending money - why?

Cos theres a 90% she is full of crap and has another 10 guys doing the exact same thing and is probably richer than me anyway

(anyone one dares to tell me otherwise - can just go stand in the corner while i call your parents - live here long enough and do the calculations - bar girls never lie)

id rather gamble on better odds than that....

If i knew the girl was genuine and i trusted her more than average

I would certainly consider sending her money - but not so that she would grow dependant and lazy on it, or worse - learning that repeating this act can be a good way to earn a living for all the other wet tissues flying in. I would just provide a one off payment to help her out and reduce the chances of her becoming a corrupted deviant.

(As i would hope someone would do for me in a similar situation)

If it was my wife...

haha - id be doomed not too - hence i wont be marrying a Thai to become the farang sponser to all her family back home and a slave to wants that become requests.

Does that sound jaded, miserly or cruel? or perhaps KI NIAW?

Well, unless you can honestly trust your wife 100% (im not quite there yet)

why complicate matters with money and expectations from the whole family? and risk further maniplulations down the line.

The way i see it is - If she leaves you as a result - well thats a great THAI ACID LOVE TEST' in my opinion.

You have probably done yourself a great favor in finding out earlier - what your dellusions and inflated ego could never dechipher here in wonderland.

Rules of exception

If i had actually visited her family whom were old, retired, struggling, clearly in the proverbial.

If i felt i could do some good without it being DEMANDED or culturally EXPECTED or whatever...

Then i would request their bank details and send cash directly to them - yes i would consider a monthly salary too if i could afford it and if it was certain it wasnt going to the monthly lottery syndicate.

Nowdays however, to avoid becoming a miserly jaded farang

I find it much more fullfilling to give a few thousand baht to the poor Cambodians on the border with no arms or legs, or the same poor suffering victims you see walking around the street half dead or selling crap at the traffic lights and sucking in black soot all day.

These poor souls are genuinely on borrowed time - if i could help one of those i would truly feel it was worth it and an investment well spent...

Ask yourself how many THais do you see giving poor folks money?

ive never seen one - dont tell me they dont have money, they dish it out to the temple repairs every month to buy good karma and fortune back for themselves,

(nothing is done without expectation) just as they expect kind foreigners to provide for them too. But just how many Thais will help strangers?

There are millions of GENUINE cases for you to give charity for...

Millions who really do need just a few hundred baht a day to live modestly and with dignity

So when your next playmate or wifey starts her predictable demands - just think about the 'Thai Acid Love Test'

so go ahead - have some fun!


I agree as it isn't so clear cut for all cases

and as said before everybody is different and everybody has different circumstances along with different views and cultures.

For me I wouldn't know much about the Thai culture or family structure as my girlfriend is Khmer, not Thai, but we both stay in Thailand and i still give her money. If you had asked me this question about giving money to girlfriends a few years ago i would have said it is sickening and it's crazy. Now after seeing the bigger picture and understanding, i am happy to give my girlfriend what she needs to live. As if you could see the poverty she an her family comes from, and when i can earn more in one day what she can earn in one month I'd rather she not work and rather she go to school and study for a better future.

Yes it is sickening in certain cases where a man is just being used for money, and is to blind with love to see the truth or where the man is older enough to be the girls grandfather. But this doesn't only happen in Thailand it happens in every country in the world. You will only ever hear of the horror story's not of the success story's.

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Well...just once, I would like to meet the following farang in Thailand.

1) His g/f has a higher/more advanced degree than he does

2) She makes more money than he does

3) She has white/r skin (Korean/Japanese/Chinese) like the models (Pancake) or soap opera performers

4) Where the woman is the same age or older

5) Where the couple/partners put all their money into a pot or shared pool....and he spends more money even though she earns more

6) Where the man/husband/boyfriend is considered (subjectively, of course) by most to be better looking than the woman

Anyone out there fit these conditions?

She made more money than me yes as when i met her i didnt have a job.

