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On Monday 3rd January 2005,in the province of Tak.A passenger motor coach crashed and overturned killing eleven people and injuring many others.

What have you heard about it?I have looked through the English language news papers over the past few days,and seen absolutely nothing.How do I know about it, a colleague of mine told me "her sister in in-law was one of the deceased passengers" otherwise I most likely,like you,would know nothing.

The tsunami was a natural disaster and I console with everyone affected.This was a man made disaster,a bus driver,again again and again,when is this carnage going to stop,when are these bus drivers going to be held responsible for their idiotic driving skills which result in countless deaths.

"YOU" the Goverment and the Media of Thailand,when are you going to stand up and be counted, do something to avoid this happening to your family and friends and of course the traveling public.

Doesn't anyone care anymore about the innocent few.R.I.P.

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You make a valid point. Statistics show that around 80 people a day die on Thailands roads which equates to almost 30,000 a year (six times the official tsunami death toll - a hopefully once in a lifetime occurance).

It is a daunting task to rectify the matter. There is no effective driving test, or M.O.T , traffic law enforcement is a joke with an underpaid and under motivated police force . There's a belief amongst some Thai drivers that a koscher buddha on their dashboard will make them immune to misfortune. I've yet to see a single Thai driving school.

I agree with you 100% but I can't see the situation changing in the forseeable future.

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I totally agree with both of you. IMHO, I think it will take a long time to change because the carnage is related to cultural beliefs, national institutions (police, regulation, etc.), and attitudes. It is a lot more complicated than simply upgrading or reforming systems.

I have to add that I think the Thai goverenment has recognized that this is a problem, which is why they are promoting the new tough-law, drunk-driving measure. You know what they say: you can change a law in a day, but attitudes often take at least one generation. In this case, I think reform in general (education, driving, attitudes) will take longer than one generation.

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I agree with you guys on this. When you think about it, it always seems that the Thai Gov recognizes these problems but never seems to take any real steps towards solving them (with few excpetions). This is a major problem in itself and is probably a direct result of all the corruption that extends from the PM clear down to the local cops who don't seem to notice all the seedy stuff going on. I'm sure part of it has to do with pay as the majority of cops here most likely get their main bread and butter from taking bribes. It's a vicious cycle...materialism and a lack of education only make it worse. It's true that laws can change in a day or even less than that technically but getting the boys in brown to enforce them is another story.

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11 killed, 22 injured in Tak coach crash

TAK: -- Eleven people were killed and 22 injured in the early hours of this morning when their coach overturned in Thailand's northern Tak Province, apparently due to an exploding tyre.

The coach, belonging to Rung Roj Transport, overturned in tambon Pradang, as it made its way back to Bangkok.

Tak Governor Suwat Tanprawat said that the coach had been full of holidaymakers returning to Bangkok after a New Year's break.

Initial investigations pointed to an exploding tyre being the cause of the accident, he said, adding that the 44 year-old driver of the coach had fled the scene.

--TNA 2005-01-03

I hope the government will solve this bursting tire problem quickly. Shameful

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11 killed, 22 injured in Tak coach crash

TAK: -- Eleven people were killed and 22 injured in the early hours of this morning when their coach overturned in Thailand's northern Tak Province, apparently due to an exploding tyre.

The coach, belonging to Rung Roj Transport, overturned in tambon Pradang, as it made its way back to Bangkok.

Tak Governor Suwat Tanprawat said that the coach had been full of holidaymakers returning to Bangkok after a New Year's break.

Initial investigations pointed to an exploding tyre being the cause of the accident, he said, adding that the 44 year-old driver of the coach had fled the scene.

--TNA 2005-01-03

I hope the government will solve this bursting tire problem quickly. Shameful

Take your point Ajarn :o ,but what about the driver?

Could be shoddy upkeep ...old bald tyre..who knows?

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This may sound a harsh post but I feel I am only pointing out some hard facts and the reality of the situation.

I think its more of a question of who controls and or edits the english speaking media rather than the government and the media as such and what they think we want to see.

