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Ive been traveling around for a month or so and seemed to have packed on some pounds. i know myself and i'm not very good with dieting or regimes so i need someone to help me with it. Does anyone know of a good nutritionist, dietician or any place/person that helps people lose weight in chiang mai? Just want to feel healthy again and run without immediate exhaustion... would appreciate the help

Ive been traveling around for a month or so and seemed to have packed on some pounds. i know myself and i'm not very good with dieting or regimes so i need someone to help me with it. Does anyone know of a good nutritionist, dietician or any place/person that helps people lose weight in chiang mai? Just want to feel healthy again and run without immediate exhaustion... would appreciate the help

Hi poissonrouge.

I don't want to sound patronising in anyway, and i think it's great that you are looking at ways on how to adjust your eating habits towards more healthy options. But there is no secret to losing weight (providing there are no latent medical conditions). All the new fad diets, dieticians, nutritionists, and personal trainers, try to tell us that their newfangled eating plan and exercise regime is the way to go. But it really is the same old solution today as it was generations ago. That it to Put Less in the Mouth, and get More Exercise! It really is a simple as that!

Sure, it's all about what we put in the mouth as well as the quantity, but less food and more movement really is the key here.

I got to the stage once where i resembled a potato man. Fat little body and matchstick arms and legs. I felt bloody awful :D You couldn't tell where my head ended and the neck began, ha ha lol :o So anyway, i got out of the car and off the motorcycle and started cycling and walking everywhere instead. I also cut out the food i knew for sure that was fattening and unhealthy. Now that i'm in CM, I make sure go walking in them there mountains 4 or 5 times a week for about 90 minutes a day. Result? Look better, and feel just great. Oh, i cut out smoking too, as it was limiting my ability to exercise :D



Basically it comes down to burning more calories than you take in... What I find most people fail to do properly when dieting is EXERCISE!!! If you haven't joined a gym yet, I suggest you do. You don't have to work out like crazy, but building some muscle tone and doing a little extra cardio will do wonders for your body and make you feel much better.


> Put Less in the Mouth, and get More Exercise!

While that's basically true, the choice of a particular diet & exercise regime plan can mean either complete torture, or quickly becoming second nature without feeling deprived of anything other than unneeded pounds.

I also agree that you wouldn't need a nutricionist, plenty of info out there on the internet.

For men in particular, I think various low carbing strategies work very well. Some choice google terms here include Atkins, South Beach and the Zone Diet. The latter in particular gets real scientific about it, telling you what type of foods work well together, will make you healthier overall and will fill you up for longer and will lose you a lot of weight in the process.

In the most basic form, low carbing is easy, just lay off the rice, noodles, pasta, pizza, potatos, cakes and anything with (added) sugar in it. (incl. sweet fruits). So that's plenty of BBQ meats, fish, salads and most vegetables generally. No problem with fat/oil either, your body will adapt to burning it rather than storing it.

A main advantage is also that you can still have a life; some weird diets will mean that going to a restaurant for a business of social event becomes ridiculous.. But on low-carb you just order whatever you'd normally order, just not the side of potatoes, rice or pasta.

Losing weight quickly becomes easy, the only real challenge is in figuring out what types of carbs to add back into your diet and work out something that you can maintain after the initial big weight loss. (Again the Zone diet book is very good at that.)

Basically it comes down to burning more calories than you take in... What I find most people fail to do properly when dieting is EXERCISE!!! If you haven't joined a gym yet, I suggest you do. You don't have to work out like crazy, but building some muscle tone and doing a little extra cardio will do wonders for your body and make you feel much better.

Actually I'd suggest to lose like 10kgs first and then start thinking about exercise. Exercise will be far easier and more enjoyable after shedding some weight! (Losing an initial 10 kgs will take just 2 months, if that.)


None of us here are children, and we really know what we have to do, or not do, in order to lead healthier and slimmer lifestyles. That said, many folks treat their own cars and chrome plated motorbikes far better than they treat their own bodies. Can you believe that?

