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Posts About Giving Money To Thai Girlfriends


Giving money to Thai girlfriends  

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The OP asked if we are sickened by men giving large sums of money to their gf.

In many cases it does sicken me.

A man living here with his wife or gf and taking care her and the children...........no.

If he has a relatively high income then fair enough. I fit this category, I'm happy to spend my income and we have a pretty good life. If we want to buy something new, or do something to the house we save from my income until we have enough. I'm not going to sell my property in the Uk, I'm realistic enough to know that there are no guarantees, relationships sour here, the same as anywhere in the world. I hope that this relationship continues for the rest of my life, but if it does go wrong, I'm not going to end up penniless.

If a man lives and works outside of Thailand and sends his "girlfriend" money, in most cases he is a gullible fool and it does sicken me.

Men who have worked and saved all their lives and after knowing a girl for 5 minutes are buying cars and houses for them.........definitely sickens me.

Mind you, it's not only men. I knew a woman (late 30's) who sold her flat in London and moved to Thailand to stay with her Thai boyfriend (20's) with over 100,000 pounds. (At that time, over 7 million Baht). She built the house and invested in a business for her boyfriend and after 2 years was broke and broken. As far as I know, she is back in the UK working again now.

The problem with some foolish farang throwing money away is that it raises expectations. If one can do this, all farang can. Free spending Farang are often considered to be stupid by the Thais and if Farang is careful with his money, Stingy!

I have never understood this belief that all Farang are rich. There are a lot of poor Thais, well off Thais and rich Thais. Why do so many Thais not realise that there are also a lot of relatively poor Farang, well off Farang and rich Farang. Everybody cannot be rich!

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A long term GF or wife who needed helping out while i went back home for a while, yes if i loved her of course i would send her some money.

A bar girl/free lancer who is working the game on me and ten others NO WAY. Someone on this forum once said do not do anything differently with a woman here than you would back in your home land.


Would go on a holiday in your own country meet a prostitute, pay her for sex, then fall for her and start sending her money when you got back home?

Would you really believe that a woman who is really poor and half your age and very attractive was really in love with you?

Would you really believe you were her true love, that she missed you and somehow you were different and better than all the others?

Would you believe anything a woman said if she told you she wanted to marry you after the first week of knowing her ?

Etc etc etc

I used to sit in my friends internet shop helping these girls write emails to their many farangs. I just cannot believe how age can jade peoples perception of situations. And yes 98% of all the men i saw these girls writing to were at least 20 years older than the girls themselves.

Increase your chances of finding someone honest and true to you. Look for your equal, someone more your own age, more equal in appearance, somebody who enjoys the same interests as you. Someone who speaks at least a little of your language, someone who wants to work for an honest living and does not ask you for money.

If you want to send a thai girl money from abroad then thats very noble of you, sort of like making a charity donation each month, but please for your own sake don't have some silly romantic fantasy along with it because it will be you who ends up bitter and posting on this foruym that all thai girls are the same etc.

That's the whole point. These elderly gentlemen do not want an equal, someone more their own age, more equal in appearance, somebody who enjoys the same interests as they do. Nor do they necessarily want someone who speaks at least a little of their language (sometimes it's better if they don't speak your language), someone who wants to work for an honest living (prostitution isn't an honest living?), and does not ask you for money (lots of luck, buddy). They want them 20 to 30 years younger very attractive, and instant soul-mate material. They don't care about the money, the lying, or the acting, as long as they're enjoying themselves, and consider true love a joke best left to the young, the restless, and the stupid. Look who's talking about silly romantic fantasies. I don't think that's jaded, everybody's happy. I hope you never get old.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To me the issue of giving money or not is a little beyond the point

Lets be honest, at the end of the day these things are nothing more than an unspoken monetary contract that is conveniently wrapped up in a little parcel with a fancy bow and card marked "pretend love"...or "love with benefits" more so the case.

SO....i presume if the money runs out, the love also runs out?

I thinks bloody good life insurance might be the go, cos when your to old and sick to sign the cheques it will a given that your (still) young thai wife/girlfriend will also run out with the next cash cow that comes along.

