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You Know You Are In Thailand When....


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When cream only comes in 1-liter cartons!

(OK, I know no one elses cares, but when I need a tablespoon or two of cream to make a sauce, I hate having to buy a full liter of it!)

No no no, I also care, I also always end up throwing away 75% of that liter of cream.... :o:D

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When cream only comes in 1-liter cartons!

(OK, I know no one elses cares, but when I need a tablespoon or two of cream to make a sauce, I hate having to buy a full liter of it!)

No no no, I also care, I also always end up throwing away 75% of that liter of cream.... :o:D

As you two are both from the USA and have the same creamy issues, why not share a flat? :D

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When cream only comes in 1-liter cartons!

(OK, I know no one elses cares, but when I need a tablespoon or two of cream to make a sauce, I hate having to buy a full liter of it!)

No no no, I also care, I also always end up throwing away 75% of that liter of cream.... :D:D

As you two are both from the USA and have the same creamy issues, why not share a flat? :D

Wish I had red Colored name so i could prove you wrong..... :o

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When cream only comes in 1-liter cartons!

(OK, I know no one elses cares, but when I need a tablespoon or two of cream to make a sauce, I hate having to buy a full liter of it!)

No no no, I also care, I also always end up throwing away 75% of that liter of cream.... :D:D

As you two are both from the USA and have the same creamy issues, why not share a flat? :D

Wish I had red Colored name so i could prove you wrong..... :o

haha, but I do agree with you on the whipping cream, too big and too expensive.

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I never bother with stuff like whipping cream......

Then again, Athletes like me have to take care in what we eat.

That's right. Sumo wrestling takes a lot of careful preparation.

You know you are in Thailand when Sumo wrestlers dont eat whip cream. :o

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I know I'm in our house in Thailand when I seem to spend so much time closing doors....

My family, if they go to a cupboard or wardrobe seem to be incapable of closing the doors..

We have a cabinet to keep the flies off the food, but the door is always open.

Maybe it's just my family?

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I know I'm in our house in Thailand when I seem to spend so much time closing doors....

My family, if they go to a cupboard or wardrobe seem to be incapable of closing the doors..

We have a cabinet to keep the flies off the food, but the door is always open.

Maybe it's just my family?

I think you're looking for the 'you know you're married to a Thai when..' thread. It drives me nuts too!

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I think you're looking for the 'you know you're married to a Thai when..' thread. It drives me nuts too!

Byoung, you have the same thing too?

Thank God for that - I'm not the only one that gets driven nuts by this.

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You know you are in Thailand when you get your washing done by the appartment cleaner for just 50 baht ($2)

You know you are in Thailand when your girl friend correctly points out that a mini mart does not sell "food" (real food)

You know you are in Thailand when you you only get chraged $10 for a major traffic infringment and the policman politely explains that the ticket he gives you is a daily pass to keep violating that law... and he doesn't take a quarter of your license points away :D

You know you are in Thailand when you get a great value meal for less than a quarter of the price we get ripped off in the west.

You know you are in Thailand when you can ride to the corner store without a helmet and know you wont get busted with a $200 fine for not wearing a helmet.

You know you are in Thailand when you are living in a brand new appartment with air con, free internet fully furnished for $160 a month

You know you are in Thailand when you work into a shopping mall and feel you can afford everything.

You know you are in Thailand when your sexy gf picks you up from the bus station on her motorbike in her high healed sandels with her hair flowing in the wind. And she's done up to the hilt.

You know you are in Thailand when you only need to pay $30 a night for a really nice hotel room with drinks in the fridge and $3 dollar room service meals

You know you are in Thailand when your gf comes home at lunch time with 5 school friends and they all promptly jump into your king sized bed and go to sleep for 1 1/2 hours until their next class starts.

You know you are in Thailand when you get served food and drink on a bus ride that costs 1/6 the price than your home country.

You know you are in Thailand when you see live Karaoke stage outside and major shopping centre and a 13 year old girl is singing and sounds better than Celine Dion.

You know you are in Thailand when your gf tell you you need***lets keep it clean please*** tonight while dancing at the local night club with her school friends.

You know you are in Thailand when you get 70 cable TV channels for free in your appartment building

You know you are in Thailand when you drop your laptop and go to get it repaired with a new hard drive, loading of a new operating system and a bunch of free software for just $60

You know you are in Thailand when you go to a dentist to get a tooth pulled out and pay just $30 with xray and dentist that explains things better in english than a dentist in your own country that charges 10 times as much.

... some good points for a change :o

You know you are in Thailand when some paodophile posts a post that he dates a School Girl and 5 of her school girl mates come home at lunch time and get into bed for 1 1/2 hours.

You know you are in Thailand when the Thai Visa forum moderator completely ignores that part of the post and removes some other words of a sexual nature!!

<deleted> !!???

