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High School Education For Older Thais ?


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Hi there everyone

I am new here in Thailand and know very little about schools in Thailand.

I have a Thai friend and she is 31 years old with only primary school education.

Like probably many Thais that come from the poor families.

She wants to go to high school. learn more etc..

What options does she have ?

Are there any schools that accept people (women) at that age for high school education?

Private or not does not matter I just need to know all the options.

Maybe some none profit international help organitation schools for women?

Like we have in Europe it is called evening classes or Oldis high schools.

Any info is welcome!




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Very good thanks , I have looked around abit and what I have heard is that it is 1 day week on saturday or sunday for 3-4 years.

What would be best is 5 times a week.

And then which one should we pick, does any one know the best ones any good experience story's,and any schools that we should stay away from etc..

thanks for the fast reply

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The government schools run weekend schools in most areas for adult learning. Depending on the education level of your friend she may be eligible to do 2 years of weekends to get the highschool equivilant certificate which will enable her to apply for university etc.....obviously depending on her results at the end of it. They put a fair bit of responsibility on the students to complete heaps of homework in their own time.

She would be best to make enquires @ one of the Govt Schools near her home, their admin office will be able to guide her best. I have seen that alot of these weekend schools are actually run @ local temples, in halls etc but the teachers are normal highschool teachers and its funded thru the education dept.

The costs are minimal, some book fees and something like a 40 baht application fee. Its best to start at the beginning of a new term, I believe the next new term starts at the end of april, early may. Obviously when applying she will have to show id card, house card etc & prove shes thai, theres a couple of forms to fill out....its wise to register early for these programs as most the schools limit their numbers. Sorry i dont have a number she can ring, but rather she should go in business hours to one of the schools and ask, they will have the details. Best of luck.

Edited by neverdie
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The government schools run weekend schools in most areas for adult learning. Depending on the education level of your friend she may be eligible to do 2 years of weekends to get the highschool equivilant certificate which will enable her to apply for university etc.....obviously depending on her results at the end of it. They put a fair bit of responsibility on the students to complete heaps of homework in their own time.

She would be best to make enquires @ one of the Govt Schools near her home, their admin office will be able to guide her best. I have seen that alot of these weekend schools are actually run @ local temples, in halls etc but the teachers are normal highschool teachers and its funded thru the education dept.

The costs are minimal, some book fees and something like a 40 baht application fee. Its best to start at the beginning of a new term, I believe the next new term starts at the end of april, early may. Obviously when applying she will have to show id card, house card etc & prove shes thai, theres a couple of forms to fill out....its wise to register early for these programs as most the schools limit their numbers. Sorry i dont have a number she can ring, but rather she should go in business hours to one of the schools and ask, they will have the details. Best of luck.

Thanks for good info! We found one school that is pretty close for her and it seems like she like it. It is this government school like you talked about and the people are friendly.

She will start this next semester. And she told her friends about it and now there is 3 of them gona go. It has made my friend very happy she is in the skyes about it.

Thanks again!


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I think what you're all talking about is the Non Formal Education Program.

From my experience a lot of the students who sign up don't take it very seriously.

A lot of absenteeism. Not a lot of work assigned or done.

Hope the program you found for your g/f works out for her.

An old cliche, but she'll probably get out of it what she puts in to it.

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Hello , 2 years of weekends only ? do you appreciate the attention span of the average Thai ? You would do far better to instruct her yourself on a day to day basis , and what if she gets this diploma ? You can instruct her more on life skills than she will ever learn in a Thai institute of ROTE teaching . Teach her about life and how to live it as an individual , both you and she will be better people .

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Hello , 2 years of weekends only ? do you appreciate the attention span of the average Thai ? You would do far better to instruct her yourself on a day to day basis , and what if she gets this diploma ? You can instruct her more on life skills than she will ever learn in a Thai institute of ROTE teaching . Teach her about life and how to live it as an individual , both you and she will be better people .

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I know two people who finished their M6 (High School) diplomas through this program. They only had one or two years to make up, so they were able to finish in just a few months. I believe that the standard is about 3 or 4 months of study for every year that they need to make up.

If your friend only finished P6, she will probably need to study for 2 years or so to get her M6 equivalency.

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Any chance that some of these classes are available during the week? I realize it's a longshot, but my girlfriend works 10am-8pm every day except Wednesday. She's interested in finishing her HS diploma (she stopped at M4). Personally, I think she works too hard as it is, but I told her I'd inquire...

So, does anyone know about evening classes held during the week (specifically on Wednesdays)?



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My friend finished his high courses at one of the temple schools here in Pattaya. He had to go every weekend and yes had lots of homework and study. He completed and received his high school diploma in 6 months. He then applied for a government job, sat the exam and passed and has been a government employee ever since. The other Thais that sat the test could not believe that he did not know anybody in the government and just made it all on his own.

He has since completed a Political Science course and received his diploma last year.

It can be done if the person wants to better themselves.

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Yes I believe that as well that you get out of it what you put into it.

My friend is very motivated at the moment about the whole thing.

By the looks of it she will have to do about 2 years.

She will start the governmental school, but I am still looking for adult high school that runs on weekdays.

I am also looking for career help programs for woman.

I have found one that is called Goodwill Group Foundation

here is the homepage ww.goodwillbangkok.org/

My friend is going there as well it is on Mondays.

They have been very nice. They teach English and some beauty salon courses.

They help them on how to look for job and how to use the internet.

I want to see more of this kind of help for woman.

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