Here's some 'food for thought': If you care anything about YOU! Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork and, it's a fact that More people die in the Western World of too much food than of too little!

Of course, some people are as fat as a barrel, smoke like a chimney, and enjoy a good regular p*ss-up at night followed by a gut busting fry-up for breakfast. These types must have little or no respect for themselves. Mustn't they? Or is that being a bit presumptuous?



Sorry I can't give you a place. But www.bodybuilding.com really helped me learn a lot.

I lost a lot of weight in Thailand, and then yo-yoed for years, but not in an extreme amount.

Ajarn knows what he is talking about, it's good advice.

I didn't "stop" drunking anyhting but water, but I certainly drank water 90% of the time.

Walking everywhere might make you drenched with sweat, but that's cause you are burning calories!

I am now in the US and I have dropped off 10lbs in the last 6 weeks. It would have been more but the new semester started up and I messed up my diet and exercise.

but this is what has worked for me:

I began to calorie count, I calculated I needed 2700 cals to maintain weight, and I started to eat 1700 cals a day, and I was FULL. 4-6 smaller meals/ snacks a day

heck after 3 days of counting I could eyeball everything and estimate.

Remember just dropping off 500 cals a day (that's 1 20oz coke and 2-4oz of candy) you will lose 1 lb a week. 3500cals = 1lb (about half a kilo)

Sorry, I wrote this as I had things pop in my head... I feel the broken up typing is easier to read.

one more thing, you CAN do it :o


Stick to diet of Thai food and fruit and you will lose weight. Cut back on the beer, carbohydrates and sweets. It works for me every year and I drop about 10 pounds over the 5 months I'm here. And, I'm not really fat to start off with. But, you DO need to exercise. Without exercise all the food you eat just goes to fat. The REAL problem is with the fat cells themselves. They just lay there like big sponges waiting for their next meal. It's easy to put weight on but a real pain to take off. And, once you take it off you have to tighten all that slack flesh with exercise.


I hate diet regimes as well. However; I did try the Weight Watchers online program and found it really helpful and easy. They also have a specific program for men. It is based on points but it was so flexible that I lost weight without thinking much of it.

It may be a short-term solution until you find someone locally.

None of us here are children, and we really know what we have to do, or not do, in order to lead healthier and slimmer lifestyles. That said, many folks treat their own cars and chrome plated motorbikes far better than they treat their own bodies. Can you believe that?

Here's some 'food for thought': If you care anything about YOU! Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork and, it's a fact that More people die in the Western World of too much food than of too little!

Of course, some people are as fat as a barrel, smoke like a chimney, and enjoy a good regular p*ss-up at night followed by a gut busting fry-up for breakfast. These types must have little or no respect for themselves. Mustn't they? Or is that being a bit presumptuous?


As long as you believe that, every fat person will be 'disliked' or 'hated' by you. I grew up with that attitude, and think it sucks. It angiers me when I see someone fat (like me) have to deal with that attitude. It also makes me feel isolated from you and your friends unfairly.

None of us here are children, and we really know what we have to do, or not do, in order to lead healthier and slimmer lifestyles. That said, many folks treat their own cars and chrome plated motorbikes far better than they treat their own bodies. Can you believe that?

Here's some 'food for thought': If you care anything about YOU! Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork and, it's a fact that More people die in the Western World of too much food than of too little!

Of course, some people are as fat as a barrel, smoke like a chimney, and enjoy a good regular p*ss-up at night followed by a gut busting fry-up for breakfast. These types must have little or no respect for themselves. Mustn't they? Or is that being a bit presumptuous?


As long as you believe that, every fat person will be 'disliked' or 'hated' by you. I grew up with that attitude, and think it sucks. It angiers me when I see someone fat (like me) have to deal with that attitude. It also makes me feel isolated from you and your friends unfairly.

