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Thailand May Seek To Extradite Thaksin: Pm


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I don't suppose Abhisit really wants him back in Thailand and it would probably be very difficult to extradite him from Hong Kong. But, since Thaksin has launched a big push to topple Abhisit and a no confidence debate is coming up, it would certainly be to Abhisit's advantage to initiate some sort of extradition proceedings there that would make it unsafe for Thaksin to travel to Hong Kong any more for fear of being detained. Hong Kong is about the last place in SE Asia, apart from Cambodia, that Thaksin can use as a political base. Singapore, the Chinese mainland, the Philippines and Malaysia have all made it clear that he is not welcome to engage in politics from their countries. Of all of these Hong Kong is the most suitable for him. It is only two and a half hours flying time from Bangkok, is relatively safe and has a British legal system which prevents any arbitrary legal action against him and Thai politicians and their families love all expense paid trips there for the shopping and the Chinese food (nearly all are ethnic Chinese). Cambodia, on the other hand is unsafe without rule of law and he would be dependant on the whims of Hun Sen and his cronies whose palms would need constant greasing. Dubai no doubt welcomes him to stay there and spend money but it has a despotic political system which makes it unsafe as a political base. His cronies would also not want to spend much time visiting him there as they have no interest in Arab and Islamic culture and the flight takes six hours usually on red eye flights. Japan and the UK have already banned Thaksin outright. The EU Schengen visa countries might follow the UK's lead and ban Thaksin en bloc and the US is also not safe, despite the odd pronouncement from the US ambassador to Thailand that Thaksin's visa has not been revoked. That doesn't mean he would be permitted to enter or that, if he did, he would be safe from extradition proceedings. Without Hong Kong Thaksin will stuck in Dubai not daring to conduct open political meetings. Other than that he will be down to tin pot countries in Latin America.

you mean like where he was before Hong Kong? In Nicaragua. But I understand it's lovely place to stay... :o

Pheu Thai Party MPs in Hong Kong to meet Thasksin

A group of Pheu Thai Party MPs led by Chaowarin Latthasaksiri yesterday went to Hong Kong to visit former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Chaowarin said the MPs would consult Thaksin on the plan to hold a no-confidence debate against the government.

He said Thaksin had just arrived at Hong Kong, having previously been 'in hiding' in Nicaragua.

"Thaksin has been in hiding in several countries because he could be assassinated. And he has been keeping a low profile in Nicaragua and has just visited Hong Kong," Chaowarin said. "I won't say where we will meet him, because assassins may try to kill him."

and mustn't forget the African countries as possibilities, eg. Togo and Chad, 2 highly desirable localities for ex-dictators on the run.

Edited by sriracha john
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Kuhn Abhisit has made more well thought out moves in a month

than the whole year of Samak and Somchai combined.

Perfect no. Perfect is NOT possible in the job ever.

He has done this, while walking a tightrope of a coalition,

in worst of time economic conditions, with a increasingly pathetic

opposition picking at every possible nit or grain of sand falling from his table,

greeted with screams of doom and gloom, from the amateurish street,

that essentially amount to NOTHING but background noise.

With him in office legally via public legislative vote SAME AS THAKSIN,

I am feeling more sense of hope for Thailand in this incredible world down turn

than I ever expected even in November.

All other nations have been accepting him as

'the proper legal representative of Thailand', by the way.

ALL OF THEM, that he has interacted with so far.

Anyone NOT supporting him in horrendous times like these approaching,

is shooting his or her own foot for blatantly partisan reasons,

and taking pot shots at mine in the process.

Of course this doesn't surprise me, not hardly, Thaksin had a way of

making less observant people think he actually cared.

He was a great political operator when it hadn't gone to his head.

When the hubris didn't rain supreme in his ego.

Thaksin got lucky in great economic times that made his disingenuous

brand of political gerrymandering and coalition purchasing a viable course.

Those golden age times are well and truely passed.

For Thailand but especially Thaksin.

But that doesn't matter, maybe this is to shut him up in Honk Kong,

or maybe to make it easier for the Chinese to get him out of their hair

as a favor to them. Or maybe he actually is getting an arrest warrant.

He will go to jail for Rachadaphisec,

but then ALSO the other trials CAN proceed, because he WILL have to go,

cell to court to cell, and no delaying excuses.

I think THIS scenario is his greater fear.

I think Racha was only the tip of his personal iceberg and he knows this.

Tera Del Fuego here he comes,

gotta be somewhere that won't look for him?

Maybe Hugo Chavez needs and aide de camp!

