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How Many Farangs Have A Masters Degree?


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Wasn't the question "How many farangs have a master's degree"?

Some need little excuse to tell the world they married a "good girl" it seems.

Many people are married to farangs...read the question posed in the topic title.

I did and it seems quite clear.

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Why is it important to know who got a masters degree?Do you have more respect for a Msc holder?Anyway what have the last postings to do with the topic?

It's not important to know who has a masters degree,it is merely a question.I have respect for everyone,regardless of their title/or lack of.Go back to the op,and read it,there you will find out why i have asked the question.The last postings were an answer to a question,and i have the right to do so if i wish,just as you have the right not to post here.It's not hurting anyone. :o

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I apologise to anyone that may have been offended by my remarks to tritexengineering BUT that was nothing more than a joke & certainly as one other poster pointed out, some people (who in the name of peace will remain nameless) should really take a deep breath & lighten up a little bit.


edit in order to add a couple of extra CRAZY faces :D

Edited by neverdie
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I really enjoyed Battlestar Galactica(Old version) but the new version was a tad dissapointing.What the hel_l happened to the cylons??They used to look so cool. :D

Just the opposite for me. The new version is better by far. You can't tell me that Number Six doesn't look cool. She acts pretty cool, too, even got in bed with Balthar AND Number One. As Adama says, I'd like to sell tickets to that dance.

And you'd rather look at the old cylons than her? Are you sure you're on the right forum? :D

Incidentally,i tried the Euthanasia forum,but people kept disappearing..... :o

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I apologise to anyone that may have been offended by my remarks to tritexengineering BUT that was nothing more than a joke & certainly as one other poster pointed out, some people (who in the name of peace will remain nameless) should really take a deep breath & lighten up a little bit.


edit in order to add a couple of extra CRAZY faces :D

Yes,it's not everyday i have someone threaten to shoot me for a post..... :o:wai:

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I did not realize I had acquired a learning disability until I had flunked out of many BA programs, earned a BA, and flunked out of seminary. I was raised in a place where every young man was expected to earn at least a master's. But I kept going and learning, even without earning a master's. But my two oldest kids got master's in their fields, and have good jobs. I worked with countless folks with master's in theology, accounting, law, etc. My best friends have one to three post-baccalaureate degrees, from some good schools.

Here on ThaiVisa, we encourage farang teachers to get a master's....from a good school.

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I did not realize I had acquired a learning disability until I had flunked out of many BA programs, earned a BA, and flunked out of seminary. I was raised in a place where every young man was expected to earn at least a master's. But I kept going and learning, even without earning a master's. But my two oldest kids got master's in their fields, and have good jobs. I worked with countless folks with master's in theology, accounting, law, etc. My best friends have one to three post-baccalaureate degrees, from some good schools.

Here on ThaiVisa, we encourage farang teachers to get a master's....from a good school.

You were going to be a Priest?I could just see you on that CBR150 in your gown...Racing 'round the streets! :o

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I apologise to anyone that may have been offended by my remarks to tritexengineering BUT that was nothing more than a joke & certainly as one other poster pointed out, some people (who in the name of peace will remain nameless) should really take a deep breath & lighten up a little bit.


edit in order to add a couple of extra CRAZY faces :wai:

Yes,it's not everyday i have someone threaten to shoot me for a post..... :o:P

I wouldnt be too worried about that trix.....you find that most of the people that carry on with that sort of thing in here dont have enuf puff to blow down a deck of cards. :D

Anyway, did you learn anything about Masters Degree's OR was it all PUMPED UP chicken chest stuff?

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I apologise to anyone that may have been offended by my remarks to tritexengineering BUT that was nothing more than a joke & certainly as one other poster pointed out, some people (who in the name of peace will remain nameless) should really take a deep breath & lighten up a little bit.


edit in order to add a couple of extra CRAZY faces :wai:

Yes,it's not everyday i have someone threaten to shoot me for a post..... :o:P

I wouldnt be too worried about that trix.....you find that most of the people that carry on with that sort of thing in here dont have enuf puff to blow down a deck of cards. :D

Anyway, did you learn anything about Masters Degree's OR was it all PUMPED UP chicken chest stuff?

Yes,i have learnt that i am an uneducated bastard,and if i want a Masters,i should buy one... :burp: Luckily i don't need one to get a good job,as no one would employ me regardless.... :jerk: :burp:

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I did not realize I had acquired a learning disability until I had flunked out of many BA programs, earned a BA, and flunked out of seminary. I was raised in a place where every young man was expected to earn at least a master's. But I kept going and learning, even without earning a master's. But my two oldest kids got master's in their fields, and have good jobs. I worked with countless folks with master's in theology, accounting, law, etc. My best friends have one to three post-baccalaureate degrees, from some good schools.