Yes i am 32 and she is 32 in 2 days time.

In the UK she gave me 500 pounds a month from 800 from her part time job.(for saving for us)

She is good looking but dont tell her i think im better. hahaha

And im sure there are many more people like me out there. This is a normal relationship i think. nothing strange about it.

I'm sure there are times when we're between jobs or moving/in-transit, lol...but where the girlfriend's earning power is/was higher in the past, is presently higher and will continue to be so on and into the future. I still think it's the exception to the rule.

I also think it's different when you take the relationship outside of Thailand/Asia, or when you meet outside her home country...on your turf, so to speak.

Obviously, the attitude/perspective of Thai girls who have travelled outside of their country is quite different than that of an Isaan rice farmer's daughter who tends to sick water buffalo and sells DTAC cards and fruit to make extra money for her family.

Of course but i met mine in thailand when i was travelling 5 years ago on the end of a travel and had no money. I married her 2 years later and she came to the uk.

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when i can earn more in one day what she can earn in one month I'd rather she not work and rather she go to school and study for a better future.

Here here!

Now let's here from all the 'sickened' posters response to this logic. Good on you boarbaboon. Good to hear from someone who's not so much of a capitalist they've got their own head stuck so far up their ass they've forgotten how fortunate they are, and how unfortunate others situations can be.

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A long term GF or wife who needed helping out while i went back home for a while, yes if i loved her of course i would send her some money.

A bar girl/free lancer who is working the game on me and ten others NO WAY. Someone on this forum once said do not do anything differently with a woman here than you would back in your home land.


Would go on a holiday in your own country meet a prostitute, pay her for sex, then fall for her and start sending her money when you got back home?

Would you really believe that a woman who is really poor and half your age and very attractive was really in love with you?

Would you really believe you were her true love, that she missed you and somehow you were different and better than all the others?

Would you believe anything a woman said if she told you she wanted to marry you after the first week of knowing her ?

Etc etc etc

I used to sit in my friends internet shop helping these girls write emails to their many farangs. I just cannot believe how age can jade peoples perception of situations. And yes 98% of all the men i saw these girls writing to were at least 20 years older than the girls themselves.

Increase your chances of finding someone honest and true to you. Look for your equal, someone more your own age, more equal in appearance, somebody who enjoys the same interests as you. Someone who speaks at least a little of your language, someone who wants to work for an honest living and does not ask you for money.

If you want to send a thai girl money from abroad then thats very noble of you, sort of like making a charity donation each month, but please for your own sake don't have some silly romantic fantasy along with it because it will be you who ends up bitter and posting on this foruym that all thai girls are the same etc.

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Well...just once, I would like to meet the following farang in Thailand.

1) His g/f has a higher/more advanced degree than he does

2) She makes more money than he does

3) She has white/r skin (Korean/Japanese/Chinese) like the models (Pancake) or soap opera performers

4) Where the woman is the same age or older

5) Where the couple/partners put all their money into a pot or shared pool....and he spends more money even though she earns more

6) Where the man/husband/boyfriend is considered (subjectively, of course) by most to be better looking than the woman

Anyone out there fit these conditions?

1, Girlfriend has a better degree than me and is from a poor family in the north

2. Makes about the same money as me in Thailand because i work part time remotely, if i went back with her obviously i would earn more than her.

3.white skinned naturally

4. she is 29 i am 30

5. She spends her money i spend mine, we pay for each other as and when, same as farrang relationship

6.I reckon i am equally as good looking as her, i was going out with a beautiful girl in the UK before her.

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What a dumb poll :o

What does it matter to you?

Worthy post there mate.

Well, as it happens, I am simply curious.

For example, nobody I know here in Thailand would ever dream of giving girls money the way I read about here sometimes (I am not talking about just paying for odd and ends here and there, come on). Maybe as they are mainly young and good looking? Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

I was wondering what most of the TV users views are about the posts they read, that's all.