If you are prepared for this than good for you, but i wouldnt want to be constantly "investing" in someone who will do a runner when im alone, stuffed and in REAL need of a REAL wife!!....

not to mention the issue of giving away good money i could have truelly "invested" in my own childrens future


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my wife is from south thailand .has 2 university degrees ,31 year old n0w ,married 3 years next november , im 35 , she worked in thai customs when i met her and drove a brand new honda city.i went with many bar women before i met her but i wouldnt want to marry any of them.not all women in thailand work in bars.there is a lot of wealth in thailand.they are getting big into education now.....ive alot of good thai friends who are into the harley thing and believe me they have some of the finest custom choppers you would see anywhere in the world.just go down to any of the clubs in the rca area in bangkok any saturday night and you will see what i mean,and by the way way my wife is working all the time and we dont send any money to her family because they are all ok,plenty of money from rubber trees.look around you all the new jeeps ,mercedes,camrys that you see every day in thailand-they are thai owned..i hate to read all the time that all thai people are poor..there is poor in every country........go to any good karaoke restaurant in bangkok on a friday night and they will be packed full with thai people........

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When the problems of the world are caused by greed, which they are, and the eternal chase to be "better off than your friends and colleagues" as it is, to have a bigger better more expensive house than your friends, to have a bigger better more expensive car/mobile phone/holiday home etc...

Then the world is in severe problems.

The world needs more people to give and share.

The process of a rich foreigner sending money to a Thai girlfriend, who then sends it down the line to brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents etc... is a very nice process, and if this was done more in the world, the wealth would be distributed more properly.

Sadly, most people will not send money to friends overseas, they prefer to run up debts with banks and get bigger houses and cars and other "useless" things.

And while the world remains in its "greed" and "me me me me" state, then it will always be a bad place. I am all for people giving money to those less fortunate, whoever they may be, wherever in the world, and I have no problems at all with farangs giving money to Thai girls and this money distributing in society.

Thailand would be similar to Cambodia were it not for the farang money supporting the poor over many decades through the various channels it comes in from , for sure most of the rich elite in Thailand do not give a dam_n about them.

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The process of a rich foreigner sending money to a Thai girlfriend, who then sends it down the line to brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents etc... is a very nice process, and if this was done more in the world, the wealth would be distributed more properly.

Fair enough, but what about the girls that are scamming to buy gold and mobile phones for "ME Me Me"

Most of the men that send money are not rich, they are working to earn a living and many end up sending more than they can really afford. What you don't seem to realise is how selfish many of these girls are. I have met many of these poor women that have a higher income than me because of their multiple sponsors. How much do they send home for their children? often about 3000 Baht per month.

If you spent some time with the rural Thais, you will see that many are proud and hardworking. Life is hard, but they have a good and happy life without all the luxuries AND without handouts. You will also see that many are lazy good for nothing drunken lowlifes that contribute nothing and are always looking for a free ride. Do you think the low life element deserve help when they are incapable of getting off their butts and doing a days work?

Sadly, most people will not send money to friends overseas, they prefer to run up debts with banks and get bigger houses and cars and other "useless" things.

The number one thing that farang money is spent on is bigger houses for the Thai "girlfriend". The number 2 is a car for the Thai "girlfriend"

And while the world remains in its "greed" and "me me me me" state, then it will always be a bad place. I am all for people giving money to those less fortunate, whoever they may be, wherever in the world, and I have no problems at all with farangs giving money to Thai girls and this money distributing in society.

One field that Thailand leads the world in is "greed" and "me me me me"

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A long term GF or wife who needed helping out while i went back home for a while, yes if i loved her of course i would send her some money.

A bar girl/free lancer who is working the game on me and ten others NO WAY. Someone on this forum once said do not do anything differently with a woman here than you would back in your home land.


Would go on a holiday in your own country meet a prostitute, pay her for sex, then fall for her and start sending her money when you got back home?

Would you really believe that a woman who is really poor and half your age and very attractive was really in love with you?

Would you really believe you were her true love, that she missed you and somehow you were different and better than all the others?

Would you believe anything a woman said if she told you she wanted to marry you after the first week of knowing her ?

Etc etc etc

I used to sit in my friends internet shop helping these girls write emails to their many farangs. I just cannot believe how age can jade peoples perception of situations. And yes 98% of all the men i saw these girls writing to were at least 20 years older than the girls themselves.

There are exceptions. I live in bangkok with my Japanese GF. She is 23 years younger than me, very beautiful, graduate of a good uni., and she works at a well paying job and we share expenses.

If you are slim and fit, and good looking, then you can still pull much younger women .

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Maybe some see it as a more honest contract than those that run around with their little wives to Tesco every week, direct debits for the mortgage and the his and her cars and the weekly allowance for clothes etc. Its all about money, all thats different ist how you want to view the transaction.

Those that see it that way have a gross misunderstanding of the institution of marriage. Maybe those same people think that those who choose to join in a rewarding union of mind and spirit to the renunciation of self, sharing life's highs and lows, making a secure nest together and raising a family should be in an institution. One cannot put a value on companionship, care, comfort and being half of a pair - and as the years go by the value increases. Those who cannot commit to or possess the self discipline to bring about a lasting union have a very lonely old age to look forward to with few happy memories to reflect on.