Here on ThaiVisa, we encourage farang teachers to get a master's....from a good school.

I wouldnt lose too much sleep over that PB. Compare what you have learned about in life as opposed to what the piece of paper qualifies you at & I will leave it to you to work out what is worth more. I have a few old mates, some of which look great on paper BUT don't stack up to it in life.

I love all those professional students that study almost all their life, rarely hold down a decent job and sponge off their wealthy parents.....makes me sick actually.

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Degrees are nice when looking for that initial job, but after that, what you do is far more important.

I had a volleyball buddy who got his law degree from a school which most people would consider a diploma mill.  But he got his degree at nights, then passed the bar.  He could not get a job with a decent law firm, so he went to work for the DA and began to rack up some significant conviction stats.  After some-odd years, one of the big firms came a-calling, and he was hired at a very nice salary, and he made junior partner in a pretty short time while some lawyers who graduated from very presitgious law schools were still languishing as whatever you call non-partners at a law firm,  He seemed to get a kick out of the fact that they had a number of Harvard Law grads who could not seem to make partner.

It is what you can do which is imortant, not the paper you hang on the wall.

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Does a J.D. (juris doctorate) count? I have one and I'm teaching. I might try to work in the legal field here, but teaching isn't a bad way to make a living. About 10% of the teachers with whom I work have a masters, and one has a Ph.D.

Can't say I've ever tried a dating site. Seems like a scam to me, but some say it has worked for them.

I have a Masters degree in law but so wot.

I'm just an old bloke living in a rice field with my Thai girl.


PS Isn't it a status thing that is sexy in men?

On the other hand, I wonder how many/few women claim a higher degree on dating sites or if they have one actually suppress it.

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One thing a Ph.D. gives you in Thailand is instant credibility.  When in the US, I never use the "Dr." in front of my name.  No one cares, and unless I am in a classroom, it really isn't pertinent.

But since I work in Thailand, I do have the "Dr." on my business card, and when my friends introcduce me to someone here, they always use the "Dr."

It is easier to be presumed knowledgable then be presumed an idiot and have to prove knowledge.

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When I was hired by my first boss , he told me many applicants came waving pieces of paper in my face , he told them to hang it in the toilet because they needed two hands to work here , he also said "After one week here we will judge what your paper is worth , I need workers not talkers ". Yes , I have all of the qualifications I need to be amongst the tops in my trade and proven it with results .

Please take a peak in 'Shopping the Thai way ' , a small challenge for some of you , could give you some sense of satisfaction and some REAL bragging rights . :o

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One thing a Ph.D. gives you in Thailand is instant credibility. When in the US, I never use the "Dr." in front of my name. No one cares, and unless I am in a classroom, it really isn't pertinent.

But since I work in Thailand, I do have the "Dr." on my business card, and when my friends introcduce me to someone here, they always use the "Dr."

It is easier to be presumed knowledgable then be presumed an idiot and have to prove knowledge.

VERY VERY to the point post , I applaud you . :o

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Little OT, but my late father had a doctorate and so could be addressed as 'Dr'.

Once he was travelling on an overnight train in Italy and was chatting with the pretty Italian lady who was sharing his compartment.

On hearing that he was a 'Dr', she locked the compartment door and confided in my father that she had an embarressing medical problem in her groin area and proceeded to remove her nether garments so that my father good get a closer look.

My father, who liked the 'eye candy' like any other chap, took a close look at her genitalia and said that it looked most interesting, but he was a doctor of Philosophy and couldn't really advise on the medical condition... :o


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After 20 yrs I decided to go back to school and get a Masters.

I thought it would be difficult to get back into the swing of things but my opinion is that education has gone backward in that time and a Masters is surprisingly easy.

Perhaps the Masters seemed easier because you were 20 years older and wiser/smarter/more cunning and less easily distracted than you were as a new graduate.

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Does a J.D. (juris doctorate) count? I have one and I'm teaching. I might try to work in the legal field here, but teaching isn't a bad way to make a living. About 10% of the teachers with whom I work have a masters, and one has a Ph.D.

Can't say I've ever tried a dating site. Seems like a scam to me, but some say it has worked for them.

I have a Masters degree in law but so wot.

I'm just an old bloke living in a rice field with my Thai girl.


PS Isn't it a status thing that is sexy in men?