If he landed that job their just leave him there to suffer.

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Thailand may seek to extradite Thaksin: PM

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Thursday hinted that his government might issue an extradition request for China to send back fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

"Existing international agreements will be examined to determine the possibility of bringing back Thaksin; Police and the Office of the Attorney General are jointly in charge of the matter," he said.

Abhisit said his government will ensure that everyone is under the law.

-- The Nation 2009-02-26

If the Thai authorities were really serious about having this criminal arrested, they would not make this intention public beforehand.

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I wonder what Thaksin Shinawatra knows about national security and top secret files, eg the money path taken by Golden Triangle revenues.

He was privy to intelligence files for five years. He must have felt tempted to peek inside.

Lets hope his tribulations do not prejudice his ongoing duty of confidentiality.

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OK, I have a fantasy scenario. Could this happen? Would it work? Would the people accept it?

1. Thaksin extradited

2. Thaksin directly from airport (in handcuffs) and Abhisit called to the palace for an national unity emergency audience

3. Abhisit pledges to effect a pardon for all current and future criminal charges against Thaksin and also be able to keep his money, Thaksin pledges to finally quit all activity politics in any and all ways in a venue he won't ever be able to weasel out of (as he always has in the past). Also a nice touch would be a public speech of apology and national unity where he announces his final departure from all public life. The penalty for Thaksin for breaking this in any way, including controlling a puppet proxy/relative would be instant imprisonment.

Both sides get some of what they want, more or less, giving some, taking some. The palace remains officially non-partial, only acting in an emergency mode to prevent a national meltdown.

Edited by Jingthing
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At least he was elected twice (or is three times) by the people (legally) and not put up by puppet Generals.



Could not agree more -elected by the people for the people - must have been doing something right I expect !!! - the generals and the so called Bkk elite (those who have the money) are still playing puppet master and will do so for the time being -

Lets face it he was getting to popular for the elite and to much backing from the poor and that is why he had to go.

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Thaksin will never go quietly into the night. :o

OK, I have a fantasy scenario. Could this happen? Would it work? Would the people accept it?

1. Thaksin extradited

2. Thaksin directly from airport (in handcuffs) and Abhisit called to the palace for an national unity emergency audience

3. Abhisit pledges to effect a pardon for all current and future criminal charges against Thaksin and also be able to keep his money, Thaksin pledges to finally quit all activity politics in any and all ways in a venue he won't ever be able to weasel out of (as he always has in the past). Also a nice touch would be a public speech of apology and national unity where he announces his final departure from all public life. The penalty for Thaksin for breaking this in any way, including controlling a puppet proxy/relative would be instant imprisonment.

Both sides get some of what they want, more or less, giving some, taking some. The palace remains officially non-partial, only acting in an emergency mode to prevent a national meltdown.

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I think that is the worst thing they can do. Get this piece of shit back here to spend a few months in a luxury cell (ha!) and then free to stir up all kinds of shit and whining about injustice. Thailand will fall into anarchy if this scumbag ever gets near the place.

These words look like they are coming from a very disgruntled little man - think you might have been happy joining the yellow shirt mob on their path of destruction last year - you should stand up with Sonthi and scream foul - wonder why you not protest the fact that they are wanted by the law for treason, destuction of property etc, etc, etc, etc, - the reality is that Taksin had this country in better standing interntionally and a much better financial position and what it is now - and seems that the PM and his deputy cant even agree on the matter of trying to get him back here --

You can try to rationalize taxin any way you want.The truth is he is a convicted criminal who's on the lamb.................thats it end of story :o

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OK, I have a fantasy scenario. Could this happen? Would it work? Would the people accept it?

1. Thaksin extradited

2. Thaksin directly from airport (in handcuffs) and Abhisit called to the palace for an national unity emergency audience

3. Abhisit pledges to effect a pardon for all current and future criminal charges against Thaksin and also be able to keep his money, Thaksin pledges to finally quit all activity politics in any and all ways in a venue he won't ever be able to weasel out of (as he always has in the past). Also a nice touch would be a public speech of apology and national unity where he announces his final departure from all public life. The penalty for Thaksin for breaking this in any way, including controlling a puppet proxy/relative would be instant imprisonment.

Both sides get some of what they want, more or less, giving some, taking some. The palace remains officially non-partial, only acting in an emergency mode to prevent a national meltdown.

that would be nice,although letting him keep "all" his money is a bit much.But he ia a true weasel and should never be trusted he'll never change. :o

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I wonder what Thaksin Shinawatra knows about national security and top secret files, eg the money path taken by Golden Triangle revenues.