Whoops! So i was being presumptuous :o Sorry if i offended, it certainly wasn't my intention. Hey, i was overweight myself once! It's just that i personally know a bunch of overweight people (both family and friends) who are always complaining about their weight (for years in some cases), yet never doing anything about it. And dare to say to them that being overweight is a lifestyle choice (medical conditions aside of course), is often looked at as some kind of Smart Aleck remark.

If people are fat and happy, that's just great. If someone is fat, miserable, and always complaining about their weight yet do little to combat the condition, then it becomes as boring to those around them as the smoker who promises to quit every Monday for a lifetime. So many overweight people seem to be looking for that 'Armchair' diet, but the point of my posts is that there isn't one, and everyone knows in their heart of hearts what they need to do if they're really serious about shedding a few pounds


None of us here are children, and we really know what we have to do, or not do, in order to lead healthier and slimmer lifestyles. That said, many folks treat their own cars and chrome plated motorbikes far better than they treat their own bodies. Can you believe that?

Here's some 'food for thought': If you care anything about YOU! Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork and, it's a fact that More people die in the Western World of too much food than of too little!

Of course, some people are as fat as a barrel, smoke like a chimney, and enjoy a good regular p*ss-up at night followed by a gut busting fry-up for breakfast. These types must have little or no respect for themselves. Mustn't they? Or is that being a bit presumptuous?


As long as you believe that, every fat person will be 'disliked' or 'hated' by you. I grew up with that attitude, and think it sucks. It angiers me when I see someone fat (like me) have to deal with that attitude. It also makes me feel isolated from you and your friends unfairly.

Hey Ajarn if you're a porker then why are you giving advice on losing weight? One poster even recommended you as knowing what you were talking about. :o

If you feel embarrassed by your size, why not do something about it?


The man has lost weight in amounts I can also relate to among several other facets of health we happen to share. The amounts of weight lost I speak of would boggle your mind.And quite easily I may add. My little constant rollercoaster of life has seen a drop of 51 lbs in the last six weeks.


Hey Ajarn if you're a porker then why are you giving advice on losing weight? One poster even recommended you as knowing what you were talking about. :o

If you feel embarrassed by your size, why not do something about it?

In defense of the ol cantankerous chalk scratcher..even though I know he dosen't want or need it,

Read back some of Ajarn's prior posts on losing weight/swimming ( 2 m's or one ?, both look wrong tonight ) and I'm sure you will retract your statement. :D

None of us here are children, and we really know what we have to do, or not do, in order to lead healthier and slimmer lifestyles. That said, many folks treat their own cars and chrome plated motorbikes far better than they treat their own bodies. Can you believe that?

Here's some 'food for thought': If you care anything about YOU! Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork and, it's a fact that More people die in the Western World of too much food than of too little!

Of course, some people are as fat as a barrel, smoke like a chimney, and enjoy a good regular p*ss-up at night followed by a gut busting fry-up for breakfast. These types must have little or no respect for themselves. Mustn't they? Or is that being a bit presumptuous?


As long as you believe that, every fat person will be 'disliked' or 'hated' by you. I grew up with that attitude, and think it sucks. It angiers me when I see someone fat (like me) have to deal with that attitude. It also makes me feel isolated from you and your friends unfairly.

Hey Ajarn if you're a porker then why are you giving advice on losing weight? One poster even recommended you as knowing what you were talking about. :o

If you feel embarrassed by your size, why not do something about it?

I'm not a ' Porker' any longer. I have lost more than 120 kilos of weight through swimming. I was never embarassed by my weight, but I know the health effects of being over weight. And the local women love my new me :D

Ive been traveling around for a month or so and seemed to have packed on some pounds. i know myself and i'm not very good with dieting or regimes so i need someone to help me with it. Does anyone know of a good nutritionist, dietician or any place/person that helps people lose weight in chiang mai? Just want to feel healthy again and run without immediate exhaustion... would appreciate the help

California wow experience fitness centre, Central Airport Plaza, Chiang Mai.

Try the treadmill.........

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