My Girl Friend is 21 and I'm 29 for your info. She goes to Uni. She was married to a thai guy of 25 for 2 years when she was 19-20. Hardly an inexperienced minor. I'm not interested inteenagers thanks very much.

t'was a joke :D The way you wrote it just made my fingers do it. 21 eh still a bit young for a 29 year old, especially seeing as Thai girls are generally very immature anyway....do you read comics together? 26/27 is my limit for a relationship and i am 30, otherwise they just have not had the life experience for an adult relationship, although i am sure those high heels and friends of hers are enough to keep you going. Bet you look a bit silly dancing with her school friends at the local disco :D You probably look about 35 to them considering Thai guys keep their youth well. xx

Ooooooooh! Meeoooow :D

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I never bother with stuff like whipping cream......

Then again, Athletes like me have to take care in what we eat.

Whereas athletes like me have to take care what we use to grease up before a show - industrial strength swarfeega works much better and doesn't go off either :o

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I never bother with stuff like whipping cream......

Then again, Athletes like me have to take care in what we eat.

That's right. Sumo wrestling takes a lot of careful preparation.

You know you are in Thailand when Sumo wrestlers dont eat whip cream. :D

You know you are in Thailand when the knowledge that Sumo wrestlers don't eat whipped cream is common :o

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When dashing down a street in Bangkok on a motorbike evaporating vinegar from a sidewalk cooking cart catches your breath and stings your eyes.

When it’s 6AM and it’s so hot that reading email is causing you to sweat.

When you’re eating somtom.

When you ask for ice in your beer.

When you’re in a taxi and the drive is listening to luuk-tung and clearly doesn’t know where he’s going.

When you’re offered an insect to eat and you eat it with a smile (and chug of beer).

When you wait 5 minutes at a traffic light and figure it must be normal.

When you’re riding on a taxi motorbike, flying through traffic – without a helmet.

When the sight of university student in her regular uniform cause your heart to skip a beat.

When you have an awesome massage for a few dollars.

When you fart and people laugh.

When you’re at your wife’s family’s house and grandmother has come out of the shower topless.

When you come out of the shower with only a towel and don’t feel in a hurry to change.

When you wake up in the morning to the bird screeching in the trees around you.

When bottle service is the norm not a luxury.

When at a restaurant the waiter/waitress just waits for you to look at the menu and order – no matter how long it takes.

When the food is so good you can’t believe it.

When the sidewalk restaurants have the food so good.

When you can get fresh fruit anywhere for 10 baht.

When sometimes a ladyboy looks good.

When music you’d never listen to at home sounds just perfect.

When you go to a lake or river and feed the mass of fish.

When you make the down payment on your house with an envelope of cash that would make a drug dealer embarrassed.

When you see people picking lice out of each other’s hair.

When you see your girl plucking hair out of her armpit.

When you squat to do your business.

When there’s no toilet paper it’s OK, you know what to do.

When there’s not a bum squinter you’re upset.

When you’re on BTS in the rush hour, packed in shoulder to shoulder, and no one smells bad.

When there’s a topless ladyboy at your wedding.

When you look at a chart in the morning to see the right colors to wear.

When you stand up before a movie.

When you spend 13 hours in the back of a pick-up and you’re still not at your destination.

When you eat with a spoon.

When you eat out of the same plate with 10 people, with that same spoon.

When your neighbor comes over in their pajamas.

When your neighbors, or strangers, ask how much you paid for your house, how old you are, how much you make…

When you wake up in the morning and feel full of thanks for this wonderful life.

When kindness kisses your brow and smiles touch your heart.

When the sun sets on verdant green rice fields, mountains in the distance, children dance on the dusty red road and the music murmur of the village is in the distance.

When your wife is 30 years younger than you and is the anchor, the rock and the touchstone in your life.

When you find yourself kneeling before a golden Buddha in a temple somewhere in the middle of nowhere, for a reason you don’t understand, in a place far from home, tears running down your cheeks from the wonder of this life and a monk comes over and says in perfect English “Where you from?”

awesome post valjean,enjoy isaan,can't be anywhere else!feeling it,cheers.

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When it cost 35 baht to fix a tire that has a tube in it and when the village barber charges 30 baht for a haircut.

30?i pay 20,lol.

I hate yall.....i pay between 80-200b per haircut..... :o

I pay 240 plus tip. With as little hair I as have, I want her to take her time and be gentle with both of them.

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I hate yall.....i pay between 80-200b per haircut..... dry.gif

Maybe you're not nearly bald like the rest of us :o

I know I'm in Thailand when a haircut costs 40 Baht and takes 45 mins

I know I'm in England when a haircut cost 350 Baht and takes 4 minutes.

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You know your in Thailand when your in a restroom using a urinal and the maid walks in and starts cleaning them.

It was a shocker for me at first too...I was like "yo, am I in the wrong toilet?" " Is she a spy"? :o

Although the ubiquitous shoulder rub by the bathroom "guy" that used to happen while standing at the urinal seems to have disappeared. Now that freaked me out.

You joking right?

No Joke and I just hate it!

How can you piss when a poof is pounding your shoulders!

It first happened to me in Manila in the seventies and most recently at Sabay Bar (great place otherwise) on Koh Chang.

And of course they put their hand out for cash.

Why would management post a beggar in the bogs? But they do.


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