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The process of a rich foreigner sending money to a Thai girlfriend, who then sends it down the line to brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents etc... is a very nice process, and if this was done more in the world, the wealth would be distributed more properly.

Fair enough, but what about the girls that are scamming to buy gold and mobile phones for "ME Me Me"

Most of the men that send money are not rich, they are working to earn a living and many end up sending more than they can really afford. What you don't seem to realise is how selfish many of these girls are. I have met many of these poor women that have a higher income than me because of their multiple sponsors. How much do they send home for their children? often about 3000 Baht per month.

If you spent some time with the rural Thais, you will see that many are proud and hardworking. Life is hard, but they have a good and happy life without all the luxuries AND without handouts. You will also see that many are lazy good for nothing drunken lowlifes that contribute nothing and are always looking for a free ride. Do you think the low life element deserve help when they are incapable of getting off their butts and doing a days work?

Sadly, most people will not send money to friends overseas, they prefer to run up debts with banks and get bigger houses and cars and other "useless" things.

The number one thing that farang money is spent on is bigger houses for the Thai "girlfriend". The number 2 is a car for the Thai "girlfriend"

And while the world remains in its "greed" and "me me me me" state, then it will always be a bad place. I am all for people giving money to those less fortunate, whoever they may be, wherever in the world, and I have no problems at all with farangs giving money to Thai girls and this money distributing in society.

One field that Thailand leads the world in is "greed" and "me me me me"

Accurate post imho....although i am not sure that i would have very high moral values if i had to live on 4K baht a month.

People form wealthy families and good educational backgound have many more options.....put me at the bottom of the pile and i don't know whether my moral fibre would be so strong...

There really are two victims in many cases....the men seeking love or comanionship who are lonely and the woman who think a stash of cash will make their lives better when in many cases they lead to drugs, gambling, HIV, lazy no good Thai boyfrineds and family who suck most of their money and end up burnt out with nothing......

As long as the men can afford it i see the women as the biggest losers......

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Accurate post imho....although i am not sure that i would have very high moral values if i had to live on 4K baht a month.

What about the honest effort of millions of young Thai women, who choose not to look for male customers, working very hard at paddy fields, constructions sides...daily many hours?

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There are exceptions. I live in bangkok with my Japanese GF. She is 23 years younger than me, very beautiful, graduate of a good uni., and she works at a well paying job and we share expenses.

If you are slim and fit, and good looking, then you can still pull much younger women .

This is true, but would that beautiful Japanese girl be with you if you worked in 7 Eleven ? :D

I see it in Tokyo a lot, some real geeky looking guys with some real stunning Japanese women much much younger than they are, but guess what, these guys earn a lot of money and an unlimited expense account and live in company paid 1,000,000 + Yen a month apartments in Azabu Juban , Roppongi, Aoyama etc etc...

If the same guy was an English teacher living in a Gaijin house in Saitama he'd have no chance at all. :D

It's the way of the world, not just Thailand.

Rich older guys in Western Countries can get young western women too. :o

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Accurate post imho....although i am not sure that i would have very high moral values if i had to live on 4K baht a month.

What about the honest effort of millions of young Thai women, who choose not to look for male customers, working very hard at paddy fields, constructions sides...daily many hours?

They will remain poor and their children will have little chance of a good education and will be the next generation of rural poor to carry on growing rice and working on construction sites to feed and house richer people.

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There are exceptions. I live in bangkok with my Japanese GF. She is 23 years younger than me, very beautiful, graduate of a good uni., and she works at a well paying job and we share expenses.

If you are slim and fit, and good looking, then you can still pull much younger women .

This is true, but would that beautiful Japanese girl be with you if you worked in 7 Eleven ? :D

I see it in Tokyo a lot, some real geeky looking guys with some real stunning Japanese women much much younger than they are, but guess what, these guys earn a lot of money and an unlimited expense account and live in company paid 1,000,000 + Yen a month apartments in Azabu Juban , Roppongi, Aoyama etc etc...

If the same guy was an English teacher living in a Gaijin house in Saitama he'd have no chance at all. :D

It's the way of the world, not just Thailand.

Rich older guys in Western Countries can get young western women too. :o

Does the same apply to the female farangs who marry Thai's ?
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Does the same apply to the female farangs who marry Thai's ?

Dunno, but I see many older Japanese men with much younger Western women.

Rich guys will always be an attractive proposition for a woman, who wants to be poor ?

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Does the same apply to the female farangs who marry Thai's ?

