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Beerlao In Chiang Mai


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Note that I'm talking about Beerlao, the import beer from Laos that is like heaven in a bottle. NOT Leo Beer, the Thai dog piss with a Lion on the label.

Of my two favourite places in Chiang Mai, Tusker's and The Duke's, only Tusker's sells beerlao. The Duke's has San Mig Lite, which I'm moderately partial to, but I enjoy the beer more at Tusker's and the food more at Duke's.

So I have some friends coming next month and need to get a few alternatives together that also sell the magical brew. Anyone got anything to report? I of course tried searching, but the threads are all so old that it's not really relevant anymore.

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it's about it being cheaper than every other beer in LOS LOL!!!

actually the taste is quite nice & 'unusual' & it being not 'officially' available in LOS (official import right will be coming soon though) adds to that I guess?

on thai beer leo that beer is actually these day quite smooth as well & one of the better choices of the common pool of hei9neken, tiger, san miguel, singha & chang!


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There is a bar opposite the U Hotel on the walking street that sells it but I can't remember the name of it. If your up at the golden triangle you can take a long boat down the river into that little island owned by Laos and buy cases for about 600 baht. Cheers!

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Please tell me where it is sold cheaper than Thai beer?? Rimping market sells it for quite a bit more than Thai beer. The Soppong River Inn sell it for more too. They buy it in Pai, by the way.

it's about it being cheaper than every other beer in LOS LOL!!!

actually the taste is quite nice & 'unusual' & it being not 'officially' available in LOS (official import right will be coming soon though) adds to that I guess?

on thai beer leo that beer is actually these day quite smooth as well & one of the better choices of the common pool of hei9neken, tiger, san miguel, singha & chang!


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it's about it being cheaper than every other beer in LOS LOL!!!

actually the taste is quite nice & 'unusual' & it being not 'officially' available in LOS (official import right will be coming soon though) adds to that I guess?

on thai beer leo that beer is actually these day quite smooth as well & one of the better choices of the common pool of hei9neken, tiger, san miguel, singha & chang!


"on thai beer leo that beer is actually these day quite smooth"

Leo is for the ladies (leastaways that's what the GF and her friends say)

Myself I have taken to Chang.

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DUDE... you can buy it any an 7 - 11 :-) Every supermarket... most Farang restaurants wont carry it because it is not a great beer :-)


if you are responding to me, we were talking about Beerlao, not Leo Beer. Beerlao is not in 7-11, and it is a very nice beer.

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gnarley topic broh .... actually its the clean aftertaste. When in Lao, I don't get tired of the taste, really like the dark. Here in Th. I constantly switch brands looking for the most palatable. Ironic the "commies" make better beer than the "capitalists" in S.E. Asia.

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So I went into my local 7-11 and I said dude where is the beer Lao and he said dude we don't have beer Lao and I said like dude I was told you had beer Lao and he said like dude we don't have beer Lao. So can you dudes tell me which 7-11 have beer Lao cause the dude at my 7-11 says they don't have beer Lao.

I have never seen it at Number 1 bar but they do have it at the Drunken Flower for 60baht a bottle.

Edited by MisterBean
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official import right will be coming soon though

We've been hearing this rumour for a few years now, so far the launch keeps getting put-back, a cynic might suppose that large brown-envelopes are handed-over to ensure that Beer Lao never officially reaches the parts of Thailand, which other locally-brewed beers already reach ! :o

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I know a place that sells both light (40-45baht) and dark (60baht) but I'm not telling you. I'll give you a clue though. It's in the city centre.

You're joking aren't you mate?

What a selfish reply. Why bother posting stuff like that?

I find it amazing that you've gotten away with a reply

like that without getting slaughtered.


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Looks like Riverside bar has it as well. I say looks since by the time I saw the sign on the wall I was a little drunk, well maybe a big drunk either way, I never asked about it. From the looks of it the OP has found a huge supply as they have not been back since.

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