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I am looking for a Kamado style grill (Green Egg, Primo, etc) for purchase in Thailand. I am in the Pattaya are but am willing to pay shipping from anywhere in Thailand.

Any help would be appreciated (I have been all over the internet but haven't been able to find a dealer in Thailand).

Thanks in advance.




Not sure which of the Kamado style cookers you've seen so forgive me if I come across as a lecturer. You may have already seen and read about the cookers referenced.

My brother owns a BGE and it's terrific. One area I think could be improved would be the hardware, especially the damper top and the draft door. The damper top is not attached to the BGE and can fall off when the cooker is open. The early draft doors tended to rust out.

The Big Green Egg (BGE) and Primo are supposedly based on the designs of Richard Johnson at

www kamado com

I have owned a Kamado for 10 years and have not had any real issues with it. It looks nice and cooks well. However, at this time I can not recommend a Kamado. A website dedicated to the problems that the Kamado company has can be found here:

www kamadofraudforum org

While the postings are sometimes over the top, I think they are accurate as to how Kamado currently operates.

Finally, the most recent Kamado-style cooker is the Komodo. This company rose from the lava ashes of Kamado's failed attempt at manufacturing in Indonesia. Dennis L. has improved the original Kamado design and provides superior customer service. Cookers look fantastic and are very well thought out. Pricey? Yes. Perfect? No, but getting there. Contact Dennis. He may still provide round, textured Komodos which would be closer to the BGE or Primo in stlye.

His website is here:

www komodokamado com/KomodoKamadoNew/

At one time there was a Komodo owner in Pattaya. Perhaps, if he's still there, you might be able to see a Komodo up close. See Stewsan:

www komodokamado com/forum/viewforum.php?f=48

I can try to help with questions if you have any.

Chuck B

Shrewsbury MA


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