I don't see how most the stories you find here relate to, for example, a UK FAMILY IN THE 1950's, with a bread winning father who supports HIS OWN FAMILY, though someone found that heartwarming story somehow relevant. Not even in the same ballpark if you ask me. Maybe I'm mental, excuse me.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I don't mind the practice at all, we have had loads of great nights out with lovely girls who are only to happy to pay for big nights out through these means. Keep it up as far as I am concerned.

Ok tendreams so your on here boasting you dont have to pay for it, Your here stirring it up against the older guys and making fun of them as they have to pay. well mate you'll be old to one day and probably in the same situation. Dont you think older people where young once?

As for me im 32 and can pull many girls without paying but i hold nothing against the ones that do. maybe oneday i will do it if she is worth it and im rich. hahah

Anyway all this thread has really done is made you look very young and immature. oh and yes get a few people upset.

well done kid.

The operative word being "kid". Trolls come in different shapes and disguises yet the Mods just don't get it!

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Well...just once, I would like to meet the following farang in Thailand.

1) His g/f has a higher/more advanced degree than he does

2) She makes more money than he does

3) She has white/r skin (Korean/Japanese/Chinese) like the models (Pancake) or soap opera performers

4) Where the woman is the same age or older

5) Where the couple/partners put all their money into a pot or shared pool....and he spends more money even though she earns more

6) Where the man/husband/boyfriend is considered (subjectively, of course) by most to be better looking than the woman

Anyone out there fit these conditions?

1, Girlfriend has a better degree than me and is from a poor family in the north

2. Makes about the same money as me in Thailand because i work part time remotely, if i went back with her obviously i would earn more than her.

3.white skinned naturally

4. she is 29 i am 30

5. She spends her money i spend mine, we pay for each other as and when, same as farrang relationship

6.I reckon i am equally as good looking as her, i was going out with a beautiful girl in the UK before her.

Post a photo of you and her i would love to see.

From the 2 posts above i would say you have a very good knowledge of bar girls or the scene. maybe you've been stung before.

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What a dumb poll :o

What does it matter to you?

Worthy post there mate.

Well, as it happens, I am simply curious.

For example, nobody I know here in Thailand would ever dream of giving girls money the way I read about here sometimes (I am not talking about just paying for odd and ends here and there, come on). Maybe as they are mainly young and good looking? Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

I was wondering what most of the TV users views are about the posts they read, that's all.

I don't see how most the stories you find here relate to, for example, a UK FAMILY IN THE 1950's, with a bread winning father who supports HIS OWN FAMILY, though someone found that heartwarming story somehow relevant. Not even in the same ballpark if you ask me. Maybe I'm mental, excuse me.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I don't mind the practice at all, we have had loads of great nights out with lovely girls who are only to happy to pay for big nights out through these means. Keep it up as far as I am concerned.

Ok tendreams so your on here boasting you dont have to pay for it, Your here stirring it up against the older guys and making fun of them as they have to pay. well mate you'll be old to one day and probably in the same situation. Dont you think older people where young once?

As for me im 32 and can pull many girls without paying but i hold nothing against the ones that do. maybe oneday i will do it if she is worth it and im rich. hahah

Anyway all this thread has really done is made you look very young and immature. oh and yes get a few people upset.

well done kid.

The operative word being "kid". Trolls come in different shapes and disguises yet the Mods just don't get it!

That why they should be any rules on here. why is there rules anyway?? do people really get upset about threads on here??

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Well...just once, I would like to meet the following farang in Thailand.

1) His g/f has a higher/more advanced degree than he does

2) She makes more money than he does

3) She has white/r skin (Korean/Japanese/Chinese) like the models (Pancake) or soap opera performers

4) Where the woman is the same age or older

5) Where the couple/partners put all their money into a pot or shared pool....and he spends more money even though she earns more

6) Where the man/husband/boyfriend is considered (subjectively, of course) by most to be better looking than the woman

Anyone out there fit these conditions?