He was privy to intelligence files for five years. He must have felt tempted to peek inside.

Lets hope his tribulations do not prejudice his ongoing duty of confidentiality.

That may well the only reason he's walking free, for the moment.

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PM may ask China to help snare Thaksin

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday he would consider asking China for extradite former premier Thaksin Shinawatra home, days before the fugitive former Thai leader is scheduled to speak in Hong Kong.

Thaksin will address the Foreign Correspondents' Club on Monday. The move was seen in Bangkok as an attempt to demonize the Abhisit-led government, according to an informed source at the Government House.

The Chinese Embassy, which has been informed about the prime minister's comment in the afternoon, has immediately notified Beijing which has taken matter seriously.

It was the first time that Abhisit has said specifically mentioned China about the extradition of Thaksin.

Thailand and China signed in 1993 the extradition treaty but it does not have the jurisdiction over Hong Kong. However, a team of Thai lawyers at Ministry of Justice is preparing the case in order to file an official extradition of Thaksin in the near future.

"We are checking on legal details whether we can ask for his extradition. If it is possible, then we have to take action," Abhisit said. "We want all Thais to be under the same law."

Abhisit was asked by reporters- as the former PM is always on the move - would he contact China in advance on Thaksin's extradition? Abhisit admitted that not knowing Thaksin's address was one of the problems and he would have to check on his whereabouts with related agencies.

The PM was asked if he thought Thaksin's speech would be an inappropriate one. Abhisit said it is appropriate for the country to offer some rights to Thaksin. But Thailand would have to clarify his comments if he was to make accusations against it. However, Abhisit said, he did not believe Thaksin as a Thai would accuse Thailand.

In the past several months, Thaksin has been using Hong Kong as a base to launch concerted multi-pronged campaigns against the Abhisit government.

The Chinese government has been monitoring and watching closely Thaksin's activities in Hong Kong.

The informed source said that China has told the Thai government that Beijing would allow Thaksin's activities in Hong Kong to undermine the excellent China-Thai relations. *In context, one can surmise the editors missed the inclusion of the word "not" preceding "allow"...*

If there is an official request from Thailand for the extradition of Thaksin to China then the government of Hong Kong could take action against Thaksin as his actions undermined China-Thai relations. In this case, he could be first extradited to China before Beijing proceeds to transfer him back to Thailand.

"The Thai government appreciates the goodwill of Chinese government," he said.

Since he was banned from UK and travel restrictions imposed on him as a fugitive at the end of last year, Thaksin's international space has been receding fast.

He has kept his whereabouts secret known only to his family and nomimees.

He was recently given an honorary citizen of Nicaragua which entitles him to hold this country's passport.

- The Nation / 2009-02-27

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Opposition movement running out of steam as funding dries up

Every time Thaksin Shinawatra gets up to something, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva launches a counterattack.

On February 2, Thaksin phoned in to a convention of his Pheu Thai Party supporters at Khao Yai, vowing that he would fight for justice until his death. Thaksin also made it clear that he would return to serve as prime minister again. The next day Abhisit told TV reporters that Japan had revoked Thaksin's visa.

With Thaksin about to address the Foreign Correspondents' Club in Hong Kong next Monday, Abhisit has again thrown a bomb back at Thaksin. He warns Thaksin not to make any allegations or negative statements against Thailand. Abhisit also hints that Thailand might request that China extradite the fugitive to Thailand to face his two-year jail term.

Thaksin was sentenced in absentia in October to two years for abuse of power concerning the 2003 purchase of a plot of land. He had already fled into exile by the time the court's verdict was read.

"Existing international agreements will be examined to determine the possibility of bringing back Thaksin. Police and the Office of the Attorney-General are jointly in charge of the matter. If it is possible, then we have to take action," Abhisit said yesterday.

Everything is going against Thaksin. His money is disappearing fast.

Recently, he flew to New Zealand to meet Banaphot Damapong, the step-brother of his ex-wife Pojaman Damapong.

Thaksin's personal wealth is now down to around US$200 million, having lost badly in his investments amid the meltdown of the global financial markets. A chunk of his wealth is also frozen by the UK authorities.

Thaksin told Banaphot to give him $500 million. Banaphot called Pojaman up. She relayed the message back that since she and Thaksin had already separated, Thaksin should not ask for any more money from her.

Pojaman is now keeping her steely heart steady. The divorce is real. She has cut her ties to her former husband and no longer gets involved in politics. She hopes to win a tax evasion case against her and to continue to live a quiet life.

