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Annoying Things Farangs Do Around Town

DJ Pat

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As travelling to Thailand is quite affordable to anyone living in Europe or the US, there will always be all kind of persons.And the nation isn´t significant to bad behaviour.Wait untill more and more russians can afford Thailand, that will be fun.

The only people that annoy me are the ones thinking that they are better than others.And there are a lot of them in Thailand

This superiority complex is quite the nature of Western-Euro character. This will never fade....one of many reasons I live where I do and don't seek out Farang interaction.

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"...if it bothers you simply do not listen..."

Would it be that simple. Many farangs refuse to bathe or use deodorant. If they were meant to smell like that, God would have given them antlers.

And which God might that be?

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We should show some respect, how often do you see a guy without a shirt on.

My last extension in Nong Khai and there was this obese bloke (I'm ashamed to say he was a fellow Brit) of about 60 wearing a washed out denim shirt completely undone exposing his wobbling gut. Every single piece of his paperwork was wrong, No photo etc. He just sat there and "F#cked this# and #F#cked that" about the Thais.

At that moment I could fully understand and sympathise why some Immi officials are surly and unsmiling.

Utter turd of a man.

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I think the most infuriating thing I've ever known a farang do is post on the internet.

Especially venting their spleen on their own prejudices.

But I suppose the internet is the ideal place for that sort of bile, and we should all be grateful for it.

I think the thing I do that must really irritate some people, judging from this thread, is from time to time I get on with my own life, and ignore what other people think. I only do it to wind them up.


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Well,yesterday in the afternoon i heard some Thai man shouting on the street,had a quick look,he was shouting to a Farang.

Asked my GF to investigate about it,after a while she went back,and told me the story.

Two tourist shoplifting from the near 7/11,got caught by the staff.They offered to pay the items,but the staff refused and call the Police.

The two guys tried to sneak away,but they had to go to the Police station,where they settled for 20k B.

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I think the most infuriating thing I've ever known a farang do is post on the internet.

Especially venting their spleen on their own prejudices.

But I suppose the internet is the ideal place for that sort of bile, and we should all be grateful for it.

I think the thing I do that must really irritate some people, judging from this thread, is from time to time I get on with my own life, and ignore what other people think. I only do it to wind them up.


This threads been a pretty good read, and i couldnt agree more with what you wrote here. Brilliant :)

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Back in 2002 I was at the British Embassy Visa Section with my the Thai g/f. We were sat awaiting our turn to be called to a window to submitt her application. In the visa section main waiting area there was also an information office, this office manned by a locally engaged civilian (a Thai National who spoke fluent English). We were sat but a few feet away from the info' office. A young man (early 20's) approached the info' window, he was carrying a large canvas bag, and was accompannied by a young Thai woman who was dressed rather scantily (not complaining there) and was also wearing a big beautifull smile. The young man dropped his bag on the floor and stuck his face up against the window, I at this point did lean forward in my sit, one to listen to the question he was about to ask, and two, to get a better view of his lady's smile (!). The overheard conversation went like this:

"Hello mate, I want to get a visa for her" pointing at the love of his life.

"What type of visa are you after Sir?"

"Dunno, what ya got?"

"Do you want the lady to visit the UK on holiday Sir, that is a 6 month visa, or do you wish to get married and apply for her to settle in the UK?"

"Marry her, no thanks mate, I've only known her a week, the holiday one sounds good, 6 months yeah, I take one of those, how much are they?"

"Sir, have you got an application form for the young lady?"

"Application form, whats that then?"

The clerk then passed him the Tourist Visa application pack, which at the time was produced in both English and Thai language. Without even glancing at the application pack, the young man handed it staright to his girlfriend. He continued his conversation with the clerk as his girlfirned started to read the application proceedure. As she started to read, the smile slowly began to fade from her lips.

"So I can fill the form out now can I?"

"Yes Sir, however you will not be able to submit the application form until 0730hrs tomorrow morning."

"Thats no good for me mate, (pointing down at his bag) I'm on the way to Don Muang now and I want her visa now like."

"I'm sorry Sir, but the earliest time the application can be submitted is tomorrow morning."

