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Time Limitation On Adsl


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ADSL is by definition an "always on" service.

Why on earth do Thai isp's try to set monthly time limits?

I was looking at Q-Net, and they offer a new service, but with a limit of 70 hours a month, just like a dial up service.

Thai's seem to be very immature in their perception of new technology.

Is this a cultural thing, or a serious failing of the education system?

I suspect the latter.

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The concept of "always on" that Thai ISPs have always used (including True, when they were peddling pay-by-the-hour service) is that the ADSL *signal* is always on. In other words, the ADSL signal on your phone line is always present (as it orginates from your local CO), whether you're using it or not. When you turn on your modem(or router), it syncs automatically to that "always on" signal, and ready for use. Of course, you can't use it for squat until you actually log in, and that's when the hourly billing starts. A bit of marketing misdirection, which consumers readily absorb.

Currently, True also cuts the ADSL *login* connection every 24 hours. You cannot be logged in for more than 24 hours at a time. They say it's for "billing and accounting purposes", which is a bit ludicrous, since the service is for unlimited hours. At least it's better than when they first started offering ADSL... back then it was 12 hours.

As for the international links, Thai ISPs have to get their links through CAT (communications authority of Thailand) by law. So CAT, in all its enlightened wisdom, adds loads of tarriffs on to the base price to fill its coffers. That's why the total international bandwidth of Thailand is still so miniscule, and why Thai ISPs have lame-brained schemes like "local net" and pay-per-use broadband.

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Absolutely agree with Firefox - marketing misdirection indeed!

ISP sells bandwidth - not time! but the trick is - 56K dial up suppose to provide certain bandwith and should allow to download/upload certain amount of Megabytes per 1 hr of connection. But, actual bandwidth of connection intentionally limited to ,say, 50.6K - and thats 12% of bandwidth stolen from user in a very ugly way! But if somebody will complain to ISP - they will complain on phoneline quality etc....

Now about ADSL.

One very decent company in BKK subscribed for ADSL from AsiaNet ( mid last year, not True yet ), paid setup fees and was completely ****ed up when received monthly bill for ADSL line lease and "Internet fee" - total 6500 Baht for one month instead of 1200 as in was in contract. Simple clause - "Internet fees don't include".

The boss was so furious - accountant almost got fired.

So, local ISP buys trafic from CAT and sells to customers in a very wierd way like cutting bandwith, cutting trafic to 70hrs, cutting international trafic, installing Cache Servers to bulk up oftenly requested content etc.

Example - is Cache2.asianet.co.th - big PC with cnn.com, msnbc.com "preloaded" for faster access and reducing trafic.

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Actually the main "cables" go through Japan and Korea. Singapoure and M'sya are the worst case scenario...

try to use brasilian proxy - will work fine.

Or, even better - some local companies use software as Wingate to share internet between companies computers. This soft has a bug - it could be used as proxy too. so you have only local trafic (in thailand) but it redirected to international one free of charge. Old trick still works here.

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thailand is the highteck hub of asia, well that was the last time i heard :o

Sure, as well as Uganda and Somali :D

and michael jackson is the king of pop and his sista" is the princess. Symantics!

Pantip plaza is the heart of IT (information technology), and there are no stoned idiots who try to sell pirate DVD and CD just to pay for next shot. who will bother to argue ?

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J-Nets ADSL in Pattaya in unlimited download,connecting at 250kbps. I've done well over 15GB in a month,but they cut it off for a few seconds now and again,which is annoying when your in the middle of something.

15GB a month ? its some 500MB a day or 20Mb per hour 24/7. Excuse me for my question, but what sort of business you're running ? Looks like web hosting or serious "corporate head office to branch" tunnel... pretty cool to rely THAT trafic on ji-Net

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thailand is the highteck hub of asia, well that was the last time i heard :o

Sure, as well as Uganda and Somali :D

and michael jackson is the king of pop and his sista" is the princess. Symantics!

Pantip plaza is the heart of IT (information technology), and there are no stoned idiots who try to sell pirate DVD and CD just to pay for next shot. who will bother to argue ?

hey, hey! don't fun of Pantip Plaza, that place is serious, that where i got all my private CD :D , but actually i move to Fortune now its a nicer place.

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Yep, Fortune is much better, at least - cleaner :D

the prices are almost same, Pantip is a bit better in PC parts only, but the environment (parking,crowd,annoying DVD boys) is worst.

Fortune for sure, and lots of pretty "mobile-booth chicks" are available on the 2nd floor.


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thailand is the highteck hub of asia, well that was the last time i heard :D

Well, at the "IT Centre" in Chaing Mai its near impossible to find much software, but there are 34626354373 cellphone cases and 5467389939 kinds of stickers. :o

shows their priorities


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