1. We both have university degrees

2. she makes a ton more than me

3. She has pretty light skin for a Thai and dresses like an eskimo to preserve it!!

4. Shes 31 and I'm 32

5. not living together yet but we take it in turns to pay for meals etc

6. I think we're pretty evenly matched in terms of looks - in fact she's paranoid about loosing me to another girl because she says I'm so handsome (however due the fact I was out on the lash night I now look like (and feel) like a badgers arse!!)

I can't say I'm sickened by the posts about guys paying money to 'girlfreind' whilst they've returned home (lets face it 99 out of 100 its a prostitute or ex prostitute) at the end of the day its thier money - what ever floats your boat

I just kind of feel sorry for these guys who get fleeced for thousands and thousands of Baht with the my Aunties buffalo is sick letters and e-mails!! You see the same guys being led around the shopping malls by thier d!cks walking cashpoint. At the end of the day as long as they have that money to spare and realise that even with the regular monthly payment, these girls are still bargirls and will be very likely to have several other guys sending them money and they will still working the bar.

You're monthly payment is basically the same as a payment for a timeshare apartment.

My ex girlfriend used to speak read and write several langauges and she used to be asked by people in her neighbourhood to translate things amongst them the...... ahem :o 'love letters' I got to read quite a few of them and to be honest I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!! Most of these guys seemed to have a genuine emotional attachment to these girls, maybe even loved them. the general jist of each and every letter was;


I think one of the problems is that love is a very easily said word by alot of Thai girls (bar girls and normal girls) and Thai women due to thier cultural background are generally more attentive than western women, so its perhaps easy for some people to allow themselves to be drawn in. Its not seen as socially unacceptable to fleece these poors guys most Thais just seem to see it as, 'if you're gulible enough to fall for it then thats your problem' a sentiment I kind of share but I really feel for some guy in his 60's who been scammed out of his life savings because he's lonely!! :D

Sometimes the easiest person to decieve is yourself

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Well...just once, I would like to meet the following farang in Thailand.

1) His g/f has a higher/more advanced degree than he does

2) She makes more money than he does

3) She has white/r skin (Korean/Japanese/Chinese) like the models (Pancake) or soap opera performers

4) Where the woman is the same age or older

5) Where the couple/partners put all their money into a pot or shared pool....and he spends more money even though she earns more

6) Where the man/husband/boyfriend is considered (subjectively, of course) by most to be better looking than the woman

Anyone out there fit these conditions?

1, Girlfriend has a better degree than me and is from a poor family in the north

2. Makes about the same money as me in Thailand because i work part time remotely, if i went back with her obviously i would earn more than her.

3.white skinned naturally

4. she is 29 i am 30

5. She spends her money i spend mine, we pay for each other as and when, same as farrang relationship

6.I reckon i am equally as good looking as her, i was going out with a beautiful girl in the UK before her.

Post a photo of you and her i would love to see.

From the 2 posts above i would say you have a very good knowledge of bar girls or the scene. maybe you've been stung before.

I have a great knowledge of the bar scene you are right, i came to thailand and watched all the other mugs waste money with prostitutes, i would never pay a prostitute in my home country so why would i want to pay one in another country that has a higher HIV infected population etc. Why do you find it so hard to believe that a 30 yr old man can find his equal in thailand ? Why would i lie? Believe me or not..up 2 u dalling .:o! There are thousands of quality women here, just use the checklist, did no one give you one when you arrived? lucky i knew the right people :0

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This is hardly a 'sickening topic'. Who really cares if a guy send money to his thai sweetheart, thats his problem & her good luck if it happens. From what I see no one is forcing anyone to do anything. Personally I would chose not to do it, but others would, up to them, its their money. :D

Not a black and white subject but I'll give my thoughts.

I ticked 'yes' but only because the OP stated 'large sums', which encourage lazyness and greed.

If it's a relatively ordinary amount in the eyes of the thais and something she's happy with then I don't have a problem and it would be 'no'.