Thaksin flew back to Hong Kong empty-handed. Without the money, he will find it impossible to finance his political comeback. His last-ditch strategy to make a comeback is falling apart. His red-shirt supporters, who are now camped outside the Government House, are not genuine fighters. They are losing momentum in their rallies. Their numbers are now down to only several thousand.

Their leaders are now pondering a move to demand the resignation of the Abhisit government but they have found it difficult to come up with a convincing reason. If money from Thaksin is not forthcoming, the red-shirt rallies will come to an end.

Thaksin's move to demand a national interim government has also failed to make any impact. It has not struck a chord with society at large.

A plan to launch a no-confidence censure motion against the Abhisit government is also still on a drawing board. The Pheu Thai Party members will try to dig up dirt against Abhisit and some of his Cabinet members rather than going for hard political and economic issues.

It all boils down to the coalition partners, who must be kept in line. If they are lured away by money politics, the Abhisit government will collapse. And this possibility is not unlikely.

The military is still lurking in the wings. It won't allow Pheu Thai Party to return to power. It has also shut the door on the idea of a Thaksin comeback. The military still has the guns.

Abhisit will have to carry his government forward as unity becomes fragile. The economic situation is not in his favour. The new few months will prove dangerous.

But Abhisit should be able to hang on, as Thaksin is pinned down further to the point that he may never set foot in Thailand again.

By Thanong Khanthong: The Nation / 2009-02-27

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just DON'T bring him back!

Thailand may seek to extradite Thaksin: PM

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Thursday hinted that his government might issue an extradition request for China to send back fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

"Existing international agreements will be examined to determine the possibility of bringing back Thaksin; Police and the Office of the Attorney General are jointly in charge of the matter," he said.

Abhisit said his government will ensure that everyone is under the law.

-- The Nation 2009-02-26

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Thanksin did more for Thailand than any other PM here. Don't believe the hype the new government has fed you.

Oh really... what hype is that? As far as I know, the new government have been very careful not to point any fingers. Thaksin's criminal conviction had nothing to do with Abhisit or the Democrats. He brought it all on himself. He was greedy.

I do know about some hype - namely the common knowledge rumours, which I absolutely believe, that were spinning around when he was in power: I think he is an evil little man with no sense of duty whatsoever. His attempts to make the poorer richer were actually a trap to make them poorer in the long term (which is why there are so many repossessed properties - especially in Udon Thani and surrounding areas - on the banks' Web sites) through overbearing amounts of credit. Much like the British system.

(I am no fan of democracy by the way, especially in a country where the framework of democracy - metered corruption, reasonable education, reasonable spread of wealth - hasn't even been addressed. Hey, at least I'm honest.)

Thaksin was without doubt a very clever PM and many of his policies were good ideas. But does that give him the right the rape the country? I think not.

And now we have fools like Chalerm, Jatuporn from Kwarm Phid Wan-ni and, surprisingly, some clearly misinformed farangs on Thaivisa going on about how Abhisit wasn't democratically elected, how he's a puppet, how he's incompetent. Come on... the whole world is messed up, Thailand moreso because it has been politically screwed since the 2006 coup... what are you expecting, another property boom?

What's more, what are these people complaining about? Thailand has a leader who is actually qualified to do the job - PPE at Oxford, plenty of experience as opposition leader - it's been a while since we've seen that! He does have his faults - like his age, which wouldn't matter outside Thailand - but I'd prefer him to a murdering, corrupt, lying, convicted megalomaniac anyday. The scary thing is I'd take the megalomaniac over morons like Samak, Somchai and Chalerm too.

I still can't believe Chalerm is still in politics. Just goes to show the "Bangkok Elite" aren't all on one side as the BBC etc suggests.

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At last ! The man will soon be back to sort out this crippling economy.

A victory to the Phua Thai party ! All the boys are rubbing their hands at the thought of "finally" getting that big pay day that they have been waiting for. :o

Im so excited about this ! :D

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why dont they just lock this dude up . or something all he does is start trouble.if he had happend in the states soon as they kick him out. that would have been it. it wouldnt have been none this trying to get your peole in power stuff. even if they thought he was trying something like that he would be in big trouble. thailand must be the only place you can pull so shit like this .ps they almost mess up my trip last year. with this stuff but thank god they got in work out.iam talking about the airport

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Tailand has a judiciary that has backed the military with rulings that have outlawed the countries own electorial watchdog's because they didn't like the outcome of the election. They olso outlawed MP's of parties they don't like until the elected goverment couldn't function and now, through a thinly disguised coup; have installed thier man as prime minister! Until there is a radical overhall of the constitution to create a level playing field and the ousting of these politically motivated judges Thailand will continue from crisis to crisis.

