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Sickening Story


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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

This was front page headlines of the Thai newspapers this morning. Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

Well I know that it does not go on everyday in "farangland" as you call it. Why lie? Why are you diverting attention to the topic's location? Where is this place "farangland" anyhow? Why not Asialand?? or Africaland?? Don't like westeners eh? You enlightened nothing. In fact, you knowingly made it darker.

i asked guesthouse the same question,so i will ask you "how do you know"? that it does n't go on in the west,and is n't reported.

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Rape is a despicable crime, and I am speaking from personal experience here.  While murder and such is worse, the feeling of helplessness, violation, and yes, guilt can be overwhelming.

And yes, rape seems to be a bigger problem here than in many other countries.  I have had women refuse to get into a cab at night for fear of being raped.  There have been threads on the women's forum here which advocate talking on the phone to an imaginary man when they get into a cab, telling the "husband" where they are and the cab's number.  And it certainly seems from other posts that many rapes are just not reported out of shame or a feeling that nothing will be done.

The key, I think, is to "de-guilt" the victims. Make rape nothing to be ashamed about, like a simiple assualt. Create a feeling of righteous anger at the perpetrator, not fear or shame. And get rape cases prosecuted. 

The rapist is the animal here, not the victim.  If we can sell that point, perhaps more rapes will be reported. And if the rapists are sent to long terms in prison, perhaps that will actually cut the numbers of rapes down.

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Poor girl :o It must be terrible to get raped, something I bet you could not proper recover the rest of your life, specially if it was by so many guys. Things like this or people so sick like those should not be under any consideration, I would totally cut their penises off and let them bleed till dead.

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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

This was front page headlines of the Thai newspapers this morning. Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

What out and out utter crap!!!!!!!!!!!!Just which part of farangland did you crawl out from because the farangland I left was not the same as the one you lived in?????????????? :o:D

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Simple punishment - execution. Violent crimes such as this are equal to murder.

I can't condone execution for any crime, much less rape. And rape is not the same as murder.  A rape victim will hahve varying degrees of difficulty leading a normal life after a rape. But they will have a life with all the encompassed happiness, sadness, loves, depairs, joys, and travails that life brings. A murder victim gets none of that.  A murder victim gets cut off from life.

Rape is despicable, but murder is far worse.

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What I find odd on this forum is that whenever anything bad happens in Thailand someone will say that it also happens elsewhere. Is that what the forum is for to compare Thailand to other countries and therefore in some way justify it?

We live here in Thailand for many reasons (some good some bad) but overall we make a choice, that does not mean we have to accept that everything going on here is Ok.

A gang rape anywhere is reprehensible but saying it happened elsewhere does not make it ok.

That's true but often with these stories, on Thaivisa, there's an unstated air that anything that happens (and especially anything bad that happens) in Thailand happens because it's Thailand. In some sense, what happens in the West is just what happens, it's just the way things are but what happens in Thailand is all too often understood by many to be a flaw specifically in the "Thai character" (at least in as much as it's imagined by some of the people who post here). I think some people have the urge to say that women are gang-raped in every country not because they're trying to justify it but because they want to point out that this isn't a stick with which to beat Thailand; it's a stick with which to beat all our countries.

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I am not for a moment attempting to mitigate the seriousness of this particular incident however I would suggest that you all (those that are genuinely interested) follow up on an (and familiarise yourselves with an) incident that occurred some time back at Prom Phiram (yes in Thailand)

Do not for one moment ever think that Thai men are not capable of (and that they do not commit) the most heinous of crimes against women.

Don't be fooled (or taken in) by the smile.

No where on the planet (war times excepted) will you ever find people so cruel as a Thai man in in pursuit of physical satisfaction.

Edited by john b good
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Poor girl :o It must be terrible to get raped, something I bet you could not proper recover the rest of your life, specially if it was by so many guys. Things like this or people so sick like those should not be under any consideration, I would totally cut their penises off and let them bleed till dead.

thats barbaric.

its like getting your hand chopped off for stealing something.

there are countries in the world that advocate death, stoning for rape and adultery. maybe it does help in crime prevention but these methods are barbaric , lets switch out of this thinking.

its the police, the laws and the community that need to step up a level, not descend to the level of the criminals by cutting off a penis and bleeding these monsters to death.

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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

thoughts ? ..... full genital removal with no anesthetic for the perpetrators.

I totally agree. Better with permanent castration for the perpetrators!

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I am not for a moment attempting to mitigate the seriousness of this particular incident however I would suggest that you all (those that are genuinely interested) follow up on an (and familiarise yourselves with an) incident that occurred some time back at Prom Phiram (yes in Thailand)

Do not for one moment ever think that Thai men are not capable of (and that they do not commit) the most heinous of crimes against women.

Don't be fooled (or taken in) by the smile.