There have been many things that are reported quite widely in the Thai newspapers ie suicides, crime, accidents and so on and so on that dont get a mention in the Post or Nation. This is not a new occurrence, it has been going on for years.

Is it censorship or is it just editorial judgement? How many farang people want to see the papers filled with death of thais, thai against thai crime etc. I would bet that most arent bothered and wont want to read it.

But, I think it was Mondays editorial in the Post that was talking about the annual road carnage. So that topic is not totally ignored

If you have only just noticed that stories are not covered in the english media because someone close to you has died then you have been one of the sheep. If you feel that strongly about it, write to the Post & Nation about it or ask others to do something specific. Dont just bleat about us doing "something"

What exactly are YOU doing. Are you learning to read thai so you do get all the gory details in the thai newspapers?

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Take your point Ajarn :o ,but what about the driver?

Could be shoddy upkeep ...old bald tyre..who knows?

The driver fled because he will be held responsible. It is not for lack of laws. If the driver were paid a little more and had to work a little less it might make a real difference. But the riders still prefer the low price to safety. When the public changes its attitude I expect the service could become more safe. But for now tests are run for drugs on drivers on a regular basis and driving schools are on just about every soi if you check. They may not do anything more than provide license couching but more and more are actually taking an active teaching stance. But it continues to be a low price gets the business situation. Not to mention that many of these accidents are unavoidable and caused by others (drunk drivers primarily) so it is a long and slow process but a start has been made. This is not (yet) Singapore.

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11 killed, 22 injured in Tak coach crash

Initial investigations pointed to an exploding tyre being the cause of the accident, he said, adding that the 44 year-old driver of the coach had fled the scene.

--TNA 2005-01-03

I hope the government will solve this bursting tire problem quickly. Shameful

Take your point Ajarn :D ,but what about the driver?

Could be shoddy upkeep ...old bald tyre..who knows?

Good point. Who knows?

As Lopburi said, the driver fled because it's his ass, even if it's not clearly his fault.

None of us can speak to who is to blame in this case, but there's no denying that some busses likely don't get maintained properly, and some drivers are not safe drivers...

If only there would be consistent enforcement of the laws that I agree with... :o

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On Monday 3rd January 2005,in the province of Tak.A passenger motor coach crashed and overturned killing eleven people and injuring many others.

What have you heard about it?I have looked through the English language news papers over the past few days,and seen absolutely nothing.How do I know about it, a colleague of mine told me "her sister in in-law was one of the deceased passengers" otherwise I most likely,like you,would know nothing.

The tsunami was a natural disaster and I console with everyone affected.This was a man made disaster,a bus driver,again again and again,when is this carnage going to stop,when are these bus drivers going to be held responsible for their idiotic driving skills which result in countless deaths.

"YOU" the Goverment and the Media of Thailand,when are you  going to stand up and be counted, do something to avoid this happening to your family and friends and of course the traveling public.

Doesn't anyone care anymore about the innocent few.R.I.P.


It was reported here on thaivisa.com in the news forum.


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This may sound a harsh post but I feel I am only pointing out some hard facts and the reality of the situation.

I think its more of a question of who controls and or edits the english speaking media rather than the government and the media as such and what they think we want to see. 

There have been many things that are reported quite widely in the Thai newspapers ie suicides, crime, accidents and so on and so on that dont get a mention in the Post or Nation.  This is not a new occurrence, it has been going on for years.

Is it censorship or is it just editorial judgement?  How many farang people want to see the papers filled with death of thais, thai against thai crime etc.  I would bet that most arent bothered and wont want to read it.

But, I think it was Mondays editorial in the Post that was talking about the annual road carnage.  So that topic is not totally ignored

If you have only just noticed that stories are not covered in the english media because someone close to you has died then you have been one of the sheep.  If you feel that strongly about it, write to the Post & Nation about it or ask others to do something specific.  Dont just bleat about us doing "something"   

What exactly are YOU doing.  Are you learning to read thai so you do get all the gory details in the thai newspapers?

I think you should attempt to read again, the point I was trying to make.

Eleven people dead have a little respect them,your last paragraph is totally irrelevant to my post.What exactly is your point?

