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Foreigner Crime Story Advice/info?


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I am a journalist living in the UK. I was promted to try to write about English criminals living in Thailand after several posts here, and due to an article about an English resident of Bangkok in a recent mens magizine known by many aliais. ie. JS, JD, etc, etc This man seems heavily involved in the drug trade specializing in smuggling from Hong-Kong to Japan by boat and small amounts of' body packers" back to the UK. He seems quite a colurful character - does anyone know anything about this man who fits this descrition or has any other interesting tales? He seems to have lived in Bangkok for a long time and is responible for many people getting arrested around the world. Why does Thailand seem to attract the British criminal? Any thoughts on anything which would make a good story. I read about the swinger party being busted up recently. This does not seem to make any sense because I cannot see what crime was broken. The UK press said it was against a public sex act. But they were behind closed doors and Thailand has a reputation of far worse things. People can post to me here or contact me directly. And if I use any of your information in my story I will be able to compensate you.

Thank you Neil

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Spend time reading through Thailand Local forums on this site and you will start to get a feel of this place.

Number of reasons criminals come to Thailand:

1. Easy to remain in country with visa's that require border runs or setting up legit companies that allow you a visa. You can also just over stay your visa and hope you don't get caught by police. Some people have done the latter for years without problems but you must stay under the radar.

2. Large number of foreign nationals in Thailand that can be ripped off through various business ventures.

3. Forged documents can be obtained if you make the right connections.

4. Sex for sale brings large number of people for various types of pleasure.

5. Police although very good at their job only perform when its in their interest. Problems will go away for the right price or it can come down hard if someone powerful applies pressure to solve case. (You might look at the on going attempted murder case that happened in Hua Hin.)

6. Corruption seems to be a way of life in this country.

7. Laws can be broken but don't violate the rules.

Many more reasons can be added to this list and I'm someone will continue.

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I am a journalist living in the UK. I was promted to try to write about English criminals living in Thailand after several posts here, and due to an article about an English resident of Bangkok in a recent mens magizine known by many aliais. ie. JS, JD, etc, etc This man seems heavily involved in the drug trade specializing in smuggling from Hong-Kong to Japan by boat and small amounts of' body packers" back to the UK. He seems quite a colurful character - does anyone know anything about this man who fits this descrition or has any other interesting tales? He seems to have lived in Bangkok for a long time and is responible for many people getting arrested around the world. Why does Thailand seem to attract the British criminal? Any thoughts on anything which would make a good story. I read about the swinger party being busted up recently. This does not seem to make any sense because I cannot see what crime was broken. The UK press said it was against a public sex act. But they were behind closed doors and Thailand has a reputation of far worse things. People can post to me here or contact me directly. And if I use any of your information in my story I will be able to compensate you.

Thank you Neil

That guy is a real piece of work.The "JS" charecter is well known and feared by the pussy's of bangkok, many of whom he supplys with shit.

Don't know his real name, nobody does.One thing can be taken for granted is that I doubt it has anything to do with the letter JS.( although that brit mag said differnet- how would they know?)

I think he is a brit who was born in south afrika or some place close like that.

Trys to convince people he is ex-sf, and trains the karen.. this is total bs.

Like most of his kind , he is a coward at heart making money from other's misery.

In 2000 he sent a man to japan by cruise ship from hong-kong knowing this guy was going to get a bust by the jap custom's.That guy died up there.

He also sends stuff by some yacht from hong-kong.And those body packer's to UK/US/ australia.

The guy is loaded and boasts of cop connection's.

Lives close to soi 33 and has some mansion in pattaya.

He ain't no dummy and I would advise you to be very,very cautious.

Thailand is a place where life is cheap and the scumbag's of this world can reign.

Send me a pm and I'll give you some info on him.

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Spend time reading through Thailand Local forums on this site and you will start to get a feel of this place.

Number of reasons criminals come to Thailand:

1. Easy to remain in country with visa's that require border runs or setting up legit companies that allow you a visa. You can also just over stay your visa and hope you don't get caught by police. Some people have done the latter for years without problems but you must stay under the radar.

2. Large number of foreign nationals in Thailand that can be ripped off through various business ventures.

3. Forged documents can be obtained if you make the right connections.

4. Sex for sale brings large number of people for various types of pleasure.

5. Police although very good at their job only perform when its in their interest. Problems will go away for the right price or it can come down hard if someone powerful applies pressure to solve case. (You might look at the on going attempted murder case that happened in Hua Hin.)

6. Corruption seems to be a way of life in this country.

7. Laws can be broken but don't violate the rules.

Many more reasons can be added to this list and I'm someone will continue.

hey, can you tell me something.. why do thai's allow this?

And, do the brit's know and not care?

or know and just can not be darned because he is off their turf?

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