No where on the planet (war times excepted) will you ever find people so cruel as a Thai man in in pursuit of physical satisfaction.

thats a nasty generalisation.

there are good and bad people , and plenty of kind hearted thais

unfortunatly its human nature to remember the negative and think everyone must be like that

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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

thoughts ? ..... full genital removal with no anesthetic for the perpetrators.

I totally agree. Better with permanent castration for the perpetrators!

yet another beastly reaction.

these sickos need a lengthy jail term and/or rehabilitation not castration.

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Simple punishment - execution. Violent crimes such as this are equal to murder.

I can't condone execution for any crime, much less rape. And rape is not the same as murder. A rape victim will hahve varying degrees of difficulty leading a normal life after a rape. But they will have a life with all the encompassed happiness, sadness, loves, depairs, joys, and travails that life brings. A murder victim gets none of that. A murder victim gets cut off from life.

Rape is despicable, but murder is far worse.

Keep believing that. If you think a rape victims life is easier, you are delusional.

Not only do I condone execution, I would do it myself.

Edited by wxpwzrd
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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

thoughts ? ..... full genital removal with no anesthetic for the perpetrators.

I totally agree. Better with permanent castration for the perpetrators!

The problem with rape is that is is more a crime of violence and domination vice a sexual one.  If a rapist is castrated, then he will probably still act out with violence against women.

There is some research which indicates that a "chemical castration" actually inhibits violenttendancies. But in most western societies, we look upon chemical manipulation of criminals to be cruel and unusual punishments.

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Simple punishment - execution. Violent crimes such as this are equal to murder.

I can't condone execution for any crime, much less rape. And rape is not the same as murder. A rape victim will hahve varying degrees of difficulty leading a normal life after a rape. But they will have a life with all the encompassed happiness, sadness, loves, depairs, joys, and travails that life brings. A murder victim gets none of that. A murder victim gets cut off from life.

Rape is despicable, but murder is far worse.

Keep believing that. If you think a rape victims life is easier, you are delusional.

Not only do I condone execution, I would do it myself.

I am a rape victim. And in the 39 years since then, I have had so many joys and beautiful experiences in my life that I shudder to think what I might have missed had I been killed instead.

So no, I don't think I am delusional.

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I am a rape victim. And in the 39 years since then, I have had so many joys and beautiful experiences in my life that I shudder to think what I might have missed had I been killed instead.

So no, I don't think I am delusional.

Honestly? Congratulations you were able to recover from it... You certainly earned the sad honor of having an informed opinion. If I had the desire and the stomach for it, I could research and locate any number of those that do not recover as you have.

I will still proudly volunteer to act on behalf of any legally recognized justice system to carry out that penalty.

<edit: clean up too much quoting>

Edited by wxpwzrd
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I am a rape victim. And in the 39 years since then, I have had so many joys and beautiful experiences in my life that I shudder to think what I might have missed had I been killed instead.

So no, I don't think I am delusional.

Honestly? Congratulations you were able to recover from it... You certainly earned the sad honor of having an informed opinion. If I had the desire and the stomach for it, I could research and locate any number of those that do not recover as you have.

I will still proudly volunteer to act on behalf of any legally recognized justice system to carry out that penalty.

<edit: clean up too much quoting>

I did not come out unscathed.  I was a young boy, and perhaps the experince has shaped me to who I am today.  I have certain tendancies which may or my not be related to the experience. But while it took me awhile, I am to the point where I refuse to feel guilty for anything. It was 100% that sick bastard's fault, not the 11-year-old boy in Orlando.

But even if I was still seriously traumatized, my point is that life is full of wonder, joys, and potential.  Cutting off that potential is the ultimate crime. The guy who raped me actually started to strangle me, then had second thoughts and ran off. Left alive, I have been able to lead a happy life, a successful life. I might act differently because of that experience, but I have acted, and I have enjoyed life. If he had strangled me, I would not be here today posting.

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I will still proudly volunteer to act on behalf of any legally recognized justice system to carry out that penalty.

Congratulations. You've now established that your masculine credentials are impeccable. Please now feel free to remove the stick-on hairy chest and extract the banana from your pants.

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I will still proudly volunteer to act on behalf of any legally recognized justice system to carry out that penalty.

Congratulations. You've now established that your masculine credentials are impeccable. Please now feel free to remove the stick-on hairy chest and extract the banana from your pants.

Wow you're brilliant

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Poor girl :o It must be terrible to get raped, something I bet you could not proper recover the rest of your life, specially if it was by so many guys. Things like this or people so sick like those should not be under any consideration, I would totally cut their penises off and let them bleed till dead.

thats barbaric.

its like getting your hand chopped off for stealing something.

there are countries in the world that advocate death, stoning for rape and adultery. maybe it does help in crime prevention but these methods are barbaric , lets switch out of this thinking.

its the police, the laws and the community that need to step up a level, not descend to the level of the criminals by cutting off a penis and bleeding these monsters to death.