Reading gory things, in whatever language news papers, is a fact of life for most people.

As for me, what am I doing, hopefully making people who can not read Thai,which includes me, more aware of the carnage caused by irresponsible bus drivers.

With regard writing to the Post or Nation,I have,and can you believe Nothing not even an acknowledgment.

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On Monday 3rd January 2005,in the province of Tak.A passenger motor coach crashed and overturned killing eleven people and injuring many others.

What have you heard about it?I have looked through the English language news papers over the past few days,and seen absolutely nothing.How do I know about it, a colleague of mine told me "her sister in in-law was one of the deceased passengers" otherwise I most likely,like you,would know nothing.

The tsunami was a natural disaster and I console with everyone affected.This was a man made disaster,a bus driver,again again and again,when is this carnage going to stop,when are these bus drivers going to be held responsible for their idiotic driving skills which result in countless deaths.

"YOU" the Goverment and the Media of Thailand,when are you  going to stand up and be counted, do something to avoid this happening to your family and friends and of course the traveling public.

Doesn't anyone care anymore about the innocent few.R.I.P.


It was reported here on thaivisa.com in the news forum.


Thank you,I was not aware it had been reported here.

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As for me, what am I doing, hopefully making people who can not read Thai,which includes me, more aware of the carnage caused by irresponsible bus drivers.

Sounds to me like you picked a bad example to rant on about... There's no indication that the driver in this case caused anything except himself to flee the scene after the accident happened....

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Initial investigations pointed to an exploding tyre being the cause of the accident, he said, adding that the 44 year-old driver of the coach had fled the scene.

I hope the Thai army has plenty of women. The "men" here don't give me a whole lot of confidence if trouble ever comes over a border. :o


Edited by cdnvic
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I'm so glad you brought this topic up. The angriest I ever felt in Thailand was toward the stuntman who drove a bus I was on betwee Pattaya and Bangkok. This guy must of been doing about 110, swerving all over the place to go around cars. Total maniac!

And I too have noticed that bus crashes get stuck in the small pring toward the back of the newspaper. If there were a bus crash in your home country involving multiple deaths, would it not be front page news??? Even in the respectable, non-tabloid newspapers??? Yes, it would!!

The statistics aren't worth shiaat either. I guarantee the death rate on the roads is at least twice what is reported.

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As for me, what am I doing, hopefully making people who can not read Thai,which includes me, more aware of the carnage caused by irresponsible bus drivers.

Sounds to me like you picked a bad example to rant on about... There's no indication that the driver in this case caused anything except himself to flee the scene after the accident happened....

Sounds to me you must be a Thai,no disrespect intended. Thai people in general have the "never mind" attitude.F.Y.I. a surviving passenger from this carnage who's wife was killed and his child severly injured said,"a pick-up truck in front of the bus stopped too make a turn,the bus could not stop and swerved too avoid the pick-up"..........sounds like the bus was speading!

Rant, are you sure you know the meaning of this word?

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As for me, what am I doing, hopefully making people who can not read Thai,which includes me, more aware of the carnage caused by irresponsible bus drivers.

Sounds to me like you picked a bad example to rant on about... There's no indication that the driver in this case caused anything except himself to flee the scene after the accident happened....

Sounds to me you must be a Thai,no disrespect intended. Thai people in general have the "never mind" attitude.F.Y.I. a surviving passenger from this carnage who's wife was killed and his child severly injured said,"a pick-up truck in front of the bus stopped too make a turn,the bus could not stop and swerved too avoid the pick-up"..........sounds like the bus was speading!

Rant, are you sure you know the meaning of this word?

Yes, rant is the correct word to use.


· v. speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.

· n. a spell of ranting.

– DERIVATIVES ranter n.

– ORIGIN C16 (in the sense ‘behave in a boisterous way’): from Du. ranten ‘talk nonsense, rave’.

As you can see (but chose not to?), I made a simple statement (based on published reports) in response to part of the rant knee-jerkingly blaming the driver, and your attempt to read so much more into my words isn't going to help you on your path to understanding me :o

Watch out for your assumptions in this case. That was my point... :D

Edited by Ajarn
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