For me while I'm 'in-country' I take care of the girl in this way unless she's working.

If I'm out-country then she's on her own and needs to fend for herself. It's the law of the jungle here, and you'd better believe it.

The trouble is I've seen the effects of a 'two-week hero's' come here, do their thing, go home and then send thai girls 50k baht a month off the bat.

Good for them in one sense for generosity but then the word gets around to all her mates that all farangs are loaded and ought to do the same. 'You want me then pay up 50k or you kee-niow' comes the cry!

An extreme example but not one that's unheard of.

I was telling a chinese/thai buddy of mine this and he was flabberglasted, 15k upwards is the 'going rate' according to him and would price the locals out of the market so to speak. :o

Edited by JimsKnight
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This is hardly a 'sickening topic'. Who really cares if a guy send money to his thai sweetheart, thats his problem & her good luck if it happens. From what I see no one is forcing anyone to do anything. Personally I would chose not to do it, but others would, up to them, its their money. :D

Not a black and white subject but I'll give my thoughts.

I ticked 'yes' but only because the OP stated 'large sums', which encourage lazyness and greed.

If it's a relatively ordinary amount in the eyes of the thais and something she's happy with then I don't have a problem and it would be 'no'.

For me while I'm 'in-country' I take care of the girl in this way unless she's working.

If I'm out-country then she's on her own and needs to fend for herself. It's the law of the jungle here, and you'd better believe it.

The trouble is I've seen the effects of a 'two-week hero's' come here, do their thing, go home and then send thai girls 50k baht a month off the bat.

Good for them in one sense for generosity but then the word gets around to all her mates that all farangs are loaded and ought to do the same. 'You want me then pay up 50k or you kee-niow' comes the cry!

An extreme example but not one that's unheard of.

I was telling a chinese/thai buddy of mine this and he was flabberglasted, 15k upwards is the 'going rate' according to him and would price the locals out of the market so to speak. :o

"15,000 bht upwards the going rate" for Thai man?? Most Thai men I know, who are of equal age to the woman, pay nothing. If they are older, rich Thai men with a young Mia Noi (or more), then the sky's the limit. Anyway, looks like I might be getting a bargain. Maybe she really loves me?

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this is a great thread ,makes me laugh so much,great big trolls too.

one poster mentioned about white thai or thai/chinese,actresses,so you dont know they are covered in white cream and have white lighting to make them look some kind of freak.

Aliens have landed,they are horrible.

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this is a great thread ,makes me laugh so much,great big trolls too.

one poster mentioned about white thai or thai/chinese,actresses,so you dont know they are covered in white cream and have white lighting to make them look some kind of freak.

Aliens have landed,they are horrible.

Ummmmm...obviously, I've lived here for 8 months!!!

My point was the BKK/"elite" version of beauty is very much white...but the majority (95%) of those actresses or models on t.v., if you look at their hands or feet, they're pretty darned fair-skinned. Maybe not SUPER-white like the Wonder Girls singing group from Korea, but a close enough approximation. Of course, they copy the hair and clothing styles, too.

There are plenty of beautiful medium or dark-skinned girls who cover themselves up in foundation to look like Caspar the Friendly Ghost...and I just feel sorry for them. Maybe their clients are Asian men who prefer this look to dark skin, but it's really creepy.

I'm always mystified by the lengths Thai girls go to stay out of the sun versus the lengths we Westerners go to during winter/spring break/prom time to get that "healthy" brown-tanned look.

I've also lived/taught in China, have many Japanese and Filipina friends, so I can certainly tell the difference. But thanks for comparing me to Wall-E!!!

Edited by caulfield2
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If you got a THai gril friend you are giving her something, no ifs and or buts about it

Take the Thai out of that statement and you've got it correct........................

...............Ask any guy, anywhere in the world, even gay guys, having a significant other costs money.

Those that say it doesn't, are lying or in denial.

Hey , gay couples can't both be "givers", one has to be a giver and the other a taker :o

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