Emmmmmmmmmmm.................. Sorry but raping is far away different crime (depending what was done to subtract the items, if there was a murder, or torture or so, but just taking a wallet off someone doesn't deserve a hand chopped, a thief who killed the person or so, yeah it may be.) Weird opinion you have, I hope you are not a rapist. lol.. I don't understand how can you be defending such an act.

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I agree with pocorn, cant compare rape to theft... if someone steals food to survive well... they dont deserve to get anything chopped off, if you inflict pain terror and suffering on another person because you are just plain evil, you DO deserve to have something chopped off.

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Poor girl :o It must be terrible to get raped, something I bet you could not proper recover the rest of your life, specially if it was by so many guys. Things like this or people so sick like those should not be under any consideration, I would totally cut their penises off and let them bleed till dead.

thats barbaric.

its like getting your hand chopped off for stealing something.

there are countries in the world that advocate death, stoning for rape and adultery. maybe it does help in crime prevention but these methods are barbaric , lets switch out of this thinking.

its the police, the laws and the community that need to step up a level, not descend to the level of the criminals by cutting off a penis and bleeding these monsters to death.

Emmmmmmmmmmm.................. Sorry but raping is far away different crime (depending what was done to subtract the items, if there was a murder, or torture or so, but just taking a wallet off someone doesn't deserve a hand chopped, a thief who killed the person or so, yeah it may be.) Weird opinion you have, I hope you are not a rapist. lol.. I don't understand how can you be defending such an act.

At the risk of speaking for mc2, I really don't think he (her) is defending any rapist.  The phrase "monsters" kind of sums it up.

I think the point is that capital mc2 believe capital punishment is barbaric, no matter the crime. There are other ways to mete out punsihment.

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Poor girl :D It must be terrible to get raped, something I bet you could not proper recover the rest of your life, specially if it was by so many guys. Things like this or people so sick like those should not be under any consideration, I would totally cut their penises off and let them bleed till dead.

thats barbaric.

its like getting your hand chopped off for stealing something.

there are countries in the world that advocate death, stoning for rape and adultery. maybe it does help in crime prevention but these methods are barbaric , lets switch out of this thinking.

its the police, the laws and the community that need to step up a level, not descend to the level of the criminals by cutting off a penis and bleeding these monsters to death.

Emmmmmmmmmmm.................. Sorry but raping is far away different crime (depending what was done to subtract the items, if there was a murder, or torture or so, but just taking a wallet off someone doesn't deserve a hand chopped, a thief who killed the person or so, yeah it may be.) Weird opinion you have, I hope you are not a rapist. lol.. I don't understand how can you be defending such an act.

where on earth did you get the idea I was defending the rapist ?

I am only criticizing barbaric punishments like chopping arms off and severing penises.

So I don't agree with your preferred method of punishment , you think I am defending a rapist.... &lt;deleted&gt;

and then to top it off you say this "I hope you are not a rapist."

and you laugh . &lt;deleted&gt;

I hope you are not a rapist. lol..


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At the risk of speaking for mc2, I really don't think he (her) is defending any rapist. The phrase "monsters" kind of sums it up.

I think the point is that capital mc2 believe capital punishment is barbaric, no matter the crime. There are other ways to mete out punsihment.

yes, that is what i meant.

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What I find odd on this forum is that whenever anything bad happens in Thailand someone will say that it also happens elsewhere. Is that what the forum is for to compare Thailand to other countries and therefore in some way justify it?

We live here in Thailand for many reasons (some good some bad) but overall we make a choice, that does not mean we have to accept that everything going on here is Ok.

A gang rape anywhere is reprehensible but saying it happened elsewhere does not make it ok.

That's true but often with these stories, on Thaivisa, there's an unstated air that anything that happens (and especially anything bad that happens) in Thailand happens because it's Thailand. In some sense, what happens in the West is just what happens, it's just the way things are but what happens in Thailand is all too often understood by many to be a flaw specifically in the "Thai character" (at least in as much as it's imagined by some of the people who post here). I think some people have the urge to say that women are gang-raped in every country not because they're trying to justify it but because they want to point out that this isn't a stick with which to beat Thailand; it's a stick with which to beat all our countries.

Very good post.

To a certain degree agree that saying something like this happens everywhere can come across as blindly defending Thailand. But for so many people on this forum, this is the very first developing country they have ever been to, much less lived in and they so often come across as thinking these things are unique to Thailand.

It is indeed a despicable thing what happened to this young girl, but at least she lives in country where she might get some help and there might be some justice. In contrast, there is more then one country where her father or brother would torture and then kill her for dishonoring the family by being raped.


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