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Even More Mad Licencing Hours


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To get back again to what I believe is the point of this thread:

Following serious implementation of the new “licensing laws” yesterday, I carried out a short survey of the local booze outlets in the afternoon. As expected the “high profile” town pubs were complying strictly to the rules (no sale of alcohol between 14:00 and 17:00). The quiet indoor town outlets had the rules pinned on the wall but I received the “we shouldn’t really but seeing as it’s you” response. Out of town, the rules were pinned up but generally beer was being served, although discretely. The one wholesaler I checked was operating as normal.

The one thing that was apparent from all the outlets visited was that no-one appeared to know what the precise rules were for the 3 abstinence hours.

i.e. Is it illegal to sell alcohol, buy alcohol, or both? Is there a drinking up time (if you purchase a drink at 13:55, are you allowed to finish it after 14:00)? Are you permitted to drink at home and give drinks to your friends? Are you permitted to eat in a restaurant whilst drinking your own “carry-in” beer?

Can anyone in here throw any light?


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I was in Korat Macro the other day and had my wife ask about the time/hours for buying alcohol. They said I could buy anytime, all day.

Whatever "disease" is spreading over there in the Surin area, I hope it can be "contained". I hope a "quarantine" isn't necessary. :o Seriously though, I'm hoping we don't start seeing this in Korat.

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I was in Korat Macro the other day and had my wife ask about the time/hours for buying alcohol.  They said I could buy anytime, all day.

Whatever "disease" is spreading over there in the Surin area, I hope it can be "contained".  I hope a "quarantine" isn't necessary. :D  Seriously though, I'm hoping we don't start seeing this in Korat.

I've had reports it's active in Hua Hin....................Also reports of restaurants in BKK shutting between 14.00 & 17.00................and more strange a report that while Big C in South Pattaya enforced the law, Big C in North Pattaya didn't.We have been ordered to display a 2ft x 1ft White board with red lettering,in Thai,telling all my customers of the new rules and regulations. Needless to say no-one even noticed it :o:D:D

Obviously by the amounts of response we've had that no-one really knows what the hells going on. I wonder if the office that ordered this directive knows either?

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If the new "licensing laws" are designed to minimise drunkeness, they have made a serious mistake. In view of the early afternoon closing, I drank far faster than I normally do. Obviously found a place which served after 2 pm and ended up getting totally sh1tfaced!


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If the new "licensing laws" are designed to minimise drunkeness, they have made a serious mistake. In view of the early afternoon closing, I drank far faster than I normally do. Obviously found a place which served after 2 pm and ended up getting totally sh1tfaced!


In NZ probably 30+ years ago they had a thing called 6 o'clock closing…or The 6 o’clock swill! The law was changed because of the number of very pissed patrons creating carnage on the road and at home. They used to down as much as humanly possible in a very short amount of time. Needless to say that you can now drink 24 hours a day if you wish.

I wonder what TAT thinks about these new laws and how it will affect Tourism.

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If the new "licensing laws" are designed to minimise drunkeness, they have made a serious mistake. In view of the early afternoon closing, I drank far faster than I normally do. Obviously found a place which served after 2 pm and ended up getting totally sh1tfaced!


Which you do in my place everyday regardless of closing times :o

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Ach, it's just the Taliban hour. I also heard that all women have to have fist-length beards

That is Belgium, isn't it? :D

When you're tired of London,you're tired of life.....................when you're tired of Belgium,it's lunch time :D

hey hey you soapdodgers , don't slag off my litlle country yeah.

The women here don't have beards, they just act like they have :D:o

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Ach, it's just the Taliban hour. I also heard that all women have to have fist-length beards

That is Belgium, isn't it? :D

When you're tired of London,you're tired of life.....................when you're tired of Belgium,it's lunch time :D

hey hey you soapdodgers , don't slag off my litlle country yeah.

The women here don't have beards, they just act like they have :D:o

Ok...............so after four weeks posted on the Forum,in three different formats no-one has yet come up with any cast iron info on where the rule came from,who issued it or even what the bloody rule states. Come on readers. You can do better than that. We phoned the Chief of Surin Police yesterday who had the grace to allow us half-an-hour drinking up time,but even he could offer us no further info except that it must be complied with. By the way, we seem to be the only bar/restaurant in Surin that DOES comply,but then again we were told we would lose our licence if we didn't :D:D:D:D

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