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Dear Mr. NeverDie


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bonzor, nobody forced you in here, but now that we have your two satangs worth, dont let the door hit you in ur backside.....ohh sorry, thats your face is it?


You call that 2 Satangs worth,haha,i wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. :o

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OK, got some questions for neverdie since he did offer to answer all our male related questions.

1. Why is it if I ask my husband to do something (easy even, like get the milk out of the fridge) and he's standing right next to me he can't hear me but if he's in the other room with the door closed and the tv on I could whisper "How about a steak and a bj" and he'd hear every word?

2. Is there something wrong with my husband, he noticed my shoes the other day. "Cute shoes" he said. Whats up with that?

and finally 3. Why is it that my husband can never find something if its right in front of his face but can strip apart and repair his outboard engine without ever losing a piece?


Dont you just love lazy stereotypes and platitudes as a subsitute for an interesting post, can't wait to see how this thread develops. If you are trying for a job in stand up, you just failed the audition. If its an application for a renderer of tired old jokes and recycler of joke forum stalwarts, you passed the test.

Jeez,i really thought he was quite funny...Wait i'll get my glasses.............IS THAT WHAT HE SAID!!! :D

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What on earth is happening in here? I turn my back for 5 minutes....

At first i thought it had turned into a youtube thread (was gonna call for Patsycat), but now I just dunno what is happening.

Time to get things back on track..?


Dear Mr. Neverdie,

Why do straight men like to jokingly accuse each other of being gay?

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What on earth is happening in here? I turn my back for 5 minutes....

At first i thought it had turned into a youtube thread (was gonna call for Patsycat), but now I just dunno what is happening.

Time to get things back on track..?


Dear Mr. Neverdie,

Why do straight men like to jokingly accuse each other of being gay?

It's just neverdie....

Because deep deep DEEP down inside he feels lonely,a loneliness that only jingthing can save him from... :o

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What on earth is happening in here? I turn my back for 5 minutes....

At first i thought it had turned into a youtube thread (was gonna call for Patsycat), but now I just dunno what is happening.

Time to get things back on track..?


Dear Mr. Neverdie,

Why do straight men like to jokingly accuse each other of being gay?


From a knockabout Aussie mans view that we actually joke about each other being gay in an attempt to cause embarrassment to the mate we are accusing. BUT, in my experience its always done in good fun and gest.

I actually have a friend who is gay & have often said to him thats hes a big hetro......which always gets him fired up BUT seriously I'm not homophobic in one little way & I also know that the last person my gay friend would be interested in is me. I actually knew him when he was married and before he was gay (or before he admitted he was gay) & when he finally told me, I couldnt really give a <deleted>. UP TO HIM.

I use to work with a guy who was a EXTREMELY HOMOPHOBIC and often said very nasty things about gay people, I never appreciated the comments I thought that they showed how narrow minded and biggoted he was.....I often wondered if either something had happened to him as a child OR if he was trying to hide something, anyway people like that are their own worse enemy.

Anyway eek, ur trying to get me into trouble here & open up a can of worms, so lets try and keep politics and religion out of this.....You big lesso! :o

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Big lesso! :D

Oh, but hey, in addition to being a Big lesso, as a western female in Thailand i MUST also be a fat, ugly, loud-mouthed, ball-braking, feminazi nutter. You're slacking neverdie, seriously slacking! :D

Slacking or not, im very glad you are here. Thank Heavens for Mr. Neverdie i say!

Let me try think of a 'safer' topic...




.... mind's a blank! :o

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BLOODY hel_l!!

Turn your back for a few hours and the thread turns into a recycling shop for old hasbeen Aussie rockers!!!.....

As for you Mr Neverdie...regarding number 16 on your daily list...

" 16. Wake up, check little neverdie "

If this is what i suspect it is, i think you may be doing this a little more often than what you are telling us!!!!!!!!

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eeek....babe you are far from it, in my dreams last nite you were a hot sexy blonde piece with really long legs and ddd swingers......& you kept calling my name at the top of your voice....ohhhhh N E V E R D I E!

...anyway that was for the first two hours, then after that you were crying, "now I know why they call you neverdie" :D:D

....so from this all eek, you can see you are wrong about me - now back to the bedroom :o , ohhh and dont mention this to Mr eek, okay.

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BLOODY hel_l!!

Turn your back for a few hours and the thread turns into a recycling shop for old hasbeen Aussie rockers!!!.....

As for you Mr Neverdie...regarding number 16 on your daily list...

" 16. Wake up, check little neverdie "

If this is what i suspect it is, i think you may be doing this a little more often than what you are telling us!!!!!!!!

Hey Ozzie, its mine & I'll massage it as much as I want to. :o

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^ In your dreams! Literally! :o

edit: that was in response to neverdie's post!


Motto of the day: Dont drop the soap?


Ladies often don't understand 'communications' of their men. Here is a little example of men not understanding men either. Thought it might make you feel a little bit better.

Construction worker on the 5th floor of a building needed a handsaw. So he spots another worker on the ground floor and yells down to him, but he can't hear him. So the worker on the 5th floor tries sign language. He pointed to his eye meaning "I", pointed to his knee meaning "need", then moved his hand back and forth in a hand saw motion. The man on the ground floor nods his head, pulls down his pants, whips out his chop and starts masturbating. The worker on 5th floor gets so pissed off he runs down to the ground floor and says, "What the fuc_k is your problem!!! I said I needed a hand saw!". The other guy says, "I knew that! I was just trying to tell you - I'm coming!"

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^i'm gifted ozzzie, I type with my tongue :D

hmmm thats why these girls like you so much...you have two feet,two hands and little mister neverdie free to run amuck.. :D

Anyway enough about the amazing Mr Neverdie's hidden talents...what was the topic again :o

That IS the topic......I think :D

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^i'm gifted ozzzie, I type with my tongue :wai:

hmmm thats why these girls like you so much...you have two feet,two hands and little mister neverdie free to run amuck.. :D

Anyway enough about the amazing Mr Neverdie's hidden talents...what was the topic again :o

That IS the topic......I think :D

Oh crap, now im confused

Is this a ladies forum? Am i not supposed to be here?

I feel like ive just walked into the ladies Hong Nam and busted big Mr neverdie and little Mr neverdie working out in the cubicles!


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