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Who Stole My Cheese


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Somebody has been eating my Stilton.

Yep the Mrs has developed a liking for the king of cheases.

While I'm usually keen to encourage her in trying new foods this I fear is a step too far.

This is MY Stilton - "Share and Share Alike" has to have some boundaries and I was assured that having a Thai wife would assuradly mean my chease remained for my own personal consumption.

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I say, Guesthouse, old chap, that it is a terrible thing to happen to any upstanding gentleman.

Having your wallet emptied and your genitals removed is fair play but nibbling away at your stilton just isn't cricket.

I suggest you report it immediately to the Ben Gunn Society and let them take legal action.

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I know plenty of Thais that love pizza!!!!  (cheese and all)

Thats my point Brit..........one generation ago they didnt, but with the introduction of Pizza Hut etc they have developed the missing enzyme.

Thaiflyer1 - however if its a choice between Tum Yum/Yam Salad vs Pizza - Thai food wins out everytime with my lady. :o

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I know plenty of Thais that love pizza!!!!  (cheese and all)

Thats my point Brit..........one generation ago they didnt, but with the introduction of Pizza Hut etc they have developed the missing enzyme.

Thaiflyer1 - however if its a choice between Tum Yum/Yam Salad vs Pizza - Thai food wins out everytime with my lady. :o

Further reading http://www.vitafly.com/article144.htm

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My Mrs (she's back :o ) has also developed a taste for cheese, particulary parmesan cheese on my super chilli spag bol. It was not that long ago, she thought it smelt like "baby puke".

She has also been having vegemite on toast in the morning :D:D

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I  once  read  somewhere  (maybe  here)  that  Thai's  do  not  have  the  enzyme  that  is  needed  to  enjoy  the  taste  of  cheese..........obviously  youve  been  buying  your  Missus  too  many  pizzas  and  shes  developed  it.  :o

They not miss the enzyme to enjoy the taste, they just get stomach cramps when they eat it.

A lot of asians have so called "lactose intolerancy" due to not drinking cow's milk when young. Baby's are fed mothers milk much longer then in the west, and then switch over to solids.

They therefore don't develop that specific enzyme to break it down.

As they get stomach pains they don't like to eat it , and subsequently they don't get exposed to it.

As western lifestyle's creep in and baby's are more fed the western way, this will dissapear.

Eating dairy when young is good for you, so you can eat those pizza's later :D

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A lot of asians have so called "lactose intolerancy" due to not drinking cow's milk when young. Baby's are fed mothers milk much longer then in the west, and then switch over to solids.

They therefore don't develop that specific enzyme to break it down.

As they get stomach pains they don't like to eat it , and subsequently they don't get exposed to it.

Lactose intolerance chiefly applies to milk. Mature cheese is far less likely to cause problems. Give bacteria a chance, and it's fine - I don't think the Mongol hordes got stomach cramps from fermented mare's milk. Also, think yoghurt.

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I know plenty of Thais that love pizza!!!!  (cheese and all)

Thats my point Brit..........one generation ago they didnt, but with the introduction of Pizza Hut etc they have developed the missing enzyme.

Thaiflyer1 - however if its a choice between Tum Yum/Yam Salad vs Pizza - Thai food wins out everytime with my lady. :D

Thai food wins out every time with me too - especially if those are the choices ! :D A great tom yam plachon and yam pla duk foo are two of the finest dishes known to man (and the other two genders I might add), while pizza is a potentially edible concoction, invariably ruined by the presence of cheese (or a poor imitation of said food). :o

Nah, cheese is the devil's diet and make no mistake. Give me pla rah smoothered som tam or fermented shrimp paste on toast any day, than even a hint of a smelly stilton or chundering cheddar. Yes, Guesthouse, there is something definitely amiss with your missus and I'd get her mental health checked immediately for signs of abnormality if this predilection for your secret stash continues. :D

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Never mind the Stilton. Is she drinking port yet?

My wife doesn't like cheese very much after we were in Portugal and against my advice she tried some goats cheese.

I have never seen a face look like that for a long time. One small piece was enough but i had to pay for the whole thing at the restaraunt and I certainly don't goats cheese.

I would rather eat Dorset Blue Vinny than goats cheese.

I think that the Thai word is Urrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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Strong cheese is one of lifes luxury's here. But how to keep it that way ?

Just tell the missus that the strong taste was made by constantly stirring the milk for 72 hours, and when the workers went home at the end of the day, the ghosts continued at night......you may have to get a fridge installed outside the house tho, but it does mean exclusive rights to the cheese. :o

One thing that tickles me - seeing the wife eat all her "extreme thai food™ - and yet she shudders at the thought of a bit of black pudding.....

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Thank you everyone, I think you just gave me the answer to the question I've been trying to work out since my wife came to Australia and started eating cheese (loves parmesan).

"Darling, I tort men. Stink Stink"

We thought it might be the bread but I think maybe it is the cheese :o

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