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Just as I thought, Probably never been to the USA and thinks he knows everything about American cuisine by eating at McDonalds. How STUPID is that?

You think using all your inane emoticons makes you look clever?

BTW, I will quit this now. Don't want to get in trouble with the mods, not over a small minded child like Snowboy.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lutefisk (lutfisk) (pronounced [lʉːtəfɪsk] in Southern Norway, [lʉːtfɪsk] in Central and Northern Norway, Sweden and the Swedish-speaking areas in Finland (lipeäkala in Finnish)) is a traditional dish of the Nordic countries made from stockfish (air-dried whitefish) or dried/salted whitefish (klippfisk) and soda lye (lut). Its name literally means "lye fish", because it is made using caustic lye soda derived from potash minerals.

I´m afraid wikki didnt show you all the facts you would have learned in a real school, us boy. In Sweden (it would be first of all called "lutfisk") it can be imported from Norway or Finland for the Finish population of Sweden. But for you to claim you had that on a trip to Sweden is just as dumb as Janet Jackson saying IKEA is what she knows about Denmark.

Godnight Yankee!!!


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It has been amusing watching you two squabble about international food issues, but i find it even more hilarious that this is a thai thread about 7/11 food!!

Havent you all heard the saying "When in rome, do as the romans do?

Gimme a break..your in thailand and you have a shitloads of great food choices and here you are going to the bloody 7/11!!...SHAME!!

Get a life and buy off the locals..get some noodles,tom yum,roti,deepfied bannana..whatever..which im sure you should find a lot nicer and no further than 50 metres from a 7/11 store


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Gimme a break..your in thailand and you have a shitloads of great food choices and here you are going to the bloody 7/11!!...SHAME!!

I agree. But I do buy seaweed fish balls there to use in some spicy soups I cook at home. Nothing a Scandinavian would be able to handle, btw, as they tend to faint at the sight of a chili pepper and call for an ambulance when confronted with a garlic clove.

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It has been amusing watching you two squabble about international food issues, but i find it even more hilarious that this is a thai thread about 7/11 food!!

Havent you all heard the saying "When in rome, do as the romans do?

Gimme a break..your in thailand and you have a shitloads of great food choices and here you are going to the bloody 7/11!!...SHAME!!

Get a life and buy off the locals..get some noodles,tom yum,roti,deepfied bannana..whatever..which im sure you should find a lot nicer and no further than 50 metres from a 7/11 store


Yep. Agreed.

Now, i do use the fastfood chains. I do it in Sweden (were we have real food) and i do it in Thailand (were there is real food) but i use it for what it is. Truth being, if i am in isaan, in a place where i can hardly eat anything, i can trust 7/11 for at least that chicken steak burger to maintain my survival for a day. Thats how all of these fastfoodchains work for me. When there is no time to cook proper food, or when it is not available.

Only difference is in the u.s off ass..... i think it became the food of the day since they dont have any real foodculture. Shame. But tey seem happy with it so who am i to complain. Anyway, it is there when needed and i am happy with that.

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Gimme a break..your in thailand and you have a shitloads of great food choices and here you are going to the bloody 7/11!!...SHAME!!

I agree. But I do buy seaweed fish balls there to use in some spicy soups I cook at home. Nothing a Scandinavian would be able to handle, btw, as they tend to faint at the sight of a chili pepper and call for an ambulance when confronted with a garlic clove.

You are kidding. You have truly not been to any country in scandinavia. Stop making a fool of yourself please.

"Ohh, garlic and chilli. Completely new to me, i never saw it, we dont have that in scandinavia"

Go to a real school. Yankeeboy!!!!!!

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Gimme a break..your in thailand and you have a shitloads of great food choices and here you are going to the bloody 7/11!!...SHAME!!

I agree. But I do buy seaweed fish balls there to use in some spicy soups I cook at home. Nothing a Scandinavian would be able to handle, btw, as they tend to faint at the sight of a chili pepper and call for an ambulance when confronted with a garlic clove.

You are kidding. You have truly not been to any country in scandinavia. Stop making a fool of yourself please.