Dunno, but I see many older Japanese men with much younger Western women.

Rich guys will always be an attractive proposition for a woman, who wants to be poor ?

From my understanding lots of farang women work in the sex/escort business in Japan. My queery was aimed at farang ladies who marry Thais, and I'm not implying they're involved in the sex/escort business. I'm just wondering if Thai men see farang women as ATM's or are all their marriages made in heaven Edited by coventry
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Accurate post imho....although i am not sure that i would have very high moral values if i had to live on 4K baht a month.

What about the honest effort of millions of young Thai women, who choose not to look for male customers, working very hard at paddy fields, constructions sides...daily many hours?

They will remain poor and their children will have little chance of a good education and will be the next generation of rural poor to carry on growing rice and working on construction sites to feed and house richer people.

and still they choose that over the everywhere easily available bar b/s

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Accurate post imho....although i am not sure that i would have very high moral values if i had to live on 4K baht a month.

What about the honest effort of millions of young Thai women, who choose not to look for male customers, working very hard at paddy fields, constructions sides...daily many hours?

They will remain poor and their children will have little chance of a good education and will be the next generation of rural poor to carry on growing rice and working on construction sites to feed and house richer people.

and still they choose that over the everywhere easily available bar b/s

Yes, we will have rice to eat in our expensive condos for years to come, no worries.

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From my understanding lots of farang women work in the sex/escort business in Japan. My queery was aimed at farang ladies who marry Thais, and I'm not implying they're involved in the sex/escort business. I'm just wondering if Thai men see farang women as ATM's or are all their marriages made in heaven

I have met a few Farang women who have been involved with Thai men, and yes it tended to cost them money, I can recall one girl who was working in a Hostess bar who told me how much money she had lost to a Thai guy she'd met in Samui or KPG, then again, she could earn it back quick enough in her job in Tokyo, this was a few years ago when Hostesses could really pull the money in, BIG money!

But that is only the very few I have personally met, I have no idea about the countless thousands I have not met.

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Accurate post imho....although i am not sure that i would have very high moral values if i had to live on 4K baht a month.

What about the honest effort of millions of young Thai women, who choose not to look for male customers, working very hard at paddy fields, constructions sides...daily many hours?

They will remain poor and their children will have little chance of a good education and will be the next generation of rural poor to carry on growing rice and working on construction sites to feed and house richer people.

and still they choose that over the everywhere easily available bar b/s

Yes, we will have rice to eat in our expensive condos for years to come, no worries.

you are twisting the issue here. It's respect for natural morals over laziness and b/s.

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Just a reminder to all from the OP

Just Yes or No to the question, no discussion

5 pages (120 posts!) from that... amazing how persistant we are. I've contributed too I have to admit.

Edited by byoung2
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Might not go down very well, but just curious...

Although this worn out topic seems to come up all the time, I just want to know without going into the rights and wrongs etc, if anyone else finds reading about this practice as sickening as me.

Nothing personal to those who have posted previously on the topic.

Nope - I find the stories quite funny actualy (there'll never be an end to them, now will there?).

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Abso-fuc_kin-tively, posi-fuc_kin-lutely; YES, it sickens me every time I hear about it.


NO, I wouldn't give a single satang of money, NEVER EVER!

How's that for no discussion?

Edited by tod-daniels
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Accurate post imho....although i am not sure that i would have very high moral values if i had to live on 4K baht a month.

What about the honest effort of millions of young Thai women, who choose not to look for male customers, working very hard at paddy fields, constructions sides...daily many hours?

They will remain poor and their children will have little chance of a good education and will be the next generation of rural poor to carry on growing rice and working on construction sites to feed and house richer people.

and still they choose that over the everywhere easily available bar b/s

Yes, we will have rice to eat in our expensive condos for years to come, no worries.

you are twisting the issue here. It's respect for natural morals over laziness and b/s.

No, I'm understanding why people don't wanna be poor and how morals can go outta the window when you are poor.

What would you do ?

A girl from a pizz poor Family with no future, living in squalor, looking at her mother who is only 39 but she looks like shes 60 cos of back breaking work in the fields all her life and yet still has nothing, and will struggle all her life.

The girl can look at her mother, and her mothers mother, and realise that she's looking at her future.

She's a 45 Kg 160cm dark skinned girl, 18 years old and a friend says to her. " Hey Lek, why don't you go and get a Farang, you'll snag one in 2 weeks for sure ".

Who the hel_l am I to judge this girls moral code one way or the other ?

I'd be on the first bus out of the Village and get the richest Farang I could find if I was her, and if I could get 10 guys to send me money every month, then that would be great too.

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