"Naa thats no good for me, hang on, can I fill it out and stick it in the post?"

"Yes Sir, we accept postal applications."

"Great, thats what I'll do then." The young man then picks up his bag, looks at his girlfriend, and informs her that she will have to come over next week. As he turns to walk away he suddenly stops, turns around and once again approaches the information window, pointing to the stack of Tourist Visa application packs he can see on the desk behind the clerk, he asks this question:

"Can you give me another one of them application packs cause me brother is coming here on holiday next week and he will probably want to take one of these back home with him as well?" !!!!!!!!!

Throughout the conversation the Thai clerk showed this moron the upmost respect, only when he handed the second pack over and he turned away from the young man did I see the cleck roll his eyes up towards the ceiling. It made me pround to be British!!!!

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If queers and Pattaya bug you so much, why do you keep going there? Me thinks you protest a little too loudly on this one. :)

Nowhere is perfect, but the OP has some valid observations, bottom line; LOS love it or leave it...

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The 'gone native' guy sitting at a cheap crappy noodle stall happily looking smugly up at other farang as they file past

Miserable, cynical female farangs giving 'that' look as you walk past with your Thai partner

Losers trying to pass themselves as English teachers (you know who you are)

The <deleted> shouting in awful bargirl Thai while I'm trying to play a game of pool

The same guy saying "dalling" and "I go with you" jokingly at regular Thai girls

The farang thug (increasingly getting common this) behaving in an aggressive friendly or friendly aggressive way towards other drinkers

The farang on the small nonaircon green bus...get a f**king life will you

The disillusioned sorry-arsed red leather faced sex tourist with no ticket home propping up a bar on Soi Cowboy or anywhere in Pattaya

The old queers who have retired in Pattaya trying to live a 'normal' life in and around Pattaya, who have nothing to do but cruise Sunni Plaza

Ditto sad straight losers above who strut around with their dog-faced ex-bargirls in tow

Anyone trying to live a 'normal' life in Pattaya

Expats who still believe that Pattaya is home to Thai culture, because they haven't been anywhere else but Isarn

The group of drunk good ol' boy tourists on the train trading obscene gogobar stories with each other as if nobody in hearing range could possibly understand what they're talking about (myself included). I'm sure a number of the Thais must also understand and be offended.

Koh Samui is the new Torremilinos by the look of things recently

sounds to me like you should piss off back to where you came from. Perfectland by the sound of it

It was called AlmostPerfectLand before he left, now it's perfect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You've just got to learn to ignore all this and represent yourself. Places like Pattya, Nana, Khoa Samui etc have people like this but you just have to avoid them. There are many great places here with top foreigners who like myself - keep themselves to themselves.

I always find that if you smile, act polite and considerate, the Thais will love you. They can form their opinions on foreigners but I think they're quite fair when treating individually with respect if you do the same.

When I first came to Thailand I was shocked and offended by all the whoring and drinking. Now I couldn't give a shit. Let them do what they like. As long as they're consenting adults, let them live like this. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying it's not for me.

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I recall Australians being rated the worst dressed tourists in the world, and as an Aussie looking around Bangkok I must agree. I do not think that tank tops and muscle shirts are suitable wear for a big city, even if you walk like you are carrying invisible suitcases! Last week I saw an Aussie on a Thai Airways flight wearing thongs, tank top, and skimpy shorts. But worst of all, he kicked off his thongs and rested his bare (dirty?) feet up in the air against the bulkhead. I hope that posts like these get the message through to some!

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Annoying Things Farangs Do Around Town[/quote]


Can't believe this hasn't come up, but the 'when in Rome' doesn't work if you; sans helmet, add 10-20kph, serve suddenly and often, and drive agressively.

Don't speak Thai well enough, but could we add stereotyping>


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i couldnt even be bothered reading thru all this..

How about.....the finger pointing wanke_rs who spend their time in the same shit pits of debauchery as all the other sad fkrs and then go home and post <deleted> on the net.

she did bal bla bla

he had one shoe on and one of.....etc

he did, she said, ra ra ra.


ur 'borderline' alcoholics and ur taste in most things is GLARINGLY lame.

that is all.

