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Non O Visa And Spouse Visa

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I am a Thai lady married to an Australian man for more than 3 years and now we are moving back to Bangkok. As we contacted consulate both in Bangkok and in Perth, nobody has given us the same answer so I wonder if anyone here could help us for the information.

  1. What type of visa should my husband apply for, between Non "O" and Spouse Visa?
  2. First of all, we went to the Thai Consulate office, we've been told that my husband can apply for a spouse visa which allows him to work in Thailand, then I rang up Consulate office in Bangkok, the lady saids actually these 2 visas they're not different. She told me that, my husband must apply for a Non "O" to get in to Thailand first (require documents - passport, marriage certificate, bank statement although Perth Thai consulate saids we don't need bank statement) and stay for 90 days and he has to go to Tor Mor to re-entried in Bangkok for every 90 days without flying out of Thailand? and for this Visa, he cannot work at all - but I want him to be able to work there.
  3. How many times my husband have to apply for 90 days re-entries, can't he get 1 year visa straight away? or apply for Thai Permanent Resident? if yes so when he can apply for it and how?
  4. Can my husband apply for a spouse visa over there in Bangkok or he doesn't need to after he gets Non "O", we are really confused because the Perth office told us, we can apply for a spouse visa over there but we must have money for 400,000 Baht in the bank for 3 months so which one is which?
  5. Can anyone please give us the advice for support documents when we have to apply for a re-entries visa from below:
    • My husband's passport and my passport
    • What form to apply for the re-entries - can we print out from website anywhere?
    • My husband's photos
    • My bank account in Bangkok - not much money but it may helps, I hope.
    • My husband's bank statement in Australia (post from his bank) - should we open a joined bank account or not if not can my husband use his bank statement from Australia only?
    • Can my husband open a bank account in Thailand with his name only? in Thai Baht of course.
    • The bank statement from both of us must be at least 400,000 Baht is it correct?
    • What else do we have to provide them?

Please please help us... we are expecting to have wonderful life over there, as I am living in Australia, I got sick very often and I want to go back to Bangkok, and my husband, he loves me enough to give up everything here (Australia) for me, any information that may help us that will be muchly appreciates. Thank you.

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There is no spouse visa, there is only the non-immigrant visa. This can be given for several reasons and in several categories. People married to a Thai national qualify for a non-immigrant visa O class, non-O for short. That is often mistakenly called a marriage visa.


He applies for a non-O in Australia, based on your marriage. The consular office in BKK was right.

He only needs to apply for a single non-O, this will give him permission to stay in Thailand for 90 days. In the last 30 days your husband can apply for an extesnion of stay at the immigration office in Thailand. For that he will need to show an income of 40,000 a month or 400,000 in a Thai bank account for at least 2 monhts prior to applying. The money has to be only his, in both cases. So no jont account!

Opening a Thai bankaccount can be a bit troublesome, but just try a few banks and he will be allright.

Once you are in Thailand and ned to apply for the extension better ask again what you need for the extension. It will be things like the mariage certificate, a map to the house, your ID card and household registration etc. And you need to come along as wel to be interviewed.

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Thank you again,

About working. Actually, I intend to open a women's accessories shop in the shopping plaza somewhere in Bangkok, and basicly I want my husband to help me in the shop - I didn't mean to see him working for someone else. If you don't mind coulsdyou please advice more about these questions...

1. Do I have to give him a work permit for this case?

2. I saw a lot of Westerners in Pattaya, Phuket and many places in Thailand, they own businesses overthere, opened the shop for their wives such as restuarants, small diving shops, pet shops, beauty salons etc and they are helping their wives by looking after the shop, mopping the floor or service customers which is I believe they are working without work permit - how can they do that? Can my husband help me in the shop like that without work permit as well?

Kindest regards,

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To do anything at the shop he needs work permit. Found working without one can and will get him lot of trouble and most likely deported...

I'm no expert but propably the best way to do it is that you set up company together with your husband so that he can get work permit. There is lot of requirements etc no of thai employees you need to have etc. Search the forum, there is lot of good information on this but takes some work to dig it out.

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Working in a shop as sales person is not allowed for foreigners.

When you return to Thailand you can import your household goods duty free if you do it in your name. As a returning Thai national you are exempt from import duties.


The Thai version might be better.

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