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Disappointed With True


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Actually, get them to put it in writing. At the very least, get that person to give his/her name and phone number, and the date/details of the conversation.

There have been quite a few instances where some True employee said one thing and then did another. I once had charges for internet that I did not use, called someone at True and supposedly got it fixed, and later found out I was still being charged. When I called again, they asked for the name of the person who did it, and I could not provide a name, so it became my fault, and I had to pay. Something similar happened to another person in this forum.

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There have been quite a few instances where some True employee said one thing and then did another.
Now that's True. A lot of the people in their call centre will just totally blow you off witha bullshit story if your enquiry is 'difficult'.
Do they have that strong a lock on the broadband market?

They have the best marketing. KSC is dying, and seems to be going down the tubes without a fight. What's wrong with those guys ? When was the last time you saw a KSC ad ?

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Yes, I upgraded my home package to an SME package. It only took a couple of hours once I had all the paperwork in hand, but I went in person and demanded they activate it the same day (I had become pretty pissed off with their misleading advertising).

There is a form you need to fill out to change packages, and of course they'll want a copy of the ID of the person who owns the telephone line.

Thanks! That doesn't sound too bad.


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Lots of complaints here about True, but no one's mentioned any alternatives.  Do they have that strong a lock on the broadband market?

If any ISP in Thailand can take us into the 21st century, they have the best chance, since they have the resources. I hope they're just going through growing pains. To give them credit, they have (sorta) changed some of their misleading advertising, and this is due to the myriad complaints they've received over the past 6 months.

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If you see a hammer and can't figure out what it's good for, it doesn't mean that other people can't.


Imagine you've found out where the hammer is good for, but you don't have the wood to use it on ...

What are you using it for? To upset yourself or become a irritating nitwit on bulletin boards?

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  • 2 weeks later...


1 package x THB 400 = THB 60


I am a little lost here, mathematical genius.

Perhaps you're the one who needs a little spanking ...

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eamail to TRUE

Once again I am experiencing problems with my ADSL connection that are causing problems with my ability tu use certain programs. I have checked on web boards and found that others are experiencing problems (and are VERY negative about TRUE ADSL service quality). The service seems to have started deteriorating again around end December.


Below I enclose a report from my broker in Hong Kong relating to a previous period of poor service where they found that 96% (29,263!!!!) of all connection problems to their server came from MY (IE TRUE) ISP. YES 29,263 of 30,236 disconnects from HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF CUSTOMERS ALL OVER THE WORLD WERE FROM TRUE. Just thought you might want some idea how far below international standards you are.


Management asked that I take another look at your internet connection (as I did in August) to see if there is anything that we can help you with. They have also asked for us to investigate how many other customers are affected by the same type of disconnections that you are seeing.

Looking at the 19th, you logged in 11 different times. Additionally, we have taken a detailed look at the failure messages on the gateway that indicate loss of low-level keep-alive data. In the 24 hour period surrounding the 19th, your connection lapsed in the transmission of these messages over 29,000 times, while remarkably only losing the socket 11 times (being disconnected). That is pretty good, considering the amount of transmission errors that took place. At least one of these resets was due to the ISP resetting your IP address.

The traces that operations has been doing from the gateway to your ISP has steadily shown a large increase in latency and packet loss well into the asianet.co.th system, indicating that your internet connection is inherently at fault for your TWS disconnections. In our traceroutes from Hong Kong to you, we see a heavy packet loss between the routers and; these both appear to be in asianet’s network.

Looking at all failure messages from customers connected to the Hong Kong gateway during the same period, 29,263 of 30,236 were from your ISP, which accounts for over 96% of the connectivity issues. Being that you’ve seen problems staying connected stretching back to August with this provider, I would definitely recommend looking for a different primary internet connection, as less than 4% of packet loss comes from every other world provider that has connected to the Hong Kong gateway.

Additionally, the WebTrader interface is still available and doesn’t rely on a socket to stay connected, much like other broker’s web interfaces.

I hope this helps.



Enough is enough. if you want to complain here are the email of TRUE MD [email protected] and the MD os Asianet [email protected] Tell them your problems and how TRUE compares to ISP's in your home country. The big problem I am facing is disconnects from rerouting via 26 router hops (13 with CSLoxinfo and packet loss. It seems that the data stream has frequent interruptions. I suspect that they are 'queing' or rerouting packets in order to keep bandwith usage below a threshold hence the interrupts - if anyone can shed any lght on how and why these interrupts are occuring and any solution it would be appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I finally went for the True 256K ADSL promo for 590 baht with free modem and installation, and was up and running three days after calling them. I get full speed on True's domestic test site outside office hours and about 220kbps from 9-5.

CNET's test site gives me over 200kbps outside office hours. I haven't tried the test during weekdays yet but my favorite sites certainly seem a lot faster than with dialup. Maybe it's because I live in the centre of Bangkok, but no problems so far.

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