E2A - U lookin at my 'bird/wife/rental' who looks identical to every other girl in 'here' who IS a whore.....? u wanna die?



Edited by edgarfriendly
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The 'gone native' guy sitting at a cheap crappy noodle stall happily looking smugly up at other farang as they file past

Miserable, cynical female farangs giving 'that' look as you walk past with your Thai partner

Losers trying to pass themselves as English teachers (you know who you are)

The &lt;deleted&gt; shouting in awful bargirl Thai while I'm trying to play a game of pool

The same guy saying "dalling" and "I go with you" jokingly at regular Thai girls

The farang thug (increasingly getting common this) behaving in an aggressive friendly or friendly aggressive way towards other drinkers

The farang on the small nonaircon green bus...get a f**king life will you

The disillusioned sorry-arsed red leather faced sex tourist with no ticket home propping up a bar on Soi Cowboy or anywhere in Pattaya

The old queers who have retired in Pattaya trying to live a 'normal' life in and around Pattaya, who have nothing to do but cruise Sunni Plaza

Ditto sad straight losers above who strut around with their dog-faced ex-bargirls in tow

Anyone trying to live a 'normal' life in Pattaya

Expats who still believe that Pattaya is home to Thai culture, because they haven't been anywhere else but Isarn

The group of drunk good ol' boy tourists on the train trading obscene gogobar stories with each other as if nobody in hearing range could possibly understand what they're talking about (myself included). I'm sure a number of the Thais must also understand and be offended.

Koh Samui is the new Torremilinos by the look of things recently

you sound like a bundle of laughs for a night out so what do you like pat

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not annoying at all. that's the way it is. if it bothers you simply do not listen, simply do not look. point.

I hate Pattaya too but I am 25 and I am currently not working so I need a nice cheap beach to hang out at for 3 weeks ?

Any suggestions that are close to the prices in Pattaya ?

Bike rent 150 a day

Room for 375 a day

beach chair 20 a day

1600cc jetski 1000 for 30 min

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As travelling to Thailand is quite affordable to anyone living in Europe or the US, there will always be all kind of persons.And the nation isn´t significant to bad behaviour.Wait untill more and more russians can afford Thailand, that will be fun.

The only people that annoy me are the ones thinking that they are better than others.And there are a lot of them in Thailand

Yeah but look at some of these guys. They are totally out of shape and dress like total slob low life. They give farangs a bad name.

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  • 1 month later...
I once saw a farang guy trying to tip a thai woman for giving him directions, as if all thai people are poor and needed the money. What made it worse was when, after the woman refused, he tried to force it on her - What a plonker !!

How embarrassing for that woman, I can imagine :)

I can say, for myself, that I find annoying farangs who shoot movies/pictures of themselves or others in the red areas, than post on sites like Youtube/Photobucket and comment about people in those videos, specially about the girls. It creates the wrong impression about the country. Besides, if you're in Soi Cowboy, for example, how can you shoot movies when all the others are having fun?! (rhetorical)

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My posts are from experiences, and as some of you agreed, there are a breed of louts inhabiting this country fast. What can you do? Wait til their cash runs out and they &lt;deleted&gt; off?

One simple rule for farangs should come into play and it should be enforced strictly: Ban them from wearing shorts and sandals. This would enhance their reputation ten fold in the eyes of the locals.

You really should get out more. Have you not noticed how many Thais wear shorts and sandals? Maybe you are spending to much time in Pattaya yourself to notice.


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My posts are from experiences, and as some of you agreed, there are a breed of louts inhabiting this country fast. What can you do? Wait til their cash runs out and they &lt;deleted&gt; off?

One simple rule for farangs should come into play and it should be enforced strictly: Ban them from wearing shorts and sandals. This would enhance their reputation ten fold in the eyes of the locals.

You really should get out more. Have you not noticed how many Thais wear shorts and sandals? Maybe you are spending to much time in Pattaya yourself to notice.


DJ Pat was somewhat of a character and probably had his tongue firmly placed in his cheek when he started this thread all those years ago.