"Ohh, garlic and chilli. Completely new to me, i never saw it, we dont have that in scandinavia"

Go to a real school. Yankeeboy!!!!!!


you guys just cant resist having a dig at each other..maybe you should both get together for dinners, taking turns in who chooses the venue and what to order...then you can debate over who's choice was better!


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Gimme a break..your in thailand and you have a shitloads of great food choices and here you are going to the bloody 7/11!!...SHAME!!

I agree. But I do buy seaweed fish balls there to use in some spicy soups I cook at home. Nothing a Scandinavian would be able to handle, btw, as they tend to faint at the sight of a chili pepper and call for an ambulance when confronted with a garlic clove.

You are kidding. You have truly not been to any country in scandinavia. Stop making a fool of yourself please.

"Ohh, garlic and chilli. Completely new to me, i never saw it, we dont have that in scandinavia"

Go to a real school. Yankeeboy!!!!!!


you guys just cant resist having a dig at each other..maybe you should both get together for dinners, taking turns in who chooses the venue and what to order...then you can debate over who's choice was better!


OOHH crap i should add...better disregard that suggestion as you'd only end up argueing over who paid the bigger bill!!!


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In the old days we ate many a germ and it did us good. What sort of namby pamby cannot take a few good germs nowadays?

Thats true..they say children playing in sandpits and eating dirt isnt such a bad thing as it allows them to build up immunity to nasties.Ive seen parents who seemingly wrap there kiddies in cotton wool and they are the first to catch the latest bug going around...

no offence!!

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If we had relied on Nazi accomodating countries like Sweden during WW2, we would all be speaking German. At least German food has more variety than Swedish. This knee jerk anti-Americanism especially from people who have obviously never been there, is uncalled for.

Edited by Jingthing
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Edit: 7/11 is the same all over the world. Has nothing to do with Thailand. Its an American chain.


No, it's a Japanese chain, for nearly 30 years now. But don't let that get in the way of your anti American prejudices. And it's different all over the world, adapted to local markets. Basically the only things you'll find in common between Thai and American 7-11s are potato chips and soft drinks. Which is a shame, I could go for some nachos covered in Jalapeno peppers right now. Frankly, I feel nothing but pity for people, who've obviously never been to the states, that think the food in the "u.s off ass" is represented by McDonald's. :D

And I did end up getting a burger steak gai tonight, wasn't in the mood for more Thai food and everything else is closed. Put some blue cheese on it, pretty good for a late night snack.

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Mattias, we've been through this before. You have never been to the US so making a blanket statement about American food culture based on int'l fast food chains just displays your ignorance (that's like a hobby for you on Thaivisa, isn't it?). I had a Russian friend in Moscow who was once an exchange student in America. The only time he had something good to say about the USA was when the topic switched over to food. Then his eyes would light up an he would go on and on about it. Of course, you'll probably attack Russian cuisine as well now. But anyone who comes from a place where Surströmming* is considered tasty should probably be careful criticising other countries' food.

* Surströmming ("soured (Baltic) herring") is a northern Swedish dish consisting of fermented Baltic herring. Surströmming is sold in cans, which often bulge during shipping and storage. With other kinds of canned goods, this is usually an indication that the contents have spoiled and are not safe to eat[1]. When opened, the contents release a strong and sometimes overwhelming odor, which explains why the dish is often eaten outdoors.

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I am sure I have been to MANY MORE countries (often just to eat) than you have and some of the best food in the world is in the USA. Sweden does not rate. The reason: VERY LIMITED basic ingredients because of the climate there. Also, the people are SPICE PHOBIC.

BTW, a big reason Americans are fat is the car culture, but yes, also too many people eat too much fast food. Not defending fast food. Just saying it is ignorant to equate American food only with fast food.

Wouuuua wouuuua :wai::P :jerk:

This must be the most xenophobic statement ever on TV

SOME of the best food in the world is in the USA, you might be right using the word SOME :o:D:D

I had a few good meals in the USA, but....the worst expensive dinner must have been in that revolving Seattle tower, simply disgusting :D

As for fast food, yes we do equate that with the USA.

Get off a highway and you will find all the crap you never wished to eat in your life :D

Edited by tartempion
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