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Tailand has a judiciary that has backed the military with rulings that have outlawed the countries own electorial watchdog's because they didn't like the outcome of the election. They olso outlawed MP's of parties they don't like until the elected goverment couldn't function and now, through a thinly disguised coup; have installed thier man as prime minister! Until there is a radical overhall of the constitution to create a level playing field and the ousting of these politically motivated judges Thailand will continue from crisis to crisis.

Or not. If the above Nation article is correct, and Pojamon has really cut him off, Thaksin may soon lack sufficient funds with with to launch a counter-offensive. Hong Kong ain't cheap, especially when you're employing a platoon of security personnel and the local authorities are no doubt demanding, er, "administrative fees." If and when Thaksin's cash starts to dry up and he stops springing for airfare and shopping expenses for his thai buddies to join him in HK for meetings, he'll soon find that his calls are no longer being answered up in the Kingdom.

The military, by contrast, appears perfectly content to continue doing whatever it takes to ensure that the Thaksin Raks Thaksin Party, in whatever form, no longer holds the government for long, if ever.

This, of course, is a good thing. Thaksin was and is a crook whose cronyism made Bush&Cheney look like pikers. Good riddance to him and his toadies, and kudos to the Thai Military for understanding that democracy is overrated, especially when "democratically elected" means nothing more than buying more votes than the next guy.

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It`s seems not only do they want to kill him, but eat him as well.

Ip, dip, your it.

Why not just leave the guy alone in peace? He`s not the first corrupt politician to hold power in Thailand, nor will he be the last.

My personal view is that Mr Thaksin was good for Thailand and now many other than his political opponents would like to see his return to Government.

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At least he was elected twice (or is three times) by the people (legally) and not put up by puppet Generals.



through bribery/vote buying/corruption//media control/cencorship/bullying of opponents/state and police violence etc.

not exactly democratic. just because someone gets the most votes doesnt mean they were elected in a democratic way.

the pre requisites for democracy - rule of law, human rights, freedom of speech, fear from intimidation and political violence, accountability - just dont exist in thailand at present.

i hate the yellowshirts too. thailand needs real change not just one bunch of rich power mad brutes fighting another.

A lot of people liked him. He was elected.

That's the problem. There is nobody.

Sadly, you are right, there really is nobody. The problem is the general acceptance for a corrupt "Nisay" (disposition) does not help to change matters. Corruption is part of the social infrastructure, and that is the problem - a dishonest, money and power hungry disposition is built in since early education with the general mindset.

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At least he was elected twice (or is three times) by the people (legally) and not put up by puppet Generals.



Could not agree more -elected by the people for the people - must have been doing something right I expect !!! - the generals and the so called Bkk elite (those who have the money) are still playing puppet master and will do so for the time being -

I was there at a village and saw votes paid for by red shirts ,is that legal,,try to take a real look

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At least he was elected twice (or is three times) by the people (legally) and not put up by puppet Generals.



Could not agree more -elected by the people for the people - must have been doing something right I expect !!! - the generals and the so called Bkk elite (those who have the money) are still playing puppet master and will do so for the time being -

Thaksin stood in his electorate and got voted into parliament. Abhisit stood in his electorate and got voted into parliament. Parliament appointed Thaksin as PM. Thaksin's party was found to be acting illegally, Thaksin was banned from politics. Thaksin formed a proxy party. Parliament nominated Samak as PM. Samak was found to be acting illegally and was banned from politics. Parliament nominated Somchai as PM. Somchai's party was found to be acting illegally and he was banned from politics. Parliament nominated Abhisit as PM, which is where we are now. Abhisit has so far not be found to be acting illegally, and is the legal PM of Thailand. You can rant and rave about generals and puppets all you like, but it doesn't change the facts. There is no difference between how Thaksin came to power and how Abhisit did. Both were voted into parliament by the people, both were nominated by parliament for the post of PM. There is however a huge difference in their legal status. Thaksin is a convicted criminal, Abhisit is not.


People might actually have to think and then where would they be in their support of Thaksin and Vote-buying and Money politics?

I was there at a village and saw votes paid for by red shirts ,is that legal,,try to take a real look and the people who like him are the most undereducated in the country who were promised cows etc i was there and my wife thai wife helped me understand and i speak well enough,do you?

A lot of people liked him? He was elected? not really

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