But, as he was banned from Thaivisa a couple of years back, probably wont even read all this offered advice. :)

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One simple rule for farangs should come into play and it should be enforced strictly: Ban them from wearing shorts and sandals. This would enhance their reputation ten fold in the eyes of the locals.

You would have been correct about 50 years ago. Haven't you noticed that Thais wear fashionable clothes these days? :)

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The 'gone native' guy sitting at a cheap crappy noodle stall happily looking smugly up at other farang as they file past

Miserable, cynical female farangs giving 'that' look as you walk past with your Thai partner

Losers trying to pass themselves as English teachers (you know who you are)

The &lt;deleted&gt; shouting in awful bargirl Thai while I'm trying to play a game of pool

The same guy saying "dalling" and "I go with you" jokingly at regular Thai girls

The farang thug (increasingly getting common this) behaving in an aggressive friendly or friendly aggressive way towards other drinkers

The farang on the small nonaircon green bus...get a f**king life will you

The disillusioned sorry-arsed red leather faced sex tourist with no ticket home propping up a bar on Soi Cowboy or anywhere in Pattaya

The old queers who have retired in Pattaya trying to live a 'normal' life in and around Pattaya, who have nothing to do but cruise Sunni Plaza

Ditto sad straight losers above who strut around with their dog-faced ex-bargirls in tow

Anyone trying to live a 'normal' life in Pattaya

Expats who still believe that Pattaya is home to Thai culture, because they haven't been anywhere else but Isarn

The group of drunk good ol' boy tourists on the train trading obscene gogobar stories with each other as if nobody in hearing range could possibly understand what they're talking about (myself included). I'm sure a number of the Thais must also understand and be offended.

Koh Samui is the new Torremilinos by the look of things recently

Get a life yourself,instead of worrying what others do.Have you ever wondered how people look at you.Go back to were you came from and judge the people their

Bet you have a gottie.

100% right!!!

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The Brits ruin every place they go to. I used to live in Samui a few years ago. It was always a fairly nice place but I witnessed the only act of violence I've seen in Thailand by a farang. It was a Brit friend of an English bar-owner who obviously did a few weights. Two young Swedes were out on the Lamai road talking to a bar girl, not sure what the discussion was about but it didn't look unfriendly. This guy walked over from an English bar and just sparked one of the guys fo no reason. He then returned to the bar bragging to his mates.

I hate that kind of aggression and I hope this country does not generate into an extension of a typical English Saturday night.

However, I do enjoy the odd bowl of noodle soup on the street. I'll do my best not to look up.

In that case they ruined the whole world. Because they went there. Is the whole world now ruined? I hope not!

However, I do see an increase in the typical 'lager lout" that one is used to see in the UK coming over here .

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some of these may have been mentioned before but here's my contribution:

-farangs shouting in that pathetic vomit-inducing broken bargirl english 'I go with you daaling', 'where you go daaling' etc.

-farangs on KSR who sit and ....actually, just farangs on KSR in general.

-farangs who shout at thai waiters/waitresses like they are animals (I have seen the lowest form of this once at the landmark hotel restaurant - farang ar5ehole shouted to a thai waiter 'hoy mong - get my f*cking bill' - no word of a lie).

-farangs who complain about meals, hoping to get it for free.

-farangs who stride down the likes of walking street with their tops off - usually well built guys. most whores don't care how good you look providing you've got the coin you gimps.

-farangs who ride around on huge motorbikes and rev them up as they are passing. ye'know what they say 'huge bike, tiny c*ck'.

-farangs who get pi55ed up and start getting wide, loud and aggressive - usually totally unaware that they will almost certainly get a doing from the locals if they continue in such a manner.

-farangs pi55ed on motorbikes.

-farangs dancing around go-go poles. awful.

-farangs in shorts and t-shirt arguing with a hooker in hot-pants in the middle of the street.

-farangs thinking they own areas because they've been a local sexpat for the past 3 months - lamai, koh samui is a prime example.

-farangs fighting over bargirls - honestly &lt;deleted&gt;???

-backpackers wearing tye-dye linen.

-backpackers eating 20THB phad thai coz it's says it's a 'must-do' in the lonely planet.

-backpackers in general.

etc etc etc

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