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For my business I recently switched from True basis ASDL (not the cheapest, but still shared) to a dedicated line. Costs me about 17,000 a month for what is supposed to be 1mb down/up with fixed IP and guaranteed service.

There’s a Cisco router and the theory is that it will reset itself with the gateway. I don’t know if others have this problem but at home it’s not unusual to have to reset the router/modem to get a new address and everything working. So in theory this is a big plus. But read on…

Anyway… The bandwidth is not as promised and now they say their fixing that somewhere because there aren’t enough wires or something at the local switch. To the US it’s really about 900k down and 350K up. (my home True ASDL is 2MB down and 700-ish up).

I also started getting delayed and failed email delivery errors which we traced back to being blacklisted with our ISP which True realized they mis-matched our domain and IP so we looked like a spam ISP. That was supposed to be resolved and wait a few days for everything to be updated – but it’s not.

And the nice Cisco router they brought in is on the official Cisco end of end of life list (patches stopped coming a few years ago, now they cut the support string) come about 8 weeks. Good to know we’re up to speed on this.

All this is a way of asking does anyone know a rock solid ISP for business class ASDL. This is a circus. Need fixed IP and the idea of a dedicated line with always up is a dream I hold in spite or reality...


Short answer is no. Depends where you live/work more than anything.

I have heard good things about loxinfo in general, but I have not confirmed them yet. Their 1mb international dedicated IP package is 3000 baht a month.


There isn't any such thing as 'rock solid' in Thailand, unless you are talking about the heads of the people that run the internet here. You can get fairly stable 2MB dedicated (not shared!) internet from Inet for about 40K per month with about 20 fixed IPs (no I don't think its a good deal, but you asked). Frankly the speeds you are getting are not too bad (for Thailand). Maybe try getting a couple of ADSL connectiosn from different providers and a load-balancing router?

We moved our work email to Google Apps and haven't had a problem since. It's free, for less than 50 addresses and you can use your own domain. Don't use True mail servers (or any other servers they run) unless you are some kind of masochist.


I too would advice on a load balancing/fail over system.

None of the ISP's has a 100% reliability, but if you have two adsl connections, through different phone lines and from different ISP's, you start to have very high up-time.

Add to that relative low monthly overhead (2 decent premium 2Mb ADSL packages should run around 6,000 Baht for both), and your total available bandwidth will be much higher most of the times.

Look here for the device you'd need.

You can load balance up to 4 ADSL connections with some of the devices, if you can get those connections into your location you'll end up with the most stable internet up-time anybody has in Thailand :o

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