On the other hand, I wonder how many/few women claim a higher degree on dating sites or if they have one actually suppress it.

I think there's a chapter on how men and women present themselves on dating sites in Freakonomics (Dubner & Levitt). Yes there is, but I don't have the book here. This comment may be pertinent, however:

Some of the results are pretty obvious: Women tend to prefer height, income, and attractiveness. Men tend to prefer attractive, shorter, underweight women. Women also tended to prefer a similar level of education whereas many men preferred a woman who was not more educated than themselves (and same with income). http://pithiness.blogspot.com/2006/12/frea...-of-dating.html

The data is from the US. I suspect Thai women would be happy to find a man who has a higher education than theirs.

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I suspect very few have MD's (or PhD's) but for Thais it's a mark of status/wealth so if you purport to have one your bound to attract. A farang friend told me he knew a Thai girl who once 'entertained' a German Engineer working here who had a PhD - impressed she was.... <snip>

Edited by Jai Dee
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I think there's a chapter on how men and women present themselves on dating sites in Freakonomics (Dubner & Levitt). Yes there is, but I don't have the book here. This comment may be pertinent, however:

Some of the results are pretty obvious: Women tend to prefer height, income, and attractiveness. Men tend to prefer attractive, shorter, underweight women. Women also tended to prefer a similar level of education whereas many men preferred a woman who was not more educated than themselves (and same with income). http://pithiness.blogspot.com/2006/12/frea...-of-dating.html

The data is from the US. I suspect Thai women would be happy to find a man who has a higher education than theirs.

I never understood thing about not wanting a woman to make more than the man. If you are married, it all goes into the same pot, after all. My first wife was an MD while I was an active duty Marine with only a BS at the time. I certainly enjoyed the ability to buy a nice house in Washington DC and enjoy the finer restaurants and other pleasures in life. And I never felt less of a man because she brought home a much bigger paycheck.

I didn't marry her for her money, but I certainly was not turned off by it.

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Second, among those who have "real" degrees, how many actually have real degrees that actually required real education, effort, testing, proof of accomplishment vs. degrees easily obtained through extension programs, or on-line education, that awarded significant credit for "life experience" ?

I have a real MBA- it was not acquired through an extension program, or an on-line education, or through 'life experience" credit. Funny thing though, mine was fully paid for by Citicorp, my (first) employer at the time, in their heyday. They were the company that opened doors so to speak on my resume when applying for jobs in business, as all the other companies I worked for subsequently have disappeared through mergers or just went out of business...Now with their stock in the toilet and the corp on massive layoff binge, they may not even be around anymore. Fortunately I sold all of my company stock years ago. That is why I ended up in Thailand looking for a teaching job.

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"I see by your profile you have travelled to 100 countries"

"Thanks to an adventuresome military and programs such as EurRail, yes, the numbers can add up."

Above an exchange on this topic.

I keep being reminded of a scene from "Dog Day Afternoon", ....."He thinks Wyoming is a country"

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Master degree in Civil Engineering and then a post degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa.

Smart enough to get the education, but not smart enough to avoid 10-12 hour working days and get out of the Rat Race. :D

My M.Ed allowed me to work only half days and I got to pick which 12 hours to do my time! :o

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I am on the TLL site and I have a masters degree (MBA in marketing and international business). The number of people getting degreees is increasing for sure. If you dont have one then you can not distinguish yourself from the masses that have a BS OR BA when looking for a job. I learned a lot in those 2 years but I learn a lot more after I got out of school, most importantly that you can never be rich working for someone else.

As a good friend always says. Too much college not enough high school.

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Yep, a real one too. Economics with emphasis on econometrics and mathematical economics. Was in that profession for 20 years, interests change, now run a project management office. Last time I looked a post-bac degree was still farly rare as percent of population. hel_l, in large sections of the US and among certain population groups, a high school diploma puts you in the minority. Just because someone is a diver, runs a bar, etc. doesn't mean they don't value education.

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it's great getting a master or whatever, but it really depends on the individual skills.

Also, human network is important too. fancy degrees not going to get you a foot in the door.

my friend work only have a high school degree and works for a biotech company.

He's doing a systems admin and making $90,000/year. My two other friends work for the same company only have BA in japanese and another in BS in Broastcasing working in IT department.

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Not only in dating site, now even in TV you need a Masters degree to post :D

Pierrot, if you don't mind me asking, could you tell me where you are originally from...and what level of your education is.

I'm just curious. Thanks Pierrot. :o

And to be fair to you, I can tell you that I'm 100% Thai who's got a Master's degree. :D

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